Hubspot: stage entire website including primary CSS file during website redesign - hubspot

I am helping a client redesign their website through Hubspot. Their existing site is within Hubspot and their new website will also be within Hubspot. I am attempting to run the development through Hubspot's Content Staging as per this link:
The problem is that this appears to be on a per page basis rather than a per site basis. A problem with this is that I am unable to stage files such as the primary CSS file, or other CSS/JS files that I need to make changes to, but that the existing website will need to keep untouched throughout development.
Does anyone have any experience redesigning a Hubspot website who may have some advise for me? What am I missing?

When I'm redeveloping a HubSpot site within a client's portal, i'll do it on a template by template basis.
So for example, if you're making a new home page, just attach any stylesheets and scripts you need in the template file itself - found in the Edit > Edit Head menu. Here you can disable the Primary CSS file, and you can also disable domain specific stylesheets (the ones you add in Content > Content Settings) so that your template is only using the assets you want it to use.
Using this technique, you can work on individual templates, and then stage any pages that are using said templates independently of the rest of the website. Finally when you're ready to make your changes site wide, merely move your assets from the Edit head area within your template to the Content Settings area.


Custom Spartacus site

i had created new wcms custom site along with content and product catalogs by creating similar extension as electronicstore, my extension name is dastore. for this site i want to create new spartacus site similar to electronics-spa.
in spartacussampledataaddon, i had followed impex files of electronics store and created all the necessary folders and files. Modified to consider my custom site also for import.
after build and startup, ran an update by selecting "dastore" and "spartacussampledataaddon".
But still my impex files were not considered for execution.
Please help.
We need to run update including dastore, spartacussampledataaddon, addonsupport(if you have impex on any of your addon, you need to include this, then your addon impex will be part of sample data and core data events)

Shopify Interact with product page HTML via app

We plan to create a Shopify app but we face some problems to find in documentations how to interact with pages.
I`m not sure we must ask every time users to add codes and etc, so I need to know if I miss something.
I need to interact with the product pages in Shopify from an app.
I search and read all the web for this and everything is how to start but not the actual examples.
I know for the ScriptTags and how to include them but that is.
If someone can give me a simple example of how for example to hide the Buy button and insert something on instead.
I know how to select it with the default theme with JQuery but what about all other themes?
There are two ways to interact with the front page:
1) Inject some code in the page ( the live one )
2) Use ScriptTag as you mentioned.
The code injection script will modify the product template for example and inject your code if you like to do this automatically or you can instruct the user to do so on their own, but if they are not code savvy there might be issues.
In addition this code will live only on the live theme in most cases. And if the user likes to delete your app at a specific time you must be sure to write the logic in such way that it won't affect the site if your app is no longer present ( since it will be really hard to clean up the files once you add the code automatically )
For this approach you will need to use the Asset API.
You will need to get the content of the file with a GET request to the file and make a put request in order to update it.
The better approach is to use ScriptTag API.
This will allow the use of a script file that will be attached on EVERY theme. This will not modify the theme files in any form or shape.
It seems that this is the approach that you are looking for.
Please have in mind that you will be the one hosting the file from your app so pretty much you can write what ever you like there. So if you like to use jQuery you must be sure that the themes have included jQuery or you will have to add the jQuery core code inside your script.
As for how to write a script tag, there is a pretty straightforward documentation here:

Pulling in different images to css based on requesting URL

I have a website which specify's a background image from the CSS.
The client has asked us if it would be possible to have different backgrounds for each page (category technically). let call their site
Unfortunately we don't own the website, simply manage it for a client and as such have very limited access... We can update the CSS but not much in the way of HTML (or .aspx technically).
My idea was, we may be able to specify the background image source from somewhere else, perhaps another server at Ideally the other server would return different images based on the URL which requested the data. Perhaps I'd have a database of URLs and the returned image file, with unspecified URLs loading a default...
Any thoughts on how this might be achieved, or other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am intrigued about how this could be done on a personal level, not just for this project/clients sake.
Thanks :D
I'm afraid your idea won't work. There are several reasons for that. The request for resources mentioned within a style sheet file is made by the page visitor's browser. This browser won't send any information on which page was visited.
You'd be better off asking the developers of the application to add category specific CSS classes to the body of the page. So you can define according styles.
Another reason why your approach won't work is browser caching. Referencing one image in a CSS file without any other information will make the browser cache this file (I suppose caching headers are not disabled on the application server). So when the visitor is heading for another category page, the browser will still serve the picture loaded for the previous category.

Apart from affecting the bundling in the global.asax is there any way to manually add script and css on razor pages?

When mvc3 was created I placed one of these on my _layout.cshtml page...
Then in my inheriting razor pages I did this...
Is there now an automatic way to do this with the optimisation dlls that. I dont really want to bundle everything in the folder all the time. Id also like it to minify the file too automatically. Not sure if im missing the point of this bundling feature but i just want to add files dynamically and then have them render out all at the same place on the page...
My understanding of the bundling feature, which is still pre-release and somewhat buggy is that it is designed to combine and then minify all of your CSS or JS files you might need in your project. It then uses a versioning mechanism so that clients get the full browser caching experience.
For example if I have 3 CSS files (Reset.css, Global.css, and Site.css) these all get downloaded on the first visit to my site, they are combined and minified so the file size is quite small. The url contains a special hash number/querystring. As long as I don't change the content the cached copy stays on the client until it expires or they clear their temp files. When I make a change the old version is discarded and a new hash is created. When the client visits again their file is now invalid and it redownloads the new file.
I personally have not tried to create specific bundles but with a search I found someone who has created a custom bundle, I think this may be along the lines of what you are trying to accomplish:

prevent duplicate site / page / layouts / templates / webparts, possible

We have a sharepoint environment with many sites (and sometimes many site collections). Each site (or site collection) has the same default page with some custom webparts that use sitecolumn values (for example a projectcode or clientcode) to show information from external systems. (for each project we have to create a separate site (or site collection) because of other reasons)
What is the best approach to minimize duplication? The dynamic parts of the page are stored in site columns. When we add a new webpart, ideally the default page every site/page should show the new webpart without spreading the update to the individual pages
One approach you may want to take is to use the web part as a wrapper for a user control. The user control does the heavy lifting on the site. Once the web part is included on your pages, the user control should be able to tell which site it is being executed on and pull the necessary dynamic data from your site columns.
When you need to make updates, you update the user control and then redeploy the solution package to the farm. Each site will pick up the change as soon as the solution is deployed.
Here is a little information about this approach:
The above article relates to WSS 3.0, but that should give you a starting point.
An approach you may want to look at for SharePoint 2010 is a visual web part. More info can be found here: