Count no. of pages in a PDF file while uploading in Javascript - pdf

I want to calculate number of pages in a PDF file while uploading to my application by Javascript in Client Side. I want some help for this. I Google this topic but I couldn't get any appropriate solution.

If you are uploading PDF file to the server anyway then it is better to do this on the server-side, there are lot of options depending what is your target platform).
For example, you may use the open source Ghostscript to count total number of pages.


Streaming large PDFs from SharePoint

I have a client that wants to store large PDFs (>700MB) on SharePoint 2013. The problem is that viewing the PDF is currently requiring the entire PDF to be download before displaying the first page. I need the browser to display each page of the PDF as it downloads, a feature I believe Adobe calls "Fast Web View" or "Byte Streaming". Here is what I know:
"Fast Web View" is enabled on the PDF document in the Document Properties window.
I can verify that the PDF is "Linearized" by reading the ASCII content.
I have checked the PDF reading options from the PDF Accessibility.
The client has SharePoint 2013 on premise installed.
SharePoint's File Handling is set to permissive.
I have verified PDF is an AllowedInlinedownedMinme type of the Web Application.
Anything else I should check or configure?
It is not enough if the PDF files are linearized (technical term in PDF parlance) or optimized for fast web view (marketing term for that feature).
There need to be two conditions met before taking advantage of fast web view working for the end user:
The PDF viewer needs to be able to make use of the linearized/optimized PDF file features.
The PDF serving remote host (in this case SharePoint) needs to be properly configured to honor 'byte range requests' by the viewer, so downloading chunks of the PDF file may be delivered "out of order".
...I do not know if SharePoint servers in general do support the second requirement;
...if SharePoint is not the problem, you may want to check which PDF viewer is actually in use in that environment (test it with Adobe Reader -- that one takes advantage of linearized PDF features for sure).
See also this answer to a question from today, which gives a few more technical details:
How are PDF files able to be partially displayed while downloading?
A co-worker identified the problem after comparing the download from SharePoint to that of a working site using WireShark. The SharePoint site didn't include "Byte ranging" in the response headers. In order to enable that feature in SharePoint, you have to enable BlobCache. Beware, BlobCache is not supported in SharePoint foundations.

PDf viewer without download option

i have some pdf files which i'd like to upload on my association site thus i'd like them not to be able to download it as it may content some slightly sensitive information .
So ok they could ctrl+c but that would reduce the spreading of the information not to have them locally
php/js w/e
quoted answer from a similar question, if you' re using Adobe pdf viewer:
You can NOT prevent users from saving ANY TYPE of document from the web - PDF, HTML, JPEG, etc. It's a "feature" of the web.
What you CAN DO is prevent users from being able to use the PDF once it hits their own disk. To do this, you use powerful Digital Rights Management solutions...:

Upload large file on server is this possible by create firefox addon

I want to upload large video file. for that i want to create firefox addon. Is this possible by create firefox addons to upload large files on my server.
or is there any other way to upload large files on server.
please suggest.
If you are POSTing the data to the server as application/x-www-form-urlencoded then you should base64 encode it using btoa() and include it as one of the POST parameters in the request body (i.e. the string passed to XMLHttpRequest.send()):
postbody = "body=" + btoa(fileContents);
If you are just downloading the file and uploading it right away, you might as well keep it in memory since you're presumably going to load it into memory anyway in order to base64 encode the contents.
Well if you're reading the file into memory then you should need an nsIFile at all. You can just download it using XMLHttpRequest and use responseText, uploading it in the way I described in the answer. If you do have an nsIFile then yes, that snippet describes how to read from it.
I assume you are wanting to upload via HTTP.
If so, the upload limit is usually decided by the server-side software. This affects both the maximum size and the length of time you have to upload it.
Without a server capable of taking an upload in chunks and reassembling it, you are limited in ways you can't get around through software.
If you want to upload via FTP on the other hand, there are a lot of options... look at FireFTP.
I have made firefox addons for fileupload.
I integrate jquery file upload.
I create widget. In the widget I made panel. In panel I create separate web page for file uploading. And panel is calling that page.
For more information you can mail me at

How can I upload large files by chunk, pieces?

I have got a little file sharing webpage. It's free to use it. I would like to upload files between 0mb and 1GB. I'm searching in Google since two days, but I can't find anything what I needed...
My webpage: However I can upload only 20-30mb now. I would like upload only 1 file at once. But it may be bigger than 500-600mb ... Can anyone help me?
I tried jquery fileupload, but it's uploading nothing for me.
The Blob.slice method will allow you to split up a file client-side into chunks. You must then send each chunk individually. This will only work on browsers that support the File API.
If you don't want to write this code yourself, Fine Uploader is a javascript uploader library that has the ability to chunk files for you and send them to your server.

Embedding PDF documents into websites

I need to embed some PDF documents into a website. The last time I did this, I used a jQuery lightbox to popup an iFrame with the PDF document as the URL. The client's PDF viewer would then take care of the rest.
Apparently though, that was a bit buggy on some other peoples browsers. I guess it was due to the large PDF file sizes and the effort it took for their computers to fire up Adobe.
So I'm after ideas on how to go about this. How do you guys embed your PDF's into websites? Or do you just stick to adding a download link?
I often use scribd to solve this issue.
You have to upload your document (can be PDF, DOC or something else) to your scribd account and the service makes it possible to view this (pdf) document in a flash environment (perfectly embedabble with lightbox).
For this solution, a third party service (scribd) is required for your documents, but with their API it's possible to include all scribd functionality in your own website.
We have used Docuter
They let you embed and track
I've used Google Docs in Flash:
It's a bit buggy, but I find it works if you wiggle the image a bit - ie: zoom, click, etc. Download link is nearby just in case, too. Not exactly sure how it was done, as its a Wordpress plugin (Google Doc Embedder), but I imagine Google has an API somewhere.