Pull latest workbook copy selected workbook and paste in master workbook - vba

I am trying to look in a folder to pull the latest workbook by date, open the workbook up as my src data, copy the selected worksheet and data from src and then paste to my master workbook. Finally closing the src workbook without saving any change. I'm having issues on where I should place my file paths and filenames.
Function NewestFileName(ByVal path As String, ByVal FileTemplate As String) As String
Dim FileDateCrnt As Date
Dim FileDateNewest As Date
Dim FileNameCrnt As String
Dim FileNameNewest As String
If Right("G:\AOC\GROUPS1\SAC\TEST", 1) <> "\" Then
path = "G:\AOC\GROUPS1\SAC\TEST" & "\"
End If
FileNameCrnt = Dir$("G:\AOC\GROUPS1\SAC\TEST" & Book1.xlsx)
If FileNameCrnt = "Book1.xlsx" Then
NewestFileName = "Book2.xlsx"
Exit Function
End If
FileNameNewest = FileNameCrnt
FileDateNewest = FileDateTime("G:\AOC\GROUPS1\SAC\TEST" & FileNameCrnt)
Do While True
FileNameCrnt = Dir$
If FileNameCrnt = "" Then Exit Do
FileDateCrnt = FileDateTime(path & FileNameCrnt)
If FileDateCrnt > FileDateNewest Then
FileNameNewest = FileNameCrnt
FileDateNewest = FileDateCrnt
End If
NewestFileName = FileNameNewest
Call ReadDataFromCloseFile
End Function
Sub ReadDataFromCloseFile()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim src As Workbook
Set src = Workbook.Open("G:\AOC\GROUPS1\SAC\TEST.xlsx", True, True)
Dim iTotalRows As Integer
iTotalRows = src.Worksheets("sheet1").Range("B1:B" & Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row)
Dim iCnt As Integer
For iCnt = 1 To iTotalRows
Worksheets("sheet1").Range("B" & iCnt).Formula = src.Worksheets("sheet1").Range("B" & iCnt).Formula
Next iCnt
src.Close False
Set scr = Nothing
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

First things first:
If you have a question or encounter an error, then spell it out. It's hard to find out where your error is, without knowing on which line it occurs.
Your function in a whole doesn't make that much sense. For taking a good look at it, commenting would've been very helpful.
Let's go through your code step by step:
If Right("G:\AOC\GROUPS1\SAC\TEST", 1) <> "\" Then
path = "G:\AOC\GROUPS1\SAC\TEST" & "\"
End If
This if-condition will always trigger, because the String you put in there, is always the same and it'll always miss the "\".
So if your path doesn't change then you can change that to path = "G:\AOC\GROUPS1\SAC\TEST\"
FileNameCrnt = Dir$("G:\AOC\GROUPS1\SAC\TEST" & Book1.xlsx)
If FileNameCrnt = "Book1.xlsx" Then
NewestFileName = "Book2.xlsx"
Exit Function
End If
I'm not sure what you are trying to do here. You are setting FileNameCrnt to a string in the first line (you are missing the "\" btw). I guess "Book1.xlsx" is the real name of your workbook, so your String should look either like this: "G:\AOC\GROUPS1\SAC\TEST\Book1.xlsx" or you could do something like this
fileName = "Book1.xlsx"
FileNameCrnt = Dir$("G:\AOC\GROUPS1\SAC\TEST" & fileName )
Next: You would(!) always exit the function there, if the line above would work. You set FilenameCrnt to Book1.xlsx, then check it via an if-clause, the check will always return true, afterwards you'd always exit.
I get the idea of your loop, but it too is broken. Start by changing this: If FileNameCrnt = "" Then Exit Do to something else. Your variable will never be empty so your loop will always cause a runtime error. Start changing the first parts of your function and get to that later. I think you will have a better idea how all this should work. And it's always better to try solving some things by yourself. ;)
It's always helpful to make a flow chart on how your program should run.
Something like:
Get my current filename
Get date of my current file
Check if there is a newer file (a file with a higher date than my old
Get dates of all files (loop through all files)
GET highest date
Compare highest date to date of my current file
if there is a file with a higher date, update current filename to filename with higher date


Code error - Saving CSV file asking to overwrite

My code gives me error from
If Dir(Pth, vbArchive) <> vbNullString Then
I havent been able to find the error - Can someone help me what is wrong with the code? Is it supposed to say USERPROFILE, or am i supposed to write something else?
Sub Opgave8()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim Pth As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Create default desktop path using windows user id
user_id = Environ$("USERPROFILE")
' Create full path
file_name$ = "\AdminExport.csv"
Pth = Environ$("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\" & FileName
Set sh = Sheets.Add
For i = 2 To 18288
If Left(Worksheets("Base").Cells(i, 12), 6) = "262015" Then
sh.Cells(i, 2) = Worksheets("Base").Cells(i, 4)
End If
Next i
If Dir(Pth, vbArchive) <> vbNullString Then
overwrite_question = MsgBox("File already exist, do you want to overwrite it?", vbYesNo)
End If
If overwrite_question = vbYes Then
With ActiveWorkbook
.SaveAs FileName:=Pth, FileFormat:=xlCSV
.Close False
End With
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Function UniqueRandDigits(x As Long) As String
Dim i As Long
Dim n As Integer
Dim s As String
n = Int(Rnd() * 10)
If InStr(s, n) = 0 Then
s = s & n
i = i + 1
End If
Loop Until i = x + 1
UniqueRandDigits = s
End Function
There are a few issues in your code. I don't understand why you are getting an error message, but if you fix your issues, you are in a better position of finding the main problem.
Put Option Explicit at the top. If you do that, you will not do mistakes like setting the variable file_name$ but reading from the variable FileName.
You are building a path with double backslashes. Perhaps not a big thing and it'll probably work. Add a Debug.Print Pth just before your troublesome If. Press Ctrl-G to show the debug pane and study the output. Does the printed file path exist?
Don't use vbNullString. Test with abc <> "" instead.

Changing path to parent directory of active working folder

I have a code that is list files in directory. how can I address code to look into parent directory of current workbook directory? i want it to be independent wherever I place it.
(first code addressing to the second one to read file from)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ShowPDFs "C:\Test\Working\", ws
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub ShowPDFs(ByRef fsoPath.......
Just check that the file is not at root level:
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ShowPDFs ThisWorkbook.Path & "\..", ws
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub ShowPDFs(ByRef fsoPath.......
The solution you want:
If your behavior is to open an excel window and then open your recent file, please note that you should not forget to add change Drive and then change Directory into your VBA code.
Cause the Excel always start with the default Directory even it's just open your recent file !
Then, these should be help.
Solution A: You don't need to get parent directory to do anything else.
Dim ThisWorkbookPath As String
Dim ThisWorkbookPathParts As Variant
ThisWorkbookPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
ThisWorkbookPathParts = Split(ThisWorkbookPath, _
ChDrive ThisWorkbookPathParts(LBound(ThisWorkbookPathParts))
ChDir ThisWorkbookPath
Solution B: You may need to get parent directory to do things else.
Dim ParentPath As String: ParentPath = "\"
Dim ThisWorkbookPath As String
Dim ThisWorkbookPathParts, Part As Variant
Dim Count, Parts As Long
ThisWorkbookPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
ThisWorkbookPathParts = Split(ThisWorkbookPath, _
Parts = UBound(ThisWorkbookPathParts)
Count = 0
For Each Part In ThisWorkbookPathParts
If Count > 0 Then
ParentPath = ParentPath & Part & "\"
End If
Count = Count + 1
If Count = Parts Then Exit For
MsgBox "File-Drive = " & ThisWorkbookPathParts _
MsgBox "Parent-Path = " & ParentPath

VBA User Function Checking a Directory

Below is the code so far
I often times have to check if a Purchase Order has been saved in a directory, there could be hundreds of purchase orders listed in Excel.
As the Workbook changes, so often does the filepath.
As such, I would like to make a function that asks for a cell value that contains a string for the filepath, and then a a cell for the PO #.
I'm a little stumped on how best to past information from the Excel sheet. I need a cell reference for the filepath to the directory, and a cell reference for the PO #.
I've been able to make this work with a subroutine, that is what is posted below. This is the third VBA Program I've worked on, please let me know if there is more legwork I should do before posting this:
Dim directory As String
Dim TempfileName As String
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Long
Sub Check_PO()
x = 2
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For x = 2 To 673
While Cells(x, 14) = 0
x = x + 1
i = Cells(x, 14)
TempfileName = "\\network\file\name\here\" & "*" & i & "*.pdf"
directory = Dir(TempfileName, vbNormal)
While directory <> ""
Cells(x, 18) = "Matched"
directory = Dir
Next x
End Sub
Here's a simple UDF:
Public Function HaveReport(fPath As String, fileName As String)
HaveReport = IIf(Dir(fPath & fileName, vbNormal) <> "", _
"Matched", "Not Matched")
End Function

excel-VBA: copying last column with dynamic paths and names

I have a xlsm that amonst others runs through all .xslx files in a directory, runs a sub, saves them. (Thank you Tabias)
inside this sub I am now trying to add something that would add the last column from a third file.
My first problem here is how to define the sourcefile. We need to take data from the exact file, with a similar name. So MC.xslx ahs to copy from MC12february.xlsx and KA.xlsx has to import from KAwhateverdate.xlsx
Set wbA = Workbooks.Open("C:\files" & "\" & ActiveWorkbook.Name & "*.xlsx")
unfortunately, active.workbook.name includes the extention, so OR you guys can tell me a solution OR i have to save the files date+name first and change it into wbA = Workbooks.Open("C:\files" & "\*" & ActiveWorkbook.Name) right?
The same goes for the sheet. Those wil, depending on the file, be called MC, KA,KC,...
Next since i only want to copy the last column of the file into the last column of the other file I'm quite confused. I found this code and thought it was the most understandable.
Sub import()
Dim Range_to_Copy As Range
Dim Range_Destination As Range
Dim Sheet_Data As Worksheet 'sheet from where we pull the data
Dim Sheet_Destination As Worksheet ' destination
Dim workbook_data As Workbook
Dim workbook_destination As Workbook
Set workbook_data = "N:\blah\deposit" & "\*" & ActiveWorkbook.Name
Set workbook_detination = ActiveWorkbook
Set Sheet_Data = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") 'help, how do i do this?
Set Sheet_Destination = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' and this?
Set Range_to_Copy = sht.UsedRange.Rows(sht.UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row
Set Range_Destination = sht.UsedRange.Rows(sht.UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row
Range_to_Copy.Copy Range_Destination 'this copies from range A to B (basically A.copy B), but i changed variable names to make it easier...
'you can simplify without variables like this:
'Sheets("Sheet1").Range("D1").Copy Sheets("Summary).Range("A1") <===== does the same as the above coding
None of the more simpler solutions seemed fit either. example
As you see I'm completely stuck at how to define the last column and the name of the sheet. This code is to uncomplete for me to check by doing. Can someone put me on the right path? thank you.
As a supplement, I'd suggest creating a simeple, re-usable file open functions where you can provide a filename as a String that you'd like to search for. The function will loop through a directory (as Batman suggested) and, optionally, pull the most recent version (using date modified) of that file. Below is a set of functions that I use frequently. There is a subfolder parameter `subF' that will allow you to search within subfolder(s) relative to the current file location.
'--Opens a workbook based on filename parameter
'----WILDCARDS before and after the filename are used to allow for filename flexibility
'----Subfolder is an OPTIONAL PARAMETER used if the location of the file is located in a subfolder
Public Function opnWB(ByVal flNM As String, Optional ByVal subF As String = "") As Workbook
If subF <> "" Then subF = "\" & subF
Dim pthWB As String
pthWB = "\*" & flNM & "*" 'wildcard characters before and after filename
pthWB = filePull(subF, pthWB)
Set opnWB = Workbooks.Open(ActiveWorkbook.path & subF & "\" & pthWB, UpdateLinks:=0)
End Function
'FUNCTION filePull
'--Cycles through folder for files that match the filename parameter (with WILDCARDS)
'--If there is more than one file that matches the filename criteria (with WILDCARDS),
'----the file "Date Modified" attribute is used and the most recent file is "selected"
Private Function filePull(ByVal subF As String, ByVal path As String) As String
Dim lDate, temp As Date
Dim rtrnFl, curFile As String
Filename = Dir(ActiveWorkbook.path & subF & path)
Do While Filename <> ""
curFile = Filename
curFile = ActiveWorkbook.path & subF & "\" & Filename
If lDate = 0 Then
rtrnFl = Filename
lDate = GetModDate(curFile)
temp = GetModDate(curFile)
End If
If temp > lDate Then
rtrnFl = Filename
lDate = temp
End If
Filename = Dir()
filePull = rtrnFl
End Function
'--Returns the date a file was last modified
Public Function GetModDate(ByVal filePath As String) As Date
GetModDate = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFile(filePath).DateLastModified
End Function
You could tweak this method where the filename would have to start file the String you pass in by simply removing the wildcard character before flNM. To use, you would simply call the opnWB function, passing in "MC" or whatever general file name you'd like to open:
Dim wbTarMC as Workbook
Set wbMC = opnWB("MC", "Source Files") 'this would open up MC.xlsx file within the subfolder "Source Files" (relative to current file location)
Hope this helps.

How to copy data from another workbook (excel)?

I already have a macro that creates sheets and some other stuff. After a sheet has been created do I want to call another macro that copies data from a second excel (its open) to first and active excel file.
First I want to copy to headers, but I cant get that to work - keep getting errors.
Sub CopyData(sheetName as String)
Dim File as String, SheetData as String
File = "my file.xls"
SheetData = "name of sheet where data is"
# Copy headers to sheetName in main file
Workbooks(File).Worksheets(SheetData).Range("A1").Select # fails here: Method Select for class Range failed
Workbooks(File).Worksheets(SheetData).Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Workbooks(File).Worksheets(SheetData).Selection.Copy ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sheetName).Cells(1, 1)
End Sub
What is wrong ?
I really want to avoid having to make "my file.xls" active.
Edit: I had to give it up and copy the SheetData to target file as a new sheet, before it could work.
Find and select multiple rows
Two years later (Found this on Google, so for anyone else)... As has been mentioned above, you don't need to select anything. These three lines:
Workbooks(File).Worksheets(SheetData).Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Workbooks(File).Worksheets(SheetData).Selection.Copy ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sheetName).Cells(1, 1)
Can be replaced with
Workbooks(File).Worksheets(SheetData).Range(Workbooks(File).Worksheets(SheetData). _
Range("A1"), Workbooks(File).Worksheets(SheetData).Range("A1").End(xlToRight)).Copy _
Destination:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sheetName).Cells(1, 1)
This should get around the select error.
Best practice is to open the source file (with a false visible status if you don't want to be bother) read your data and then we close it.
A working and clean code is avalaible on the link below :
Would you be happy to make "my file.xls" active if it didn't affect the screen? Turning off screen updating is the way to achieve this, it also has performance improvements (significant if you are doing looping while switching around worksheets / workbooks).
The command to do this is:
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Don't forget to turn it back to True when your macros is finished.
I don't think you need to select anything at all. I opened two blank workbooks Book1 and Book2, put the value "A" in Range("A1") of Sheet1 in Book2, and submitted the following code in the immediate window -
Workbooks(2).Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Copy Workbooks(1).Worksheets(1).Range("A1")
The Range("A1") in Sheet1 of Book1 now contains "A".
Also, given the fact that in your code you are trying to copy from the ActiveWorkbook to "myfile.xls", the order seems to be reversed as the Copy method should be applied to a range in the ActiveWorkbook, and the destination (argument to the Copy function) should be the appropriate range in "myfile.xls".
I was in need of copying the data from one workbook to another using VBA. The requirement was as mentioned below 1. On pressing an Active X button open the dialogue to select the file from which the data needs to be copied. 2. On clicking OK the value should get copied from a cell / range to currently working workbook.
I did not want to use the open function because it opens the workbook which will be annoying
Below is the code that I wrote in the VBA. Any improvement or new alternative is welcome.
Code: Here I am copying the A1:C4 content from a workbook to the A1:C4 of current workbook
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim BackUp As String
Dim cellCollection As New Collection
Dim strSourceSheetName As String
Dim strDestinationSheetName As String
strSourceSheetName = "Sheet1" 'Mention the Source Sheet Name of Source Workbook
strDestinationSheetName = "Sheet2" 'Mention the Destination Sheet Name of Destination Workbook
Set cellCollection = GetCellsFromRange("A1:C4") 'Mention the Range you want to copy data from Source Workbook
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
.AllowMultiSelect = False
'.Filters.Add "Macro Enabled Xl", "*.xlsm;", 1
For intWorkBookCount = 1 To .SelectedItems.Count
Dim strWorkBookName As String
strWorkBookName = .SelectedItems(intWorkBookCount)
For cellCount = 1 To cellCollection.Count
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
BackUp = Sheets(strDestinationSheetName).Range(cellCollection.Item(cellCount))
Sheets(strDestinationSheetName).Range(cellCollection.Item(cellCount)) = GetData(strWorkBookName, strSourceSheetName, cellCollection.Item(cellCount))
Dim strTempValue As String
strTempValue = Sheets(strDestinationSheetName).Range(cellCollection.Item(cellCount)).Value
If (strTempValue = "0") Then
strTempValue = BackUp
End If
Sheets(strDestinationSheetName).Range(cellCollection.Item(cellCount)) = strTempValue
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
Sheets(strDestinationSheetName).Range(cellCollection.Item(cellCount)) = BackUp
Exit For
End If
Next cellCount
Next intWorkBookCount
End With
End Sub
Function GetCellsFromRange(RangeInScope As String) As Collection
Dim startCell As String
Dim endCell As String
Dim intStartColumn As Integer
Dim intEndColumn As Integer
Dim intStartRow As Integer
Dim intEndRow As Integer
Dim coll As New Collection
startCell = Left(RangeInScope, InStr(RangeInScope, ":") - 1)
endCell = Right(RangeInScope, Len(RangeInScope) - InStr(RangeInScope, ":"))
intStartColumn = Range(startCell).Column
intEndColumn = Range(endCell).Column
intStartRow = Range(startCell).Row
intEndRow = Range(endCell).Row
For lngColumnCount = intStartColumn To intEndColumn
For lngRowCount = intStartRow To intEndRow
coll.Add (Cells(lngRowCount, lngColumnCount).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False))
Next lngRowCount
Next lngColumnCount
Set GetCellsFromRange = coll
End Function
Function GetData(FileFullPath As String, SheetName As String, CellInScope As String) As String
Dim Path As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim strFinalValue As String
Dim doesSheetExist As Boolean
Path = FileFullPath
Path = StrReverse(Path)
FileName = StrReverse(Left(Path, InStr(Path, "\") - 1))
Path = StrReverse(Right(Path, Len(Path) - InStr(Path, "\") + 1))
strFinalValue = "='" & Path & "[" & FileName & "]" & SheetName & "'!" & CellInScope
GetData = strFinalValue
End Function