As g-wan documented, xbuf_repl is replacing all occurrences. But my installed g-wan, running the following code, only replaced the first occurrence of the matched.
#include "gwan.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
xbuf_t *reply = get_reply(argv);
char str[ ] = "kjfdkkkkfldjfjfldkjdkkklfjworhg8kkkugpugulrghkkkr8g";
xbuf_ncat(reply, str, sizeof(str)-1);
xbuf_repl(reply, "kkk", "((()))");
return 200;
output is : kjfd((()))kfldjfjfldkjdkkklfjworhg8kkkugpugulrghkkkr8g
What's wrong of my code? How to work around it?
In the entity.c G-WAN example, you can see:
// escape '<' because it cuts the text
while(xbuf_replfrto(reply, pos, reply->ptr + reply->len - 13, "<", "<"));
This while() makes it obvious that one instance is replaced at a time, which is confirmed by the G-WAN documentation:
// replace the first occurence of the 'old' string by the 'new' string in the buffer
char *xbuf_repl (xbuf_t *ctx, char *old, char *new);
According to the G-WAN API documentation . . .
// replace the first occurence of the 'old' string by the 'new' string in the buffer
char *xbuf_repl (xbuf_t *ctx, char *old, char *new);
G-WAN also has this API, which (as I just learned from Gil's answer) also only replaces the first occurrence but within a range of the buffer rather than first occurrence from the beginning of the buffer . . . .
// same as above but using a range in the buffer
char *xbuf_replfrto(xbuf_t *ctx, char *beg, char *end, char *old, char *new);
Gil's answer shows how you can make use of this to replace ALL occurrences within the buffer.
Rather simple question about the fgets()-function.
As I understood, the fgets() function wants to add newline: \n and NULL: \0 at the end.
So. If i give input: car
Then: char line[5] = {c,a,r,\n,\0} , isn't that so?
But, the question is: what if I give carB as input?
Is it then: char line[5] = {c,a,r,b,\0} ?
So, does fgets() always force the NULL character inside the char line?
int main(void){
char line[5];
printf("Give an input. Please give max length of 3 characters so fgets can put newline and NULL inside ");
fgets(line, 5, stdin);
return 0;
I'm working on a project implementing a side channel timing attack in C on HMAC. I've done so by computing the hex encoded tag and brute forcing byte-by-byte by taking advantage of strcmp's timing optimization. So for every digit in my test tag, I calculate the amount of time it takes for every hex char to verify. I take the hex char that corresponds to the highest amount of time calculated and infer that it is the correct char in the tag and move on to the next byte. However, strcmp's timing is very unpredictable. Although it is easy to see the timing differences between comparing two equal strings and two totally different strings, I'm having difficulty finding the char that takes my test string the most time to compute when every other string I'm comparing to is very similar (only differing by 1 byte).
The changeByte method below takes in customTag, which is the tag that has been computed up to that point in time and attempts to find the correct byte corresponding to index. changeByte is called n time where n=length of the tag. hexTag is a global variable that is the correct tag. timeCompleted stores the average time taken to compute the testTag at each of the hex characters for a char position. Any help would be appreciated, thank you for your time.
// Checks if the index of the given byte is correct or not
void changeByte(unsigned char *k, unsigned char * m, unsigned char * algorithm, unsigned char * customTag, int index)
long iterations=50000;
// used for every byte sequence to test the timing
unsigned char * tempTag = (unsigned char *)(malloc(sizeof (unsigned char)*(strlen(customTag)+1 ) ));
sprintf(tempTag, "%s", customTag);
int timeIndex=0;
// stores the time completed for every respective ascii char
double * timeCompleted = (double *)(malloc (sizeof (double) * 16));
// iterates through hex char 0-9, a-f
for (int i=48; i<=102;i++){
if (i >= 58 && i <=96)continue;
double total=0;
for (long j=0; j<iterations; j++){
// calculates the time it takes to complete for every char in that position
tempTag[index]=(unsigned char)i;
struct rusage usage;
struct timeval start, end;
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &usage);
for (int k=0; k<50000; k++)externalStrcmp(tempTag, hexTag); // this is just calling strcmp in another file
getrusage (RUSAGE_SELF, &usage);
double startTime=((double)start.tv_sec + (double)start.tv_usec)/10000;
double endTime=((double)end.tv_sec+(double)end.tv_usec)/10000;
double val=total/iterations;
// sets next char equal to the hex char corresponding to the index
customTag[index]=getCorrectChar (timeCompleted);
// finds the highest time. The hex char corresponding with the highest time it took the
// verify function to complete is the correct one
unsigned char getCorrectChar(double * timeCompleted)
double high =-1;
int index=0;
for (int i=0; i<16; i++){
if (timeCompleted[i]>high){
return (index+48)<=57 ?(unsigned char) (index+48) : (unsigned char)(index+87);
I'm not sure if it's the main problem, but you add seconds to microseconds directly as though 1us == 1s. It will give wrong results when number of seconds in startTime and endTime differs.
And the scaling factor between usec and sec is 1 000 000 (thx zaph). So that should work better:
double startTime=(double)start.tv_sec + (double)start.tv_usec/1000000;
double endTime=(double)end.tv_sec + (double)end.tv_usec/1000000;
I am willing to transfer data from unsigned char hash[512 + 1] to char res[512 + 1] safely.
My C hashing library MHASH returns a result so it can be printed as listed below.
for (int i = 0; i < size /*hash block size*/; i++)
printf("%.2x", hash[i]); // which is unsigned char - it prints normal hash characters in range [a-z,0-9]
I am willing to do something like that (see below).
const char* res = (const char *)hash; // "hash" to "res"
printf("%s\n", res); // print "res" (which is const char*) - if i do this, unknown characters are printed
I know the difference between char and unsigned char, but I don't know how to transfer data. Any answer would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance. But please do not recommend me C++ (STD) code, I am working on a project that is not STD-linked.
Given that the contents of the unsigned char array are printable characters, you can always safely convert it to char. Either a hardcopy with memcpy or a pointer reference as in the code you have already written.
I'm guessing that the actual problem here is that the unsigned char array contents are not actually printable characters, but integers in some format. You'll have to convert them from integer to ASCII letters. How to do this depends on the format of the data, which isn't clear in your question.
Assuming the following:
#define ARR_SIZE (512 + 1)
unsigned char hash[ARR_SIZE];
char res[ARR_SIZE];
/* filling up hash here. */
Just do:
#include <string.h>
memcpy(res, hash, ARR_SIZE);
Well, thank you guys for your answers, but unfortunately nothing worked yet. I am now sticking with the code below.
char res[(sizeof(hash) * 2) + 1] = { '\0' };
char * pPtr = res;
for (int i = 0; i < hashBlockSize; i++)
sprintf(pPtr + (i * 2), "%.2x", hash[i]);
return (const char *)pPtr;
Until there is any other much more performant way to get this done. It's right, my question is strongly related to MHASH Library.
I want to use the following code to reverse a char * type string in objective-c:
- (char *)reverseString:(char *)aString
unsigned long length = strlen(aString);
int end = length - 1;
int start = 0;
while (start < end) {
aString[start] ^= aString[end];
aString[end] ^= aString[start];
aString[start] ^= aString[end];
return aString;
But I got an error EXC_BAD_ACCESS at this line
aString[start] ^= aString[end]
I googled and found people said I can't modify a literal string because it is readonly. I am new to C so I wonder what simple data type (no object) I can use in this example? I get the same error when I use (char []) aString to replace (char *) aString.
I assume you're calling this like
[myObj reverseString:"foobar"];
The string "foobar" here is a constant literal string. Its type should be const char *, but because C is braindead, it's char *. But it's still constant, so any attempt to modify it is going to fail.
Declaring the method as taking char[] actually makes no difference whatsoever. When used as a parameter type, char[] is identical to char*.
You have two choices here. The first is to duplicate the string before passing it to the method. The second is to change the method to not modify its input string at all but instead to return a new string as output. Both can be accomplished using strdup(). Just remember that the string returned from strdup() will need to be free()'d later.
I'm doing a small app for evaluating and analyzing transfer functions. As boring as the subject might seem to some, I want it to at least look extra cool and pro and awesome etc... So:
Step 1: Gimme teh coefficients! [A bunch of numbers]
Step 2: I'll write the polynomial with its superscripts. [The bunch of numbers in a string]
So, I write a little C parser to just print the polynomial with a decent format, for that I require a wchar_t string that I concatenate on the fly. After the string is complete I quickly try printing it on the console to check everything is ok and keep going. Easy right? Welp, I ain't that lucky...
wchar_t *polynomial_description( double *polyArray, char size, char var ){
wchar_t *descriptionString, temp[100];
int len, counter = 0;
SUPERSCRIPT superscript;
descriptionString = (wchar_t *) malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * 2);
descriptionString[0] = '\0';
while( counter < size ){
superscript = polynomial_utilities_superscript( size - counter );
len = swprintf(temp, 100, L"%2.2f%c%c +", polyArray[counter], var, superscript);
printf("temp size: %d\n", len);
descriptionString = (wchar_t *) realloc(descriptionString, sizeof(wchar_t) * (wcslen(descriptionString) + len + 1) );
wcscat(descriptionString, temp);
//fflush(stdout); //Already tried this
len = wprintf(L"%ls\n", descriptionString);
len = printf("%ls**\n", descriptionString);
len = fprintf(stdout, "%ls*\n", descriptionString);
len = printf("FFS!! Print something!");
return descriptionString;
During the run we can see temp size: 8 printed the expected number of times ONLY WHILE DEBUGGING, if I run the program I get an arbitrary number of prints each run. But after that, as the title states, wprintf, printf and fprintf don't print anything, yet len does change its size after each call.
In the caller function, (application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:, while testing) I put an NSLog to print the return string, and I dont get ANYTHING not even the Log part.
What's happening? I'm at a complete loss.
Im on XCode 4.2 by the way.
What's the return value from printf/wprintf in the case where you think it's not printing anything? It should be returning either -1 in the case of a failure or 1 or more, since if successful, it should always print at least the newline character after the description string.
If it's returning 1 or more, is the newline getting printed? Have you tried piping the output of your program to a hex dumper such as hexdump -C or xxd(1)?
If it's returning -1, what is the value of errno?
If it turns out that printf is failing with the error EILSEQ, then what's quite likely happening is that your string contains some non-ASCII characters in it, since those cause wcstombs(3) to fail in the default C locale. In that case, the solution is to use setlocale(3) to switch into a UTF-8 locale when your program starts up:
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Run "locale -a" in the Terminal to get a list of all valid locales
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8");