Database schema design issue - sql

I have two tables in a SQLite DBMS:
Shop(PK, A1, A2, A3) where PK is Primary Key `A1..An` are nullable attributes;
Product(PK, FK) where FK references Shop(PK) and PK|FK is Primary Key
Shop typically has 5 or 6 entries in a database instance.
The problem is that when a new product is inserted, it is very often present in ~all the shops, so now the user effectively has to insert 5 or 6 rows at a time (where PK is repeated in each row - PK consists of a long attributes in the real case).
I wonder if there's a way to make the life easier for the user by associating one new product to all the shops by default, by either refactoring the schema (e.g. maybe using flags?) or by triggering all the insertions when a new product appears (is it tricky?), or both the things. Note that one product must be present in at least one shop. I want the solution to be as less obscure as possible and easy to maintain.

It's an N->N relation between your two tables, in my opinion the FK shouldn't be in the product table, you should have another table "PRODUCT_SHOP" where you'd have PKSHOP, PKPRODUCT.
To answer your question there is a lot of tricky ways to do this, none of them is good since you'de have to use code to interpret your tricks,
the best way is to respect the standrads and insert as many times your poduct with the according shop in the PRODUCT_SHOP table(unless your have a lot, like really a lot of shops, the table PRODUCT_SHOP is basically a PRODUCTS x SHOPS).
It really depends on the size of your database, if it's not huge stick with relational basic data.
Hope i helped


Determining if an entity is weak or not

I'm creating a relational database of a store and its stock of products.
In the brief, it says "products can be returned under agreed terms e.g. expiry date or manufacturers error", based on this I created a weak entity "Terms" with product_ID as the foreign key and errors & expiry as two attributes.
My logic was that the terms only exist if the product exists, therefore it is a weak attribute as every product has terms, but you wouldn't have terms not associated with a product.
Looking at it though, the "Terms" table would basically be Product ID (1) ---> Errors (No) ---> Expiry (01/01/23), and now I'm starting to think those two attributes should be attributes of the product table and not a separate entity, mainly because "Terms" doesn't have a partial/discriminator key that could be used as a composite primary.
Does anyone have any thoughts about which way is correct?
I think this answer really comes down to the trade-offs in terms of performance.
To make sure I understand your question correctly - you basically have two tables:
The main product table
A "lookup" table that just has Product_ID (FK), Errors, and Expiry as the columns
If this is the case, you have two options:
Just add Errors and Expiry as columns to the primary product table
Keep the two tables separated as you have them, and just JOIN that data when needed.
Option 1 has the benefit of keeping all the data in one table, assuming that "Expiry" and "Errors" are unique to the product_ID; if they're not, you may end up duplicating data, and it's better to keep these fields in your separate table to have a 1:Many relationship. The other drawback would be that if your main Product table is beefy, you've slowed down the query even further by adding these columns.
Option 2 can circumvent the two shortcomings of Option 1 - by keeping this data separate, your Product table is much lighter, and if you have a 1:many relationship, you don't duplicate data (saving you more memory overall!). The drawback with Option 2 is that your EDR gets a bit more complicated - you have one more table to keep track of.
Based on these, I recommend keeping your separate "lookup" table - the benefits of separating this data out will help you in the long run - but ultimately you'll need to weight the pros and cons since I don't know the extent of your project.

Modelling many-to-many relation between more than two tables

I'm modelling a tier-list database using PostgreSQL. This is how it works:
A user can create a new Tier List;
A user can add as many tiers he wants to the list;
A user can add as many items as he can. Initially, the items are added to an "unranked" section (not assigned to any tier), then the user can rank them as he wants.
Modeling details:
A tier necessarily belongs to a tier_list;
An item can be in multiple tier_lists and in multiple tiers as well;
An item added to a tier_list has not necessarily been added to one of the tiers.
For modelling the relations between item-tier and item-tier_list, I thought about two scenarios:
Creating a junction with a composite PFK key of item and tier_list with a nullable tier FK. The records with no tier value would be the unranked ones, while the ones with an assigned tier would be the ranked;
Creating two M-N relations: one between item and tier, storing ranked items, and another between item and tier_list, storing unranked items.
I feel like the first option would be easier to deal with when having to persist things like moving a product between tiers (or even unranking it), while the second looks more compliant to SQL standards. Am I missing something?
First proposed solution model:
Second proposed solution model:
You can create a joint key using 3 different fields.
First of all, why using smallint and not int? Not fluent in Posgres, but it's usually better to have the biggest integer possible as primary key (things can grow faster than you expect).
Second, I strongly suggest to put ID_ before and not after the name of the filed used for lookup. It makes it easier to read.
As how to build your tables:
I see no problems here. I'd just change the name in tblProducts, for easier reading.
Works fine too. Again I'll look for a better name. I'd call this one tblTiers or tblLegues instead. Usign similar names can bring troubles in 2-3 years when you have to add things and you're not sure what's what. Better use distinctive names for the tables.
Tier (suggesting tblTiers or tblRankings)
Tier_List_ID PK FK
Here I see a HUGE problem. For experience, I don't really understand why you create a combination key here with ID and Tier_List_ID. Do you need to reuse the same ID for different tiers? If that ID has a meaning bring it out from the PK absolutely! PK must be simple counters, that will NEVER be changed. I saw people using the ID with a meaning for the end-user. It was a total disaster! I can't even start describing the quantity of garbage data that that DB was containing.
I suppose, because you were talking about ranking, that the ID there is a Rank, a level or something like that.
The table should become
ID PK uuid
Tier_List_ID FK
Rank smallint
There's another reason why I had you do this: when you have a combined PK, certain DBRMs require you to use the same combined key in the lookup tables, and that can become messy fast!
Now, the lookup table:
tier_list_item (tblRankingLookup?)
ID_Product FK PK
ID_Tier_List FK PK
You don't need anything else to make it work smoothly! At least, that's how I'd envision it.
Instead I'd add an ID_User (because I'm not sure if all users can see all tiers and all rankings, or they can see only theirs).
Addendum: if you need to have unique combinations of different elements, I'm pretty sure you can create a combined index and mark it as "unique" (don't remember the correct syntax, not sure it is the same in Postgres).
In exmple, if you don't want the Tier table to have the rank repeated only once per tier_list_ID, you can create an index using tier_list_ID and Ranking and mark it unique. This way a two tiers in the same tier_list will not have the same value for the field Rank (rank can still be null).

Redundant field in SQL for Performance

Let's say I have two Tables, called Person, and Couple, where each Couple record stores a pair of Person id's (also assume that each person is bound to at most another different person).
I am planning to support a lot of queries where I will ask for Person records that are not married yet. Do you guys think it's worthwhile to add a 'partnerId' field to Person? (It would be set to null if that person is not married yet)
I am hesitant to do this because the partnerId field is something that is computable - just go through the Couple table to find out. The performance cost for creating new couple will also increase because I have to do this extra book keeping.
I hope that it doesn't sound like I am asking two different questions here, but I felt that this is relevant. Is it a good/common idea to include extra fields that are redundant (computable/inferable by joining with other tables), but will make your query a lot easier to write and faster?
A better option is to keep the data normalized, and utilize a view (indexed, if supported by your rdbms). This gets you the convenience of dealing with all the relevant fields in one place, without denormalizing your data.
Note: Even if a database doesn't support indexed views, you'll likely still be better off with a view as the indexes on the underlying tables can be utilized.
Is there always a zero to one relationship between Person and Couples? i.e. a person can have zero or one partner? If so then your Couple table is actually redundant, and your new field is a better approach.
The only reason to split Couple off to another table is if one Person can have many partners.
When someone gets a partner you either write one record to the Couple table or update one record in the Person table. I argue that your Couple table is redundant here. You haven't indicated that there is any extra info on the Couple record besides the link, and it appears that there is only ever zero or one Couple record for every Person record.
How about one table?
-- This is psuedo-code, the syntax is not correct, but it should
-- be clear what it's doing
PersonId int not null
primary key
,PartnerId int null
foreign key references Person (PersonId)
With this,
Everyone on the system has a row and a PersonId
If you have a partner, they are listed in the PartnerId column
Unnormalized data is always bad. Denormalized data, now, that can be beneficial under very specific circumstances. The best advice I ever heard on this subject it to first fully normalize your data, assess performance/goals/objectives, and then carefully denormalize only if it's demonstrably worth the extra overhead.
I agree with Nick. Also consider the need for history of the couples. You could use row versioning in the same table, but this doesn't work very well for application databases, works best in a in a DW scenario. A history table in theory would duplicate all the data in the table, not just the relationship. A secondary table would give you this flexibility to add additional information about the relationship including StartDate and EndDate.

PK on table with (simulated) polymorphic association

I am trying to set up the right indices on a table I have just created which contains 4 "polymorphic associations" and a PK ID. The 4 associations allow me not to have to quadruple the number of tables to the addition I am making to the database and should not be modified in this discussion. My question is how should I set up the indices so that I get optimal performance (speed, space not so much) ? None of the 4 keys is candidate for PK. More specifically all 4 are but only one at a time. I have added a PK "ID" because I had read that adding a PK, even if not used, is better than not adding a PK. However, I am questionning this assertion more and more.
More about the table : the logic that only 1 of the 4 FKs should be used is enforced by an Access form. Nobody non-dev has access to the tables directly. I expect there will be no more than a couple hundred entries every month for as long as this database is in use. Assuming we use it 10 more years and average 500 entries a month (which is probably a bit more than what it will be) we should have no more than 60k entries in 10 years. Basically, this is not a hugely populated table.
The db and forms run on Access 2003 (yeah I know...).
I hope that is enough information for you to help me. In the image below you can see the table structure as it is right now. The 4 FKs are NoDemandeAmendementTransit, NoDemandeAmendementRubrique, NoAmendementTransit, NoAmendementRubrique.
Many thanks.
A more practical design is to create a single supertype table for all of the four subtypes you are referencing. Then reference the supertype table with a single foreign key instead of having four separate FKs. It's a design pattern you can find in most good books on database design and it is simpler and more efficient than having multiple "optional" foreign keys. It will also provide you with a more useful primary key.

One mysql table with many fields or many (hundreds of) tables with fewer fields?

I am designing a system for a client, where he is able to create data forms for various products he sales him self.
The number of fields he will be using will not be more than 600-700 (worst case scenario). As it looks like he will probably be in the range of 400 - 500 (max).
I had 2 methods in mind for creating the database (using meta data):
a) Create a table for each product, which will hold only fields necessary for this product, which will result to hundreds of tables but with only the neccessary fields for each product
b) use one single table with all availabe form fields (any range from current 300 to max 700), resulting in one table that will have MANY fields, of which only about 10% will be used for each product entry (a product should usualy not use more than 50-80 fields)
Which solution is best? keeping in mind that table maintenance (creation, updates and changes) to the table(s) will be done using meta data, so I will not need to do changes to the table(s) manually.
Thank you!
/**** UPDATE *****/
Just an update, even after this long time (and allot of additional experience gathered) I needed to mention that not normalizing your database is a terrible idea. What is more, a not normalized database almost always (just always from my experience) indicates a flawed application design as well.
i would have 3 tables:
whatever else you need
field name
anything else you might need
field value
Your key deciding factor is whether normalization is required. Even though you are only adding data using an application, you'll still need to cater for anomalies, e.g. what happens if someone's phone number changes, and they insert multiple rows over the lifetime of the application? Which row contains the correct phone number?
As an example, you may find that you'll have repeating groups in your data, like one person with several phone numbers; rather than have three columns called "Phone1", "Phone2", "Phone3", you'd break that data into its own table.
There are other issues in normalisation, such as transitive or non-key dependencies. These concepts will hopefully lead you to a database table design without modification anomalies, as you should hope for!
Pulegiums solution is a good way to go.
You do not want to go with the one-table-for-each-product solution, because the structure of your database should not have to change when you insert or delete a product. Only the rows of one or many tables should be inserted or deleted, not the tables themselves.
While it's possible that it may be necessary, having that many fields for something as simple as a product list sounds to me like you probably have a flawed design.
You need to analyze your potential table structures to ensure that each field contains no more than one piece of information (e.g., "2 hammers, 500 nails" in a single field is bad) and that each piece of information has no more than one field where it belongs (e.g., having phone1, phone2, phone3 fields is bad). Either of these situations indicates that you should move that information out into a separate, related table with a foreign key connecting it back to the original table. As pulegium has demonstrated, this technique can quickly break things down to three tables with only about a dozen fields total.