I want to select text from two paragraphs and then perform some action.
For example,
<p>Para 1</p>
<p>Para 2</p>
<p>Para 3</p>
<p>Para 4</p>
Now I want to select 'Para 2' and 'Para 3' so that I can copy or delete this text.
I need to automate this as I do manually by performing mouse down at start of 'Para 2' then mouse move and then mouse up at end of 'Para 3'
what about if you get all elements with the "p" tag and then get the text of those that you want. Something like:
List<WebElement> elems = driver.findElements(By.tagName("p"));
String str = elems.get(1).getText();
str += elems.get(2).getText();
There is a strange behaviour when it comes to finding elements by xpath. The situation:
<div class="ingredients-group">
<div class="group-header">
<h3>Title 1</h3>
... other stuff
<div class="ingredients-group">
<div class="group-header">
<h3>Title 2</h3>
... other stuff
I want to check the text of the H3 tag on the second ingredient-group. So I did the following in Selenium:
WebElement group2 = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='ingredients-group'][2]"));
WebElement title2 = group2.findElement(By.xpath("//h3"));
String titleText = title2.GetText();
The last statement returns "Title 1". I would expect it to return "Title 2".
Strangely, this statement returns "Title 2":
String titleText = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='ingredients-group'][2]//h3")).getText();
I would like to use the first option (group2.findElement), because there are several other elements in the containers I would like to refer to without having to write the full xpath.
Any ideas on this?
Use findElements to return a list of webelements (h3 tags) and then access them as you would any other list:
WebElement groups = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[#class='ingredients-group'][2]"));
WebElement theH3Tag = groups[0].findElement(By.xpath(".//h3")); //make this a relative xpath
String titleText = theH3Tag.GetText();
WebElement the2ndH3Tag = groups[1].findElement(By.xpath(".//h3")); //make this a relative xpath
String titleText = the2ndH3Tag.GetText();
Or loop through the list:
WebElement[] groups = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[#class='ingredients-group'][2]"));
for (WebElement group : groups) {
WebElement h3Tag = group.findElement(By.xpath(".//h3")); //make this a relative xpath
String titleText = h3Tag.GetText();
Trying to scrape this part: "Lounge, Showers, Lockers"
<div class="CourseAbout-otherFacilities more">
<h3 class="CourseAbout-otherFacilities-title">Available Facilities</h3> " Lounge, Showers, Lockers "
response.css('.CourseAbout-foodAndBeverage.more::text').get() command returns " \n "
Thank you
There are three text elements in your target div (matched by your CSS expression):
<div class="CourseAbout-otherFacilities more">FIRST<h3
<h3 class="CourseAbout-otherFacilities-title">SECOND</h3>
By using .get() you're telling Scrapy to return first match.
I recommend to use XPath expression here instead and match your element by text:
//h3[.="Available Facilities"]/following-sibling::text()[1]'
I am trying to automate this website using VBA excel. I am stuck at one point where I need to select value from the drop-down box. I am very much new to this as this is my first such project.
This is what I have coded to select the value:
Set objSelect = objIE.document.getElementById("personTitle")
For Each opt In objSelect.Options
If opt.Value = "Miss" Then
'Debug.Print "found!"
opt.Selected = True
'opt.Selected = "selected"
'Debug.Print "not found!"
opt.Selected = False
End If
I have also tried using the debug.print to check if the value that I am trying to find is actually getting matched or not- and it turns out that it matches.
The only problem I am facing is that the value is not getting set.
Can any of the gurus here please help?
Here is the HTML of that section:
<div class="input-wrap input-wrap__inline">
<div tabindex="-1" class="select is-placeholder"><div class="select_display">Title</div><div class="select_arrow glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down"></div><dl class="select_list"><dt class="pretend-dd is-hover" data-index="1" data-val="Mr">Mr</dt><dt class="pretend-dd" data-index="2" data-val="Mrs">Mrs</dt><dt class="pretend-dd" data-index="3" data-val="Miss">Miss</dt><dt class="pretend-dd" data-index="4" data-val="Ms">Ms</dt><dt class="pretend-dd" data-index="5" data-val="Dr">Dr</dt></dl></div><select name="personTitle" class="parsley-validated hasCustomSelect .no-change, .bv-dropdown-select is-invisible" id="personTitle" required="" data-required-message="Please select a title">
<option selected="selected" value="">Title</option>
<option value="Mr">Mr</option>
<option value="Mrs">Mrs</option>
<option value="Miss">Miss</option>
<option value="Ms">Ms</option>
<option value="Dr">Dr</option>
I think you want a different class. The class in that HTML snippet is select_list. Then the subsequent dt tags.
If you observe the following CSS selector, where "." means class and " dt" means select all dt tags inside elements of that class, you will see it makes the correct selections:
In the code below, I translate this selector into:
This assumes that index 0 is the correct one to use for elements of the class "select_list". You can easily inspect the collection to find the right index if you set it to a variable e.g.
Dim x As Object
Set x = ieDoc.getElementsByClassName("select_list")(0).getElementsByTagName("dt")
Dim currentOption As Object
For Each currentOption In ieDoc.getElementsByClassName("select_list")(0).getElementsByTagName("dt")
If InStr(currentOption.innerText, "Miss") > 0 Then
currentOption.Selected = True
End If
Next currentOption
Here are a couple options to try if you haven't already:
If opt.Value = "Miss" Then
'Debug.Print "found!"
If opt.Value = "Miss" Then
'Debug.Print "found!"
opt.FireEvent ("onchange")
If this turns out to be something done in kendoGrid or kendoDropDownList, I might be able to help with that also.
I want to get all em and the following a tags, but these are seperated:
<em style="color: #FF2500;">ITEM:</em> LINK <br />
<em style="color: #FF2500;">ITEM2:</em> LINK2 <br />
<em style="color: #FF2500;">ITEM3:</em> LINK3 <br />
I need to save the ITEM and the correspinding LINK, because they must be together, but I only managed to find the text of the links:
elems = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//em/following-sibling::a[#href]")
printing this gives me only the contents of the link:
elems = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//em/following-sibling::a[#href]")
for link in elems:
print (link.text) # LINK, LINK2, LINK3
I could of course find all em and links by themself, but I wouldnt know if they fit together. So I need to find:
All <em> where an <a> with a certain text follows. This way I should know for sure that they are together.
Searches em preceding to a with some text
//a[text()=' LINK2 '] | //a[text()=' LINK2 ']/preceding-sibling::em[1]
to get just text concatenated from both elements
concat(//a[text()=' LINK2 ']/preceding-sibling::em[1], //a[text()=' LINK2 '])
this is the html
<div id="catlist-listview" class="cat-listview cat-listbsize">
and my code is
dim htmldoc as new htmldocument
for each link as htmlnode in htmldoc.document.selectnodes("//*[#id='catlist-listview']/ul")
textbox3.text = link.innerhtml
the output is
i want get all and only http://wantedlink1 to http://wantedlink10
i try attributes("href") but i get only one link
i want to list all the link like this :
any help ??
Basically, you can change XPath for SelectNodes() to be selecting individual <a> elements instead of <ul>. Then from this point, it will be easy to iterate through the result and get href attribute one by one. Or you achieve the same using LINQ, like the following for example :
'select <a> elements'
Dim links = htmldoc.Document.SelectNodes("//*[#id='catlist-listview']/ul/li/a")
'project to IEnumerable of href attribute value'
Dim hrefs = links.Cast(Of HtmlNode)().Select(Function(x) x.GetAttributeValue("href", ""))
'join the `hrefs`, separated by newline, into one string'
textbox3.text = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, hrefs)
dotnetfiddle demo