DeepLearning4j examples maven project unable to be processed by Intellij - intellij-idea

As shown in the screenshot there is a dependency of the dl4j-0.4-examples project that is unable to be loaded by intellij.
Unable to get dependency information: Unable to read the metadata file
for artifact 'com.github.jai-imageio-core.jar': Invalid JDK version in
profile "java8-and-higher': Unbounded range [1.8
A similar problem resolved in this question
as quick fix open the pom file at your local repository and add ')'
and should looks like
91 [1.8,)
save and execute again
But in this case there is no jdk tag: so that approach can not be used.
Has anyone found a workaround to load this project into intellij?

The owners of the project have recognized this as an issue. If you would like to follow along here is the bug tracker:
Update 2/28/16: The resolution: I needed to do
brew switch maven 3.3.9
There were multiple versions of maven installed on my machine but I did not know about brew switch. So some ways maven was working without doing the switch - but for this project a completely clean maven installation was required.


Intellij - No valid Maven installation found when configured to use Maven Wrapper

I've upgraded my IntelliJ Community from 2021.1 to 2021.2 today and now I'm getting the following error when trying to run maven commands:
No valid Maven installation found. Either set the home directory in the configuration dialog or set the M2_HOME environment variable on your system.
But it's correctly configured to use Maven Wrapper:
My .mvn/wrapper/ is as follow:
What am I supposed to do in order to keep using Maven Wrapper? Or is it a possible bug?
It is a bug: IDEA-258757 Cannot start tasks with maven wrapper
UPD: This is fixed in versions 2021.3+

Unable to download all maven dependencies

I have multi module maven project in intelliJ 2019.3 (Ultimate)
I am not able to get all dependencies after several tries. I tried below solutions as well
Solution 1
Solution 2
I noticed under the Maven tool same module shows twice as below
Not sure that caused the issue here.
Strangely I don't see any red lines in the any of the POMs
Provided that you can build project from command line Maven and dependencies are downloaded.
In IntelliJ IDEA please try: File | New | Project from Existing Sources action and point to pom.xml file to import project from. Then choose to delete existing project configuration.

IntelliJ Gradle "Unable to find Method"

The Error:
Failed to sync Gradle project '-'
Error:Unable to find method 'org.gradle.internal.logging.progress.DefaultProgressLoggerFactory.(Lorg/gradle/internal/logging/progress/ProgressListener;Lorg/gradle/internal/time/TimeProvider;)V'.
You can see, a constructor inside a class, which is found in the logging jar (gradle_home/lib/grade-logging-version.jar) is missing.
So, I think the Class-Path does not contain this jar file.
Gradle Version: 3.5
Running using the Command Line works.
I have already tried this:
Gradle sync failed: Unable to find method
to-find-method, it does not work for me.
I have tried to use different versions.
I can't see any difference when enabling
"Use default gradle wrapper"
"Use gradle wrapper task configuration"
"Use local gradle distribution".
I had the exact same problem today.
The only way I was able to get it to work was to remove my IntelliJ IDEA IDE, get the latest from the website (with JDK) and put it in a new folder (i.e. no overwriting existing files).
After that, I deleted the .idea folder from the project and reimported it cleanly into the "new" IntelliJ.
I suspect upgrading IntelliJ from Version <= 2016.x caused the issue, since a new installation / clean extraction from archive caused it to work on the fly.

IntelliJ Spring Boot: How to create an executable jar

I'm trying to create an executable jar from IntelliJ.
First I got the Java Security Exception and I changed sqljdbc4-4.0 to unsigned. First problem solved.
Then I got Manifest not found. Added META-INF dir to output. Second problem solved.
Next I got the BeanCreationException (unsolved):
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Cannot determine embedded database driver class for database type NONE. If you want an embedded database please put a supported one on the classpath.
In IntelliJ it is working.
I think the resources are not in the output. (, ...)
In which way do I add the resources or where are they stored in the jar.
I'm using gradle and on the spring boot homepage are only instructions for maven.
You should use spring-boot-maven-plugin or spring-boot-gradle-plugin, depending on your preferred build system.
Just run ./gradlew build
I suggest to dive into this getting started guide. It clarifies a lot of stuff for beginners.
A typical Spring boot project is a Maven project or a Gradle-Project (I only know how to do it with Maven, for Gradle see [luboskrnacs answer][1]). So you just need to run the maven targetpackageand pick the jar form the (created)target` folder
use a shell, go to the project root directory (where the pom.xml file is) and type
mvn clean package
cd target
the there is the xxx.jar file.

Resolving maven dependencies

Inovking maven2 goal mvn dependency:list on an artifact pom causes to download the whole dependent artifact packages. I think only those pom files are necessary for resolving dependencies. Aren't they?
On the dependecy plugin documentation you can read that dependency:list is an alias for dependency:resolve. What you need is dependency:tree which :
Displays the dependency tree for this project.
Even with dependency:tree you will have to download dependencies.
From Arnaud Héritier (developer on Maven Project)
This is a problem in maven core which doesn't allow in 2.x to resolve dependencies without downloading artifacts.
Each mojo (plug-in in the Apache Maven) has a functionality description. See all dependency plugin functionality.
I am working with the current edition of Maven (the plug-in that shipped with Eclipse Neon), and I'm still working to get my head around how to make it do all the magical things it is claimed to be able to do.
I have the screen pictured below, in which the dependency highlighted in the left pane is unresolved.
!Dependency tree, showing missing dependency1
I thought that selecting (executing) the Update Project item off the project's context menu, as shown in the following image, would resolve it, but it left me with three errors, all, one way or another, the result of a missing dependency.
!Maven fly-out menu in project context menu2
By examining the file system, I have confirmed that the dependency is, in fact, absent.
Color me confused; why didn't that action download the missing dependency?