Gmail label request fails with http 403 (forbidden) - google-oauth

I have an application that uses OAuth 2 to access Gmail. This is working fine for most users. For some users, however, my application fails at the point of trying to read the Gmail labels, with http error 403 (forbidden). Keep in mind that previous to this API call, I have accessed the user profile successfully. Here is the call that fails:
GET /gmail/v1/users/
I am requesting the following scopes when getting the access token, and the user has logged in to Google and accepted the request for access (and I can see this when we look at his security dashboard):
Note that I just added the gmail.labels scope in at attempt to fix this.
Again, this code is working fine for most users - why do some users fail the label request?

Use the shorthand value me instead of and the user who the access token belongs to will be used automatically.


Not able to Authenticate using OAuth2 for Twitter from Postman

I am trying to send the Single Tweet GET request from Twitter API v2 collection. I used the OAuth2 Authorization Type.
When I click on Get New Access Token, after providing the Configuration Options I get the following window
But when I click on Back, I am logged in to my Twitter account.
Meanwhile, my Get New Access Token window is still waiting to receive a response.
Has anybody encountered this before?
I've tried using Bearer Token instead and it works without a problem.
I also tried logging out and logging back in from the Twitter login but still did not authenticate successfully.
For me, it's because I used localhost in my callback URL.
Don’t use localhost as a callback URL
Instead of using localhost, please use a custom host locally or http(s)://
My Problem is solved Now, This issue was caused Because I have not added the Callback URL in the postman that I have added in the Twitter developer account project.
And Second main reason for that because I did not add the accurate scopes tweet.

What HTTP status code return when user needs to be UNAUTHORIZED to access page

I was wondering what HTTP status code should I return if user that is authorized tries to access page that should be accessible only by unauthorized users.
Currently I am just throwing 404, but was wondering if there is some common approach for this.
HTTP Status Code 403 Forbidden can be used when a request isn't allowed based on the user's identification, so I guess it can be used in this case.
However, have you also considered sending back a Redirect ( to send the user to a different resource that might be more appropriate because they are authenticated?
This is a common method used to redirect authenticated users away from login pages to their home screens or profile page.
Also, for future reference, I think you might be referring to autheNtication (with a N, the process of verifying a users identity) instead of authoriZation (with a Z, the process of determining whether an authenticated user has access to a particular resource)

Getting error "email already in use" while requesting for authorization code in sageone API

I am trying to get access token for granting my sageone api request but before that I need to get the authorization code. But when I am trying to get one I got an error on my callback url that "email is already in use"
here is the request url
After visit above link I prompted to login to my sage account when I logged in then I redirected to the callback url which I provided in the above request and got below errors in parameters
any can body can suggest anything here
Email already in use usually happens in a situation, where you have logged into the Sage One/Accounting application in the browser for a different country in the past. There is a valid cookie for the user, but the application looks for the user in the wrong country.
Use this URL to reset the cookie: Call it before you go to and this should be fixed.
Note: for more documentation about this behaviour, check out the FAQs:

In gmail authorization, as per google doc how code can be generated by redirect url?

As per Google doc:
Handling authorization requests
When a user loads your application for the first time, they are presented with a dialog to grant permission for your application to access their Gmail account with the requested permission scopes. After this initial authorization, the user is only presented with the permission dialog if your app's client ID changes or the requested scopes have changed.
Authenticate the user
This initial sign-in returns an authorization result object that contains an authorization code if successful.
But could not get how handling authorization flow can occur? Is there an endpoint for it?
I got an answer,
request on:*****
Here, make sure you have specified scope in consent screen.
It will redirect user to give access of gmail scopes after that you will be redirected to msn url. url itself contains code which will be further used to get access token. code you get will be used one time only.

Authentication using Azure AD, failing at last step accessing Skype for Business

I am following this guide ( in order to access Skype for Business. Everything goes fine till the last part but let's do step by step. I am building my .net console application to do this but in order to explain you properly the problem I am having I will show you directly the http calls through Insomnia (software used to make http calls).
Step 1:
GET request towards
I hit 200 and as answer I receive this:
Step 2:
I use the user link.
So I send an http request to and I get a 401 Unauthorized (everything still correct).
In the header of the answer it points me to the Identity Provider to ask for authorization (authorization_uri)
Step 3: I use that link to authorize my app, which has its own client_Id (that I hide in the following screenshot).
This is how I compose the call:
If I send this http request I get redirected to the page where it asks my personal login and by inserting my credentials I succesfully login and hit 404, where in the answer I receive back my access token.
Step 5: I use the access token towards the same AutodiscoverService link of step 1. This is to register my application. I hit 200 and I receive back the link to access Skype for Business.
Finally (and this is where things go wrong) I send a POST request towards the applications link with the Bearer token, and I receive a 403 Forbidden. I think I am following correctly the guide but I can't figure out why I can access the resource at the last step.
The permissions are granted. I hide the name since it contains the name of my company. But it is the same of the domain of my login.
So the token you generated authorizes you to access resources at which you've done to fetch a new set of resources including the "application" resouce which is on a DIFFERENT host:
You actually have to get another OAuth token now which authorizes you for the application resource and then you can POST to that to generate your session in UCWA.
As a side note... If you've defined your own single-tenant application in Azure that has been granted rights to SkypeForBusinessOnline then I think you should be targeting authorization and authentication endpoints of the form:{tenantID}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize{tenantID}/oauth2/v2.0/token
Also I should add, if you're trying to write a trusted secure client that users in your company will use I would suggest looking up the Resource Owner Password Credentials auth flow. It allows you to directly hit the token endpoint I mentioned above and exchange username/password credentials for an access token. Then you can manage auto-discovery and application creation easily under the hood without getting re-directed back and forth to Azure.