Highlight Duplicates Not Next To Each Other Using Conditional Formatting - vba

We have a list of parts in Excel in a certain order. For reasons I won't get into, we need to highlight when there are duplicates that aren't next to each other. Currently, I'm using this formula in a conditional format to do the job.
This mostly works well except in cases where there are pairs of duplicates like in the example below, we would want FO-1694 to be highlighted, because they aren't all next to each other. But we would not want NIS0257 to be highlighted because they are.
Ideally, this is what we want to see...
Any ideas on this could be achieved using conditional formatting?
Note: I have directly posted this from a past post on the SuperUser Forum (Link) as I am in need of this EXACT conditional formatting for the EXACT same circumstances. I do not take credit for the construction of this post, but only hope to obtain an answer for a question that previously went unanswered.

Use this formula:
If changing the range then make sure to pay attention to what is marked as absolute and relative.


extract data in exel sheet using macro

you most probably going to think "what an idiot" but remember i never done any type of coding before so this is all new to me,
My problem are that i'm working on a HUGE excel sheet with loads of data that is not needed. i need to sort the data into a few columns, i only need column "A,K,AN,AQ" but in column "AS" i only need certain values (yes,no,blank) i only want the yes and blank values. like i said never done any coding before but i know that you can use an macro to do it so please help, how do i go about this?
before trying to get into macros, try to use functions with if else statements. They are quite easy to handle. Like: If (yes) then put it into X. Later, you could select all needed. Also, check the, how the dollar sign is used
use this links to see, if it is something for you.
One quick and dirty way of getting this job done would be to:
Delete the columns you don't need.
Select all cells in the range you're interested in, click the Insert menu, and choose "Table". If your columns have titles, select the box for "My Table has Headers."
-This turns your data into an array so that Excel recognizes that each row is an entry (instead of thinking that the cells are unrelated).
Now you can use the filter icon in the column headers to select and display only the rows containing the values in column X that you're interested in.
Note that there are some limitations to what the table feature is good for, so, as always, whether this is a good solution for you depends on what you want to do with the data.

Highlight duplicates not next to each other using conditional formatting (Larger Dataset)

We have a list of product numbers in Excel in a certain order. For reasons I won't get into, we need to highlight when there are duplicates that aren't next to each other.Currently, I'm using this formula in a conditional format to do the job.
This mostly works well except in cases where there are pairs of duplicates like in the example below, we would want FO-1694 to be highlighted, because they aren't all next to each other. But we would not want NIS0257 to be highlighted because they are.
Ideally, this is what we want to see...
I originally asked this same question January 30th (link) and I received what seemed to be a working solution with the conditional formatting formula
While this original answer appears to work for a small group of data (example), it does not function as needed on much larger datasets like the ones I'll be dealing with (images below are of the issues with the larger dataset). I've adjusted the formula as necessary to accommodate the larger range, so the conditional formatting formula you see in the larger dataset pictures & file is
Cells with the arrow pointing at them should be highlighted
For the last picture, even though it's the end of the range the cells should still be highlighted since they're blank and I need all blank cells in the range to be highlighted too.
The full file with the larger dataset can be downloaded from my dropbox account using this link.
I should have thought of those problems:
Should do it.
I'm not sure if this would work for you
I've tested it on a test bit of data, and seems to work. You need to check for the 1st row, as you cant check the previous cell, so the A1<>A2 part..
1 being true condition on my test so would need tweaking for conditional formatting.

Function that searches for the exact same date or the closest one in the past + one extra condition

This is a continuation of " Is it possible to write a VBA code that searches for the exact same data or the closest one in the past? "
Basically I would like to expand the function that #Jeeped posted but for some reason it's not going as planned eventhough I'm doing the same stuff he showed.
The extra condition in this case is that the machine used to produce the juice must be equivalent to the machine of the parameters.
(the image of what I'm doing)
Basically if a juice is made on 29/09 with machine M0 for example then I want to have the parameters that were used for that juice. Obviously the parameters of 30/09 weren't used but the parameters of 25/09 for machine M0 were used.
I edited the code #Jeeped posted in my previous question to the following
=IFERROR(INDEX(C$2:C$10, MIN(INDEX(ROW($1:$10)+($A$2:$A$10>$F2)*1E+99+($B$2=$G$2),,))),"")
But I get an error and I'm not sure why but I have a feeling it has to do with what I wrote ($B$2=$G$2) but how do I fix it?
DISCLAIMER: the percentages used are fictive, it's just a function I need to get working for several Workbooks that will automate some work I need to do every month.
It looks like you want to add the condition that columns B should match G2. This should do the trick.
=IFERROR(INDEX(C$2:C$10, MIN(INDEX(ROW($1:$9)+(($A$2:$A$10>$F2)+($B$2:$B$10<>$G2))*1E+99,,))),"")
This type of formula does not make direct matches. It excludes everything that doesn't match and then accepts whatever is left over. So like the date in F2 is compared to the dates in column A and anything that is larger (i.e. later) is multiplied by a very large number. We do the same to the machine ID in G2. Anything that does not match the machines in column B get multiplied by the same very large number. By mathematically excluding anything that doesn't fit, we are left with what does fit.
It is also important to note that the ROW(1:9) is the position within C2:C10 or A2:A10, not the actual row on the worksheet.
Addendum: With the dates now unsorted, I can provide both a standard and an array formula to compensate. The array formula for I2 is,
This must be finalized with Ctrl+Shift+Enter rather than simply Enter. Once entered correctly, it can be filled both right and down. Next is a standard formula that does not require Ctrl+Shift+Enter but accomplishes the same thing. Your results should resemble the following image.
=SUMIFS(C$2:C$10, $A$2:$A$10,MAX(INDEX(($A$2:$A$10<=$F2)*($B$2:$B$10=$G2)*($A$2:$A$10),,)),$B$2:$B$10,$G2)
I think the formula below might answer your question. Please see the image for reference.
Formula Used: =INDEX($D$2:$E$7,MATCH(1,($B$2:$B$7<$H3)*($C$2:$C$7=$I3),0),1)
Please note - this requires your date of parameter change to be sorted from newest to oldest.
To apply this formula, press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER after writing the formula. This is required for excel to understand that this should function as an Array formula. On doing so, excel will automatically add the curley brackets at the beginning and end of the formula as can be seen in the image.
Only small difference for formula to get %Oranges will be replacing the last 1 by 2.
Hope this answers your question. Please let me know if you need further assistance.

Excel Vlookup Missing data unless re-typed or select and enter?

Google has not found the solution i need so i thought i would try the genius on here to the never ending Excel issue I'm having.
Running a banking reconciliation workbook and slowly adding bits of VBA together to automate some of the tasks, one I'm working on now is finding large quantities of money and renaming their Identifier from a bank statement to same ID in our cashbook to they are found and will balance out.
To do this I'm running a IF(Vlookup()) returning a yes or no on the cash value and then reordering them once they are found so i can line them up and match them correctly.
The main issue I've got here is the vlookup is ignoring some values which i can see and saying no not found and i messed around figuring out why and until i clicked to edit the cell and then pressed enter not changing the amount and all of a sudden found and it only finds it in the vlookup if i click the cell and press enter.
I have tried Formatting, changing calculation to automate and tweaked the vlookup to include a +0 as well as changing the exact match to approximate and it still won't find it, i even tried trimming and checked the Len for whitespace and both equal the same.
Currently trying a for loop to select a cell and change it to itself so it mimics the select and enter but it runs slow and crashes.
Anyone got a decent idea of fixing this miss when searching
This often happens to me when pasting data from somewhere. It may have been pasted as text but then when you edit and press enter it changes to numeric.
The solution is to use =VALUE() to change the numbers to numeric.
Or when you paste the data from another source choose paste special as text.
VLOOKUP works strangely when is asked to do an approximate match with the look-up table unsorted by the look-up column.
If you're sure that an exact match should be enforced in your look-up column, try something along the lines of:
VLOOKUP(<lookup_value>, <table_array>, <col_index_num>, FALSE)
where <lookup_value>, <table_array>, <col_index_num> should be replaced with the values that you use in your look-up.

Pull data from multiple Excel sheets, count how many of a certain lead within a month

A continuation of a previous question... where I have run into another formula issue.
We have an Excel spreadsheet where we track our leads. My boss wants to know, specifically "how many leads for each month and how many of each source and the result."
The users on this forum were incredibly helpful, and gtwebb gave me this formula (thank you!):
Which worked beautifully for counting how many leads we had in each month.
Now I need to know how many leads came from the Web, SOI, VP/Sign, etc., WITHIN that month. So I'm hoping there is a formula where I can ask Excel to only look at a certain month, say 12012, and then how many leads we got from the Web or other places. I know I'll need to change our lead source for each formula, but I can't get the basic formula to work. I've tried: =countif(Sheet1!e2:e20,12012, if(Sheet1!m2:m20,Web)), and other variations on this, trying to elaborate on the original formula that worked correctly.
Thank you for your help!
A Pivot Table didn't really ring a bell with me, so I looked into a formula solution.
Pnuts posted a suggestion to try sumifs(). I could only get this to work if there was a column with "1" in it for every line.
A similar function, countifs(), seems to work. Here's a formula for counting the number of lines with a month of "12012" and a source of "Web":
It assumes that column A is month and column B is source. Good luck!
Your boss wants a Pivot Table made from the data. Unless you have other reasons for using formulas or VBA (not stated in the question), using the pivot table functionality instead will save you a lot of effort in this case.