NSCollectionView doesn't popup context menu? - objective-c

I've bounded the menu to the NSCollectionView in interface builder. But when I CTRL+click (right click) on it the menu is not showing.
I've tried adding some method to the NSCollectionView subclass. None of them is invoked:
+ (NSMenu*)defaultMenu
- (NSMenu *)menuForEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent
The only method which is invoked is:
- (NSView *)hitTest:(NSPoint)aPoint
Which means that the NSCollectionView receives the mouse events.
I've also tried to add the same methods to the subclass of NSCollectionViewItem, and the result is the same. Only hitTest: is called.

I had the same issue with the "new" NSCollectionView. The contextual menu is set up in the xib, and it is actually correctly triggered by an actual right-click on the mouse, and also by double-finger tab on the trackpad (if the user has set that option in the System Preferences), but not by control-click. Thus it seems like a legitimate bug or limitation with NSCollectionView, maybe dependent on how it is set up.
In any case, here is a shorter solution, this one in Swift, that assumes you have otherwise set up the contextual menu using the menu outlet for the collection view (or you have it set up as outlined in Apple's documentation).
You will need to create a subclass of NSCollectionView and choose the subclass for the collection view in the xib. Here is the code for the subclass:
import Cocoa
class MyCollectionView: NSCollectionView {
/// Fixes the behavior of collection view with control-click, that does not properly trigger the contextual menu.
override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
super.mouseDown(with: event)
if event.type == .rightMouseDown || event.modifierFlags.contains(.control) {
rightMouseDown(with: event)

This works for me:
#interface MyCollectionView : NSView
-(void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
#implementation MyCollectionView
-(void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
NSMenu *theMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:#"Contextual Menu"];
[theMenu insertItemWithTitle:#"Beep" action:#selector(beep) keyEquivalent:#"" atIndex:0];
[theMenu insertItemWithTitle:#"Honk" action:#selector(honk) keyEquivalent:#"" atIndex:1];
[NSMenu popUpContextMenu:theMenu withEvent:theEvent forView:self];
[super mouseDown:theEvent];
I hope this helps.

Subclass the NSCollectionView
class OSCollectionView: NSCollectionView {
override func menu(for event: NSEvent) -> NSMenu? {
print("menu() called")
let menu = NSMenu()
menu.addItem(NSMenuItem(title: "Create a clone", action: #selector(clone(_:)), keyEquivalent: ""))
return menu
func clone(_ sender: Any){
print("Clone item")


Contextual menu on only certain items in a "Source List"

I have a window with a Source List (NSOutlineView). My source list has just two levels. Level one is header and level two is data. I want to have a contextual menu on some of the data cells. Not all.
First, I try to attach a menu on the table cell view who represents the data cell -> nothing happens.
Second, I attach a menu on the Outline View in IB -> the contextual menu opens on each cells (header and data). I search for stopping the opening of the menu, but I don't find anything.
Do you have some ideas ?
Thank you
OS X 10.8.2 Lion, Xcode 4.5.2, SDK 10.8
If you subclass NSOutlineView, you can override menuForEvent: to return a menu only if the user clicked on the correct row. Here's an example:
- (NSMenu *)menuForEvent:(NSEvent *)event;
//The event has the mouse location in window space; convert it to our (the outline view's) space so we can find which row the user clicked on.
NSPoint point = [self convertPoint:[event locationInWindow] fromView:nil];
NSInteger row = [self rowAtPoint:point];
//If the user did not click on a row, or is not exactly one level down from the top level of hierarchy, return nil—that is, no menu.
if ( row == -1 || [self levelForRow:row] != 1 )
return nil;
//Create and populate a menu.
NSMenu *menu = [[NSMenu alloc] init];
NSMenuItem *delete = [menu addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString( #"Delete", #"" ) action:#selector(delete:) keyEquivalent:#""];
[self selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:row] byExtendingSelection:NO];
//Set the Delete menu item's represented object to the clicked-on item. If the user chooses this item, we'll retrieve its represented object so we know what to delete.
[delete setRepresentedObject:[self itemAtRow:row]];
return menu;
This assumes we're compiling with ARC, so you don't need to autorelease the menu object being created.
This extension + subclass (both NSOutlineView and NSTableView) does the sensible thing of seeing whether a menu is attached to a cell view or row view. Just a general, reusable subclass!
Set the menu on the cell view in outlineView:viewForTableColumn:item: – menu is a NSResponder property.
(Below is in Swift)
// An extension lets us both subclass NSTableView and NSOutlineView with the same functionality
extension NSTableView {
// Find a cell view, or a row view, that has a menu. (e.g. NSResponder’s menu: NSMenu?)
func burnt_menuForEventFromCellOrRowViews(event: NSEvent) -> NSMenu? {
let point = convertPoint(event.locationInWindow, fromView: nil)
let row = rowAtPoint(point)
if row != -1 {
if let rowView = rowViewAtRow(row, makeIfNecessary: true) as? NSTableRowView {
let column = columnAtPoint(point)
if column != -1 {
if let cellView = rowView.viewAtColumn(column) as? NSTableCellView {
if let cellMenu = cellView.menuForEvent(event) {
return cellMenu
if let rowMenu = rowView.menuForEvent(event) {
return rowMenu
return nil
class OutlineView: NSOutlineView {
override func menuForEvent(event: NSEvent) -> NSMenu? {
// Because of weird NSTableView/NSOutlineView behaviour, must set receiver’s menu otherwise the target cannot be found
self.menu = burnt_menuForEventFromCellOrRowViews(event)
return super.menuForEvent(event)
class TableView: NSTableView {
override func menuForEvent(event: NSEvent) -> NSMenu? {
// Because of weird NSTableView/NSOutlineView behaviour, must set receiver’s menu otherwise the target cannot be found
self.menu = burnt_menuForEventFromCellOrRowViews(event)
return super.menuForEvent(event)
It's not clear from your question whether your outline is view based or cell based. That's important.
If you're view based, then your view instances can implement
- (NSMenu *)menuForEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent
and return the menu appropriate to that item -- or nil f you don't want a menu at all.
If you're cell based, or if you don't want to handle this in the view class for some reason, you'll need to subclass NSOutlineView and implement - (NSMenu *)menuForEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent there. Again, you'll figure out which cell is hit or active, and decide from that what menu you want.
- (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)event
An NSView will not pass this to the next view, This method looks to see that the current class has a menuForEvent:, if it does then it is called. If it does not then it is finished and nothing else will happen. This is why you will not see an NSTableCellView respond to a menuForEvent: because the table view swallows the rightMouseDown:.
You may subclass the tableview and handle the rightMouseDown: event and call the NSTableCellView's rightMouseDown: and handle displaying your menu that you have constructed in your storyboard and hooked up to your NSTableViewCell.
Here is my solution in a subclassed NSTableView:
- (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)event
for (NSTableRowView *rowView in self.subviews) {
for (NSView *tableCellView in [rowView subviews]) {
if (tableCellView) {
NSPoint eventPoint = [event locationInWindow];
// NSLog(#"Window Point: %#", NSStringFromPoint(eventPoint));
eventPoint = [self convertPoint:eventPoint toView:nil];
eventPoint = [self convertPoint:eventPoint toView:self];
// NSLog(#"Table View Point: %#", NSStringFromPoint(eventPoint));
NSRect newRect = [tableCellView convertRect:[tableCellView bounds] toView:self];
// NSLog(#"Rect: %#", NSStringFromRect(newRect));
BOOL rightMouseDownInTableCellView = [tableCellView mouse:eventPoint inRect:newRect];
// NSLog(#"Mouse in view: %hhd", mouseInView);
if (rightMouseDownInTableCellView) {
if (tableCellView) {
// Lets be safe and make sure that the object is going to respond.
if ([tableCellView respondsToSelector:#selector(rightMouseDown:)]) {
[tableCellView rightMouseDown:event];
This will find where the right mouse event occurred, check to see if we have the correct view and pass the rightMouseDown: to that view.
Please let me know if this solution works for you.

how to handle the event at a mac os view or it's subview been focused?

I create a windows has a NSSplitview. It has two subview, as viewA and viewB, and they has some subviews. If the viewA or its subview get focus, set the window's title as viewA's stringValue, and viewB as so on.
How can I do it? I try to rewrite the view's
for viewA/B or their subView (a NSTableView) but is failed.
e, I try to a again what override the becomeFirstresponse at the tablview as
BOOL ret = [super becomeFirstResponder];
[NSApp sendAction:#selector(requestString:) to:Nil from:self.window.windowController];
return ret;
It works! But with coding, new subviews while appended. So I need some way with more smart and clear.
I got it! In the window delegate, I implement the windowDidUpdate as:
- (void)windowDidUpdate:(NSNotification *)notification {
[NSApp sendAction:#selector(requestString:) to:Nil from:self.window.windowController];
The -(IBAction)requestString:(id)sender method is the viewA/B's Controller method.
Try to override canBecomeKeyView in NSView class
-(BOOL) canBecomeKeyView
return YES;

Disable scrolling in NSTableView

Is there a simple way to disable scrolling of an NSTableView.
It seems there isn't any property on
[myTableView enclosingScrollView] or [[myTableView enclosingScrollView] contentView] to disable it.
This works for me: subclass NSScrollView, setup and override via:
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect; // in case you generate the scroll view manually
- (void)awakeFromNib; // in case you generate the scroll view via IB
- (void)hideScrollers; // programmatically hide the scrollers, so it works all the time
- (void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)theEvent; // disable scrolling
#interface MyScrollView : NSScrollView
#import "MyScrollView.h"
#implementation MyScrollView
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect
self = [super initWithFrame:frameRect];
if (self) {
[self hideScrollers];
return self;
- (void)awakeFromNib
[self hideScrollers];
- (void)hideScrollers
// Hide the scrollers. You may want to do this if you're syncing the scrolling
// this NSScrollView with another one.
[self setHasHorizontalScroller:NO];
[self setHasVerticalScroller:NO];
- (void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)theEvent
// Do nothing: disable scrolling altogether
I hope this helps.
Here's the best solution in my opinion:
Swift 5
import Cocoa
public class DisablableScrollView: NSScrollView {
public var isEnabled: Bool = true
public override func scrollWheel(with event: NSEvent) {
if isEnabled {
super.scrollWheel(with: event)
else {
nextResponder?.scrollWheel(with: event)
Simply replace any NSScrollView with DisablableScrollView (or BCLDisablableScrollView if you still use ObjC) and you're done. Simply set isEnabled in code or in IB and it will work as expected.
The main advantage that this has is for nested scroll views; disabling children without sending the event to the next responder will also effectively disable parents while the cursor is over the disabled child.
Here are all advantages of this approach listed out:
✅ Disables scrolling
✅ Does so programmatically, behaving normally by default
✅ Does not interrupt scrolling a parent view
✅ Interface Builder integration
✅ Drop-in replacement for NSScrollView
✅ Swift and Objective-C Compatible
Thanks to #titusmagnus for the answer, but I made one modification so as not to break scrolling when when the "disabled" scrollView is nested within another scrollView: You can't scroll the outer scrollView while the cursor is within the bounds of the inner scrollView. If you do this...
- (void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)theEvent
[self.nextResponder scrollWheel:theEvent];
// Do nothing: disable scrolling altogether
...then the "disabled" scrollView will pass the scroll event up to the outer scrollView and its scrolling will not get stuck down inside its subviews.
Works for me:
- (void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)theEvent
[super scrollWheel:theEvent];
if ([theEvent deltaY] != 0)
[[self nextResponder] scrollWheel:theEvent];
There is no simple direct way (meaning, there's no property like UITableView's scrollEnabled that you can set), but i found this answer helpful in the past.
One other thing you could try (not sure about this) is subclassing NSTableView and override -scrollWheel and -swipeWithEvent so they do nothing. Hope this helps

Show contextual menu on ctrl-click/right-click on header of NSTableView

I'm searching for an elegant way to detect a right-click/ctrl-click on the header of an NSTableView.
When the right click occurs, I want to display an contextual menu.
- (NSMenu *)menuForEvent:(NSEvent *)
detects only right clicks in the table - not in the header of the table.
thanks for your help.
Sometimes a picture explains a 1000 words.
You do not need to subclass your table view.
On any tableView you can select the TableView and connect the menu outlet to a menu.
Now you can wire the selector of the menu (on the right) to your code .
To figure out what row in the table was clicked use
[yourTableView clickedRow]
Done. Like a boss.
Get the NSTableHeaderView from the NSTableView and set it's menu.
[[myTableView headerView] setMenu:aMenu];
You need to subclass NSTableHeaderView. While it is possible to make a menu show up without subclassing, it is not possible to find out which table column was clicked without subclassing (making the context menu useless).
I wrote my own sublcass of the table header view, and added a delegate. In interface builder, find the NSTableHeaderView, assign it your custom subclass, and connect its new delegate outlet. Additionally, create a menu and assign it to the menu outlet.
Then implement the -validateMenu:forTableColumn: method in the delegate. Enable/disable menu items as apropriate (make sure that the menu doesn't autovalidate in IB). Store the clicked column somewhere in an instance variable, so you know which column to act on when the user selects an action.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#protocol PGETableViewTableHeaderViewDelegate <NSObject>
-(void)validateMenu:(NSMenu*)menu forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn*)tableColumn;
#interface PGETableViewTableHeaderView : NSTableHeaderView
#property(weak) IBOutlet id<PGETableViewTableHeaderViewDelegate> delegate;
#import "PGETableViewTableHeaderView.h"
#implementation PGETableViewTableHeaderView
-(NSMenu *)menuForEvent:(NSEvent *)event {
NSInteger columnForMenu = [self columnAtPoint:[self convertPoint:event.locationInWindow fromView:nil]];
NSTableColumn *tableColumn = nil;
if (columnForMenu >= 0) tableColumn = self.tableView.tableColumns[columnForMenu];
NSMenu *menu = self.menu;
[self.delegate validateMenu:menu forTableColumn:tableColumn];
return menu;
Thanks Jakob Egger for his precise answer.
I come up with Swift version of this approach. I changed the delegate method signature a little bit, to give more flexibility in case of more then one TableView in ViewController.
protocol IMenuTableHeaderViewDelegate: class {
func menuForTableHeader(inTableView tableView: NSTableView, forTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn) -> NSMenu?
class MenuTableHeaderView: NSTableHeaderView {
weak var menuDelegate: IMenuTableHeaderViewDelegate?
override func menu(for event: NSEvent) -> NSMenu? {
guard tableView != nil else {
return nil
let columnForMenu = column(at: convert(event.locationInWindow, from: nil))
if columnForMenu >= 0, tableView!.tableColumns.count > columnForMenu {
if let tableColumn = tableView?.tableColumns[columnForMenu] {
return menuDelegate?.menuForTableHeader(inTableView: tableView!, forTableColumn: tableColumn)
return self.menu;
To use this custom class, find NSTableHeaderView in the interface builder and change the class to MenuTableHeaderView
Window where you have to enter custom class name
Example of this approach usage in a ViewController
class ExampleViewController: NSViewController, IMenuTableHeaderViewDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var tableView: NSTableView!
#IBOutlet var tableHeaderMenu: NSMenu!
var lastColumnForMenu: HeaderColumnForMenu?
struct HeaderColumnForMenu {
let tableView: NSTableView
let tableColumn: NSTableColumn
override func viewDidLoad() {
if let tableHeaderWithMenu = tableView.headerView as? MenuTableHeaderView {
tableHeaderWithMenu.menuDelegate = self
func menuForTableHeader(inTableView tableView: NSTableView, forTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn) -> NSMenu? {
//Save column to wich we are going to show menu
lastColumnForMenu = HeaderColumnForMenu(tableView: tableView, tableColumn: tableColumn)
if needShowMenu {
return tableHeaderMenu
return nil

Selection Highlight in NSCollectionView

I have a working NSCollectionView with one minor, but critical, exception. Getting and highlighting the selected item within the collection.
I've had all this working prior to Snow Leopard, but something appears to have changed and I can't quite place my finger on it, so I took my NSCollectionView right back to a basic test and followed Apple's documentation for creating an NSCollectionView here:
The collection view works fine following the quick start guide. However, this guide doesn't discuss selection other than "There are such features as incorporating image views, setting objects as selectable or not selectable and changing colors if they are selected".
Using this as an example I went to the next step of binding the Array Controller to the NSCollectionView with the controller key selectionIndexes, thinking that this would bind any selection I make between the NSCollectionView and the array controller and thus firing off a KVO notification. I also set the NSCollectionView to be selectable in IB.
There appears to be no selection delegate for NSCollectionView and unlike most Cocoa UI views, there appears to be no default selected highlight.
So my problem really comes down to a related issue, but two distinct questions.
How do I capture a selection of an item?
How do I show a highlight of an item?
NSCollectionView's programming guides seem to be few and far between and most searches via Google appear to pull up pre-Snow Leopard implementations, or use the view in a separate XIB file.
For the latter (separate XIB file for the view), I don't see why this should be a pre-requisite otherwise I would have suspected that Apple would not have included the view in the same bundle as the collection view item.
I know this is going to be a "can't see the wood for the trees" issue - so I'm prepared for the "doh!" moment.
As usual, any and all help much appreciated.
Update 1
OK, so I figured finding the selected item(s), but have yet to figure the highlighting. For the interested on figuring the selected items (assuming you are following the Apple guide):
In the controller (in my test case the App Delegate) I added the following:
In awakeFromNib
[personArrayController addObserver:self
New Method
-(void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
change:(NSDictionary *)change
context:(void *)context
if([keyPath isEqualTo:#"selectionIndexes"])
if([[personArrayController selectedObjects] count] > 0)
if ([[personArrayController selectedObjects] count] == 1)
personModel * pm = (PersonModel *)
[[personArrayController selectedObjects] objectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(#"Only 1 selected: %#", [pm name]);
// More than one selected - iterate if need be
Don't forget to dealloc for non-GC
[personArrayController removeObserver:self
[super dealloc];
Still searching for the highlight resolution...
Update 2
Took Macatomy's advice but still had an issue. Posting the relevant class methods to see where I've gone wrong.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface MyView : NSView {
BOOL selected;
#property (readwrite) BOOL selected;
#import "MyView.h"
#implementation MyView
#synthesize selected;
-(id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame {
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
// Initialization code here.
return self;
NSRect outerFrame = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 143, 104);
NSRect selectedFrame = NSInsetRect(outerFrame, 2, 2);
if (selected)
[[NSColor yellowColor] set];
[[NSColor redColor] set];
[NSBezierPath strokeRect:selectedFrame];
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#class MyView;
#interface MyCollectionViewItem : NSCollectionViewItem {
#import "MyCollectionViewItem.h"
#import "MyView.h"
#implementation MyCollectionViewItem
[(MyView *)[self view] setSelected:flag];
[(MyView *)[self view] setNeedsDisplay:YES];
If a different background color will suffice as a highlight, you could simply use an NSBox as the root item for you collection item view.
Fill the NSBox with the highlight color of your choice.
Set the NSBox to Custom so the fill will work.
Set the NSBox to transparent.
Bind the transparency attribute of the NSBox to the selected attribute of File Owner(Collection Item)
Set the value transformer for the transparent binding to NSNegateBoolean.
I tried to attach Interface builder screenshots but I was rejected bcos I'm a newbie :-(
Its not too hard to do. Make sure "Selection" is enabled for the NSCollectionView in Interface Builder. Then in the NSView subclass that you are using for your prototype view, declare a property called "selected" :
#property (readwrite) BOOL selected;
UPDATED CODE HERE: (added super call)
Subclass NSCollectionViewItem and override -setSelected:
- (void)setSelected:(BOOL)flag
[super setSelected:flag];
[(PrototypeView*)[self view] setSelected:flag];
[(PrototypeView*)[self view] setNeedsDisplay:YES];
Then you need to add code in your prototype view's drawRect: method to draw the highlight:
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect
if (selected) {
[[NSColor blueColor] set];
NSRectFill([self bounds]);
That just simply fills the view in blue when its selected, but that can be customized to draw the highlight any way you want. I've used this in my own apps and it works great.
You can also go another way, if you're not subclassing NSView for your protoype view.
In your subclassed NSCollectionViewItem override setSelected:
- (void)setSelected:(BOOL)selected
[super setSelected:selected];
if (selected)
self.view.layer.backgroundColor = [NSColor redColor].CGColor;
self.view.layer.backgroundColor = [NSColor clearColor].CGColor;
And of course, as said by all the wise people before me, make sure "Selection" is enabled for the NSCollectionView in Interface Builder.
In your NSCollectionViewItem subclass, override isSelected and change background color of the layer. Test in macOS 10.14 and Swift 4.2
class Cell: NSCollectionViewItem {
override func loadView() {
self.view = NSView()
self.view.wantsLayer = true
override var isSelected: Bool {
didSet {
self.view.layer?.backgroundColor = isSelected ? NSColor.gray.cgColor : NSColor.clear.cgColor
Since none of the existing answers worked super well for me, here is my take on it. Change the subclass of the CollectionView item to SelectableCollectionViewItem. Here is it's code. Comes with a bindable textColor property for hooking your text label textColor binding to.
#implementation SelectableCollectionViewItem
+ (NSSet *)keyPathsForValuesAffectingTextColor
return [NSSet setWithObjects:#"selected", nil];
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.view.wantsLayer = YES;
- (void) viewDidAppear
// seems the inital selection state is not done by Apple in a KVO compliant manner, update background color manually
[self updateBackgroundColorForSelectionState:self.isSelected];
- (void)updateBackgroundColorForSelectionState:(BOOL)flag
if (flag)
self.view.layer.backgroundColor = [[NSColor alternateSelectedControlColor] CGColor];
self.view.layer.backgroundColor = [[NSColor clearColor] CGColor];
- (void)setSelected:(BOOL)flag
[super setSelected:flag];
[self updateBackgroundColorForSelectionState:flag];
- (NSColor*) textColor
return self.selected ? [NSColor whiteColor] : [NSColor textColor];
In my case I wanted an image(check mark) to indicate selection of object. Drag an ImageWell to the Collection Item nib. Set the desired image and mark it as hidden. Go to bindings inspector and bind hidden attribute to Collection View Item.
(In my case I had created a separate nib for CollectionViewItem, so its binded to File's owner. If this is not the case and Item view is in the same nib as the CollectionView then bind to Collection View Item)
Set model key path as selected and Value transformer to NSNegateBoolean. Thats it now whenever the individual cells/items are selected the image will be visible, hence indicating the selection.
Adding to Alter's answer.
To set NSBox as root item. Simply create a new IB document(say CollectionItem) and drag an NSBox to the empty area. Now add all the elements as required inside the box. Now click on File's Owner and set Custom Class as NSCollectionViewItem.
And in the nib where NSCollectionView is added change the nib name for CollectionViewItem
In the NSBox, bind the remaining elements to Files Owner. For a label it would be similar to :
Now to get the highlight color as Alter mentioned in his answer, set desired color combination in the Fill Color option, set the NSBox to transparent and bind the transparency attribute as below:
Now when Collection View Items are selected you should be able to see the fill color of the box.
This was awesome, thanks alot! i was struggling with this!
To clarify for to others:
[(PrototypeView*)[self view] setSelected:flag];
[(PrototypeView*)[self view] setNeedsDisplay:YES];
Replace PrototypeView* with the name of your prototype class name.
In case you are digging around for the updated Swift solution, see this response.
class MyViewItem: NSCollectionViewItem {
override var isSelected: Bool {
didSet {
self.view.layer?.backgroundColor = (isSelected ? NSColor.blue.cgColor : NSColor.clear.cgColor)
Here is the complete Swift NSCollectionViewItem with selection. Don't forget to set the NSCollectioView to selectable in IB or programmatically.
Tested under macOS Mojave (10.14) and High Sierra (10.13.6).
import Cocoa
class CollectionViewItem: NSCollectionViewItem {
private var selectionColor : CGColor {
let selectionColor : NSColor = (isSelected ? .alternateSelectedControlColor : .clear)
return selectionColor.cgColor
override var isSelected: Bool {
didSet {
super.isSelected = isSelected
// Do other stuff if needed
override func viewDidLoad() {
view.wantsLayer = true
override func prepareForReuse() {
private func updateSelection() {
view.layer?.backgroundColor = self.selectionColor