Adding pagebreaks via VBA doesn't work - vba

I created code to set the pagebreaks in an excel report to deal with the orphan issue (i.e. one line of text spills over onto the next page, etc.). The code works fine when I run it with the report open / visible.
It is part of a larger application which is opened and the code executed from MS Access. Excel is not visible during the process to improve performance.
When I run my code from MS Access it no longer works... it doesn't produce an error, but simply ignores the actual pagebreak setting command.
I read on various forums that in order to avoid this problem, excel needs to be first switched over to ActiveWindow.View = xlPageBreakPreview, but that doesn't work either (I suspect since Excel isn't visible).
I have tested for the following:
Code works when it is started manually or stepped through with F8
Code is executed when called upon from Access (I set breakpoints)
Switching the window view doesn't do anything either
How can I get Excel to change the pagebreaks via code when Excel is run in the background?
This is my code:
Sub TheOrphanProblem()
Dim iPageBrkRow
'Determine if there are page breaks and if so on which row of the document
If FindNthAutoPageBreak(wsRptHolding, 1) Is Nothing Then
'No pagebreak found so we exit the sub
Exit Sub
iPageBrkRow = FindNthAutoPageBreak(wsRptHolding, 1).Row 'Get row
End If
Debug.Print iPageBrkRow
Dim x As Integer
Dim sCase As String
Dim rNewposition As Range
With wsRptHolding
'Code edited out for brevity. This part checks if there is an orphan problem and finds the new position for a pagebreak if needed.
It then provides that position as a range called "rNewposition".
'Moves page break to calculated position
ActiveWindow.View = xlPageBreakPreview
.HPageBreaks.Add rNewposition
ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView
End With
End Sub
This is the code I use to find the pagebreak positions...
Private Function FindNthAutoPageBreak(Sht As Worksheet, Nth As Long) As Range
'Set page break of the last page so that sub asset groups are kept together
Dim HP As HPageBreak
Dim Ctr As Long
For Each HP In Sht.HPageBreaks
If HP.Type = xlPageBreakAutomatic Then
Ctr = Ctr + 1
If Ctr = Nth Then
Set FindNthAutoPageBreak = HP.Location
End If
End If
Next HP
End Function

Try this
ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = True


Excel Custom Function won't CopyFromRecordset [duplicate]

I'm new to VBA in Excel 2003. I've written a UDF that takes in two strings: one filter and one that will be a cell reference. When I am debugging and call the function a couple times in a row in the VBA editor, everything works as I expect. But when I use the UDF multiple times in a spreadsheet, all uses show the exact same answer, despite there being different input.
The function is below. It updates a pivot table and then copies the value out of a cell. But I must be misusing it:
Function UpdatePivotAndFetchCell(catcode As String, theCell As String) As Variant
Dim ws, pt, catField, pi, theval, finalVal
Set ws = Worksheets("Reporting")
Set pt = ws.PivotTables("MyReport")
Set catField = pt.PivotFields("Category")
For Each pi In catField.PivotItems
If InStr(pi.Value, catcode) Then
pt.PivotFields("Category").CurrentPage = pi.Value
theval = ws.Range(theCell).Value
On Error Resume Next
If (TypeName(theval) <> "Error") Then
finalVal = theval
End If
Exit For
End If
Next pi
UpdatePivotAndFetchCell = finalVal
End Function
If I run it with the VBA editor, I get:
Debug.Print (UpdatePivotAndFetchCell("C001", "K284"))
'Returns 0.48
Debug.Print (UpdatePivotAndFetchCell("C002", "K284"))
'Returns 0.52
But within a worksheet:
=UpdatePivotAndFetchCell("C001", "K284")
(displays 0.52)
=UpdatePivotAndFetchCell("C002", "K284")
(displays 0.52)
Am I not specifying the function properly, maybe? It's a mystery to me.
Functions called from a worksheet are not allowed to change sheets. Otherwise you could easily create infinite loops in the calculation tree. So everything that changes the sheet is ignored (such as RefreshTable() or .CurrentPage =) and causes the function to stop.
For completeness sake, there is a workaround, but you should not use it, and you may run into problems if you do.

Data Validation and Worksheet Change Event

I use a VBA macro to query a database and build a list of available projects when a workbook is opened using the workbook activate event. I have project numbers and project names that are combined into two separate data validation lists and applied to two cells. The worksheet change event tests for changes in these cells, splits their data validation lists into arrays, and chooses the corresponding project information from the other array. For instance, if I pick a project number, the worksheet change event finds the project number's position in the project number array, and then picks the project's name from the name array based on position.
This works perfectly whenever a value is selected from the drop down, but I run into problems when values outside the list are entered. For instance, if I enter a blank cell I may get the data validation error or I may get a type mismatch when I use match to find the entered value in the array. I have an error handler to handle the type mismatch, but I would like the data validation error to trigger every time instead. Another problem is that Events will sometimes be disabled. This is much more serious because users will not have a way to turn these back on.
On top of this, I cannot figure out where or how this is happening. I can't replicate how the Events are disabled using breaks because duplicating the steps that lead to the events being disabled with breaks in place only leads to my error handler. However, when breaks aren't applied, the error handler will sometimes fail to trigger and the events will be disabled. Since I'm disabling events just before I parse arrays, I'm thinking the worksheet change fails at the Loc=Application.Match(Target.Text, NumArr, 0) - 1 line, but I can't figure out why no error would be triggered. At the very least, I should get a message with the error number and description, and events should be re-enabled.
Can anyone advise on the interaction between worksheet change and data validation? What is the call order here? Any other advice? Anything I'm missing?
ETA: I've Googled this, but I haven't found anything that helps. Everything that comes up is about working the data validation into worksheet change, nothing about the interaction or call order.
ETA #2: After trying the experiment in the answer below (Thanks Gary's Student), this gets a little more odd. If I choose "Retry" and choose the old, default value, I get the old value three times. If I hit delete, I get a space in the message box, but only one message box. Then the cell is left blank. I can put DV into a loop by clicking "Retry" and accepting the space. The DV error will come up until I click cancel. Then I will get a series of empty text message boxes, one for each time I retried the empty cell. If I start off with a listed value, clear the cell with backspace, click "Retry," and try to select another value, the worksheet change event fails at Intersect 3 times. I think the answer below sheds more light on what is going on, but it does bring up more questions also.
Here is the code I have:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim NumArr() As String
Dim ProjArr() As String
Dim Loc As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
If Target.Address = "$E$4" Then
'Disable events to prevent worksheet change trigger on cell upates
Application.EnableEvents = False
'Parse validation lists to arrays
NumArr = Split(Target.Validation.Formula1, ",")
ProjArr = Split(Target.Offset(1, 0).Validation.Formula1, ",")
'Change error handler
On Error GoTo SpaceHandler:
'Determine project number location in array
Loc = Application.Match(Target.Text, NumArr, 0) - 1
'Change error handler
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
'Change cell value to corresponding project name based on array location
Target.Offset(1, 0) = ProjArr(Loc)
'Unlock cells to prepare for editing, reset any previously imported codes
Range("C8:G32").Locked = False
'Run revenue code import
'Re-enable events
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
If Target.Address = "$E$5" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
NumArr = Split(Target.Validation.Formula1, ",")
ProjArr = Split(Target.Offset(-1, 0).Validation.Formula1, ",")
Loc = Application.Match(Target.Text, NumArr, 0) - 1
Target.Offset(-1, 0) = ProjArr(Loc)
Range("C8:G32").Locked = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Application.EnableEvents = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Pick a project from the dropdown.", vbOKOnly, "Error"
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
You have a very open-ended question...........not having the time to do a full whitepaper, here is a simple experiment. I use the Event code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim A1 As Range, rINT As Range
Set A1 = Range("A1")
Set rINT = Intersect(A1, Target)
If rINT Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
MsgBox A1.Value
End Sub
and in A1, I setup DV as follows:
If I use the drop-down, I get the value entered and I also get the MsgBox. However, if I click on the cell and type some junk what happens is:
the DV alert occurs and I touch the CANCEL Button
I get 2 MsgBox occurrences, each with the original contents rather than the attempted junk !!
I have absolutely no idea why the event is raised since the cell is not actually changed, let alone why the Event is raised twice !! It is almost as if
the event is raised on junk entry, but the DV alarm has precedence, the DV reverse the entry and another event is raised, and finally both events get processed.
Hopefully a person smarter than me will chime in.
With ref to the query, Workaround for the DV and change event is managed.
Public strRange As String
Public bCheck As Boolean
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If bCheck Then Exit Sub
MsgBox "Correct Entry!"
strRange = Target.Address
bCheck = True
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address <> strRange Then bCheck = False
End Sub

Macro to update all fields in a word document

I have built - over the years - a vba macro that is supposed to update all fields in a word document.
I invoke this macro before releasing the document for review to ensure all headers and footers etc are correct.
Currently - it look like this:
Sub UpdateAllFields()
' UpdateAllFields Macro
Dim doc As Document ' Pointer to Active Document
Dim wnd As Window ' Pointer to Document's Window
Dim lngMain As Long ' Main Pane Type Holder
Dim lngSplit As Long ' Split Type Holder
Dim lngActPane As Long ' ActivePane Number
Dim rngStory As Range ' Range Objwct for Looping through Stories
Dim TOC As TableOfContents ' Table of Contents Object
Dim TOA As TableOfAuthorities 'Table of Authorities Object
Dim TOF As TableOfFigures 'Table of Figures Object
Dim shp As Shape
' Set Objects
Set doc = ActiveDocument
Set wnd = doc.ActiveWindow
' get Active Pane Number
lngActPane = wnd.ActivePane.Index
' Hold View Type of Main pane
lngMain = wnd.Panes(1).View.Type
' Hold SplitSpecial
lngSplit = wnd.View.SplitSpecial
' Get Rid of any split
wnd.View.SplitSpecial = wdPaneNone
' Set View to Normal
wnd.View.Type = wdNormalView
' Loop through each story in doc to update
For Each rngStory In doc.StoryRanges
If rngStory.StoryType = wdCommentsStory Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsNone
' Update fields
Application.DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsAll
' Update fields
If rngStory.StoryType <> wdMainTextStory Then
While Not (rngStory.NextStoryRange Is Nothing)
Set rngStory = rngStory.NextStoryRange
End If
End If
For Each shp In doc.Shapes
If shp.Type <> msoPicture Then
With shp.TextFrame
If .HasText Then
End If
End With
End If
' Loop through TOC and update
For Each TOC In doc.TablesOfContents
' Loop through TOA and update
For Each TOA In doc.TablesOfAuthorities
' Loop through TOF and update
For Each TOF In doc.TablesOfFigures
' Header and footer too.
' Return Split to original state
wnd.View.SplitSpecial = lngSplit
' Return main pane to original state
wnd.Panes(1).View.Type = lngMain
' Active proper pane
' Close and release all pointers
Set wnd = Nothing
Set doc = Nothing
End Sub
Sub UpdateFooter()
Dim i As Integer
'exit if no document is open
If Documents.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Get page count
i = ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties(14)
If i >= 1 Then 'Update fields in Footer
For Each footer In ActiveDocument.Sections(ActiveDocument.Sections.Count).Footers()
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
'Update only the fields in your footer like:
Sub UpdateHeader()
Dim i As Integer
'exit if no document is open
If Documents.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Get page count
i = ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties(14)
If i >= 1 Then 'Update fields in Header
For Each header In ActiveDocument.Sections(ActiveDocument.Sections.Count).Headers()
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I have noticed recently that it sometimes misses some sections of the document. Today it missed First page footer -section 2- (the document version was not updated).
I have built this macro over a number of years and several bouts of research but I am not proud of it so please suggest a complete replacement if there is now a clean way of doing it. I am using Word 2007.
To test, create a word document and add a custom field named Version and give it a value. Then use that field {DOCPROPERTY Version \* MERGEFORMAT } in as many places as you can. Headers, Footers, first-page, subsequent page etc. etc. Remember to make a multi-section document with different header/footers. Then change the property and invoke the macro. It currently does quite a good job, handling TOCs and TOAs an TOFs etc, it just seems to skip footers (sometimes) in a multi-section document for example.
The challenging document that seems to cause the most problems is structured like this:
It has 3 sections.
Section 1 is for the title page and TOC so the first page of that section has no header/footer but does use the Version property on it. Subsequent pages have page numbering in roman numerals for the TOC.
Section 2 is for the body of the document and has headers and footers.
Section 3 is for the copyright blurb and this has a very strange header and a cut-down footer.
All footers contain the Version custom document property.
My code above seems to work in all cases except sometimes it misses first page footer of sections 2 and 3.
For years, the standard I've used for updating all fields (with the exception of TOC, etc. which are handled separately) in a document is the one the Word MVPs use and recommend, which I'll copy here. It comes from Greg Maxey's site: One thing it does that I don't see in your version is update any fields in Shapes (text boxes) in the header/footer.
Public Sub UpdateAllFields()
Dim rngStory As Word.Range
Dim lngJunk As Long
Dim oShp As Shape
lngJunk = ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.StoryType
For Each rngStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
'Iterate through all linked stories
On Error Resume Next
Select Case rngStory.StoryType
Case 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
If rngStory.ShapeRange.Count > 0 Then
For Each oShp In rngStory.ShapeRange
If oShp.TextFrame.HasText Then
End If
End If
Case Else
'Do Nothing
End Select
On Error GoTo 0
'Get next linked story (if any)
Set rngStory = rngStory.NextStoryRange
Loop Until rngStory Is Nothing
End Sub
Some research and experimentation produced the following addition which seems to solve the additional problem of updating the headers/footers in a multi-section document.
Add the following dimensions to the earlier answer:
dim sctn as Word.Section
dim hdft as Word.HeaderFooter
And then, add to the earlier code
for each sctn in doc.Sections
for each hdft in sctn.Headers
for each hdft in sctn.Footers
However - I am still not happy with this code and would very much like to replace it with something less hacky.
Thanks for these answers! I found the answers very good and learned some stuff about ms-word macros. I thought I'd make my own answer for consideration (and adding some more search engine keywords - my searches didn't bring me here immediately).
I took inspiration from the citations in the footnotes.
I had an issue where MS Word fields were not updating in Textbox (Shapes).
I was working on a 70 page word document (Word 2013) that contained a lot of figures/images/captions and cross-references. A common practice is for an image to be captioned e.g. Figure 7, so it can be easily cross-referenced. Often the caption is inside a textbox (shape) and grouped with/to the object its captioning.
So after some document editing and content reorganisation, the fields and cross-references can easily get out of logical sequence.
OK - no problem... pressing CTRL+A then F9 to update the document fields should solve this?
Unfortunately that didn't work as expected to update fields in textboxes (shapes).
In this scenario where fields exist inside textboxes (shapes) CTRL+A then F9 only updated the fields not inside a textbox (shape).
One can assume this behaviour is because field updating (F9) works on selected text, and with the CTRL+A then F9 approach only text outside of the textboxes (shapes) is selected, so the field update only applies outside of textboxes (shapes).
I'm surprised there is not a button on the ribbon to perform an "update all fields". There could even be a toggle option to prompt the user to update all fields when closing a document?
I checked Word's (2013) ribbon command list, and didn't find an Update All command.
Solution UpdateAllFields()
Like the code shared by #Cindy here, the following code should update fields wherever they are in the doc, header, footer, main doc, textbox, grouped and nested grouped textbox.
Create a macro with the following code, and then add to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)
Press ALT+F8 to open the Macros dialogue.
Enter a name for the Macro: UpdateAllFields
Press Create button
Paste the code:
Sub UpdateAllFields()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveDocument
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Finally add the Macro to the Quick Access Toolbar.
Citations and inspirations:
The Q&A's in this post!
There is a related post on the Microsoft Community here: Word 365 Fields not updating in Textbox [serious reproducible error]. This suggests the issue is present in at least Word 2013 and Word 365.
There is a related post on Stack Overflow here: Macro to update fields in shapes (textboxes) in footer in Microsoft Word.
Another example UpdateTextboxFields()
This was the first version of code I wrote as I was in research and solution mode. Its a recursive approach to update fields inside textboxes, even if they are inside a group, or nested group. This doesn't update fields outside shapes.
Public Sub UpdateTextboxFields()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveDocument
Call IterateShapesCollection(.Shapes)
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub IterateShapesCollection(col)
Dim shp As Shape
For Each shp In col
' Ignore images and
If 1 = shp.Type Or 13 = shp.Type Then
GoTo NextIteration
End If
'Debug.Print ("Name: " & shp.Name & ", Type: " & shp.Type)
' if the type is a group, recurse
If 6 = shp.Type Then
Call IterateShapesCollection(shp.GroupItems)
Call UpdateShapeFields(shp)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateShapeFields(shp)
With shp.TextFrame
If .HasText Then
End If
End With
End Sub
Word display option: Update fields before printing
cite: Microsoft article Some fields are updated while other fields are not
The concept behind this option/approach is: all document fields are updated when you open print preview.
It looks like this option in Word (tested in 2013) updates all fields with a caveat - see below - you may need to open and close print preview twice.
File → Options → Display → Print options section → Update fields before printing
Caveat if the doc has cross-references to figures/captions
This caveat applies to the word "Update fields before printing" display option and the UpdateAllFields() macro.
IF the document contains cross-references to figures/captions (with numbers), and those figures/captions have changed sequence/place in the document...
You must update the fields twice, 1) to reflect the figures/captions update, and then 2) to update the cross-references.

Excel VBA to insert comments on selected cells and filled them with pictures

I have a list of more than 150 cells which contained hyperlinks to images on local hard,
yesterday I found a way to popup those images by inserting comments with filling the background with a picture.
It will be tough to do this one by one, So I want a VBA script to insert comments on selected cells and fill the comments background with images which its hyperlink located in every cell.
Is That possible or should I do it manually?
Here is an Example of cells contents
I1 D:\My Pictures\example 001.jpg
I2 D:\My Pictures\example 021.jpg
I3 D:\My Pictures\example 030.jpg
Recording a macro shows that the above is possible. A little tweaking is in order, though. As an example, the following macro creates an image pop-up via comment for A1.
Sub Test()
Dim Comm As Comment
On Error Resume Next
Range("A1").Comment.Visible = False
Set Comm = Range("A1").Comment
Comm.Shape.Fill.UserTextured "C:\foo\bar.gif"
End Sub
The On Error Resume Next is for handling ranges that already have comments, so you can keep on running the macro repeatedly. I set .Visible to False to be safe that the images don't become permanent pop-ups (should only appear on hover).
We can tweak the above further to create a subroutine that takes in a range and a string as arguments so we can call it repeatedly across ranges.
Sub CreatePopUp(TargetRange As Range, PathToImage As String)
Dim Comm As Comment
On Error Resume Next
With TargetRange
.Comment.Visible = False
Set Comm = .Comment
End With
Comm.Shape.Fill.UserTextured PathToImage
End Sub
The above can be called like so:
Sub MassPopUp()
Dim rCell As Range
For Each rCell In [A1:A10]
CreatePopUp rCell, "Blah"
End Sub
Let us know if this helps.
If your date is in, for example, I1:I10, and they contain the exact paths to the image files, then the above can be written like so:
Sub MassPopUp()
Dim rCell As Range
For Each rCell In [I1:I10]
CreatePopUp rCell, rCell.Value
End Sub
rCell.Value will take the value inside the cell, pass it to the subroutine that inserts an image, and apply it as a comment to rCell with the proper image extracted. This should not fail. Just make sure the value in the cell are proper paths to their respective files.

Why does Excel VBA prompt me for a Macro name when I press Run Sub

I have the following code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim RR As Range
Dim TestArea As Range
Dim foremenList As Range
Dim workerList As Range
Dim workers As Range
Dim Foremen As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim R As Range
Dim EmplList() As Variant
Set TestArea = Sheet90.Range("b4:q8", "b15:q19", "b26:q30")
Set foremenList = Sheet90.Range("V24:V30")
Set RR = Sheet90.Range("AA25:AA46")
i = 0
For Each R In RR.Cells
If Len(R.Value) > 0 Then
EmplList(i) = R.Value
i = i + 1
End If
Next R
Dim ValidStr As String
Set ValidStr = Join(EmplList, ",")
With Sheet90.Range("b26").Validation
.Add xlValidateList, xlValidAlertStop, _
xlBetween, "1,2,3"
End With
Sheet90.Range("b40").Value = "Test"
End Sub
But when I press run to test it, it prompts me for a macro name.
Additionally, it does not trigger on Worksheet_Changeany more.
Is this an error (i.e. I forgot a semicolon or something) that consistently triggers Excel VBA to behave like this? If so, what should I look for in the future?
The reason you can't run this one with the Run Sub button is because it requires a parameter. If you want to run this standalone, one possibility is to run it in the Immediate Window so you can manually pass in the parameter. Since this one is expecting a more complex data type (range) you may want to create a small sub to call it so that you can properly create your range and pass that in. Then you can use the Run Sub on this sub which will call your other one.
As far is it not triggering on Worksheet_Change, I am not able to tell what is causing it just from what you posted. However, you do need to make sure that it is located on the code page for the worksheet you are trying to run it from. If you need the same one to run from multiple sheets, you should put it into a module and call it from each sheet's Worksheet_Change method.
You can't press F5 or the run button to run triggered code. You would have to make a change in the sheet where this code is located in order for the code to run. Also, if this code is not located in Sheet90, then you won't see anything happen because this code only makes changes to Sheet90. Lastly, to make sure events are enabled, you can run this bit of code:
Sub ReEnable_Events()
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Note that you will still have to enable macros.
The problem stems from two lines:
Set ValidStr = Join(EmplList, ",")
was not a valid use of the Set keyword (It's a string and not an object), and
Set TestArea = Sheet90.Range("b4:q8", "b15:q19", "b26:q30")
apparently has too many arguments.
According to Microsoft, it should be a single string argument like:
Set TestArea = Sheet90.Range("b4:q8, b15:q19, b26:q30")
Commenting both of these out made the code run fine both with the run sub button, and on the event.
The "Name Macro" dialog is some kind of error indicator, but I still don't know what it means, other than Code Borked