Transfer From S3 to Google Storage - Incorrect Key - amazon-s3

I've been trying for past couple of hours to setup a transfer from S3 to my google storage bucket.
The error that i keep getting, when creating the transfer is: "Invalid access key. Make sure the access key for your S3 bucket is correct, or set the bucket permissions to Grant Everyone."
Both the access key and the secret are correct, given that they are currently in use in production for S3 full access.
Couple of things to note:
CORS-enabled on S3 bucket
Bucket policy only allows authenticated AWS users to list/view its contents
S3 requires signed URLs for access
Bucket Policy:
"Version": "2008-10-17",
"Id": "Policy234234234",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt234234",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "*"
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/*"
"Sid": "2",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::cloudfront:user/CloudFront Origin Access Identity xyzmatey"
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/*"
"Sid": "3",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "*"
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket"
CORS Policy
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="">
Any idea where i have gone wrong?
EDIT: I've setup the gsutil tool on a google compute instance and did a copy with the same AWS keys on the exact bucket. Worked like a charm..

I'm one of the devs on Transfer Service.
You'll need to add "s3:GetBucketLocation" to your permissions.
It would be preferable if the error you received was more specifically about your ACLs, however, rather than an invalid key. I'll look into that.
EDIT: Adding more info to this post. There is documentation which lists this requirement:
Here's a quote from the section on "Configuring Access":
"If your source data is an Amazon S3 bucket, then set up an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user so that you give the user the ability to list the Amazon S3 bucket, get the location of the bucket, and read the objects in the bucket." [Emphasis mine.]
EDIT2: Much of the information provided in this answer could be useful for others, so it will remain here, but John's answer actually got to the bottom of OP's issue.

I am an engineer on Transfer service.
The reason you encountered this problem is that AWS S3 region ap-southeast-1 (Singapore) is not yet supported by the Transfer service, because GCP does not have networking arrangement with AWS S3 in that region. We can consider to support that region now but your transfer will be much slower than other regions.
On our end, we are making a fix to display a clearer error message.

You can also get the 'Invalid access key' error if you try to transfer a subdirectory rather than a root S3 bucket. For example, I tried to transfer s3://my-bucket/my-subdirectory and it kept failing with the invalid access key error, despite me giving read permissions to google for the entire S3 bucket. It turns out the google transfer service doesn't support transferring subdirectories of the S3 bucket, you must specify the root as the source for the transfer: s3://my-bucket.

May Be this can help:
First, specify the S3_host in you boto config file, i.e., the endpoint-url containing region (No need to specify s3-host if the region is us-east-1, which is default). eg,
vi ~/.boto
s3_host =
That is it,
Now you can proceed with any one of these commands:
gsutil -m cp -r s3://bucket-name/folder-name gs://Bucket/
gsutil -m cp -r s3://bucket-name/folder-name/specific-file-name gs://Bucket/
gsutil -m cp -r s3://bucket-name/folder-name/ gs://Bucket/*
gsutil -m cp -r s3://bucket-name/folder-name/file-name-Prefix gs://Bucket/**
You can also try rsync.

I encountered the same problem couple of minutes ago. And I was easily able to solve it by giving admin access key and secret key.
It worked for me. just FYI, my s3 bucket was north-Virginia.


Read only users - list all the buckets I have read rights to

We are using ceph and have several buckets.
We are using one read-only user to make backups of these buckets.
If I know the list, I can backup all my bucket.
I don't understand why, but I can't list all buckets.
Is it at all possible in ceph radosgw? I suspect not.
The policy looks like this:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {"AWS": ["arn:aws:iam:::user/read-only"]},
"Action": [
"Resource": [
And I don't have anything special at the user level.
But when I try to list, I get the following:
export MC_HOST_ceph=https://${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}:${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}#radosgwdns
mc ls ceph
mc ls ceph/
mc ls ceph/bucket
Only the last command is listing things.
In this link it is said that it is basically not possible:
Only S3 bucket policy is available, S3 user policy is not implemented in Ceph S3.
On this release page, they maybe speak about it:
RGW: Improved configuration of S3 tenanted users.
Thanks for your help!
When you get access to a bucket with a bucket policy to a user it will not appear in the user's bucket listing. If you want it to be you can create a subuser with none permission and again give access to it using bucket policy. Now when the subuser lists buckets it will see the bucket and because of none permission, it has only access to the bucket you specified.
The principal for the subuser would be like this:
"Principal": {"AWS": ["arn:aws:iam:::user/MAIN_USER:SUBUSER"]},

s3/gcs - Copy s3 subdirectory to gcs without access to root? [duplicate]

I'm looking to set up a transfer job to take files stored within an S3 bucket and load them to a GCS bucket. The credentials that I have give me access to the folder that contains the files that I need from S3 but not to the higher level folders.
When I try to set up the transfer job with the S3 bucket name under 'Amazon S3 bucket' and the access key ID & secret access key filled-in, the access is denied as you would expect given the limits of my credentials. However, access is still denied if I add the extra path information as a Prefix item (e.g. 'Production/FTP/CompanyName') and I do have access to this folder.
It seems as though I can't get past the fact that I do not have access to the root directory. Is there any way around this?
According to the documentation link:
The Storage Transfer Service uses the
service account to move data from a Cloud Storage source bucket.
The service account must have the following permissions for the source
storage.buckets.get Allows the service account to get the location of
the bucket. Always required.
storage.objects.list Allows the service account to list objects in the
bucket. Always required.
storage.objects.get Allows the service account to read objects in the
bucket. Always required.
storage.objects.delete Allows the service account to delete objects in
the bucket. Required if you set deleteObjectsFromSourceAfterTransfer
to true.
The roles/storage.objectViewer and roles/storage.legacyBucketReader
roles together contain the permissions that are always required. The
roles/storage.legacyBucketWriter role contains the
storage.objects.delete permissions. The service account used to
perform the transfer must be assigned the desired roles.
You have to set this permissions on your AWS bucket.
Most likely your IAM role is missing s3:ListBucket permission. Can you update your IAM role to have s3:ListBucket , s3:GetBucketLocation and try again?
On AWS permission policy should like below , in case you want to give access to subfolder.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucketname>",
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"s3:prefix": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {}

s3 put json file access denied

I am using linux s3cmd to upload files to AWS S3. I can upload a zip file successfully and this has been working for months now, no problems. I now need to also upload a json file. When I try to upload the json file to the same bucket, I get S3 error: Access Denied. I can't figure out why, please help.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
s3cmd --mime-type=application/zip put s3://mybucket
s3cmd --mime-type=application/json put myfile.json s3://mybucket
ERROR: S3 error: Access Denied
These days, it is recommended to use the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI) rather than s3cmd.
The aws s3 cp command will try to automatically guess the mime type, so you might not need to specify it as in your example.
If your heart is set on figuring out why s3cmd doesn't work, try opening up permissions (eg allow s3:*) to see if this fixes things, then narrow-down the list of permitted API calls to figure out which one s3cmd is calling.
Alternatively you can use Minio client aka mc Using mc cp command this can be done.
$ mc cp myfile.json s3alias/mybucket
Hope it helps.
Disclaimer: I work for Minio
It was a bug with s3cmd, simple update solved the problem.

403 access denied error for files uploaded to s3 using aws command line tool

I'm trying to upload images to s3 using the aws command line tool. I keep getting a 403 access denied error.
I think the --acl flag from here should fix this but all the options I've tried haven't helped.
I have a django app running which uploads to s3 and I can access those images fine.
did you set any IAM or bucket policy to allow upload to your bucket?
There is (at least) 3 ways to enable a user to access a bucket:
specify an acl at the bucket level (go to the bucket page, select your bucket and click "properties", there you can grant more accesses)
attach a policy to the bucket itself, e.g to something like:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Example permissions",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn of user or role"
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::your bucket name"
attach an policy to your IAM user, e.g to give admin rights:go to IAM > users > your user > attach policy > AmazonS3FullAccess
If you want to build your own policy, you can use the aws policy generator
If you want more specific help, please provide more details (which users should have which permissions on your bucket, etc)
hope this helps

Downloading files from amazon s3 that have been uploaded by a third party

My problem is this. I have files that are being added to my S3 bucket from a third party. Now if I try to download these files from the command line they are corrupt or encrypted. But if i download them individually from the S3 console they are fine. (I don't have encryption enabled either)
So, my question is this:
Is it possible to download objects from an Amazon S3 bucket that have been uploaded by a third party?
I've read just about everything I can on this and cant find an answer as to why this is the case. Here is the bucket policy:
"Version": "2008-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowPublicRead",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "*"
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-name-here/*"
Example of file contents when encrypted:
7JE^S��Z소sv�첕H^C^_Awʲֲ!HY��"� �^A$�$
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A^Vk^E�f ^U%�����
If a third party tool encrypt your file and upload it, you have to decrypt it in the same way and with the same key.