Vb.Net Gmail API Send Message with attachment > 5Mb - api

On Gmail Api documentation i read that i've to make an HTTP request at "/upload/gmail/v1/users/userId/messages/send" when sending message larger then 5mb but i don't find any example how to implement this using the Client Library in .net
All the examples on the site refer to the "messages.Send" function that takes as parameter a raw message and the user id but i saw that there's another overload that also take the stream of the content to upload and the content type of it.
The problem is that i've no clue how to correctly call it.
Does anyone have successfully achived it ?
Thx for your answer

Simone, it's means that you use simple upload:
uploadType=media. For quick transfer of smaller files, for example, 5 MB or less.
You must use Multipart upload or Resumable upload (https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/guides/uploads)
You can send a post query with payload (see CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, if use a CURL) on the https://www.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/me/messages/send?access_token=your_access_token&uploadType=multipart. Payload must contain json encoded message. Structure of this message for example:
$message = [
'message' => [
'raw' => str_replace(['+', '/'], ['-', '_'], base64_encode($mimeString)),
'threadId' => $yourThreadId
Variable $mimeString must contain correct mime string


Invalid request body error when sending json string as data to an external api using CL_HTTP_CLIENT

We are facing an issue while sending json data to an external api using CL_HTTP_CLIENT.
The JSON data is produced using '/ui2/cl_json=>serialize( data = ls_body compress = abap_true pretty_name = /ui2/cl_json=>pretty_mode-camel_case )' .
when sending this JSON as data the the external api returns status 400 with response as
{ "errorCode": "INVALID_REQUEST_BODY", "message": "The request body is missing or improperly formatted. Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: \u001f. Path '', line 0, position 0." } .
we also stringyfied this JSON Data in backend as it might be due to parsing error but it didnt work.
The same stringyfied data tried to send through browser console using ajax and it did worked without any issue.
could any any one tell us how to handle this json object and send this to external api using CL_HTTP_CLIENT.
Note : JSON STRING is deeply nested .
Thanks in advance..
You can use request catcher service for getting SAP output.
Then check your output has valid json.
Check external api with rest tool like postman or SoapUI. Every developer not track guidliness may be external api has limitations.
The issue was with the unicodes in the string.
these were not accepted by the external api so removed from the string and sent to api and it did worked.
Thanks for You suggestion.

Sending files using pure HTTP request using telegram bot

hello everyone I was tring to send files using my bot like http://api.telegram.org/botTOKEN/sendDocument?document=http://my_path&chat_id but it ain't support .txt .docx..... and other formats..... any help please
According to https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sending-files
Sending by URL In sendDocument, sending by URL will currently only
work for gif, pdf and zip files.
You may try to use this approach
Post the file using multipart/form-data in the usual way that files
are uploaded via the browser. 10 MB max size for photos, 50 MB for
other files.
This answer might give you some ideas on how to do that.
It is also good idea to use someone's library to understand how it works there.
For example, I use longman/telegram-bot from this repo. There is encodeFile method in Request class.
Method is follows:
public static function encodeFile($file)
$fp = fopen($file, 'rb');
if ($fp === false) {
throw new TelegramException('Cannot open "' . $file . '" for reading');
return $fp;
Which means simple fopen method with 'rb' parameter is enough to convert file.

Google Sheet API batchUpdateByDataFilter PHP Function

We have used above function in our code, while we are passing the more than 50 or 100 records within the array records then given 400 bad request array in response.
Can anyone describe the limit of the total values that we are going to pass within the above function?
Here is my code:
$batchupdate = array("valueInputOption" => "RAW", "data" => $dataarray);
try {
$requestBody = new Google_Service_Sheets_BatchUpdateValuesByDataFilterRequest($batchupdate);
$response = $service->spreadsheets_values->BatchUpdateByDataFilter($spreadsheetId, $requestBody);
catch(Exception $e) {
echo 'Message: ' . $e->getMessage();
Problems with the Request
Until you attach a sanitized version of your Request body we cannot be sure about the root-cause of the problem you are facing.
However, an error 400 means that the request you did is invalid. So, most likely, the problem is in that.
Check if your request object is formatted as detailed on the documentation.
Problems with the Client
If you are able to use the Try this API sidebar with the same Request Body then it could be related to the PHP client.
Note: This is language independent. Create a JSON Object that has the same structure as your request body.
If that's the case, we will need to see more of your code to verify that you are not using your valid Request body in an invalid way (eg. sending it encapsulated in another object).
By referencing the PHP Library documentation you can see the properties of the objects you can use.

Unable to upload multipart file in karate, Required request part '' not present

ActualAPIRequest OutputFromKarate
Trying to upload a json file for an api using karate. Since api takes multipart input i am passing multipart configurations in karate.
But Required request part 'inputData' not present error is coming. Is there any solution for this please?
I have attached actual input and result from karate screenshot for reference
Just make sure that the data type of inputData and maybe swaggerFile is JSON. Looks like you are sending a string.
Please refer to this section of the doc: https://github.com/intuit/karate#type-conversion
If the server does not like the charset being sent for each multipart, try * configure charset = null

Setting metadata on S3 multipart upload

I'd like to upload a file to S3 in parts, and set some metadata on the file. I'm using boto to interact with S3. I'm able to set metadata with single-operation uploads like so:
Is there a way to set metadata with a multipart upload? I've tried this method of copying the key to change the metadata, but it fails with the error: InvalidRequest: The specified copy source is larger than the maximum allowable size for a copy source: <size>
I've also tried doing the following:
key = bucket.create_key(key_name)
key.set_metadata('some-key', 'value')
<multipart upload>
...but the multipart upload overwrites the metadata.
I'm using code similar to this to do the multipart upload.
Sorry, I just found the answer:
Per the docs:
If you want to provide any metadata describing the object being uploaded, you must provide it in the request to initiate multipart upload.
So in boto, the metadata can be set in the initiate_multipart_upload call. Docs here.
Faced such issue earlier today and discovered that there is no information on how to do that right.
The code example on how we solved that issue provided below.
$uploader = new MultipartUploader($client, $source, [
'bucket' => $bucketName,
'key' => $filename,
'before_initiate' => function (\Aws\Command $command) {
$command['ContentType'] = 'application/octet-stream';
$command['ContentDisposition'] = 'attachment';
Unfortunately, documentation https://docs.aws.amazon.com/aws-sdk-php/v3/guide/service/s3-multipart-upload.html#customizing-a-multipart-upload doesn't make it clear and easy to understand that if you'd like to provide alternative meta data with multipart upload you have to go this way.
I hope that will help.