Sql server rounding issue down to 2 decimal places - sql

I am having a problem getting my "Rounding to 2 decimal places" to behave as I would expect.
Try this trivial example
declare #num numeric (18,2)
declare #vat numeric (18,2)
set #num = 11729.83
set #vat = 1.14
select round(#num/#vat,2)
I am getting an answer of 10289.320000 but I should be getting 10289.33 . The full un rounded number is 10289.324561403508771929824561404 (unless my maths is completely off)

Try this
select cast(round(#num/#vat,3) as decimal(18,2))

Round can either return a value lower than the original, or a value upper than the original. In fact it returns the value closest to the original.
If you want to systematically round a number to its lower or upper value, you could then use FLOOR or CEILING (Thanks #GarethD for refreshing my memory on CEILING...)
select round(floor(100*#num/#vat)/100,2) -> lower value
select round(ceiling(100*#num/#vat)/100,2) -> upper value
Otherwise round will indeed return 10289.32 when the value is strictly lower than 10289.325 (which is the case here)

Try converting to a decimal:
select cast(round(#num / #vat, 2) as numeric(18, 2))
I advocate round() to be explicit about the conversion method.

Try this
declare #num numeric (18,2)
declare #vat numeric (18,2)
set #num = 11729.83
set #vat = 1.14
select round(Convert(Decimal(18,3),(#num/#vat)),2)

I am not sure if I understand correctly. But maybe you've been looking for something like this:
select round(round(round(round(#num / #vat, 5), 4), 3), 2)

You will need to convert it to the appropriate decimal type again:


Need help in converting some values in my SQL Table Column to decimal

I have a Varchar column which have data such as 1.025407162E7, 1.268479084E7 basically it contains something called as E7. How can i convert it to decimal ?
I have tried to convert it to decimal, I could have removed the E7 and moved the decimal point 7 steps forward or Add 7 zeros if there are no so many numbers. But I was looking for a right approach to do it.
So the actual values look different
1.025407162E7 = 10254071.6200000 and 1.268479084E7 = 12684790.8400000
That's a valid float constant for SQL Server. So convert the string to a float, and then to a decimal.
select convert(decimal(27,7), cast( '1.025407162E7' as float) )
Okay, So Error_2646 has taken me in right direction. I converted the value to REAL then converted to decimal.
CASE WHEN SF_FAM.FinServ__Balance__c like '%E%' THEN CONVERT(DECIMAL(27, 7), CONVERT(float(27), SF_FAM.FinServ__Balance__c))
ELSE CONVERT(DECIMAL(27, 7), SF_FAM.FinServ__Balance__c) END
If it is an exponential function, a simple select, after converting it to a float can give you the decimal.
SELECT CAST('1.025407162E7' AS FLOAT)
Otherwise, if E is a random character and if you want to do the calculatoin, you can do it using a case statement.
SET #value = '1.025407162E7'
SELECT CASE WHEN #value like '%E7%'
THEN (1.025407162 * 10000000)

SQL adding decimal resulting in : Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric

I have two numbers stored in database as decimal with precision equals to 9. My objective is to add these two numbers and update the value in database.
DECLARE #v1 DECIMAL(9, 5), #v2 DECIMAL(9, 5)
SET #v1 = 9503.34000
SET #v2 = 1357.62000
SELECT CAST(#v1 + #v2 AS DECIMAL(9, 5))
When i add this in SQL it throws overflow error however on changing it to 10,5 it results in 10860.96000 .
How can i tell SQL to add and return result based on precision i want. I want this sum to return me 9,5 NOT 10,5.
It can't return DECIMAL(9,5). You have 5 digits in front of the decimal place as 9,503 + 1,357 is greater than 10,000.
If you only want 9 digits in total use CAST(#v1 +#v2 as DECIMAL(10,4)). You don't seem to use the 5th decimal place anyway.

SQL IsNumeric not working

The reserve column is a varchar, to perform sums on it I want to cast it to a deciaml.
But the SQL below gives me an error
cast(Reserve as decimal)
from MyReserves
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
I added the isnumeric and not null to try and avoid this error but it still persists, any ideas why?
cast(Reserve as decimal)
from MyReserves
where isnumeric(Reserve ) = 1
and MyReserves is not null
See here: CAST and IsNumeric
Try this:
WHERE IsNumeric(Reserve + '.0e0') = 1 AND reserve IS NOT NULL
Default of decimal is (18,0), so
declare #i nvarchar(100)='12121212121211212122121'--length is>18
SELECT ISNUMERIC(#i) --gives 1
SELECT CAST(#i as decimal)--throws an error
Gosh, nobody seems to have explained this correctly. SQL is a descriptive language. It does not specify the order of operations.
The problem that you are (well, were) having is that the where does not do the filtering before the conversion takes place. Order of operations, though, is guaranteed for a case statement. So, the following will work:
select cast(case when isnumeric(Reserve) = 1 then Reserve end as decimal)
from MyReserves
where isnumeric(Reserve ) = 1 and MyReserves is not null
The issue has nothing to do with the particular numeric format you are converting to or with the isnumeric() function. It is simply that the ordering of operations is not guaranteed.
It seems that isnumeric has some Problems:
(via internet archive)
According to that Link you can solve it like that:
cast(Reserve as decimal)
from MyReserves
where MyReserves is not null
and MyReserves * 1 = MyReserves
Use try_cast (sql 2012)
try_cast(Reserve as decimal)
from MyReserves
IsNumeric is a problem child -- SQL 2012 and later has TRY_CAST and TRY_CONVERT
If you're on an earlier version then you can write a function that'll convert to a decimal (or NULL if it won't convert). This uses the XML conversion functions that don't throw errors when the number won't fit ;)
-- Create function to convert a varchar to a decimal (returns null if it fails)
IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID( N'[dbo].[ToDecimal]' ) AND type IN( N'FN',N'IF',N'TF',N'FS',N'FT' ))
DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[ToDecimal];
-- Uses XML/XPath to convert #Value to Decimal because it returns NULL it doesn't cast correctly
SELECT #ValueAsXml = Col FROM (SELECT (SELECT #Value as Value FOR XMl RAW, ELEMENTS) AS Col) AS test
DECLARE #Result DECIMAL(38,10)
-- XML/XPath will return NULL if the VARCHAR can't be converted to a DECIMAL(38,10)
SET #Result = #ValueAsXml.value('(/row/Value)[1] cast as xs:decimal?', 'DECIMAL(38,10)')
RETURN CASE -- Check if the number is within the range for a DECIMAL(18,8)
WHEN #Result >= -999999999999999999.99999999 AND #Result <= 999999999999999999.99999999
Then just change your query to:
select dbo.ToDecimal(Reserve) from MyReserves
isnumeric is not 100% reliable in SQL - see this question Why does ISNUMERIC('.') return 1?
I would guess that you have value in the reserve column that passes the isnumeric test but will not cast to decimal.
Just a heads up on isnumeric; if the string contains some numbers and an 'E' followed by some numbers, this is viewed as an exponent. Example, select isnumeric('123E0') returns 1.
I had this same problem and it turned out to be scientific notation such as '1.72918E-13' To find this just do where Reserve LIKE '%E%'. Try bypassing these and see if it works. You'll have to write code to convert these to something usable or reformat your source file so it doesn't store any numbers using scientific notation.
IsNumeric is possibly not ideal in your scenario as from the highlighted Note on this MSDN page it says "ISNUMERIC returns 1 for some characters that are not numbers, such as plus (+), minus (-), and valid currency symbols such as the dollar sign ($)."
Also there is a nice article here which further discusses ISNUMERIC.
Try (for example):
cast(Reserve as decimal(10,2))
from MyReserves
Numeric/Decimal generally want a precision an scale.
I am also facing this issue and I solved by below method. I am sharing this because it may helpful to some one.
declare #g varchar (50)
set #g=char(10)
select isnumeric(#g),#g, isnumeric(replace(replace(#g,char(13),char(10)),char(10),''))

Splitting decimal in sql

I am getting result as decimal in stored procedure. If I am getting result as 123.45,
I want to split it into 123 and 45. Can anybody help?
use SQL function FLOOR() for getting integer part
and subtract that from the original for the decimal part
You can also make use of ROUND instead of FLOOR.
See section C. Using ROUND to truncate for trucate, and then subtract that from the original.
Be aware that using FLOOR on negative numbers might not give you the required result.
Have a look at this example
SET #Dec = -123.45
select round(#Dec, 0, 1)
try this;
DECLARE #result DECIMAL(8,2) = 123.45
SELECT CAST(round(#result,0) AS FLOAT)
SELECT REPLACE(#result % 1 ,'0.','')
DECLARE #result decimal(8,2) = 123.45
select PARSENAME(#result, 2) AS LeftSideValue, PARSENAME(#result, 1) AS RightSideValue

Truncate (not round) decimal places in SQL Server

I'm trying to determine the best way to truncate or drop extra decimal places in SQL without rounding. For example:
declare #value decimal(18,2)
set #value = 123.456
This will automatically round #value to be 123.46, which is good in most cases. However, for this project, I don't need that. Is there a simple way to truncate the decimals I don't need? I know I can use the left() function and convert back to a decimal. Are there any other ways?
ROUND ( 123.456 , 2 , 1 )
When the third parameter != 0 it truncates rather than rounds.
ROUND ( numeric_expression , length [ ,function ] )
Is an expression of the exact numeric or approximate numeric data
type category, except for the bit data type.
Is the precision to which numeric_expression is to be rounded. length must be an expression of type tinyint, smallint, or int. When length is a positive number, numeric_expression is rounded to the number of decimal positions specified by length. When length is a negative number, numeric_expression is rounded on the left side of the decimal point, as specified by length.
Is the type of operation to perform. function must be tinyint, smallint, or int. When function is omitted or has a value of 0 (default), numeric_expression is rounded. When a value other than 0 is specified, numeric_expression is truncated.
select round(123.456, 2, 1)
SELECT Cast(Round(123.456,2,1) as decimal(18,2))
Here's the way I was able to truncate and not round:
select 100.0019-(100.0019%.001)
returns 100.0010
And your example:
select 123.456-(123.456%.001)
returns 123.450
Now if you want to get rid of the ending zero, simply cast it:
select cast((123.456-(123.456%.001)) as decimal (18,2))
returns 123.45
Actually whatever the third parameter is, 0 or 1 or 2, it will not round your value.
CAST(ROUND(10.0055,2,0) AS NUMERIC(10,2))
Do you want the decimal or not?
If not, use
select ceiling(#value),floor(#value)
If you do it with 0 then do a round:
select round(#value,2)
Another truncate with no rounding solution and example.
Convert 71.950005666 to a single decimal place number (71.9)
1) 71.950005666 * 10.0 = 719.50005666
2) Floor(719.50005666) = 719.0
3) 719.0 / 10.0 = 71.9
select Floor(71.950005666 * 10.0) / 10.0
Round has an optional parameter
Select round(123.456, 2, 1) will = 123.45
Select round(123.456, 2, 0) will = 123.46
ROUND(number, decimals, operation)
number => Required. The number to be rounded
decimals => Required. The number of decimal places to round number to
operation => Optional. If 0, it rounds the result to the number of decimal. If another value than 0, it truncates the result to the number of decimals. Default value is 0
SELECT ROUND(235.415, 2, 1)
will give you 235.410
SELECT ROUND(235.415, 0, 1)
will give you 235.000
But now trimming0 you can use cast
SELECT CAST(ROUND(235.415, 0, 1) AS INT)
will give you 235
This will remove the decimal part of any number
SELECT ROUND(#val,0,1)
SELECT CAST(Value as Decimal(10,2)) FROM TABLE_NAME;
Would give you 2 values after the decimal point. (MS SQL SERVER)
Another way is ODBC TRUNCATE function:
DECLARE #value DECIMAL(18,3) =123.456;
SELECT #value AS val, {fn TRUNCATE(#value, 2)} AS result
║ val ║ result ║
║ 123,456 ║ 123,450 ║
I recommend using built-in ROUND function with 3rd parameter set to 1.
I know this is pretty late but I don't see it as an answer and have been using this trick for years.
Simply subtract .005 from your value and use Round(#num,2).
Your example:
declare #num decimal(9,5) = 123.456
select round(#num-.005,2)
returns 123.45
It will automatically adjust the rounding to the correct value you are looking for.
By the way, are you recreating the program from the movie Office Space?
Try like this:
SELECT cast(round(123.456,2,1) as decimal(18,2))
If you desire to take some number like 89.0904987 and turn it into 89.09 by simply omitting the undesired decimal places, simply use the following:
select cast(yourColumnName as decimal(18,2))
The following screenshot is from W3Schools SQL Data Types section, which describes what decimal(18,2) is doing:
select cast(89.0904987 as decimal(18,2))
gives you: 89.09
Please try to use this code for converting 3 decimal values after a point into 2 decimal places:
declare #val decimal (8, 2)
select #val = 123.456
select #val = #val
select #val
The output is 123.46
I think you want only the decimal value,
in this case you can use the following:
declare #val decimal (8, 3)
SET #val = 123.456
SELECT #val - ROUND(#val,0,1)
I know this question is really old but nobody used sub-strings to round. This as advantage the ability to round really long numbers (limit of your string in SQL server which is usually 8000 characters):
SUBSTRING('123.456', 1, CHARINDEX('.', '123.456') + 2)
I think we can go much easier with simpler example solution found in Hackerrank:
Problem statement: Query the greatest value of the Northern Latitudes
(LAT_N) from STATION that is less than 137.2345. Truncate your answer
to 4 decimal places.
WHERE LAT_N < 137.23453;
Solution Above gives you idea how to simply make value limited to 4 decimal points. If you want to lower or upper the numbers after decimal, just change 4 to whatever you want.
Mod(x,1) is the easiest way I think.
select convert(int,#value)