"Impossible to connect to JIRA" error on SonarQube - sonarqube5.1

I'm trying to link a Sonar issue to Jira using "Link to Jira" option, but getting "Impossible to connect to Jira - https://{Jira URL}.atlassian.net/.
I was able to create a JIRA with same configuration 8months ago, but not now. Not sure if JIRA has changed anything to force importing SSL certs to Sonar JRE now.
Could you please let me know how to get the Jira SSL cert and import it to the Sonar keystore?
Thanks in advance!

The SSL part of the connection isn't related to SonarQube, it's standard Java security. To your question, assuming the error is indeed a trust issue (you didn't provide debug logs):
Retrieve the server certificate:
echo -n | openssl s_client -connect JIRA_HOST:port | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > server.pem`
Add it to Java truststore:
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias jira_server -file server.pem -keystore /<java_install>/jre/lib/security/cacerts
(default truststore password is changeit)


SSL Enabled on AEM and third party services stopped working

Recently We have enabled SSL on AEM and after that we are facing issue to connect with third party services.
For some services we are getting
javax.net.ssl.SSLException: java.security.ProviderException: Could not derive key
Any pointers on how to resolve this issue?
I had this issue a while ago. The cert file was not installed to the java keystore in my case.
Ensure the cert file is installed to the java keystore. This command will list the installed certs, check if your cert is in there, you can search by the alias that was used to install the cert.
keytool -list -v -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts
This will help you import to keystore if cert is not installed
keytool -importcert -file certificate.cer -keystore keystore.jks -alias "Alias"
You can also search by the alias that was used to install the cert
keytool -list -v -keystore keystore.jks -alias youralias
If you have multiple versions of java installed, ensure java_home points to the location of java where the cert is installed. Also check if PATH contains the same path.

RestTemplate certificate issue

I am passing certificates in RestTemplate request header. I get 403 forbidden error. How can I display the certificate information at my end before I make a call to the web service? I am using below code to pass certificate in request header.
What is the right way to send a client certificate with every request made by the resttemplate in spring?
Not sure about 403 as I'm newbie on certs & stuff, but for your other questions(I know this is late but might help someone who come across to this page) :
Java Keytool Commands for Checking :
keytool comes with JDK
If you need to check the information within a certificate, or Java keystore, use these commands.
Check a stand-alone certificate :
keytool -printcert -v -file mydomain.crt
Check which certificates are in a Java keystore :
keytool -list -v -keystore keystore.jks
Check a particular keystore entry using an alias :
keytool -list -v -keystore keystore.jks -alias mydomain
First, I would suggest to verify in your rest client whether you're able to access the rest endpoint or not by importing cert & key files:
Helpful links:

Glassfish 4 certificate based client authentication

For couple of days I'm trying to set up my development environment for certificate-based client authentication and it just don't want to work. I'm using the Glassfish 4 documentation (security guide) and creating according to it self signed client certificate for test purposes but I'm not sure what I'm missing, since there is not complete description of the whole process. When I enable Client Authentication for my Http-Listener and don't get any error message in the server log, but when I try to connect from a browser I just cannot establish a connection with the server. Without this option my web application is working just fine. In chrome I see the following message:
This site can’t be reached refused to connect.
And in firefox:
The connection to was interrupted while the page was loading.
So for me it seems that something (unfortunately I cannot understand what exactly) is happening, but a connection cannot be established.
Since the setup is pretty complex I'm looking for a tutorial or how-to page which has step by step instruction, but any help and advise will be higly appreciated.
Ok, I finally got it how it works :) I found very good step by step instructions in the book Java EE 7 with GlassFish 4 Application Server, Chapter 9, The cerrtificate realm (p. 247)
One have to basicly do the following 3 Steps:
Create Client Certificate
1.1 Generate a self-signed certificate:
keytool -genkey -v -alias myalias -keyalg RSA -storetype PKCS12 -keystore clientCert_1.p12 -storepass wonttellyou -keypass wonttellyou
1.2 Import it in a browser
NB!: When the certificate is not imported the browser doesn't ask for it, but instead returns a connection error message, which for me is pretty misleading.
Export the certificate from step 1. into a format that Glassfish can understand
keytool -export -alias myalias -keystore clientCert_1.p12 -storetype PKCS12 -storepass wonttellyou -rfc -file clientCert_1.cer
RESULT => Certificate stored in file clientCert_1.cer
Since we issued a self-signed certificate, in order for GlassFish to accept our certificate, we need to import it into the cacerts keystore.
keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias myalias -file clientCert_1.cer -keystore ../cacerts.jks -keypass changeit -storepass changeit
The part: -import -v -trustcacerts is not in the book, but without
it the keytool may crash throwing an exception.
changeit is the default glassfish password
Finally one needs to setup the application server for certificate based client authentication, which has two parts. The first one is adding the a login configuration to web.xml:
And the second one is configuring the role mapping in glassfish-web.xml, so that your application has a corresponding role for that login. It looks like this:
<principal-name>CN=Test User, OU=n/a, O=Test User, L=Cologne, ST=NRW, C=DE</principal-name>
For more detailed information, about key generation and setting up your glassfish consult the book.
And finally one more thing which was confusing for me. Over the admin interface one can find the SSL configuration tab of an existing http-listener. You don't have to enable the Client Authentication option!

cfftp and self-signed certificate

I'm having trouble getting ColdFusion to connect to a secure FTP server that uses a self-signed certificate. The connection just times out. I've tested the setup in an FTP client and it works, but you must accept an 'unknown certificate.'
The code, though it's not very helpful:
Here's the error I get from ColdFusion:
Verify your connection attributes: username, password, server, fingerprint, port, key, connection, proxyServer, and secure (as applicable). Error: Session.connect: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out.
Does anyone know if it's possible to accept the certificate? Or if that's even the problem?
I am not sure about cfftp but for cfhttp requests to sites with a self-signed certificate you have to import their certificate into the Java keystore on your ColdFusion server. So you might want to give that a try.
I always export the certificate in DER format
The command to import should be something like this:
keytool -import -v -alias giveUniqueName -file filename.cer -keystore cacerts -storepass thePassword
Here is the command line to verify an imported certificate:
keytool -list -v -keystore cacerts -alias giveUniqueName -storepass thePassword
I did not include the password here but am pretty sure you can Google it. If not, send me a message and I can give it to you.
Also, you may need to supply pathing information depending on where you run the keytool commands from and where your certificate file resides.
Another note, be sure you are updating the correct cacerts file that ColdFusion is using. In case you have more than one JRE installed on that server. You can verify the JRE ColdFusion is using from the administrator under the 'System Information'. Look for the Java Home line.
Oh - and you have to restart ColdFusion after making the import.
I found a forum discussion (here) talking about installing certificates on CF10. The keytool commands appear to be slightly different in their example. In case it is a bit different than CF9, here is what they said:
keytool -importcert -alias giveUniqueName -trustcacerts -file filename.cer -keystore cacerts -storepass thePassword
Trust this certificate? [no]: y
It looks like the verification command line has not changed.

mitmproxy and ec2-api-tools

I'm having trouble getting mitmproxy to work with the ec2-api-tools.
In one terminal, I did this:
$ mitmproxy -p 8080
And in another, I did:
$ export EC2_JVM_ARGS="-DproxySet=true -DproxyHost= -DproxyPort=8080 -Dhttps.proxySet=true -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=8080"
$ ec2-describe-instances
I get the following error:
Unexpected error:
javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSessionImpl.getPeerCertificateChain(SSLSessionImpl.java:401)
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.contrib.amazon.ssl.StrictSSLProtocolSocketFactory.verifyHostname(StrictSSLProtocolSocketFactory.java:369)
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.contrib.amazon.ssl.StrictSSLProtocolSocketFactory.createSocket(StrictSSLProtocolSocketFactory.java:241)
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnection.tunnelCreated(HttpConnection.java:786)
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager$HttpConnectionAdapter.tunnelCreated(MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager.java:1521)
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector.executeConnect(HttpMethodDirector.java:514)
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector.executeWithRetry(HttpMethodDirector.java:391)
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector.executeMethod(HttpMethodDirector.java:171)
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient.executeMethod(HttpClient.java:397)
at org.codehaus.xfire.transport.http.CommonsHttpMessageSender.send(CommonsHttpMessageSender.java:369)
at org.codehaus.xfire.transport.http.HttpChannel.sendViaClient(HttpChannel.java:123)
at org.codehaus.xfire.transport.http.HttpChannel.send(HttpChannel.java:48)
at org.codehaus.xfire.handler.OutMessageSender.invoke(OutMessageSender.java:26)
at org.codehaus.xfire.handler.HandlerPipeline.invoke(HandlerPipeline.java:131)
at org.codehaus.xfire.client.Invocation.invoke(Invocation.java:79)
at org.codehaus.xfire.client.Invocation.invoke(Invocation.java:114)
at org.codehaus.xfire.client.Client.invoke(Client.java:336)
at org.codehaus.xfire.client.XFireProxy.handleRequest(XFireProxy.java:77)
at org.codehaus.xfire.client.XFireProxy.invoke(XFireProxy.java:57)
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy12.describeInstances(Unknown Source)
at com.amazon.aes.webservices.client.Jec2Impl.describeInstances(Jec2Impl.java:1517)
at com.amazon.aes.webservices.client.Jec2Impl.describeInstances(Jec2Impl.java:1492)
at com.amazon.aes.webservices.client.cmd.DescribeInstances.invokeOnline(DescribeInstances.java:58)
at com.amazon.aes.webservices.client.cmd.BaseCmd.invoke(BaseCmd.java:1040)
at com.amazon.aes.webservices.client.cmd.DescribeInstances.main(DescribeInstances.java:67)
I'm running on OS X, and I've configured keychain to trust the mitmproxy-ca-cert.pem certificate.
Thanks to Thomas Orozco's answer and this mitmproxy issue:
sudo keytool -importcert -alias mitmproxy -storepass "changeit" \
-keystore /System/Library/Java/Support/CoreDeploy.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/security/cacerts \
-trustcacerts -file ~/.mitmproxy/mitmproxy-ca-cert.pem
You have to add the MITM proxy certificate to the certificate store that Java is using, which might not be OS X's keychain.
You should be able to use keytool for this: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/tools/solaris/keytool.html