Can I use yum to install an additional apache httpd server? - apache

I'm using a plain apache server as a front-end and a mod-perl enabled apache server as a backend with mod_proxy.
I'm in the process of moving to a new hosting company so I'm installing software. In the past I've built both of these from source but it would be easier to use yum to install so that they are easily updated. Is it possible to install 2 separate httpd servers with yum? And if so how?
I'm thinking that the solution might be to move the front-end to lighttpd or similar but I'd still like to know whether it is possible.
I'm using Centos 7.

Seem to have it working now. Hope this might help someone else.
I now have one httpd with two different configuration files in /etc/httpd/conf/: httpd_docs.conf and httpd_perl.conf
Set the PidFile to two different files at the top of the config files.
Copied the /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d to /etc/httpd/conf.modules.perl and updated the 'Include' in the two config files to point to the different directories and then deleted unnecessary files in each directory so that the httpd_docs instance does not use mod_perl and the httpd_perl instance does.
Copied /etc/sysconfig/httpd to /etc/sysconfig/httpd_perl and edited each one to include an OPTIONS line
OPTIONS="-d /etc/httpd -f conf/httpd_docs.conf"
OPTIONS="-d /etc/httpd -f conf/httpd_perl.conf"
Copied /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd_perl.service and edited to point to correct EnvironmentFile.
Used this question to help answer my own question


Trying to set AUTHBIND=yes, but file etc/default/tomcat8 not created when installing tomcat from zip file

Hi so basically what I am trying to do is get my spring web-application to run on port 80. I have installed tomcat8 and apache on a Ubuntu server and everything is running smoothly on, I have tried installing Authbind to help but it says I must set AUTHBIND=yes in the file location /etc/default/tomcat but for some reason this file is not present.
I have read previously that this file is not created if the installation was done from extracting the target file, this was my approach and this seems to me why the file is not there, I have no other solution.
Is there another way to set this authbind to yes or will I have to use Ip tables, or forward requests from Apache to tomcat. if i cant set authbind what in your opinion is the best solution.
Sorry if I left anything out, any help/suggestions would be of great help.
I would just completely reinstall the Tomcat on to your system. I had a similar problem and this was the only solution for me.

Trying to Properly configure the mod alias in Apache

I'm running apache 2.2.24 on Max OS X 10.9.1. Currently, we have a network drive that we access all of our Git repos on at /Volumes/GitWebsites. I would like to configure Apache to serve our PHP based repos from that directory. So, localhost (or or /phpsite2? etc. will serve sites from /Volumes/GitWebsites/phpsite1/ or /phpsite2/ in the browser. My two questions are:
Do I simply modify the server root or do I need to use the mod-alias in the httpd.conf file?
What are the permission setting I need to in order for apache to access /Volumes/GitWebsites ?
I've done configuration changes like this in IIS 7.5 and set up a NodeJS dev environment but still new to make large scale changes to Apache. Thanks for any help given.
If you are happy with serving the contents of /Volumes/GitWebsites as it is then it should be fine to point the document root at it. It's also makes it easy to add sites later.
However this could be troublesome later if you want to manage php configuration later on for the sites separately.

Configure Apache on Windows 7

I want to test some code on localhost before uploading to a live site. So I decided to install Apache. I'm running 64bit windows 7 enterprise edition. I downloaded httpd-2.0.64-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi. I installed it under C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Group\Apache2
I have set domain name and server name to localhost in my installation, and used default value for all other steps. In my configuration file httpd.conf, I have ServerName localhost:80.
I followed everything I can find on online apache installation tutorials. But when I typed in localhost in my browser, I got a 404 error :(
I know it's very hard to diagnose this way, but I just wonder if someone can spot an important step I'm missing.
I'm feeling it could be something to do with my 64bit machine, and the long folder name Program Files (x86). But I have tried to install on C:\Apache directly and failed too (even got an error during installation). Can someone help?
Finally figured it out. Apache service didn't start because another system process was listening to port 80. Refer to these two posts for solutions:
Good luck to all!
Did you start the service?
Also, you should install XAMPP or WAMPP, which offers Apache, PHP and MySQL support without all the configuration hassle.
If you got a 404 error then either the webserver is running or you failed to start it and have something very wrong with the existing network config on your machine.
The latter is a lot more likely - and you can check this by looking at the logs which it has generated - there should be entries in both the access and error log.
If the problem is the spaces in the path (you'll see an error relating to the documentroot from the entries added to the error_log at startup) then (IIRC) you can either enclose the path in double quotes or use a path for the document root which doesn't have spaces - the content doesn't have to site below the directory you installed Apache into - indeed it's arguable that using a different path is good practice. Note that several versions of mod_fcgid don't like paths with spaces even if you quote them.

Finding Mod_Rewrite Rules on Cent OS Server

I am having a bit of a problem finding some mod_rewrite details. I am taking over from another PHP web developer. I am used to Ubuntu servers and I am migrating a few sites onto a new Ubuntu server. The old server is CentOS. The old developer used mod_rewrite rules and as they're rather specific, I'm trying to track them down on the server but cannot find them for the life of me. I know it's a bit of a needle in a haystack question but does anyone know where they could be? I've looked within the individual sites var/www/vhost/SITENAME/ config. Not in there. I've looked in the etc/httpd config files too and they're not there. They are also not stored on the file server within htaccess. Thanks for any guidance
Usually the VirtualHost config files are under /etc/httpd/conf.d/.
What you could do is grep -ri rewriterule /etc/httpd/conf*|more to see if the RewriteRules are defined anywhere within the configuration directories.
You should also check grep -i include /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to see if configurations are included from somewhere besides the default Include conf.d/*.conf.

Can I execute a shell script when restarting (starting) apache webserver

I have an application with some cacheing backend and I want to clear the cacheing whenever the webserver is been restarted.
Is there a apache configuration directive or any other way to execute a shell script upon webserver (re)start?
Adding some more information, as asked by some answers already:
Base system is ofc linux based, in this exact situation: CentOs
Modifying the startup script is unfortunately no option as pointed out by one of the comments already, due to it beeing not configuration file within the respective RPM packages and therefor beeing replaced by updates. Also I think modifying the startup script would be a bad thing in general
I see, that actually linking both "restarting the webserver" and "clearing my app cache" is not exactly what should be tied together. I will consider other alternatives
My situation is as follows: I can define how the virtual host config looks like, but I can not define how the rest of the servers configuration looks like.
The application is actually PHP based (and runs on the symfony framework). Symfony pre-compiles alot of stuff into dynamic php files from what it finds in the static configuration files. We deploy our apps via RPM and after deployment, an webserver restart is actually initiated already, so I thought it might make sense to tie the cache-cleanup to it. But I think after getting all your feedback, it looks like it is better to put the cache cleanup process into the installation process itself.
You haven't provided a lot of detail here, so it's hard to give a concrete answer, but I would suggest that your best option is to write a script which handles restarting apache, and clearing your cache. It would look something like this:
# restart apache
/etc/init.d/httpd graceful
# whatever needs to be done to clear cache
rm -rf /my/cache/dir
Ramy suggests modifying the system startup script for Apache -- this is a bad idea! If and when you update Apache on your server, there is a good chance that your change will be lost.
Dirk suggests that what you are trying to do is probably misguided, and I think he's right. You haven't told us what platform you are running, but I can think of few situations where restarting your webserver and clearing a cache actually need to happen together.
You can modify Startup script for the Apache Web Server in /etc/init.d/httpd and write your own syntax inside it.
chattr +i /etc/init.d/httpd
If you have (root) access to the server you could do this by shell scripts but I would consider if it is the best way of cache management to rely on apache restarts.