Displaying large VRML file - rendering

I've VRML file that is 4.2GB big (!) and consists of 10 different shapes.
This is cloud of points (no edges or triangles).
How can I display such a big object? Everything I've tried just freezes.
Is there any tool I can use for point optimization in stream-like fashion?
Without loading the whole file?

We have developed our own tool for polygon reduction and some other optimizations. But if you say you have cloud of points and no triangles and edges, it is a difficult case.
I would try to make a separate VRML file from each shape of yours, and combine them with Inline in a big container VRML file. You may not see the whole scene, but you can possibly see the separate shapes. You can find tutorials for Inline if you google it. Hope this helps.


Load files into Photoshop layers as vector smart objects

Bridge is packaged with a script that will load multiple files as their own layer in a Photoshop file. There are two problems when you do this with a vector file:
It converts the files to raster layers. And since you don't get to choose the size of the file beforehand, if they're too small, you can't scale them up without losing quality.
It doesn't preserve antialiasing, leaving ugly jagged edges on whatever art you imported.
Is there a way to import multiple files into Photoshop as vector smart objects? Then you'd have full control over the quality. Alternatively, is there a way to define the size of the vector files you're loading into layers and/or preserve their antialiasing?
I found a script that loads files into Photoshop as smart objects, but this has the same two problems the factory Bridge script has. It appears to do the exact same thing, but converts the layers to smart objects after they are imported.
The only way I currently know of to get vector smart objects into Photoshop is to do so manually one by one by copying from Illustrator or by dragging the files to an open Photoshop file. I'm looking for a way to automate the process.
I'm afraid doing it manually is the only way to get where you want to go. I've wrestled with this same issue for years and hope with every PS/Bridge update they'll add the option to load a stack of smart objects, but so far it's still old-school drag n' drop.
Hit the Adobe suggestion box... maybe with enough requests they'll finally add this as a native feature.

How to display a lot of non-physical particles using pdb?

I want to display a lot of particles (~ 20,000) spread over an imaginary cylinder. Certain particles are connected to each other. I wrote a Matlab script for plotting the structure but the computer suffer to handle thousand of particles. So I thought to use an other tool such as Pymol, but I need to create a pdb file.
Does anyone know if it is possible to define non physical particles and which one are connected together?
Thanks =)

Suggestions for optimizing a fractal visualization method

I've written up a variation on Melinda Green's Buddhabrot method for visualizing the Mandelbrot set. Here it is:
To create an animation I rendered hundreds of the individual images with slight variations. The variation is a transformation of the coefficients of the generating function as if they were an abstract vector in a space of coefficients. All of that produced incredible structures in the video...
The problem? As you can tell, the quality on each image is rather low because it takes forever using the method I came up with (the copies I have on my computer are a little better quality, but still look like old reel-to-reel movies). I'm hoping to find a few methods for increasing quality or lowering output time.
Thanks for any suggestions. I would really like to produce more detailed versions of these. Obviously there is much more structure in the graininess of these images.
You can try something like boxcounting, http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/plugins/fraclac/FLHelp/BoxCounting.htm. If buddhabrot is some sort mandelbrot you can skip some empty boxes. You can use a kd-tree like in packing lightmaps to subdivide the surface.

How to create a 'vector movie' out of data?

What file formats and software could I use to represent vector images over time as an animation, without compromising the advantages of the vector format?
Say I generate data that is best represented as a single point in the plane, moving over time. I would like to make an animation showing the motion of this point. One way to do this is to make a sequence of 2D bitmap images and string these together into an AVI file. But this produces either huge files (orders of magnitude larger than the underlying dataset) or very low quality animations. A stack of raster images is a very inefficient representation of the data.
A much better representation would be a sequence of 2D vector images. Vector images combine very high fidelity with small file size. But is it possible to string such images into an animation? What kind of software could be used to do so, starting from the underlying dataset?
I imagine a tool such as Adobe Flash could be used here, but this seems akin to making scatterplots from scratch in Illustrator: sure, it can be done and will look nice, but this is not how you make scatterplots. You use R, Excel or MATLAB, and then perhaps retouch the plot in a graphics program. I'm looking for a similarly efficient solution, but for making dynamic visualizations rather than plots.

Given a pair of images, how to automatically create an animation sequence morphing one image into the other?

Is there a programmatic way to convert two images into an animation sequence (e.g., an animated GIF) like the following example?
This image sequence, taken from a http://memrise.com course, doesn't seem to have manually-edited frames, but seems automatically transformed using some kind shape morphing algorithm. Is there a common term used to describe such an animation or algorithm? Is there a feature in ImageMagick or Photoshop/Gimp that generates such animations, given a pair of images?
Ideally the technique could be scriptable so I could create animations for several pairs of start-end images.
Edit: I have just been told about Gimp's tool under Filters->Animation->Blend, which appears to do the same thing as jQuery morph: each frame i is start + (finish - start)/N*i. In other words, you're transitioning each pixel independently from the start value to the finish value, without any shape morphing. The example gives is more complicated, as it modifies the contours of both images to achieve its compelling effect.
Other examples:
I have written a tool that doesn't require setting manual keypoints and is not restricted to a domain (like faces). Anyway, the images have to be similar (e.g. two faces or two cars from the same perspective).
There is also a web-version created with emscripten.
I generated the above animation using following command line:
poppy flame.png glyph.png flame.png
Although this is an old question, since ImageMagick is mentioned, for anyone who comes here from google it may be worth looking at this imagemagick plugin called shapemorph.
GIMP can't do that directly, but over the years a series of (now poorly maintaind) plug-ins to do that where released by third parties. The keyword for searching for this is "morph" - you should find a bunch of stand alone programs to do that as well, from "gratis" to full fledged Free Software, such as xmorph
Given pairs of vector files (.wmf extension) it is possible to use linear interpolation of shapenodes in Visual Basic for Applications to create frames for GIF animations , though this would take along time to explain. For some examples see
http://www.giless.co.uk/animatorMorphGIFs.htm (it is like a slideshow)
I have made some improvements since then, as well!