I have 4 different queries of IPR (ip-reputation) to IBM's Xforce database, using basic authentication (base64 encoded), as well as URL-reputation. My version in python works great, printing out the appropriate JSON information:
if __name__ == '__main__':
apiKey = "1234...."
apiPwd = "5678..."
result = requests.get('https://xforce-api.mybluemix.net:443/ipr/', verify=False,auth=(apiKey, apiPwd))
if result.status_code != 200:
print( "~ Bad Status Code: {}".format(result.status_code))
print("~ The result is {}".format(result.status_code))
print("~ Rx Data={}".format(result._content))
The version in Go (using demisto's goxforce from github) works great. After setting my environment-variable key and password, I issue the commandline:
'xforceQuery -cmd ipr -q'
and it prints out the json information about, again, perfectly.
I use the browser-utility called 'Postman', specify basic authentication with my user/key and password, headers of Accept: application/json, Accept-Language: en, and Content-Type: application/json, and, again, it gives me the proper information (see .gif, below)
On the other hand, I try the same thing in VBA, and I get '401 Error: Not authorized'. What's wrong with this code?
Public Sub testXF()
Dim myKey As String
Dim myPass As String
myKey = "1234..."
myPass = "5678..."
pHtml = "xforce"
Dim ohttp As MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP60
Set ohttp = New MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP60
If timeout = 0 Then timeout = 60
ohttp.Open "GET", "https://xforce-api.mybluemix.net:443/ipr/", False, myKey, myPass
With ohttp
.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
.SetRequestHeader "Accept", "application/json"
.SetRequestHeader "Accept-Language", "en"
.SetTimeouts 0, 30 * 1000, 30 * 1000, timeout * 1000
.SetRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic " + _
Base64Encode(myKey + ":" + myPass)
.SetRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"
End With
ohttp.Send ("")
With ohttp
pStatus = .status
pText = .ResponseText
pResponseHeaders = .GetAllResponseHeaders()
End With
Debug.Print "GET", pStatus, pText
Set ohttp = Nothing
End Sub
I'm trying to receive an access token from the api of a partner via Oauth2.0.
When I use CURL I get the token but not in my VBA-script.
I get this error:
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Missing grant type"}
The succesful CURL way is this:
curl -X POST -H "client_id:xxx" -u xxx:xxx"https://my.arrow.com/api/security/oauth/token" -d "grant_type=client_credentials"
I tried to send grant_type=client_credentials in different positions and spellings (in Body, as SetRequestHeader, grant_type=client_credentials or grant_type:client_credentials or grant_type, client_credentials) nothing helped, always same error.
This is the documentation for the API: https://my.arrow.com/more/developers/#section/Access-Token
Public Function API_MyArrow_Artikel(artikelBez) As String
Dim objHTTP As Object
Dim strHead As String, strClientId As String, strClientSecret As String, strBody As String
Set objHTTP = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
strClientId = "xxx"
strClientSecret = "xxx"
strUrl1 = "https://my.arrow.com/api/security/oauth/token"
strHead = strClientId & ":" & strClientSecret
lngADRNR = 674
objHTTP.Open "POST", strUrl1, False
objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "application", "x-www-form-urlencoded"
objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "client_id", strClientId
objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "client_secret", strClientSecret
objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic " + Base64Encode(strHead)
'objHTTP.setRequestHeader "grant_type", "client_credentials"
objHTTP.SetTimeouts 10000, 10000, 10000, 10000 'Timeout (in milliseconds) to wait for timeout in each request phase (Resolve, Connect, Send, Receive)
objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"
objHTTP.Send "grant_type=client_credentials"
API_MyArrow_Artikel = objHTTP.responseText
End Function
The problem got solved. The correct way to use grant_type is as follows:
strUrl1 = "https://my.arrow.com/api/security/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials"
grant_type not in header or something else will work. Best is add to link.
I'm struggling with this from last some hours.
I'm trying to receive an access token from the API of a partner via OAuth.
There's a small mistake in it that generates this error:
"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Missing grant type"
Here is the VBA code I'm using in MS Access:
Public Function API_MyArrow_Artikel(artikelBez) As String
Dim objHTTP As Object
Dim strHead As String, strClientId As String, strClientSecret As String, strBody As String
Set objHTTP = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
strClientId = "xxx"
strClientSecret = "xxx"
strUrl1 = "https://my.arrow.com/api/security/oauth/token"
strHead = strClientId & ":" & strClientSecret
lngADRNR = 674
objHTTP.Open "POST", strUrl1, False
objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "application", "x-www-form-urlencoded"
objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "client_id", strClientId
objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "client_secret", strClientSecret
objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic " + Base64Encode(strHead)
'objHTTP.setRequestHeader "grant_type", "client_credentials"
objHTTP.SetTimeouts 10000, 10000, 10000, 10000 'Timeout (in milliseconds) to wait for timeout in each request phase (Resolve, Connect, Send, Receive)
objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"
objHTTP.Send "grant_type=client_credentials"
API_MyArrow_Artikel = objHTTP.responseText
End Function
Any sort of suggestion to resolve is really appreciated as there are only some experts of OAuth 2.0 in here.
I found a solution to this.
There is some error in URL which needs to be fixed by adding below code to URL:
And secondly replacing this:
objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "application", "x-www-form-urlencoded"
To this:
objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
did the Job for me.
I'm trying to access the JIRA API from Excel. Using the MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0 object works fine but using the WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1 from the VBA-Web WebClient does not.
This works fine:
Function getJiraSessionId()
Set JiraAuth = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0")
With JiraAuth
.Open "POST", "https://<our JIRA server>/tracker/rest/auth/1/session", False
.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
.SetRequestHeader "Accept", "application/json"
.SetRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Jira-Automation"
.Send " {""username"" : ""...."", ""password"" : ""....""} "
sErg = .ResponseText
End With
End Function
This does not:
Function JiraLogin()
Dim JiraClient As New WebClient
JiraClient.BaseUrl = "https://<our JIRA server>/tracker/"
JiraClient.Insecure = True
JiraClient.TimeoutMs = 50000
Dim Abruf As New WebRequest
Abruf.Resource = "rest/auth/1/session"
Abruf.Method = WebMethod.HttpPost
Abruf.Format = WebFormat.Json
Abruf.UserAgent = "Jira-Automation"
Set Body = New Dictionary
Body.Add "username", "...."
Body.Add "password", "...."
Set Abruf.Body = Body
Dim Response As WebResponse
Set Response = JiraClient.Execute(Abruf)
End Function
The error message is:
ERROR - WebClient.Execute: -2147210493 (11011 / 80042b03), An error occurred during execute
-2147012739 (80072f7d): Im Support des sicheren Channels ist ein Fehler aufgetreten
I want to use VBA-Web because of its great tools but I can't. Any idea what is wrong? Thanks, Manfred.
I'm trying to build a VBA function that will update a value in a Sharepoint list:
Sub testUpdate()
Dim result As String
Dim url As String
Dim body As String
Dim RequestDigest As String
Set XmlHttp = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
url = "https://sps.utility.xyz.com/sites/xyz/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('REST Test List')/items(1)"
RequestDigest = GetDigest("https://sps.utility.xyz.com/sites/xyz")
body = "{ '__metadata': { 'type': 'SP.Data.REST_x0020_Test_x0020_ListListItem' }, 'Title': 'updating item with new title'}"
XmlHttp.Open "POST", url, False
XmlHttp.setRequestHeader "IF-MATCH", "*"
XmlHttp.setRequestHeader "accept", "application/json;odata=verbose"
XmlHttp.setRequestHeader "content-type", "application/json;odata=verbose"
XmlHttp.setRequestHeader "X-Http-Method", "MERGE"
XmlHttp.setRequestHeader "X-RequestDigest", RequestDigest
XmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Length", Len(body)
XmlHttp.Send body
result = XmlHttp.responseText
End Sub
Function GetDigest(url As String)
Dim oHttp As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
Dim s As String
Dim l1 As Long
Dim l2 As Long
With oHttp
.Open "POST", url + "/_api/contextinfo", False
.setRequestHeader "content-type", "application/json;odata=verbose"
.Send ""
End With
s = oHttp.responseText
l1 = InStr(1, s, "FormDigestValue")
If l1 > 10 Then
l1 = l1 + 16
l2 = InStr(l1, s, "</d:FormDigestValue")
End If
If l2 > 10 Then GetDigest = Mid$(s, l1, l2 - l1)
Set oHttp = Nothing
End Function
But when testUpdate gets to the line:
XmlHttp.Send body
it throws this error:
Run-time error '-2147467260 (80004004)':
Operation aborted
Despite the error, the update succeeds--the list item's Title value changes.
Is it safe for me to simply handle this exception and bypass the error, or is it indicating that there is a real problem that I need to resolve?
The api call requires authentication. I managed to use WinHTTP to authenticate the request based on the current user, I am assuming that they have access in the below. I get a 204 response and my list item updates correctly. (the iteration is because I was testing performance and can be removed).
Tools>references>Microsoft WinHttp Services Version 5.1
Private Sub UpdateItem2(ID, strFormDigest As String, iteration)
Dim sUrl As String
sUrl ="https://123.Sharepoint.net/sites/123/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('MyDemoList')/items(" & ID & ")"
Dim oRequest As WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
Dim sResult As String
sEnv = "{ '__metadata': { 'type': 'SP.Data.MyDemoListListItem' }, 'Title': 'TEST" & iteration & "' }"
Set oRequest = New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
With oRequest
.Open "POST", sUrl, True
.setRequestHeader "IF-MATCH", "*"
.setRequestHeader "X-HTTP-Method", "MERGE"
.setRequestHeader "accept", "application/json;odata=verbose"
.setRequestHeader "X-RequestDigest", strFormDigest
.setRequestHeader "content-type", "application/json;odata=verbose"
.SetAutoLogonPolicy AutoLogonPolicy_Always
.send sEnv
End With
End Sub
I'm trying to post transactions to server using a middleware client (it's called Cohesion). Below is my code (asp):
Dim xmlhttp 'As Object
Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.Open "POST", "http://server_ip/Databox-dr/CohesionConnect.asmx/GetHostReply", False
'using only http://server_ip/Databox-dr/CohesionConnect.asmx doesn't work, either
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
'xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Length", "128"
xmlhttp.send "50000000000MSUF"
Set xmlhttp = Nothing
The documentation I have (and that's all of it) is tellin me this:
The following is a sample HTTP POST request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /DATABOX-DR/CohesionConnect.asmx/GetHostReply HTTP/1.1
Host: server_ip
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: length
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string xmlns="http://fidelityifs.com/webservices">string</string>
(length and string need to replaced with real values)
What am I doing wrong? How can I set the string length?
Try this:
Dim xmlhttp As Object
Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.Open "POST", "http://server_ip/Databox-dr/CohesionConnect.asmx/GetHostReply", False
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
tosend = "50000000000MSUF"
s = "sTran=" & tosend
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Length", Len(s)
xmlhttp.send s