Perform An Action When Proceeding To Payment in prestashop. - prestashop

After selecting any payment method on order page. I want to run a small php code so is there any way to perform an action after chosen any payment method.

You can create a module and use a hookActionPayamentConfirmation
public function hookActionPaymentConfirmation()
/* Place your code here. */
if you do not want to display anything
public function hookActionValidateOrder()
/* Place your code here. */
if you want display a element
public function hookDisplayShoppingCart()
/* Place your code here. */


How to persist/read-back Run Configuration parameters in Intellij plugin

I'm making a basic IntelliJ plugin that lets a user define Run Configuration (following the tutorial at [1]), and use said Run Configurations to execute the file open in the editor on a remote server.
My Run Configuration is simple (3 text fields), and I have it all working, however, after editing the Run Configuration, and click "Apply" or "OK" after changing values, the entered values are lost.
What is the correct way to persist and read-back values (both when the Run Configuration is re-opened as well as when the Run Configuration's Runner invoked)? It looks like I could try to create a custom persistence using [2], however, it seems like the Plugin framework should have a way to handle this already or at least hooks for when Apply/OK is pressed.
Hopefully, this post is a bit more clear to those new to IntelliJ plugin development and illustrates how persisting/loading Run Configurations can be achieved. Please read through the code comments as this is where much of the explanation takes place.
Also now that SettingsEditorImpl is my custom implementation of the SettingsEditor abstract class, and likewise, RunConfigurationImpl is my custom implementation of the RunConfigiration abstract class.
The first thing to do is to expose the form fields via custom getters on your SettingsEditorImpl (ie. getHost())
public class SettingsEditorImpl extends SettingsEditor<RunConfigurationImpl> {
private JPanel configurationPanel; // This is the outer-most JPanel
private JTextField hostJTextField;
public SettingsEditorImpl() {
protected JComponent createEditor() {
return configurationPanel;
/* Gets the Form fields value */
private String getHost() {
return hostJTextField.getText();
/* Copy value FROM your custom runConfiguration back INTO the Form UI; This is to load previously saved values into the Form when it's opened. */
protected void resetEditorFrom(RunConfigurationImpl runConfiguration) {
hostJTextField.setText(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(runConfiguration.getHost(), RUN_CONFIGURATION_HOST_DEFAULT));
/* Sync the value from the Form UI INTO the RunConfiguration which is what the rest of your code will interact with. This requires a way to set this value on your custom RunConfiguration, ie. RunConfigurationImpl##setHost(host) */
protected void applyEditorTo(RunConfigurationImpl runConfiguration) throws ConfigurationException {
So now, the custom SettingsEditor, which backs the Form UI, is set up to Sync field values In and Out of itself. Remember, the custom RunConfiguration is what is going to actually represent this configuration; the SettingsEditor implementation just represents the FORM (a subtle difference, but important).
Now we need a custom RunConfiguration ...
/* Annotate the class with #State and #Storage, which is used to define how this RunConfiguration's data will be persisted/loaded. */
name = Constants.PLUGIN_NAME,
storages = {#Storage(Constants.PLUGIN_NAME + "__run-configuration.xml")}
public class RunConfigurationImpl extends RunConfigurationBase {
// Its good to 'namespace' keys to your component;
public static final String KEY_HOST = Constants.PLUGIN_NAME + ".host";
private String host;
public RunConfigurationImpl(Project project, ConfigurationFactory factory, String name) {
super(project, factory, name);
/* Return an instances of the custom SettingsEditor ... see class defined above */
public SettingsEditor<? extends RunConfiguration> getConfigurationEditor() {
return new SettingsEditorImpl();
/* Return null, else we'll get a Startup/Connection tab in our Run Configuration UI in IntelliJ */
public SettingsEditor<ConfigurationPerRunnerSettings> getRunnerSettingsEditor(ProgramRunner runner) {
return null;
/* This is a pretty cool method. Every time SettingsEditor#applyEditorTo() is changed the values in this class, this method is run and can check/validate any fields! If RuntimeConfigurationException is thrown, the exceptions message is shown at the bottom of the Run Configuration UI in IntelliJ! */
public void checkConfiguration() throws RuntimeConfigurationException {
if (!StringUtils.startsWithAny(getHost(), "http://", "https://")) {
throw new RuntimeConfigurationException("Invalid host");
public RunProfileState getState(#NotNull Executor executor, #NotNull ExecutionEnvironment executionEnvironment) throws ExecutionException {
return null;
/* This READS any prior persisted configuration from the State/Storage defined by this classes annotations ... see above.
You must manually read and populate the fields using JDOMExternalizerUtil.readField(..).
This method is invoked at the "right time" by the plugin framework. You dont need to call this.
public void readExternal(Element element) throws InvalidDataException {
host = JDOMExternalizerUtil.readField(element, KEY_HOST);
/* This WRITES/persists configurations TO the State/Storage defined by this classes annotations ... see above.
You must manually read and populate the fields using JDOMExternalizerUtil.writeField(..).
This method is invoked at the "right time" by the plugin framework. You dont need to call this.
public void writeExternal(Element element) throws WriteExternalException {
JDOMExternalizerUtil.writeField(element, KEY_HOST, host);
/* This method is what's used by the rest of the plugin code to access the configured 'host' value. The host field (variable) is written by
1. when writeExternal(..) loads a value from a persisted config.
2. when SettingsEditor#applyEditorTo(..) is called when the Form itself changes.
public String getHost() {
return host;
/* This method sets the value, and is primarily used by the custom SettingEditor's SettingsEditor#applyEditorTo(..) method call */
public void setHost(String host) { = host;
To read these configuration values elsewhere, say for example a custom ProgramRunner, you would do something like:
final RunConfigurationImpl runConfiguration = (RunConfigurationImpl) executionEnvironment.getRunnerAndConfigurationSettings().getConfiguration();
runConfiguration.getHost(); // Returns the configured host value
See com.intellij.execution.configurations.RunConfigurationBase#readExternal as well as com.intellij.execution.configurations.RunConfigurationBase#loadState and com.intellij.execution.configurations.RunConfigurationBase#writeExternal

Render glitch with custom block boundaries minecraft

I'm creating a mod for Minecraft. Recently, I've tried to make a custom block, and I'm having two issues with it.
My main issue is that the block is rendering incorrectly. I want the block to be smaller in size than a full block. I successfully changed the block boundaries with setBlockBounds(), and while that did make the block render smaller and use the smaller boundaries, it causes other rendering issues. When I place the block, the floor below is becomes invisible and I can see through it, either to caves below, blocks behind it, or the void if there is nothing there. How do I fix that block not rendering? Here's a screenshot:
Additionally, my goal for this block is to emit an "aura" that gives players around it speed or some other potion effect. I have the basic code for finding players around the block and giving them speed, but I can't find a way to activate this method every tick or every X amount of ticks to ensure that it gives players within the box speed in a reliable manner. There are already some blocks in the normal game that do this, so it must be possible. How can I do this?
For your first issue, you need to override isOpaqueCube to return false. You'll also want to override isFullCube for other parts of the code, but that isn't as important for rendering. Example:
public class YourBlock {
// ... existing code ...
* Used to determine ambient occlusion and culling when rebuilding chunks for render
public boolean isOpaqueCube(IBlockState state) {
return false;
public boolean isFullCube(IBlockState state) {
return false;
Here's some info on rendering that mentions this.
Regarding your second problem, that's more complicated. It's generally achieved via a tile entity, though you can also use block updates (which is much slower). Good examples of this are BlockBeacon and TileEntityBeacon (for using tile entities) and BlockFrostedIce (for block updates). Here's some (potentially out of date) info on tile entities.
Here's an (untested) example of getting an update each tick this with tile entities:
public class YourBlock {
// ... existing code ...
* Returns a new instance of a block's tile entity class. Called on placing the block.
public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World worldIn, int meta) {
return new TileEntityYourBlock();
* Tile entity for your block.
* Tile entities normally store data, but they can also receive an update each
* tick, but to do so they must implement ITickable. So, don't forget the
* "implements ITickable".
public class TileEntityYourBlock extends TileEntity implements ITickable {
public void update() {
// Your code to give potion effects to nearby players would go here
// If you only want to do it every so often, you can check like this:
if (this.worldObj.getTotalWorldTime() % 80 == 0) {
// Only runs every 80 ticks (4 seconds)
// The following code isn't required to make a tile entity that gets ticked,
// but you'll want it if you want (EG) to be able to set the effect.
* Example potion effect.
* May be null.
private Potion effect;
public void setEffect(Potion potionEffect) {
this.effect = potionEffect;
public Potion getEffect() {
return this.effect;
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) {
int effectID = compound.getInteger("Effect")
this.effect = Potion.getPotionById(effectID);
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) {
int effectID = Potion.getIdFromPotion(this.effect);
compound.setInteger("Effect", effectID);
// This line needs to go in the main registration.
// The ID can be anything so long as it isn't used by another mod.
GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityYourBlock.class, "YourBlock");

How to exclude beforeFeature for specific tag in behat

I have a behat feature with specific tag and I have two beforeFeature function. One of them runs for every scenario and one of them runs only for specific tagged scenarios. The problem is that the beforeFeature with no tag also runs before those features that have the tag. I want to make this beforeFeature to not runs on those feature with specific tag.
For example I have a following feature:
Feature: This feature runs tagged beforeFeature
And In my FeatureContect I have the following beforeFeature functions
/** #BeforeFeature */
public static function beforeFeatureDefault()
// Do something
/** #BeforeFeature #taggedFeature*/
public static function beforeFeatureTagged()
// Do something
What I want is from behat is to not run the beforeFeatureDefault() function before my tagged feature.
You can exclude the tagged features with ~:
/** #BeforeFeature ~#taggedFeature */
public static function beforeFeatureDefault() {
echo 'beforeFeatureDefault()';
/** #BeforeFeature #taggedFeature */
public static function beforeFeatureTagged() {
echo 'beforeFeatureTagged()';

Building a event-based application-wide cron component

What I'm trying to achieve is creating an application that is highly modular. I'm trying to create a cron script which addresses all the cron scripts that need to be fired in all the sub-modules. What I would actually would like to do, is create an event, say runCron that gets fired from a CController and then hook into that when it get's raised from within the sub modules with onRunCron methods. Outlining what I'm trying to do:
|- CronController.php - Raise the event 'RunCron', not knowing which modules will fire after this.
|- Modules
|- Nodes
|- Observe the event 'onRunCron' and run own cron script
|- Users
|- Observe the event 'onRunCron' and run own cron script
What I think I will need to do according to Yii's event system, is create the event and raise it at an application-level (that is still what I'm trying to do) but then; I also need to assign the callbacks from the submodules on an application-level in the controller. Which I do not want, since when a submodule gets added / deleted, the application needs to be adjusted, which does not sound modular at all.
Could someone line out the basics of setting up a event like this and making it as modular as possible? Since I think I'm looking at this completely the wrong way.
Edit (solution):
Thanks to acorncom's answer I've managed to work out the following system.
class CronSingleton extends CApplicationComponent {
* Make sure we "touch" the modules, so they are initialised and are able to attach their listeners.
public function touchModules () {
$modules = Yii::app()->getModules();
if (!empty($modules)) {
foreach ($modules as $name => $module) {
* This method should be run to run the cron. It will commense all the procedures in cronjobs
public function execCron($caller) {
$this->onStartCron(new CEvent($caller));
$this->onRunCron(new CEvent($caller));
$this->onExitCron(new CEvent($caller));
* Raise an event when starting cron, all modules should add their listeners to this event if they would like to fire something before running the cron.
public function onStartCron ($event) {
$this->raiseEvent('onStartCron', $event);
* Raise an event when running cron, all modules should add their listeners to this event to execute during cron run. Mosty this event should be used.
public function onRunCron ($event) {
$this->raiseEvent('onRunCron', $event);
* Raise an event when cron exits, all modules should add their listeners to this event when cron exits.
public function onExitCron ($event) {
$this->raiseEvent('onExitCron', $event);
class CronController extends Controller
public $layout='//layouts/bare';
public function actionIndex($k) {
Yii::app()->cron->onStartCron = array($this, 'startcron');
Yii::app()->cron->onRunCron = array($this, 'runcron');
Yii::app()->cron->onExitCron = array($this, 'exitcron');
public function startcron(){
var_dump('CronController - Starting cron');
public function runcron(){
var_dump('CronController - Run cron');
public function exitcron(){
var_dump('CronController - Ending cron');
class AdminModule extends CWebModule
public function init()
// this method is called when the module is being created
// you may place code here to customize the module or the application
// import the module-level models and components
Yii::app()->cron->onRunCron = array($this, 'runCron');
public function runCron($event) {
var_dump('AdminModule - Run cron');
public function beforeControllerAction($controller, $action)
if(parent::beforeControllerAction($controller, $action))
// this method is called before any module controller action is performed
// you may place customized code here
return true;
return false;
This "proof of concept" setup manages to print out the following result, exactly what I wanted it to do:
string(30) "CronController - Starting cron"
string(25) "CronController - Run cron"
string(22) "AdminModule - Run cron"
string(28) "CronController - Ending cron"
I think you'll want to do something like the following (note: this hasn't been tested, but it should work conceptually).
Create a CApplicationComponent for your cron system. Having it be an application component (registered in your config/main.php file) makes it accessible from anywhere in your app / modules / sub modules / controllers, etc
Have your cron component handle the registration of events / firing of events. Refer to the Yii events page for more info on the details of how this works. Note: you can create your own custom events that subclass the main CEvent class if you need to pass in additional parameters about your events.
Have your modules register as event handlers with your cron component as they initialize.
Have your controller fire off an event to your cron component.
One potential gotcha. I'm not sure whether modules or components are registered first (I believe components should be, but it's worth testing). If your cron component is loading after the modules that are trying to register events with your cron component, then you may want to preload your cron component. There are a few other hacks you can try if that doesn't work (come back and ask for more details).
Oh, and let us know how it goes!
Have you checked the wikis on yii's website about events? I think it's a good place to start, then if you still have some questions we could help you!
Events explained
Behaviors & events

Controller selection

In my title screen, i have a code saying that the first controller using A is the
Here is the code:
public override void HandleInput(InputState input)
for (int anyPlayer = 0; anyPlayer <4; anyPlayer++)
if (GamePad.GetState((PlayerIndex)anyPlayer).Buttons.A == ButtonState.Pressed)
FirstPlayer = (PlayerIndex)anyPlayer;
AddScreen(new Background());
My question is: How can i use the "FirstPlayer" in other classes? (without this, there is no interest in this code)
I tried the Get Set thing but i can't make it work. Does i need to put my code in another class? Do you use other code to make this?
You can make a static variable say : SelectedPlayer,
and assign first player to it!
then you can call the first player through this class,
for example
class GameManager
public static PlayerIndex SelectedPlayer{get;set;}
and right after the loop in your code, you can say:
GameManager.SelectedPlayer = FirstPlayer;
I hope this helps, if your code cold be clearer that would be easier to help :)
Ok, so to do this properly you're going to have to redesign a little.
First off, you should be checking for a new gamepad input (i.e. you should be exiting the screen only when 'A' has been newly pressed). To do this you should be storing previous and current gamepad states:
private GamePadState currentGamePadState;
private GamePadState lastGamePadState;
// in your constructor
currentGamePadState = new GamePadState();
lastGamePadState = new GamePadState();
// in your update
lastGamePadState = currentGamePadState;
currentGamePadState = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One);
Really what you need to do is modify your class that deals with input. The basic functionality from your HandleInput function should be moved into your input class. Input should have a collection of functions that test for new/current input. For example, for the case you posted:
public Bool IsNewButtonPress(Buttons buton)
return (currentGamePadState.IsButtonDown(button) && lastGamePadState.IsButtonUp(button));
Then you can write:
public override void HandleInput(InputState input)
if (input.IsNewButtonPress(Buttons.A)
AddScreen(new Background());
Note: this will only work for one controller. To extend the implementation, you'll need to do something like this:
private GamePadState[] currentGamePadStates;
private GamePadState[] lastGamePadStates;
// in your constructor
currentGamePadStates = new GamePadState[4];
currentGamePadStates[0] = new GamePadState(PlayerIndex.One);
currentGamePadStates[1] = new GamePadController(PlayerIndex.Two);
// etc.
lastGamePadStates[0] = new GamePadState(PlayerIndex.One);
// etc.
// in your update
foreach (GamePadState s in currentGamePadStates)
// update all of this as before...
// etc.
Now, you want to test every controller for input, so you'll need to generalise by writing a function that returns a Bool after checking each GamePadState in the arrays for a button press.
Check out the MSDN Game State Management Sample for a well developed implementation. I can't remember if it supports multiple controllers, but the structure is clear and can easily be adapted if not.