Rails 3 Assets not available in deployed development mode - ruby-on-rails-3

We have a rails 3 application being deployed using capistrano 3 in development mode. Capistrano compiles the assets and the site displays properly. However some of the site functionality is not working and using "inspect" in chrome it shows that none of the css of js files are not present.
The site can be viewed at here.
How can I set capistrano that it does not compile assets when deploying to this server?
I am not sure what other information I should be providing, so please let me know and I will update the question accordingly.
1) Corrected the site URL.
2) development.rb file
3) Using capistrano3 with Capfile


assets (images,css,js) files are not loading properly in Odoo 11

I am trying to install a custom module in our Odoo11 app. The app was installed successfully and was able to access the modules table. But when I tried to access the urls from controllers, it seems that the assets (images,css,js) files are not loading properly.
Steps I followed to install:
copied the custom module into the ~/custom-addons
Updated the Applist
with the Admin account went to Apps and installed the custom module.
Are there any additional steps that I have to do?
Note: It was properly working in the local development server. Problem is when installing in the production server.

Project in Yii2 cloned does not work for me locally

I've never worked with Yii, only with Laravel, java, .Net and c#. The thing is that they gave me a project to make some modifications but I can't make it run locally in windows.
I configured the paths in Xampp, I tried to occupy php yii serve but it throws me an error with the web folder that does not exist nor I know that it calls in that folder.
Someone who could guide me to make it work for me, please.
These are all the folders that were installed when I cloned the project, I executed the composer was updated and installed the dependencies

Nuxt.js/Netlify: Index.html is not being creating during build on Netlify

I have a site deployed on Netlify and it's built with Vue/Nuxt. I'm running yarn run generate to build and the site was working, but at some point the build stopped including my index.html file which now leaves my site with the notorious "Page Not Found". The deploy is running successfully and everything seems as it should except when I download the deploy my index.html is missing. I've seen similar questions, but nothing that answers this specifically.

How to change the local folder for an App Engine project?

TIA for your help.
I recently started experimenting with Google App Engine, and I have been able to set up a project successfully.
However, I made a mistake with the location of my local files and I would like to change it.
This is the output from my console when I deploy:
jnkrois#dev:~/Development/My_Project$ gcloud app deploy
Initializing App Engine resources...done.
You are about to deploy the following services:
My_Project/default/1234567890 (from [/home/jnkrois/Development/My_Project/app.yaml])
Notice that the local folder is /home/jnkrois/Development/My_Project/app.yaml
I want to change the gcloud settings in order to pull the files from my /var/www/html/My_Project/
That way I can run the project locally via my Apache server.
Thanks for your help.
That way I can run the project locally via my Apache server.
In the vast majority of cases you won't be able to run your GAE project through apache. Except, maybe, for a totally static website with a very particular config.
The proper way to run your GAE project locally is using the development server, see Using the Local Development Server
But to answer your question - there is no extra dependency of the project outside the project directory, so just move the project directory to where you want (up to you to check address any permission issues, assuming all permissions are met in the example below) and run the gcloud cmd from the new project location:
mv /home/jnkrois/Development/My_Project /var/www/html
cd /var/www/html/My_Project/
gcloud app deploy
Again, donno if this will help you run it through apache or not.

Rails assets images in production

I found some strange behavior of assets images
If I run unicorn in production mode at hosting - /assets/image.png - server give me blank image ie file exist, but size=0 . In same time at localhost I run in unicorn development mode - and all works fine, Then I run webrick at hosting - images are display fine. After that I run unicorn in production mode at localhost and images stops display, then I run unicorn in development images already doesn't work.
Rails 3.1.0.rc6, after that I update to rc8 at hosting but nothing happened
Maybe production mode build some cache, which remains forever?
There are different things that may go wrong, so here the ideas you have to check:
There is a known error in Rails 3.1, that the precompilation of assets does not work properly. See Upgrade to Rails 3.1.0 from rc6, asset precompile fails for a question with a solution.
I had problems with creating precompiled assets for production. The following worked for me (after fixing the error above):
Ensure that your application is not running in production mode.
Call bundle exec rake assets:clean. This will clean all resources hanging around.
Call bundle exec rake assets:precompile afterwards. As a result, the directory /public/assets should be filled with assets with the hash appended (e.g. icon_add-96985e087048a8c2e09405494509750d.gif instead of icon-add.gif).
Start your server in production mode.
Depending on the browser I used, I had to refresh or even clear all caches. Especially Chrome was very nasty in caching resources that he should not cache.
I hope some of the ideas will help you find the source of your problem.