Define Speed Dial image from my website - opera

The title pretty much sums up the problem - I have a website and I would like to specify an image that should be shown in the speed dial when a user adds my site to his speed dial. I can see that when I add for example Gmail or Facebook, they both have a specific image whereas my site is just shown on random color background with my domain name as a text.
So is it possible to specify Opera Speed Dial image in HTML using some meta tag?
PS. I did find this answer, however, it's over a year old.

Short answer
No. However, you can suggest an image to the user to use, but even then the speed dial will offer thumbnails of your site before any icons.
Long answer
Each time you see an entry on your speed dial page that's displayed as text, the domain of that site is checked against Opera's Speed Dial server at
The format of the API call is This call will either return a HTTP 200 OK response containing a PNG image (264px wide by 168px tall) or return a HTTP 404 File Not Found response with no content.
It is likely that the Opera team monitor the calls to this server and when a particular domain hits "critical mass" they partner with that company (this is only a hypothesis).
What you can do
When a user bookmarks your website, they can edit the bookmark and select an image for your website. Like #Angel had in their response, you can link in an appropriate image using a link element with rel="icon". An image linked in this way is then suggested to the user.
I personally have found great success in linking a PNG image with dimensions 264x168px with the below declaration following the normal icon declarations:
<link rel="icon" sizes="264x168" href="/path/to/speeddial.png">
The sizes attribute is included to aid user-agents/browsers in locating the right icon image for their platform without having to download each one. This should minimize fetches of this image by other browsers.

A bit late, but you can add this link to your html head:
<link rel="icon" sizes="144x144" href="ico/favicon.png">


How to use media query for changing the size of a Chiclets?

I'm trying to adjust my chiclet's on my website using media queries so when someone's viewing the site on mobile, they'll become smaller. But the only way I seem to be able to change its size is in the HTML portion of the site with this portion of the code:
"fa fa-twitter fa-4x icon-3d">
But I'm not sure how to make it so it's only changed in size due to a certain screen size.
If anyone has any idea how to do this I would love to know. Thanks.
Here's a link to my site if it helps:

Show a single thumbnail when posting on facebook

A little background info is that my team and I developed a website for a Real Estate Agency and I've been assigned the task of setting the image of the currently selected property into facebook's sharing feature.
The webpage for the property is dynamic as there are several listings, so what I've done is select the first image that is loaded on the page and set it to the og:image meta tag.
Now let's say I copy the URL and post it on Facebook, it'll show the correct thumbnail, HOWEVER, it'll also show multiple thumbnails from other listings.
All images on the website are over 200 x 200px and are within an aspect ratio of 3:1.
My question is, how do I tell Facebook to only take my initial image and not grab others while it's as it.
Is there perhaps a SelectSingleImage property that I can apply?
I've already spent more time searching for the answer to this issue than I would have liked, so thanks for any help provided, it's much appreciated.
One method I use sometimes is to recognize Facebook's server and simply provide it with different data. This way you can actually only have one image on the page (as far as Facebook knows).
I don't know anything about, but here is a simple code sample in PHP. All it does is perform a regular expression on the user agent of the request to match it against the string "facebook".
$isFacebook = false;
if(preg_match("/facebook/",strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]))) {
$isFacebook = true;
Facebook may very well change their user agent signature one day, but for now, I'm pretty sure you'll be safe but keep synced with the Developers Blog and the Roadmap.
It seems that Facebook saved those images in cache for some bizarre reason, but to resolve this issue all I had to do was enter the URL into Facebook's Linter tool which in turn cleared the cache on their server.

Get img thumbnails from Yahoo! Screen Video Player (not older webplayer)

I am trying to get yahoo! screen video's image thumbs to embed on my website like we can easily do in other websites ( Get img thumbnails from Vimeo?, How do I get a YouTube video thumbnail from the YouTube API?, etc.).
There used to be a sugestion: Get thumbnail image for Yahoo video? (python) but it doesn't seem to work now with the new Yahoo! Screen.
Some quick searching on the Internets led me to Y!'s very own online help:;_ylt=Aj3rNfbhKBNyXODHGK5ONSo1qXtG
According to which, all I have to do is Copy the thumbnail code under the Share tab. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any thumbnail code under the Share tab.
I also couldn't find any Y!Screen api on that could help me with this... ideas?
Using YQL for cross domain data scraping along with jQuery is the solution that works.
Some of it is sound, some of it is hackish, but that's what scraping is all about I suppose.
The basis for this method was not done by me, but by using a tutorial for Facebook titled
Create a Facebook-style Link Preview Using jQuery & YQL written by Jocelyn Stretton.
Included in the modified JavaScript which serves as a starting point, you will have access and understand how to retrieve the following:
1. Yahoo! Screen Video Webpage Title
2. Yahoo! Screen Thumbnail URL Link
3. Yahoo! Screen Video URL Link
4. Scrape Other meta Tag Content
5. Yahoo Screen Video Embed Code provided by the Yahoo Screen Player itself.
DEMO in jsFiddle!
EDIT: jsFiddle DEMO is no longer subdomain (regionally) dependent for video example.
EDIT 2: For those that would like to see another tutorial based on this .ajax() YQL process, I've made two jsFiddles for Pinterest Data Scraping. You can see that SO Answer here that discusses a lot more in detail for XPATH.

In any web site, the image always downloaded in the background, right?

Just to confirm, the image always downloaded in another thread which is different with the page text loading thread??
I put in my page, refer to a image on internet, the all text always show up firstly.
What do you think?
I think that html file contains all the prose and refers to pictures, so in whatever threads you do that you first download the text. Whether it's rendered before pictures are downloaded is up to UA and they may or may not be the same in this respect.
Depends on the Browser and the website. In most cases the Browser loads the "main html" where there are references to the Pics and other things.
If the Website loads most of the text-content via AJAX it could be kind of the other way round.
.. but in most cases you are right

How can I post a video, via Facebook's Connect API, to my Facebook profile page?

Has anyone posted a video via the Facebook Connect API to their profile / feed page?
Ideally, the video should be queued to the first frame with the superimposed Facebook's blue right arrow "play" button. Or if a thumbnail representing the video has to also be uploaded (rather than the video being queued to the first frame) as well, this is fine.
Also, when the video, or thumbnail, on the profile page is clicked, the video plays where it is - rather than going to another page off Facebook to be played there.
The question may have not been correctly worded. The term "API" was misleading to a couple of folks - and I apologize for that.
What I was trying to do was to "share" a video by linking it in Facebook, AND to have it play in the profile feed (ie. to not leave the Facebook site while viewing the video - just like YouTube and do).
After digging into the JavaScript that Hulu was using to get this behavior, we noticed that a link tag was missing between our version of the <meta> and <link> tags, and Hulu's.
Facebook's web page,, was missing a tag that you should have if the content is a video, and you want it played in the profile feed.
Along with:
<link rel="video_src" href=""/> ...
You should include:
<link rel="media:video" href=""/>
That will get it to play in the feed. BUT, your domain name must be whitelisted.
To get your domain whitelisted, fill out this form:
I got a reply, and approval, within a day! Kudos to the Facebook developer support staff!
Use the Video.upload as described by stevedbrown or the Stream API or if you want to go simple share the link via API or share link.
Have you read the Facebook developer wiki page on this? That explains what is possible and how, it's pretty decent.