No FindVTK module in CMake - cmake

When I am trying to compile an open-source package which uses VTK, I get this error in CMake:
include could not find load file:
I looked in the path mentioned and there is indeed no FindVTK module. I think I compiled VTK successfully on the same machine, but now I have my doubts.
Isn't the FindVTK.cmake module meant to ship with CMake?
Is this module meant to appear after compilation of VTk source code?

FindVTK.cmake was removed in CMake 3.1. It exists in versions prior to CMake 3.1.
FindVTK.cmake documentation

The CMake documentation is pretty clear on this
This module no longer exists.
This module existed in versions of CMake prior to 3.1, but became only
a thin wrapper around find_package(VTK NO_MODULE) to provide
compatibility for projects using long-outdated conventions. Now
find_package(VTK) will search for VTKConfig.cmake directly.


Build problems with test Project trying to use zeromq

I have tried for a day to try and resolve issues with the cmake when trying to build a project using the zeromq library. I appreciate that there have been several threads on this question in the past, but none seem to explain the fix in any detail. I've exhausted my knowledge regarding how to solve this one and would appreciate an explanation as to what I need to do.
Below is the following error message from the project cmake command issued inside CLion.
The cmake Error occurs at line 1 of vcpkg-cmake-wrapper.cmake proving that it was found.
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "zeromq" with
any of the following names:
Add the installation prefix of "zeromq" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
"zeromq_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "zeromq"
provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been
Where does this package config file go and what is in it? What is meant by adding the installation prefix to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH?
I installed zeromq using vcpkg. The output from vcpkg list is
cppzmq:x64-linux 4.8.1#1 Header-only C++ binding for ZeroMQ
zeromq:x64-linux 4.3.4#6 The ZeroMQ lightweight messaging kernel is a lib...
So to me this looks like the library downloaded, built and installed correctly.
My cmake toolchain options are:
CMakeLists.txt is:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.24.0)
project(Template VERSION 1.0.0)
add_executable(template src/main.cpp)
find_package(zeromq CONFIG REQUIRED)
find_package(cppzmq CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_compile_features(Template PRIVATE cxx_std_17)
This is currently an empty project until I get cmake process to resolve the library
I have tried to understand by following the example on: From this I can successfully build and create an executable.
Thanks Tsyvarev. I achieved an error free CMake by changing my CMakeLists.txt to:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.24.0)
project(Template VERSION 1.0.0)
#set(zeromq_DIR "~/usr/local/lib/cmake/ZeroMQ")
add_executable(Template src/main.cpp)
find_package(ZeroMQ CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_compile_features(Template PRIVATE cxx_std_17)

Compiling project that depend on LLVM using CMake on Windows

I'm a *nix user, installing LLVM is easy for me, just download the precompiled file, set LLVM_DIR, and you're done. But I'm having a lot of problems with Windows ...
I downloaded LLVM-<version>-win64.exe from the GitHub release, but I can't find LLVMConfig.cmake file. Then I tried to compile LLVM from the source following this documentation.
When I started compiling my own project, I got this error:
'C:/<...>/Debug/libLLVMSupport.lib', needed by '<...>.exe', missing and no known rule to make it
I guess maybe I'm missing some compile options. but I can't find the documentation for LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS or BUILD_SHARED_LIBS, not even a list of component names.
I tried to add -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON but CMake told me BUILD_SHARED_LIBS option is not supported on Windows.


I have git cloned, built (with MSVC for both Debug and Release) and then installed wxWidgets:
cmake -B build wxWidgets
cmake --build build --config <CONFIG>
cmake --install build --prefix my_install --config <CONFIG>
with <CONFIG> = Debug and <CONFIG> = Release.
Then I used the following CMake script to link against it, as suggested by the wiki:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
add_executable(Test WIN32 Main.cpp)
# wxWidgets
SET(wxWidgets_ROOT_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../thirdparty/my_install)
find_package(wxWidgets COMPONENTS core base REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(Test PRIVATE ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES})
# Copy runtime DLLs to the directory of the executable.
add_custom_command(TARGET Test POST_BUILD
My goal is to automatically copy the DLLs into the directory of the built executable, so that they can be found at runtime. For that I'm using the TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS generator expression (follwing the sample code in the docs). In the code above, I only print out the expression at build time for testing purposes. The problem is that it is empty.
The approach worked for me before when installing and linking SDL, but SDL provides package configuration files which create imported targets, defining the DLL location(s) via IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE or IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG. For wxWidgets one is apparently supposed to use the FindwxWidgets.cmake script shipped with CMake, which sadly doesn't define the produced binaries. Maybe that's why TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS isn't populated.
Does anyone know, either how to get TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS filled or how to obtain the list of built wxWidgets DLLs for the current configuration (Release/Debug) post build copying?
Thanks a lot in advance!
I am dealing with a similar problem.
First sanity checks:
You have to work on windows platform otherwise this feature does not
Your Cmake is 3.21 or above
Next comes fuzzy part. I think the library that you are trying to include have to be a Shared Imported library and you have to set a set_target_properties for IMPORTED_IMPLIB which is a path to a .lib file of sort (dll import library, I think it is called) So you have to make sure that it is all set in the package library that you trying to link with your executable.
If you have those dll avaiable and you just want to use them and not actually build them then you can write your own cmake script that will do just what I said above. Then you can include that cmake file in your project and then link against your app.
Note: I also work on similar issue right now and what I just said have not been working very reliably. I got some dlls to be copied and some do not.
Cmake docs give a more detailed explanation on how this library setting should look like if you use find_package feature.
Found here:
An UNKNOWN library type is typically only used in the implementation
of Find Modules. It allows the path to an imported library (often
found using the find_library() command) to be used without having to
know what type of library it is. This is especially useful on Windows
where a static library and a DLL's import library both have the same
file extension.

CMake package configuration files for upstream projects using Qt5 problems

I am working on a larger C++ library that is using CMake and depends on Qt.
We moved from Qt4 to Qt5 and now I encounter a problem when using our lib
in an upstream project. As a minimal working example demonstrating the problem please have a look at this repo:
It contains two separate CMake projects:
MyLIB: a tiny library that uses QString from Qt5::Core.
It generates and installs package configuration files
MyLIBConfig.cmake, MyLIBConfigVersion.cmake, and MyLIBTargets.cmake
in order to be searchable by CMake find_package()
MyAPP: a tiny executable depending on MyLIB
The project uses find_package(MyLIB) and creates an executable that uses MyLIB
The problem is that CMake gives me the following error message when configuring the MyAPP project:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:11 (add_executable):
Target "MyAPP" links to target "Qt5::Core" but the target was not found.
Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or an
ALIAS target is missing?
The reason for this behaviour is that in the automatically generated MyLIBTargets.cmake file the INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES entry for Qt5 Core is the Qt5::Core symbol. Using Qt4, the absolute path to the Qt core lib was specified here.
Now, I simply can resolve this by using
find_package(Qt5Core 5.X REQUIRED)
in the MyAPP project.
However, I would like to know if this is the intended/generic way to go, i.e. requesting upstream projects of our lib to search for the required transitive Qt5 dependencies themselves, or if I probably misuse CMake here and need to change my configuration procedure?
The CMake docu on package file generation
mentions that macros can be provided by the package configuration files to upstream. Maybe this would be the correct place to search for imported targets like Qt5 and break upstream configuration runs when these dependencies are not found?
[edit of the edit] Full Source Example
You need to deliver a CMake config file for your project, and probably the ConfigFile should be generated via CMake itself (because you cannot know for shure where the user will install your software).
Tip, use the ECM cmake modules to ease the creation of that:
and the
find_dependency(Qt5Widgets "#REQUIRED_QT_VERSION#")
find_dependency(Qt5SerialPort "#REQUIRED_QT_VERSION#")
find_dependency(KF5Solid "#KF5_DEP_VERSION#")
This will generate the correct FindYourSortware.cmake with all your dependencies.
[edit] Better explanation on what's going on.
If you are providing a library that will use Qt, and that would also need to find the Qt5 library before compilling the user's source, you need to provide yourself a FindYourLibrary.cmake code, that would call
find_package(Qt5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets Whatever)
Now, if it's your executable that needs to be linked, use the Components instead of the way you are doing it now.
find_package(Qt5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core)
then you link your library with
target_link_libraries(YourTarget Qt5::Core)

llvm's cmake integration

I'm currently building a compiler/interpreter in C/C++.
When I noticed LLVM I thought it would fit greatly to what I needed and so I'm trying to integrate LLVM in my existing build system (I use CMake).
I read this bout integration of LLVM in CMake. I copy and pasted the example CMakeLists.txt, changed the LLVM_ROOT to ~/.llvm/ (that's where I downloaded and build LLVM and clang) and it says it isn't a valid LLVM-install. Best result I could achieve was the error message "Can't find LLVMConfig" by changing LLVM_ROOT to ~/.llvm/llvm.
My ~/.llvm/ folder looks like this:
~/.llvm/llvm # this folder contains source files
~/.llvm/build # this folder contains object, executable and library files
I downloaded LLVM and clang via SVN. I did not build it with CMake.
Is it just me or is something wrong with the CMakeLists.txt?
This CMake documentation page got rotted, but setting up CMake for LLVM developing isn't different from any other project. If your headers/libs are installed into non-standard prefix, there is no way for CMake to guess it.
You need to set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to the LLVM installation prefix or CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to prefix/share/llvm/cmake to make it work.
And yes, use the second code snippet from documentation (under Alternativaly, you can utilize CMake’s find_package functionality. line).