Trying to populate combobox from SQLite VB.NET Windows Universal App -

I am new to SQLite and I am trying to populate a ComboBox in a Windows Universal App from the database. I did the following so far:
With cmbPaciente.Items
Dim sConexao As String = Path.Combine(ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path, "\Banco\Pronto Facil.db")
Dim aConexao As New SQLite.SQLiteConnection(sConexao)
Dim Comando = aConexao.Execute("select Nome from Dados_Pessoais")
For Each item In Comando
Catch ex As Exception
.Add("Text 1")
.Add("Text 2")
End Try
End With
I am getting this error:
BC32023 Expression is of type 'Integer', which is not a collection type.
I understood thats because aConexao.Execute is returning an integer, but how else should I do it then?

I was using the wrong approach, this way it Works:
With cmbPaciente.Items
Dim sConexao As String = Path.Combine(ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path, "Deal.db")
Dim aConexao As New SQLiteConnection(New SQLitePlatformWinRT(), sConexao)
For Each item As Stockvb In aConexao.Table(Of Stockvb)()
Dim newlist As New Stockvb()
newlist.Id = item.Id
newlist.Symbol = item.Symbol
cmbPaciente.ItemsSource = combolist
End With
And here is the Stockvb class:
Public Class Stockvb
<PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement>
Public Property Id() As Integer
Return m_Id
End Get
m_Id = Value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Id As Integer
Public Property Symbol() As String
Return m_Symbol
End Get
m_Symbol = Value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Symbol As String
End Class
Special thanks to Grace Feng - MSFT


How to find blank value from all member of class in

I have third party object which contain so many member with integer, string and Boolean. I want to update that record whose value is not null or blank
You can use reflection to achieve what you want:
Sub Main()
Dim obj As Test = new Test()
Dim type As Type = GetType(Test)
Dim info As PropertyInfo() = type.GetProperties()
For Each propertyInfo As PropertyInfo In info
Dim value As String = propertyInfo.GetValue(obj)
If propertyInfo.PropertyType = GetType(String) And String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)
' empty value for this string property
End If
End Sub
public Class Test
Public Property Test As String
End Class

Use structure or 2 dimensional array as source for RDLC

I've done some Googling but can't find anything concrete enough to go forward with, so here I am.
I have date fields that I am running a WHERE clause against, and returning fields based on that. The date fields are encrypted, so I was forced to take an alternative approach.
Dim aEmpList(dt.Rows.Count, 5) As String
lCount = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1
If clsEncrypt.DecryptData(dt.Rows(i)(3)) >= 19500101 Then
aEmpList(lCount, 0) = clsEncrypt.DecryptData(dt.Rows(i)(0))
aEmpList(lCount, 1) = clsEncrypt.DecryptData(dt.Rows(i)(1))
aEmpList(lCount, 2) = clsEncrypt.DecryptData(dt.Rows(i)(2))
aEmpList(lCount, 3) = clsEncrypt.DecryptData(dt.Rows(i)(3))
aEmpList(lCount, 4) = clsEncrypt.DecryptData(dt.Rows(i)(4))
lCount = lCount + 1
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
clsEncrypt is an encryption/decryption class.
The fields are Employee First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth - and they are all encrypted.
I am trying to find all Employees born>= 19500101, and return that data as a report.
I created a Structure and put the data as an array into the structure myStructure
'Define a structure to be used as source for data grid view.
Structure mystructure
Private mDim1 As String
Private mDim2 As String
Private mDim3 As String
Private mDim4 As String
Private mDim5 As String
Public Property Dim1() As String
Return mDim1
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mDim1 = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Dim2() As String
Return mDim2
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mDim2 = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Dim3() As String
Return mDim3
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mDim3 = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Dim4() As String
Return mDim4
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mDim4 = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Dim5() As String
Return mDim5
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mDim5 = value
End Set
End Property
End Structure
I populate the structure to load into a DataGridView for visualization purposes:
'populate structure with aEmpList array
Dim myarr(dt.Rows.Count) As mystructure
For i As Integer = 0 To lCount - 1
myarr(i) = New mystructure With {.Dim1 = aEmpList(i, 0).ToString, .Dim2 = aEmpList(i, 1).ToString, .Dim3 = aEmpList(i, 2).ToString, .Dim4 = aEmpList(i, 3).ToString, .Dim5 = aEmpList(i, 4).ToString}
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
DataGridView1.DataSource = myarr
Now that I've provided sufficient background, does anyone know what my next move should be?
I'm not sure how, or if, I should load the structure into a DataSet() [if that's even possible] or something of that nature.
As I see it you're trying to create a business class, and thus should use a reference type (Class) instead of a value type (Structure). So, the "next move" would be to change your structure to a class, implement INotifyPropertyChanged, IEditableObject, IChangeTracking, IRevertibleChangeTracking, and create a BindingList(Of T) to hold your items.
So, this kind of sucked to figure out, but I got it. As the question title says - I actually ditched the array portion because all it did was confuse me, and I went with the following solution:
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim dts As DataSet = New DataSet()
With comm
End With
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(comm)
adapter.Fill(dts) 'Fill DT with Query results
Dim dts2 As New DataSet()
dts2 = dts.Clone
Dim m As Integer
m = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To dts.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
If clsEncrypt.DecryptData(dts.Tables(0).Rows(i)(3)) >= "20130101" Then
dts2.Tables(0).Rows(m)(0) = clsEncrypt.DecryptData(dts.Tables(0).Rows(i)(0))
dts2.Tables(0).Rows(m)(1) = clsEncrypt.DecryptData(dts.Tables(0).Rows(i)(1))
dts2.Tables(0).Rows(m)(2) = clsEncrypt.DecryptData(dts.Tables(0).Rows(i)(2))
dts2.Tables(0).Rows(m)(3) = clsEncrypt.DecryptData(dts.Tables(0).Rows(i)(3))
dts2.Tables(0).Rows(m)(4) = clsEncrypt.DecryptData(dts.Tables(0).Rows(i)(4))
m = m + 1
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Dim rds As ReportDataSource = New ReportDataSource("DataSetDateOfBirthTest", dts2.Tables(0))
With reportViewer1
End With

Image Search with Bing/Azure in VB.NET

I'm trying to do a Bing Image Search Application (Azure Version), and i can't make progress. The code language is Basically what i'm doing is trying to edit this code, that actually worked. Any Solutions ?
Function ExecuteQuery() As Boolean
Dim esito As Boolean = False
Dim query As String = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode("Inception Movie")
Dim skip As String = "10"
Dim urlBase As New Uri("")
Dim accountKey As String = "tymv8z6jFSdo4eQ3vsS5r8SZAmFtA24e6dmfyvaLh3U"
Dim credentials As New NetworkCredential(accountKey, accountKey)
Dim dsc As New System.Data.Services.Client.DataServiceContext(urlBase)
dsc.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(accountKey, accountKey)
Dim urlSearch As Uri = New Uri(("" + query + "%27&$skip=" + skip))
Dim webResults = dsc.Execute(Of WebResult)(urlSearch)
For Each result As WebResult In webResults
singleValue = singleValue + 1
esito = True
Catch ex As Exception
esito = False
End Try
Return esito
End Function
Partial Public Class WebResult
Private _ID As Guid
Private _Title As [String]
Private _Description As [String]
Private _DisplayUrl As [String]
Private _Url As [String]
Private _MediaUrl As [String]
Public Property ID() As Guid
Return Me._ID
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Guid)
Me._ID = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Title() As [String]
Return Me._Title
End Get
Set(ByVal value As [String])
Me._Title = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Description() As [String]
Return Me._Description
End Get
Set(ByVal value As [String])
Me._Description = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property DisplayUrl() As [String]
Return Me._DisplayUrl
End Get
Set(ByVal value As [String])
Me._DisplayUrl = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Url() As [String]
Return Me._Url
End Get
Set(ByVal value As [String])
Me._Url = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property MediaUrl() As [String]
Return Me._MediaUrl
End Get
Set(ByVal value As [String])
Me._MediaUrl = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
I now solved the puzzle, founded a simple way to do this thing just using an class file:
1 - Just download this file:
2 - Then add the same file to your project
3 - Add the following code:
Dim strBingKey As String = "xxxaccountkeyxxx"
Dim bingClass As New Bing.BingSearchContainer(New Uri(""))
bingClass.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(strBingKey, strBingKey)
Dim query = bingClass.Image("Inception" + "Movie", Nothing, "en-us", "Off", Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
Dim results = query.Execute()
For Each result In results
Console.WriteLine(result.Thumbnail) 'ThumbNail type, need to convert to use in result list
Thank you all for the patience!

Error says x is not a member of y, but it is

I have a sp that I added to my linq designer, which generated the result class:
Partial Public Class web_GetTweetsByUserIDResult
Private _userid As Integer
Private _tweetid As Integer
Private _TweeterFeed As String
Public Sub New()
End Sub
<Global.System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute(Storage:="_userid", DbType:="Int NOT NULL")> _
Public Property userid() As Integer
Return Me._userid
End Get
If ((Me._userid = value) _
= false) Then
Me._userid = value
End If
End Set
End Property
<Global.System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute(Storage:="_tweetid", DbType:="Int NOT NULL")> _
Public Property tweetid() As Integer
Return Me._tweetid
End Get
If ((Me._tweetid = value) _
= false) Then
Me._tweetid = value
End If
End Set
End Property
<Global.System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute(Storage:="_TweeterFeed", DbType:="NVarChar(100)")> _
Public Property TweeterFeed() As String
Return Me._TweeterFeed
End Get
If (String.Equals(Me._TweeterFeed, value) = false) Then
Me._TweeterFeed = value
End If
End Set
End Property
End Class
However, in this one section of code where I am trying to use the "TweeterFeed" member of the result class I am getting the error, "Error 4 'TweeterFeed' is not a member of 'System.Data.Linq.ISingleResult(Of web_GetTweetsByUserIDResult)'."
My code in this section is, :
<WebMethod()> _
Public Function GetTweetsByUserID(ByVal userID As Integer) As List(Of SimpleTweet)
Dim result As New List(Of SimpleTweet)
Dim urlTwitter As String = "{0}&count=20"
Dim lq As New lqDFDataContext
Dim var = lq.web_GetTweetsByUserID(userID).ToList()
If Not var Is Nothing Then
For Each twitterfeed In var
Dim listURL As String = String.Format(urlTwitter, var.TweeterFeed)
Dim tweetXML As XmlDocument = utils.GetXMLForURL(listURL)
Dim tweetnodelist As XmlNodeList = tweetXML.ChildNodes(1).ChildNodes
For Each node As XmlNode In tweetnodelist
Dim tweet As New SimpleTweet
tweet.CreatedAt = node.SelectSingleNode("created_at").InnerText
tweet.HTMLText = utils.ReturnTextWithHRefLink(node.SelectSingleNode("text").InnerText)
tweet.ID = node.SelectSingleNode("id").InnerText
tweet.Name = node.SelectSingleNode("user/name").InnerText
tweet.ScreenName = node.SelectSingleNode("user/screen_name").InnerText
tweet.Text = node.SelectSingleNode("text").InnerText
tweet.UserID = node.SelectSingleNode("user/id").InnerText
tweet.ProfileImageURL = node.SelectSingleNode("user/profile_image_url_https").InnerText
End If
Return result
End Function
Does anyone have any idea what is going on? As far as I see "TweeterFeed" is clearly a member of the class, I can't figure out why I would be getting this error.
You're using var.TweeterFeed when you should be using twitterFeed.TweeterFeed. twitterFeed is a result extracted from var which is a sequence of results.
Using a more descriptive variable name than var would probably have made this clearer to you :)
I have this class
Public Class Tamano
Private pWidth As Integer
Private pHeight As Integer
Public Property Width As Integer
Public Property Height As Integer
End Class
I got the compilation error message 'Height' is not a member of 'TamaƱo' in IIS
To fix it, add Set and Get to the properties and it compiles.
Public Class Tamano
Private pWidth As Integer
Private pHeight As Integer
Public Property Width As Integer
Return pWidth
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
pWidth = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Height As Integer
Return pHeight
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
pHeight = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
This might not be directly related to your question but It might help someone else.

How to add item when using List (Of)?

I created a class where i declared some properties.
Public Class BlogPost
Dim _postTitleUrl As String = String.Empty
Dim _pageGUID As String = String.Empty
Property postTitleUrl() As String
Return _postTitleUrl
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_postTitleUrl = value
End Set
End Property
Property pageGUID() As String
Return _pageGUID
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_pageGUID = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Now, I have another class where I want to set the values.
Public Class SetBlogData
Public blogPostList As New List(Of BlogPost)
Public dataCounter as integer = 0
blogPostList(dataCounter).pageGUID = mainBlogSPWeb.ID.ToString
This gives me an error about Index was out of range. Hpw can I properly access the properties in BlogPost class?
Because your list has nothing .
You should use add method to add your new item. Like ...
Dim blogPostList = New List(Of BlogPost)
Dim blogPost = New BlogPost
blogPost.pageGUID = mainBlogSPWeb.ID.ToString
You need to put a BlogPost in your list by writing blogPost.List.Add(New BlogPost())
I find this a good way of inserting into a list:
1) Check if the list is nothing
2) If so instantiate a new list
3) Add the value to list.
Below is an example.
Private Sub ExampleAddValueToList(ByVal value as BlogPost)
If _blogPostList Is Nothing Then
_blogPostList = New List(Of BlogPost)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub