How do you query table for containing a value - sql

I want to know if a table contains at least one entry that meets specific conditions. I don't want to go over all entries but to stop at first one. Is there a generic way to do this in sql?

I think a research would have given you the answer much more quickly, but anyway here is what I use:
PRINT 'Exists!'
PRINT 'Does not exist!'
Bear in mind that when using EXISTS, it doesn't matter what fields you select, whether they are from the table, constants or even NULL values as in this case.


SQL Server: IF EXISTS statement

I am working on an If Exists Then Update, Else Insert statement in SQL Server and have 2 questions.
First, I was hoping to be able to debug my statement by effectively having it perform two steps:
If Exists (select.....)
Print 'Record already exists'
UPDATE Tab set Col....
Which fails. Is there a way to get both statements to execute or can I only have one result when If Exists returns TRUE? I tried a comma after the PRINT command but that made no difference.
Second, my If Exists query returns one record (for now). But, running my UPDATE without a WHERE clause causes every record in the Table to be changed. I thought the UPDATE would operate only on the records returned by the If Exists test. Do I need to specify a WHERE clause in my UPDATE statement, much like I would if I had no If Exists test?
The sintax that you need should be the next:
if exists (select ... _your_condition_)
Print 'Record already exists'
UPDATE Tab set Col....
Print 'New record'
INSERT into Tab ....
Remark that without begin/end blocks, the if applies just the immediate next sentence, so the update would be done always in your example.
This is just one answer to one part of your question, which is quite misleading. If your WHERE filter has some relationship with the check that you are performing in the "if exists" sentence, we should know it exactly to know if there is a better way to resolve your query.

PostgreSQL function check if field is CSV

I can accomplish this with PHP in the end, but it would be more elegant to have it in the SQL. I have no choice but to use PostgreSQL for this project and I have never used it before, so...
There is a table 'test_results' that contains the columns:
sample_id(text) | test_result(text) | sessiontime(bigint)
Another table has information that includes the sample_id, but some have had multiple tests run. When that happens the sample_id field is populated with a CSV list of sample_ids. Not all of these sample_ids exist in the test_results table. There is also no way of knowing how many tests have been run.
If there is only one sample_id it will be in the table and should be returned. Otherwise the field of CSV needs to split and checked to see if it exists and since only one test_result need be returned the one with the latest sessiontime(which is epochtime) need be returned.
I have been over this many ways and my code has now become a jumble of unworkable ...
Guidance would be appreciated. I can always go back and do it in the PHP if I need...
DROP FUNCTION get_test_results(text);
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_test_results(sample_id TEXT) returns
table(test_results text) as $$
IF position("," in sample_id) THEN
SELECT test_results FROM test_results WHERE sample_id = sample_id ORDER BY sessiontime DESC;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
This not functioning yet.... needs to split_part(sample_id, ','::text, 1) then get all the results but on the one with the most recent sessiontime.
PostgreSQL is an excellent choice and very versatile for things like this.
First of, to determine if your sample_id is a single value or a list of values:
-- (sample_id ~ '^ *\d\+ *$') returns true if there is one number only
SELECT CASE WHEN sample_id ~ '^ *\d\+ *$' THEN sample_id::int END
Then, to open up the list of ids in a comma-separated list of samples you can unnest the array returned by string_to_array:
FROM unnest(string_to_array(sample_id, ',')::int[]) i
You can use that for either single or multiple numbers (since there is just one value, you'll get only one row).

SQLite changes() counts non-changing UPDATEs

I have question regarding SQLite's changes() function, which, according to the documentation, "returns the number of database rows that were changed or inserted or deleted by the most recently completed INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement" (also see the documentation of the underlying C/C++ function).
I was hoping to use this function to check whether the execution of an UPDATE statement pertaining to a single row has really caused that row to be changed or not.
By changed I do not just mean that the row matched the statement's WHERE clause. No, instead what I mean is that, for the row in question, the value of at least 1 column is actually different after the execution compared to before. If you ask me this is the only proper definition of a change in this context.
So I was hoping to detect such changes by checking whether changes() returns 1 (row changed) or 0 (row unchanged) when called right after the execution of the UPDATE statement.
But much to my despair this does not seem to work as expected.
Allow me to illustrate:
INSERT INTO People (Name) VALUES ("Astrid");
SELECT changes();
Here changes() returns 1, as expected because we just INSERTed 1 row.
UPDATE People SET Name = "Emma" WHERE Id = 1;
SELECT changes();
Here changes() returns 1, as expected because 1 row was UPDATEd (i.e. actually changed: the Name of the Person with Id = 1 was "Astrid" but is now "Emma").
UPDATE People SET Name = "John" WHERE Id = 200;
SELECT changes();
Here changes() returns 0, as expected because there is no row with Id = 200.
So far so good. But now have a look at the following UPDATE statement, which does indeed match an existing row, but does not actually change it at all (Name remains set to "Emma")...
UPDATE People SET Name = "Emma" WHERE Id = 1;
SELECT changes();
Here changes() returns 1, while I was of course hoping for 0 :-(.
Perhaps this would have made sense if the function was called something like matched_rows() or affected_rows(). But for a function called changes(), and documented as it is, this behaviour strikes me as illogical, or confusing at best.
So anyway, can somebody explain why this happens, or, even better, suggest an alternative strategy to achieve my goal in a reliable (and efficient) way?
All I can think of is to actually do something like SELECT * FROM People WHERE Id = x, compare all returned column values with the values I'm about to set in the UPDATE statement and thereby decide whether I need to execute the UPDATE at all. But that can't be very efficient, right?
Of course in this toy example it might not matter much, but in my actual application I'm dealing with tables with many more columns, some of which are (potentially big) BLOBs.
The database does not compare old and new values; any UPDATEd row always counts as "changed" even if the values happen to be the same.
The documentation says that
the UPDATE affects … those rows for which the result of evaluating the WHERE clause expression as a boolean expression is true.
If you want to check the old value, you have to do it explicitly:
UPDATE People SET Name = 'Emma' WHERE Id = 1 AND Name IS NOT 'Emma';

What's the best to check if item exist or not: Select Count(ID)OR Exist(...)?

What's the best in performance to determined if an item exist or not specially if the table contain more than 700,000 row
if (Select count(id) from Registeration where email='') > 0
print 'Exist'
print 'Not Exist'
if Exists(Select id from Registeration where email='')
print 'Exist'
print 'Not Exist'
EXISTS, always
COUNT will traverse the table or an index: you asked for a COUNT
EXISTS will stop as soon as it finds a row
Edit, to be clear
Of course, in this case if the email column is unique and indexed it will be close.
Generally, EXISTS will use less resources and is more correct too. You are looking for existence of a row, not "more than zero" even if they are the same
Edit2: In the EXISTS, you can use NULL, 1, ID, or even 1/0: it isn't checked...
21 May 2011 edit:
It looks like this was optimised in SQL Server 2005+ so COUNT is now the same as EXISTS in this case
also take in consideration that Count() only return int in which if you count some data that exceed int it will generate error

MySQL - Set default value for field as a string concatenation function

I have a table that looks a bit like this actors(forename, surname, stage_name);
I want to update stage_name to have a default value of
forename." ".surname
So that
insert into actors(forename, surname) values ('Stack', 'Overflow');
would produce the record
'Stack' 'Overflow' 'Stack Overflow'
Is this possible?
Thanks :)
MySQL does not support computed columns or expressions in the DEFAULT option of a column definition.
You can do this in a trigger (MySQL 5.0 or greater required):
CREATE TRIGGER format_stage_name
SET NEW.stage_name = CONCAT(NEW.forename, ' ', NEW.surname);
You may also want to create a similar trigger BEFORE UPDATE.
Watch out for NULL in forename and surname, because concat of a NULL with any other string produces a NULL. Use COALESCE() on each column or on the concatenated string as appropriate.
edit: The following example sets stage_name only if it's NULL. Otherwise you can specify the stage_name in your INSERT statement, and it'll be preserved.
CREATE TRIGGER format_stage_name
IF (NEW.stage_name IS NULL) THEN
SET NEW.stage_name = CONCAT(NEW.forename, ' ', NEW.surname);
According to 10.1.4. Data Type Default Values no, you can't do that. You can only use a constant or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.
OTOH if you're pretty up-to-date, you could probably use a trigger to accomplish the same thing.
My first thought is if you have the two values in other fields what is the compelling need for redundantly storing them in a third field? It flies in the face of normalization and efficiency.
If you simply want to store the concatenated value then you can simply create a view (or IMSNHO even better a stored procedure) that concatenates the values into a pseudo actor field and perform your reads from the view/sproc instead of the table directly.
If you absolutely must store the concatenated value you could handle this in two ways:
1) Use a stored procedure to do your inserts instead of straight SQL. This way you can receive the values and construct a value for the field you wish to populate then build the insert statement including a concatenated value for the actors field.
2) So I don't draw too many flames, treat this suggestion with kid gloves. Use only as a last resort. You could hack this behavior by adding a trigger to build the value if it is left null. Generally, triggers are not good. They add unseen cost and interactions to fairly simple interactions. You can, though, use the CREATE TRIGGER to update the actors field after a record is inserted or updated. Here is the reference page.
As of MySQL 8.0.13, you can use DEFAULT clause for a column which can be a literal constant or an expression.
If you want to use an expression then, simply enclose the required expression within parentheses.
(concat(forename," ",surname))
There are two ways to accomplish what you are trying to do as per my knowledge:
(important: consider backing up your table first before running below queries)
1- Drop the column "stage_name" all together and create a new one with DEFAULT constraint.
ALTER TABLE actors ADD COLUMN stage_name VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT (concat(forename," ",surname))
2- This will update newer entries in the column "stage_name" but not the old ones.
ALTER TABLE actors alter stage_name set DEFAULT (concat(forename," ",surname));
After that, if you need to update the previous values in the column "stage_name" then simply run:
UPDATE actors SET stage_name=(concat(forename," ",surname));
I believe this should solve your problem.