Is Sylius still support createNew() methods? - sylius

Is Sylius still support createNew() methods?
For example creating new products should work using product repository:
$repository = $this->container->get('sylius.repository.product');
$product = $repository->createNew();
Currently i have an error
"Undefined method 'createNew'. The method name must start with either findBy or findOneBy!"
when im trying to createNew any product or taxon.
Should it work or methods was changed?

Solution from Sylius github, service was changed to sylius.factory.product


Akka.Net - Create a child actor through DI

I'm looking for references on how to create a child actor through dependency injection. I've found this example I found in this link:
var actorProps = Context.DI().Props<MyActor>()
But I don't seem to have that extension method available (I'm currently using V1.4.18). In addition to that, The same link has this warning:
There is currently still an extension method available for the actor Context. Context.DI().ActorOf<>. However this has been officially deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
So what is the new and correct way to create child actors via dependency injection? - came out in January of this year and the documentation you linked to explains that the new module is Akka.DependencyInjection, which has all of the new methods for doing DI in Akka.NET:

Failure in creation of feature class: Unable to create object class extension COM component

I am working with ArcGIS 10.5, installed on-premise, and are developing our feature class in .NET.
I have an issue with registering feature classes. We have created a Feature Class and registered the DLL through “ESRIRegAsm.exe”, and it appears in ArcCatalog:
Trigger appearing image
But when I try to create the Feature Class, I get the following error:
Failed to create feature class. Unable to create object class extension COM Component
Which isn't very helpful, unfortunately.
The odd thing is, that we have another trigger registered on another Feature Class, that works as expected. And the new trigger is based on a copy of the old trigger's code (with changed GUID's).
The steps I have done so far:
I have tried to add the feature class to the component category using categories.exe.
Registered it using ESRIRegAsm.exe for both Desktop and Engine.
Checked that there are .ecfg config files - and there are.
Checked that the CLSID's appear in the windows registry.
The essential parts of our trigger source-code can be found here: here.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, as we are stuck on this.
Our issue was that our ID's were wrong in the code.
The ClassExtensionCLSID should return the same ID as TriggerExtension has.
Moreover, InstanceCLSID should always return 52353152-891A-11D0-BEC6-00805F7C4268, and should hence not get a new ID.

QuickBooks API throws exception

I am using the QuickBooks Javav3SDK2.0.3 in a java web project and trying to get list of customers as given below, however I am getting the below exception. The API expects request of type while it is passed the HttpServletRequest.
Context context = new Context(oauth, APP_TOKEN, ServiceType.QBO, COMPANY_ID);
DataService service = new DataService(context);
Customer customer = new Customer();
List<Customer> customers = service.findAll(customer);
Iterator itr = customers.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext())
Customer customer2 = (Customer);
String customerName = customer2.getFullyQualifiedName();
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: This consumer expects requests of type
I ran your code using the Javav3SDK2.0.3 and it worked fine for me. Are you sure every object you're using is from the same SDK? (2.0.3). My guess is whatever calls the authorize method on OAuthAuthorizer behind the scenes is passing in the HTTPServeletRequest instead of the due to some sort of sdk version mismatch. I couldn't find any docs on the older quickbooks java sdk so I could be wrong.
I got it resolved by installing MyEclipse 11 (Version: 2013 SR1) on another system (CentOS) while the previous system was Linux Fedora. Although I am still using jboss 7, however it works now. I don't know exactly how it got working, so no clue is available.
This is due to the .jar you are using. If you check the QuickBooks SDK, you might be able to see that there are some jars with the name followed by "with dependencies".
For example ipp-v3-java-devkit-2.3.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar. If both this and the jar with out dependencies (in this case ipp-v3-java-devkit-2.3.2.jar) are present at the same time, you might get the above error.
Remove the latter from the class path and you should be good to go.

#ValidateConnection method is failing to be called when using "#Category component"

I have an issue in a new devkit Project where the following #ValidateConnection method is failing to be called (but my #processor methods are called fine when requested in the flows)
public boolean isConnected() {
return isConnected;
I thought that the above should be called to check whether to call the #Connect method.
I think it is because I am using a non default category (Components) for the connector
#Category(name = "org.mule.tooling.category.core", description = "Components")
And the resulting Behavoir is different to what I am used to with DevKit in Cloud connector mode.
I guess I will need to do checks in each #processor for now to see if the initialization logic is done, as there doesn't seem to be an easy way to run a one time config.
I actually tried porting it back to a cloud connector #cat and the same behaviour, maybe its an issue with devkit -DarchetypeVersion=3.4.0, I used 3.2.x somthing before and things worked a bit better
The #ValidateConnection annotated method in the #Connector is called at the end of the makeObject() method of the generated *ConnectionFactory class. If you look for references of who is calling your isConnected() you should be able to confirm this.
So no, you should not need to perform the checks, it should be done automatically for you.
There must be something else missing... do you have a #ConnectionIdentifier annotated method?
PS. #Category annotation is purely for cosmetic purposes in Studio.

Conversion of V2 Ninject Binding to V3

I've been banging my head at this for about 8 hours now, and I just can't seem to find a simple explanation on how to change my custom bootstrapper for ninject (Last worked on the code back in v2.x.x.x) to the new v3.0.0.0 syntax.
I currently have the following:
public class NinjectCustomBootStrapper : NinjectNancyBootstrapper
protected override Ninject.IKernel GetApplicationContainer()
return Program.MyContainer;
in a septate class, and :
public static IKernel MyContainer
get { return _myContainer ?? (_myContainer = CreateKernel()); }
set { _myContainer = value; }
private static IKernel CreateKernel()
var kernel = new StandardKernel();
return kernel;
in my main program 'Program.c' in a command line app.
Iv'e since updated ninject to V3.0.0.0 only to find that there's been some breaking changes. I'll admit I don't use ninject very often (I usually use structuremap), and the only reason this project does is I didn't write it originally.
Since I've upgraded Ninject, now when the app is started up I get the following exception:
Method not found: 'Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenInNamedWithOrOnSyntax`1<!0>
After a ton of searching and researching, the closest I've been able to find is this:
Which while it points me in the right direction, still isn't quite a solution as I'm not using a custom binding generator.
So my question is this.
How do I rewrite the above so that my project once again works and the WCF service when called gets the correct singleton binding handed to it when a request comes in. Going back to ninject 2 is not an option, as other dependencies in the project that have been added have forced the v3 upgrade and these add new functionality that's been requested hence why I'm working on it.
For reference this is a .NET4 build, running on NancyFX with a self hosting WCF setup as a windows service using Topshelf to provide the SCM interface.
Addendum to clear things up a little
This is an existing project that was originally written sometime back, I've been asked to add some new features to the project.
As part of adding these new features I have been required to upgrade the version of Ninject being used from an earlier version to V3.0.0.0 as newer dependencies added to the project require the newer version of Ninject.
Under the previous V2 of Ninject the code I have given above worked fine, with no issues, since the project has had Ninject V3 added I now get the exception as described above.
I cannot go back to the earlier version of Ninject as that will mean not being able to add the new functionality that I'm adding.
From the research I've done so far the sharpfellows link above is the closest explanation of my issue that I've managed to find so far on the internet.
I don't use Ninject very often, so I've not got the background to know what's changed between V2 & V3 that (based on my research) is the cause of my issue.
I need to know how to change my code written under V2 (and shown above) so that it works under V3.
MissingMethodException is usually a deployment problem. You compile against a different assembly than you deploy. Check that you deployed the same version and same build.
So after a week or so it turns out that the problem was that the Nancy dev team broke binary comparability with the latest version of ninject (or vice versa) :-)
There is a GitHub pull request to fix this available at :
However the next version 'Nancy.Bootstrapper.Ninject' 0.12 will be out on NuGet soon which will have the fix implemented.