Read GML for JP2 using OpenJPEG library? - jpeg2000

The title sums it all up. But i must explain, that i don't seek GDAL solution. My aim is to read entire JP2 file with georeference using only OpenJPEG and my geoprojections library?

Okey, it's not really an answer, its a piece of general advice:
Don't waste your time - Use GDAL for that one.


how-to-parse-a-ofx-version-1-0-2-file-in power BI?

I just read
How to parse a OFX (Version 1.0.2) file in PHP?
I am not a developer. What easy tool can I use to make this code run with no code skill or appetence ? web browser is pretty hard to use for non dev guys.
I need this to use the file into Power BI, which accept M code, json source or xml, but not sgml ofx or PHP.
Thanks in advance
Welcome Didier to StackOverflow!
I'm going to try and give you a clue how I'd approach the problem here. But keep in mind that your question really lacks details for us to help you, and I'm asking to update your question with example data that you want to integrate into PowerBI. Also, I'm not too familiar with PowerBI nor PHP, and won't go into making that PHP code you linked run for you.
Rather, I'd suggest to convert your OFX file into XML, and then use PowerBI's XML import on that converted file.
From your linked question, I get that your OFX file is in SGML format. There's a program specifically designed to convert SGML into XML (which is just a restricted form of SGML) called osx. I've detailed how to install it on Linux and Mac OS in another question related to SGML-to-XML down-converting; if you're on Windows, you may have luck by just downloading a really ancient (32bit) version of it from Alternatively, you can use my software as explained in Converting HTML to XML though that tutorial is really about the much more complex task of converting HTML to XML/XHTML and will probably confuse you.
Anyway, if you manage to install osx, running it on your OFX file (which I assume to have the name yourfile.ofx just for illustration) is just a matter of invoking (on the Windows or Linux/Mac OS command line):
osx yourfile.ofx > yourfile.xml
to result in yourfile.xml which you can attempt to load with PowerBI.
Chances are your OFX file has additional text at the beginning (lines like XYZ:0001 that come before <ofx>). In that case, you can just remove those lines using a text editor before invoking osx on it. Maybe you also need a .dtd file or additional instructions at the top of the OFX file informing SGML about the grammar of your file; it's really difficult to say without seeing actual test data.
Before bothering with SGML and all that, however, I suggest to remove those first few lines in your OFX file (everything until the first < character) and check if PowerBI can already recognize your changed input file as XML (which, from other OFX example files, has a good chance of succeeding). Be sure to work on a copy of your original file rather than overwriting it. Then come back and update your question with your results and example data.

How to extract info from a file

this may be a beginner's question. I've tried searching for info but couldn't find anything. Part of my work requires me to convert a specific, proprietary, file type. Unfortunately the software is no longer supported and can't be found. I have no idea where to start on this. I would like to write a little utility to basically convert the file for me to a standard file. Question is where do I start? Conceptually what am I looking at here? Is this even possible?
You could start by understanding what is stored in the file. Is there a pattern to the data, what is the pattern, how it is repeated, etc.
Then open the file in binary mode and try to find if there is indeed a pattern. If there is one, you should be able to see it, even if in binary mode.
And lots of patience :-)

How to detect image in a document

How can I detect images in a document say doc,xls,ppt or pdf ?
I came across with Apache Tika, I am trying its command line option.
But not quite sure how it will detect images.
Any help is appreciated.
You've said you want to use a command line solution, and not write any Java code, so it's not going to be the prettiest way to do it... If you are happy to write a little bit of Java, and create a new program to call from Python, then you can do it much nicer!
The first thing to do is to have the Tika App extract out any embedded resources within your file. Use the --extract option for this, and have the extraction occur in a special temp directory you app controls, eg
$ java -jar tika.jar --extract ../testWORD_embedded_pdf.doc
Extracting 'image1.emf' (application/x-emf)
Extracting '_1402837031.pdf' (application/pdf)
Grab the output of the extraction if you can, and parse that looking for images (but be aware that some images have an application/ prefix on their canconical mimetype!). You might need to run a second --detect step on a few, I'm not sure, test how the parsers get on with the extraction.
Now, if there were images, they'll be in your test dir. Process them as you want. Finally, zap the temp dir when you're done with the file!
Having used Tika in the past I can't see how Tika can help with images embedded within Office documents or PDFs I was wrong to answer No. You will have may still try to resolve to native APIs like Apache POI and Apache PDFBox. Tika does use both libraries to parse text and metadata but no embedded image support.
Using Tika makes these APIs automatically available (side effect of using Tika).
Since Tika 0.8: look for EmbeddedResourceHandler and examples - thanks to Gagravarr.

How to use Locality Sensitive Hash --LSHKIT

I really need to use LSHKIT for my program to measure the similarity of some high dimensional vectors. there is a library for lsh called lshkit which can be found here:
I am confused to use it. First of all I could not build it so I went to section 3.2 which is "Directly add LSHKIT source to your project"
I put all the src codes in one project and fixed the errors but now I do not know how to use it and compile it for a sample data (which is proposed in the lshkit website)
could you guys please help me to find out how to call the functions and see the results?
Shameless plug: this implementation of Multi-probe LSH is much easier to use than the C++ library. It also implements LSH Forest.

What are the relative merits of pdflatex?

Not sure this is a programming question, but we use LaTeX for all our API documentation and user documentation, so I hope it will go through.
Can someone please explain what are the relative merits of using pdflatex as opposed to the "classic" technique of
latex foo
dvips -Ppdf foo
From time to time I run into people who have difficulty because things don't work in pdflatex, and I know that using pdflatex gives up two things I have grown to value:
Can't use the very speedy xdvi viewer
Can't use the PStricks package
I should add that I typically get PDF with hyperlinks by using something on the order of
so it's not necessary to use pdflatex to get good PDF.
What are the advantages of pdflatex that I don't know about?
What are the disadvantages of the old tools that I've overlooked?
My favorite pdflatex feature is the microtype package, which is available only when using pdflatex to go directly to PDF, and really produces stunning results with no effort on my part. Apart from that, the only caveats I run into are image formats:
pdflatex supports PDF, PNG, and JPG images.
the postscript drivers support (at least) EPS.
Also, if you want to install fonts, the procedures are slightly different depending on what fonts that driver supports. (Hint: use XeTeX to instantly enable OpenType fonts.)
As it turns out, I recently read a post that shows the difference directly. Any document that uses tables or narrow columns will be improved automatically. I also find the inter-word spacing to be far more pleasing with pdflatex.
Is xdvi much faster than xpdf? I find the edit, TeX, view cycle to be very quick with pdflatex.
Have you tried MetaPost or MetaFun for graphics? I tend to put graphics creation in the hands of the capable, but MetaFun would likely be the package I'd use. Just reading the manuals is a pleasure.
Also pdftex is the engine under development (towards luatex) and maintenance. I'm not sure the DVI counterparts are as actively maintained.
PStricks is supplanted by Tikz.
I didn't use xdvi in years, so pardon the trollish rhetorical questions: Does xdvi display vector fonts? Does it support synctex (jumping to and from code)? Does it have the confort of use of PDF readers like Skim?
Taco Hoekwater is working on Escrito, a Postscript interpreter written in Lua, which would allow you to use pstricks in Luatex. He has an impressive project completion record: maybe I should have used "will" rather than "would" in the previous sentence.
I used pdflatex to generate the PDF for my ICFP 2009 paper. (I still needed to use standard latex to generate the PostScript file.) I did so for two reasons:
I couldn't seem to get ps2pdf to generate Letter, rather than A4 output, no matter what command line options I used.
For the printers, I needed to produce a version 1.3 PDF file, not 1.4. pdflatex made this easy to do. I set the PDF author and title information while I was at it.
Both of these problems may be fixable in some way, but as a first-time latex user, I didn't find any obvious solutions, nor did more experienced users whom I'd asked.