How many load states of Titanium video player's have and the meanings each of them? - titanium

guys! I need your help! Recently, I'm trying to add the loadstate event listener to the video player, however, when I'm console the event evt to check the load state I found there're different kinds in IOS and Android platform and unexpected, the state meanings are different too. As far as I known,
Android load states video player only have two kinds: 0 and 1
① the 0 load state seems like preloading
② the 1 load state seems like can play normally
IOS load states of video player have four kinds: 1, 2, 3 and 5
I only know that the state 5 comes when the network is not connect
Here is my code:
var activityIndicator = Ti.UI.createActivityIndicator({
visible: false,
width: Ti.UI.SIZE,
height: Ti.UI.SIZE,
message: 'loading...'
videoPlayer.addEventListener('loadstate', function(evt){'---------load state---------');;
if(evt.loadState == 5){;
I had checked the API, however there's no answer. Anyone of you have a good knowledge about it? Thanks in advance!

OK, maybe I misunderstood the question, sorry. In the latest version of Titanium SDK, the API talks with the native iOS class MPMoviePlayerController, then you can check the loadState directly in the Apple documentation
enum {
MPMovieLoadStateUnknown = 0,
MPMovieLoadStatePlayable = 1 << 0,
MPMovieLoadStatePlaythroughOK = 1 << 1,
MPMovieLoadStateStalled = 1 << 2,
typedef NSInteger MPMovieLoadState;
Also, you can check Android MediaPlayer API documentation
If you have more interested about the implementation, remember, we are open-source hehe, then take a while examining directly on the Titanium SDK repository -> here
Well, while the videoPlayer API has not been normalised (maybe will not), you can simple manage this issue creating a conditional flow, e.g:
videoPlayer.addEventListener('loadstate', function(evt){
else if(OS_ANDROID){...}
else {...}


How to access Camera, Calendar, Photos, Microphone, Location, Media Library, Motion, Speech Recognition, SiriKit, TV Provider in iOS 10

I am developing my app for iOS 10, but my default iOS functionality extensions not working well. Like am not able to access camera, Microphone and media Library. Every time it got crashed. I have written all, but nothing working.
case .Authorized:
picker!.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceType.PhotoLibrary
if UIDevice.currentDevice().userInterfaceIdiom == .Phone
self.presentViewController(picker!, animated: true, completion: nil)
//handle authorized status
case .Denied, .Restricted :
let alertController = UIAlertController (title: appName, message: "Go to Settings?", preferredStyle: .Alert)
let settingsAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Settings", style: .Default) { (_) -> Void in
let settingsUrl = NSURL(string: UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString)
if let url = settingsUrl {
let cancelAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .Default, handler: nil)
presentViewController(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil)
A significant change in iOS 10 is that you must declare ahead of time any access to private data or your App will crash. The fix is quick but easy to overlook if the usage is not a major feature of an App so here is your reminder if you are planning an iOS 10 migration.
Don’t Forget Your Purpose Strings
Once you link with iOS 10 you must declare access to any user private data types. You do this by adding a usage key to your app’s Info.plist together with a purpose string. The list of frameworks that count as private data is a long one:
Contacts, Calendar, Reminders, Photos, Bluetooth Sharing, Microphone, Camera, Location, Health, HomeKit, Media Library, Motion, CallKit, Speech Recognition, SiriKit, TV Provider.
If you are using one of these frameworks and fail to declare the usage your app will crash when it first makes the access. The crash log helpfully tells you which key you are missing. For example, this is the result of accessing the camera without adding the key to Info.plist:
This app has crashed because it attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app’s Info.plist must contain an NSCameraUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.
To avoid the crash we need to add the suggested key to ‘Info.plist’ (Xcode 8 already contains the full list of possible keys):
The system shows the purpose string when asking the user to allow access (so you may want to localize it):
The direction from Apple is clear. If you access private data declare your intentions up front or expect your App to crash.
You can check all privacy settings key for apple documentation : Privacy setting keys for iOS10

How to use Google Translate TTS with the new V2 API?

I used to call Google Translate TTS to download an audio file using this url:!
However Google changed the way that works and therefore I can no longer download the audio files.
I've signed up for a free trial for Google Translate API V2, but can't find how to get the TTS audio files.
Any idea?
You can use that link without captcha..ın+bu+dünya+bitsin+bu+rüya
I stumbled across this thread and wanted to give my take on it, with reference to #Alexandre Andrade, mainly because he didn't submit any code.
I did this in a react app, but the same procedure should works for a vanilla web project.
I did add the meta tag to my head public/index.html,
<meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer">
Then added the audio tag in my component:
const playTTS = (text, lang) => {
// Get the audio element
const audioEl = document.getElementById('tts-audio');
const url= `${lang}&client=tw-ob&q=${text}`;
// add the sound to the audio element
audioEl.src = url;
//For auto playing the sound;
<audio controls id="tts-audio"/>
Then it's just a matter of hooking the function up to some of your life cycle methods. Since I wrote my react code in react hooks, I added the function call in one of my hooks to get it initialized when the component was loaded. (this would be in the componentDidMount() function otherwise).
Hope this helps anyone out!
try this link for English:
For Chinese (Puthonghua)世界+你好
Text-to-speech was always an 'unofficial' API which is now captcha-protected to prevent abuse. It was never advertised as part of the Translate API, and currently there is no TTS functionality in the Translate V2 API, paid or otherwise.
There is some more background on the following groups thread which had been ongoing for some time.
Here's to those who have desperately been trying to play Google TTS as an audio in HTML: let me save you a couple of hours of time and tell you how to do it.
Let's say we have this link:
If you try to play this audio given the link and using <audio>, <iframe>, using third-party libraries or playing it with Javascript...
var audio = new Audio('');;
...then you'll soon find out that none of the aforementioned ways work as Error 404 is being thrown.
Apparently, the only possible way to play this TTS generic audio is to utilise <embed> tag wrapped into a custom <iframe> and giving the link a unique version number (it is important, as caching by browsers prevents the audio from playing for some reason).
Here is the solution for our example: (assuming you have an iframe#ttsiframe)
function playTTS(lang,sentence) {
//get the iframe
var iFrame = document.getElementById('ttsiframe');
//remove its sandbox property
//this is your reference variable for the iframe body and head tag
var iFrameBody;
//get the body
if (iFrame.contentDocument) { // FF
iFrameBody = iFrame.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
iFrameHead = iFrame.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
else if (iFrame.contentWindow) { // IE
iFrameBody = iFrame.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
iFrameHead = iFrame.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
else {
iFrameBody = iFrame.contentDocument.body;
iFrameHead = iFrame.contentDocument.head;
//generate link to Google Translate TTS using arguments (pay attention to random version number at the end)
var link = '' + lang + '&q=' + sentence.replace(/ /g,'+').replace(/[.]/g,'') + '&rd=' + getRandomInt(0,50000000);
//add embed element with our link
iFrameBody.innerHTML = '<embed src="' + link + '" id="TTS">';
//isolate iframe
you can simply use the link:
Text to Speech

How to create a simple animation effect

Is there a code sample available that illustrates how to use a 2D transform (such as rotate and scale) with a JPG in a react-native application, perhaps with the code in the tutorial as a starting point?
If possible, it would be helpful to see code for two scenarios:
1) automatically apply a transform when the app is launched
2) apply a transform after different types of user gestures
At some point in the future it would be interesting to see how to create 3D transforms and animation effects.
Update: You can see the entire example in my sample app here:
Animation is now AnimationExperimental so we'll need to modify zvona's solution.
First, make sure RCTAnimationExperimental is a linked library
If not, then follow these steps:
Navigate to node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Animation/
Drag and drop RCTAnimationExperimental.xcodeproj to Libraries (should look like the image above)
Click on your project name (in the example above, my project name is Memory)
Switch to the Build Phases tab
Expand Libraries/RCTAnimationExperimental.xcodeproj/Products
Drag libRctAnimationExperimental.a to Link Binary With Libraries
Ok, the hardest part is now over. Head over to your JavaScript file. Animation is no longer part of the react-native package so we have to include it explicitly.
var React = require('react-native');
var AnimationExperimental = require('AnimationExperimental');
Alright, champ, you're ready to animate. Make sure you know what you're animating. The view you will be animating is referred to as node.
node: this.refs.image,
duration: 400,
easing: 'easeInQuad',
property: 'opacity',
toValue: 0.1,
And that's it!
At the moment of writing, available properties are: opacity, position, positionX, positionY, rotation, scaleXY
Currently, this is a bit more complex process and I'm planning to write a blog post about that. However, as a brief starter, I write something here.
First problem is that RCTAnimation / RCTAnimationManager is not present at all, if you've created your project with react-native init [ProjectName] (
You need to add it in XCode from a plus sign in top left corner: "Add Files to [ProjectName]". Then you navigate to node_modules > Libraries > Animation > RCTAnimation.xcodeproj. After it's imported, you need to drag it under Libraries in your project.
Then you need to open tab Build Phases. There you have menu Link Binary With Libraries (x items). Drag from Products under RCTAnimation.xcodeproj file named libRCTAnimation.a to the menu.
Now, you can build your project to support animations. I'm not that familiar with XCode, so there could be a even more simple way of achieving this, but I got it sorted like this.
Second Problem is that not all the available (or planned) functionality is there. At least I ran through the jungle of trials and errors before I got anything on the screen.
Try e.g. this code at first to get fully proofed that animations are working:
var {
} = React;
var styles = StyleSheet.create({
test: {
width: 400,
height: 400,
backgroundColor: 'blue',
opacity: 0
var AnimationTest = React.createClass({
componentDidMount () {
Animation.startAnimation(this.refs['this'], 400, 0, 'linear', {opacity: 1});
render () {
return (
<View ref='this' style={styles.test}>
<Text>Just an animation test</Text>
AppRegistry.registerComponent('AnimationTest', () => AnimationTest);
This should get you going. If you need any further assistance, please notify me.
If I ever succeed in writing a more complete instructions in a form of a blog article, I'll update it to this answer.
Check out the 2048 demo application for example usage of the RCTAnimation library:
It doesn't use any especially complex transforms, but does animate position, opacity, and scaleXY of various elements with code that looks like this:
Animation.startAnimation(this.refs['this'], 300, 0, 'easeInOutQuad', {scaleXY: [1, 1]});

Playing different Sound files in Appcelerator Titanium makes the audio got noise

I have created an app using appcelerator for Iphone , which buy click on buttons it will play a relative sound , here is the code, but the problem is when i play the audio many times and play different audios using this function the sound starts to lag and have noise inside, can anybody help me with it , Thanks.
var soundplaying = 0;
var sound;
function playaudio(url) {
if (soundplaying == 0) {
sound = Ti.Media.createSound({});
sound.setUrl('../assets/audio/' + url);
sound.addEventListener('complete', function() {
soundplaying = 0;
soundplaying = 1;
(i have tried to release the sound object after each time but still no use, I tried to createSound only once but seems the titanium dose not support changing url for Media.Sound) dynamically.
I could have solve this issue temporary , by changing the audio files format to .m4a (aac).
i was using mp3 earlier.

Acitvity Indicator doesnt show up in ios 5 but it is visible in ios 4

I am using Titanium studio for development, acitvity indicator doesnt show up in ios 5 but it is visible in ios 4...please help
var activityIndicator = Ti.UI.createActivityIndicator
font:{ fontSize:14, fontFamily:'Helvetica Neue', fontWeight:'bold'},
First a link to the docs. Now some explanation: once you add an activity indicator to a window or view, you also have to show it like this:;
Then when youre done with it you can hide it like this:
Also note that the BIG style is white and cant be seen on a white background.
As an addendum, this is bad javascript practice :
var activityIndicator = Ti.UI.createActivityIndicator
({ <----------- Never do this
var activityIndicator = Ti.UI.createActivityIndicator({ <-- Thats better
This may cause the interpreter to put a semi-colon after the first line, causing problems, and it just looks awful (this is not Obj-C, this is javascript). Refer to this talk by Kevin Whinnery on "Best Practices for Javascript."