Calling Cpanel UAPI method - cpanel

i have the following simple script to list the ftp accounts
but i am unable to get it to work as i have the following error as soon as it tries to call the constructor
include '/usr/local/cpanel/php/cpanel.php';
$cpanel = new CPANEL(); // Connect to cPanel - only do this once.
// List FTP account information.
$list_ftp_accts = $cpanel->uapi('Ftp', 'list_ftp');
echo "<pre>";
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RuntimeException' with message 'There
was a problem fetching the env variable containing the path to the
socket' in /usr/local/cpanel/php/cpanel.php:146 Stack trace: #0
/public_html/uapi.php(4): CPANEL->__construct() #1
{main} thrown in /usr/local/cpanel/php/cpanel.php on line 146
Line 146 in cpanel.php
$socketfile = getenv('CPANEL_PHPCONNECT_SOCKET');

According to a post on the cPanel forums, you can only use LiveAPI from within cPanel's document root, meaning your code would need to be in either /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/ or /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/. I ran into this while trying to use it in a WHM plugin (which would reside in /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/), and apparently that causes the same problem. If you're trying to run this from within cPanel or WHM, this page has some debugging steps you can try walking through.
If you're trying to run this code on a different server or from within a normal website's hosting account, you'll definitely need to use a different interface, such as the XML or JSON API. These are unfortunately somewhat confusingly documented, but the Guide to WHM API 1 page should get you started.

Me too got the same error.
Try changing your file extension to, instead of your_file.php. It solved the issue for me.
Referred the documentation here.


Moodle File Upload errors: An error occured whilst communicating with the server

With some Uploads in Moodle (3.9) Uploads are not successful, mainly pdf.
The message that comes up is: "An error occured whilst communicating with the server".
not successful requests show
POST /course/dndupload.php undefined
successful requests show
POST /course/dndupload.php HTTP/1.1
When a pdf is reexported with libre office for example the same pdf can be uploaded without problems.
any ideas?
Is the LibreOffice pdf smaller? It could be PHP timing out.
What is the value for max_execution_time ? You can check the PHP values here -
Site administration > Server > PHP info
Also, try switching debug to developer level and see what the error message is.
Site administration > Development > Debugging
Debug messages = Developer
Display debug messages = checked
Although be cautious changing the debug level if its a production site. If you have access to the config.php file then you can specify a user.
// You can specify a comma separated list of user ids that that always see
// debug messages, this overrides the debug flag in $CFG->debug and $CFG->debugdisplay
// for these users only.
// $CFG->debugusers = '2';
Thanks for the response, in the meantime a solution to the problem was found. On the server a measurement against log4j2-vulnerability has been implemented: This caused the misbehaviour, the iRule has been removed, now it works again.

Stencil not working with a 500 server error

Using stencil 3.0.3, node 12.21 cornerstone theme was working and suddenly stopped with a weird server error:
Debug: internal, implementation, error
Error: The BigCommerce server responded with a 500 error
at Object.internals.getResponse (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/#bigcommerce/stencil-cli/server/plugins/renderer/renderer.module.js:128:15)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
at async internals.implementation (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/#bigcommerce/stencil-cli/server/plugins/renderer/renderer.module.js:39:20)
at async module.exports.internals.Manager.execute (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/#bigcommerce/stencil-cli/node_modules/#hapi/hapi/lib/toolkit.js:45:28)
at async Object.internals.handler (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/#bigcommerce/stencil-cli/node_modules/#hapi/hapi/lib/handler.js:46:20)
at async exports.execute (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/#bigcommerce/stencil-cli/node_modules/#hapi/hapi/lib/handler.js:31:20)
at async Request._lifecycle (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/#bigcommerce/stencil-cli/node_modules/#hapi/hapi/lib/request.js:312:32)
at async Request._execute (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/#bigcommerce/stencil-cli/node_modules/#hapi/hapi/lib/request.js:221:9)
I have tried to re-install big commerce stencil, clean build and still get the same error.... at this point I have no idea what could be causing this issue.
Importantly, there was no code changes in between the day where everything was working and the day where it stopped.
Are you using CloudFlare for a CDN? I've ran into this issue and have had to edit my hosts file
I add the following 3 lines.
The first one is for the Store Domain, i.e. if you have
The second 2 contain the auto-generated store-hash for a BigCommerce store that should be visible in your URL bar if you are on the BigCommerce control panel (Logged into the admin view - that's the easiest way to get it, there are some others) store-abcdefg[store-hash][store-hash]
For some reason, Stencil-CLI gets thrown for a loop when trying to connect to a BigCommerce store that is running behind CloudFlare CDN. This has caused 500 errors in the Stencil-CLI, and a failure to render, during local development, but the store is able to be uploaded and hosted in production without a problem.
I'm not sure if this is the actual issue that you had which caused your 500 error, (It can be due to an error in the syntax of one of the HandleBars templates, but usually Stencil-CLI will output an informative error for that reason.)
The other situation I have seen this in is if you are trying to run Cornerstone on a very old BigCommerce store which is still running their old template framework (Blueprint) - in that situation, certain pages will 500, but others will work.
This may be helpful for others who are running into this.
I installed a proxy tool to capture traffic between stencil and BigCommerce in order to perhaps find more details on this error.
Unfortunately, as soon as I did that, the site worked again...

Downloading SetupTools in Maximo/Jython fails with HTTP error 403 SSL is required

Appendix A of The Definitive Guide to Jython describes downloading SetupTools for use with Jython.
This indicates to me that it should be possible to download and use SetupTools from within a Jython automation script in Maximo (v7.6 in my case). The book points us to the following url to copy a Jython script that will do this:
I add one line to the above script to call the function "use_setuptools":
Then I create a push button on a Maximo application and associate the aforementioned script with the button press I get the following error:
System Message BMXAA7837E - An error occured that prevented the
EZ_SETUP script for the EZ_SETUP launch point from running.
urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: SSL is required in at line
number 280
The stack trace points to the following line in the function "download_setuptools" which is called by "use_setuptools":
src = urllib2.urlopen(url)
This appears to be because the url requested, in my case: redirected a few times before arriving at the following url:
Note the url uses HTTPS not HTTP. The following indicates why this may be so:
The jython.jar included with Maximo does not include the ssl module so we could either:
Download the ssl module manually and copy it to the correct location on the server.
Download the appropriate egg file manually over HTTPS and copy it to the correct location on the server.
Bypass the problem by creating a mirror for the file we're looking for that is accessible over HTTP and use that url in the code.
Whilst these are feasible I'd prefer to modify the code to ignore the SSL certificate if possible, however all the workarounds on StackOverflow and elsewhere seem to require that you're able to "import ssl" in order to bypass it which rather seems to defeat the purpose.
Ideally I'm looking for a solution that modifies the code from the url provided above to get it to work with Maximo/Jython 2.5.2 and doesn't require downloading and adding new modules or packages and all that this entails with Maximo. Bypassing or temporarily disabling ssl is fine as the code checks the hash of the downloaded .egg file. This would be my preferred solution if possible.
In my experience, automation scripting works best if you can stay "as Java as possible" and "as Maximo as possible". So, I would use the LIB_HTTPCLIENT script from the Scripting 76 Features document (the first example code, whose name is given by inference in the second bit of code) to try to download the SetupTools.
In case that document moves again, here is the LIB_HTTPCLIENT script. Note that the url variable is expected to be passed to this library script by the calling script.
from psdi.iface.router import HTTPHandler
from java.util import HashMap
from java.util import String
handler = HTTPHandler()
map = HashMap()
responseBytes = handler.invoke(map,None)
response = String(responseBytes,"utf-8")

Persits ASPPDF ImportFromUrl ServerXMLHTTP Error: The request has timed out

We have a test website that uses Persits ASPPDF to build a PDF using the ImportFromUrl method. It works fine on our test domain, but when I use the same code on another domain (and crucially perhaps, a sub-domain) I get the "MSXML2::ServerXMLHTTP Error: The request has timed out." error.
This leads me to think its related to the problem outlined in
"the calling Active Server Page (ASP) should not send requests to an ASP in the same virtual directory or to another virtual directory in the same pool or process. This can result in poor performance due to thread starvation."
So perhaps the config of the two servers hosting the two sites (test and live) are different - and if so what would that be? - Or you can't run this method on a sub-domain? Any guidance out there please?
I've had the same issue for weeks and finally found out what the problem was. In my case, it was because I had set to True the options that allow the debug of classic ASP code, without which I could not debug using visual studio. Setting those options back to False fixed the issue.

Web page button error

I have created a web page using VB 2010, i used Master page and i dont put any session, cookies or anything that can affect the website. But when i create a 'submit button' on any of the child page, i goes to an error stating the underline -
Server Error in '/EP-CMS' Application.
The state information is invalid for this page and might be corrupted.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: The state information is invalid for this page and might be corrupted.
Source Error:
[No relevant source lines]
Source File: c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\ep-cms\ae3f1090\4636a7bf\App_Web_2wkxnfol.4.cs Line: 0
Stack Trace:
[FormatException: The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a
non-base 64 character, more than two padding characters, or a
non-white space character among the padding characters. ]
.............................etc, etc.,
I dont know why, i have changed the submit button to image button, etc,. but after clicking the button it always points to this error. Linking page was fine but even if i dont write anything on the button events (simply putting button) it leads to this error.. Why
It looks like either you don't have permission to write in temp folder or your reference files are not located in your local machine.
Try following solution.
Check if you can open the location
c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\ep-cms
Also check %temp% is accessible and you have write permission for that folder and also can write permission from the user you are running the application..
If still not working Clean your solution and delete everything from
c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\ep-cms\ae3f1090\4636a7bf\
folder and then rebuild the solution.
Also check by re-registering your ASP.Net framework by running following command from command prompt with Administrative rights
aspnet_regiis -i
and re-perform the step 2.
Please feedback the same if you are able to solve using these methods or not. Try step 1 and 2 first.