vb.net equivalent of vb6 function attributes - vb.net

I have the follow class in vb6:
Public Function NewEnum()
Attribute NewEnum.VB_UserMemId = -4
Attribute NewEnum.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
NewEnum = mcolFields.[_NewEnum]
End Function
What would the equivalent attributes be in vb.net? I know that you have to put attributes in <>and I also found this SO post, however it didn't solve my problem.

GetEnumerator() is the exact equivalent. It gets exposed as NewEnum in <ComVisible(True)> code. Simply implement the System.Collections.IEnumerable interface, the non-generic one.

Some info about this is here: https://christopherjmcclellan.wordpress.com/2015/04/21/vb-attributes-what-are-they-and-why-should-we-use-them/
There is one more special value for VB_UserMemId and that value is -4.
Negative 4 always indicates that the function being marked should
return a [_NewEnum] enumerator.
I would say that in this case you can ignore them. So your equivalent should be something like this:
Public Function NewEnum() As mcolFields
Return New mcolFields
End Function


Why am I getting a null reference exception on my IComparer sort?

I have a list of custom object types say
Dim a As New List(Of CustomType)
populated with instances. I have a comparer class that inherits
Public Class CustomTypeComparer
Implements IComparer(Of CustomType)
Public Function Compare(x As CustomType, y As CustomType) As Integer Implements IComparer(Of CustomType).Compare
End Function
End Class
that is called using the
a.Sort(New CustomTypeComparer)
method. The comparer's only method Compare() is called automatically, however occasionally the method fails because x is undefined or 'Not set to an instance of an object'.
I have scoured the list being sorted to check none of the elements are Nothing, confirmed with a watch on a.Contains(Nothing) which returns False and checked using other comparers that look at other parts of the object, none of those have problems with the list, only this one.
How can I study the problem any deeper? Is there any insight people can give on this issue?
Reading the reference source code of the framework, the list sort method uses the underlying Array.Sort() method. Taking a hint from that and I tried using the List.TrimExcess() method on the list, this has changed the behaviour and no Nothings are passed to the IComparer. A commenter discovered that IComparers are expected to compare nulls, which combines with the Array's underlying bound being greater than the array and silently having Nothings in it to generate expected functionality.
If you are just looking for debug help start CustomTypeComparer off like this
Public Class CustomTypeComparer
Implements IComparer(Of CustomType)
Public Function Compare(x As CustomType, y As CustomType) As Integer Implements IComparer(Of CustomType).Compare
If x Is Nothing Then
ElseIf y Is Nothing Then

Why are arguments renamed to RHS when implementing an Interface in VBA?

When you implement an Interface in your Class the arguments are automatically named RHS as shown on MDSN https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/gg264387.aspx
For example, if I create IInterface as so:
Public Property Let Value1(strValue1 As String)
End Property
Public Property Let Value2(strValue2 As String)
End Property
And implement it, the class would look like this:
Implements IInterface
Private Property Let IInterface_Value1(RHS As String)
End Property
Private Property Let IInterface_Value2(RHS As String)
End Property
It's a best practice to name your arguments in such a way as to provide some level of abstraction and make it easier to read and write code. I can actually change the arguments to whatever I want in the class after I've implemented the statements, as shown below, but my question is why does this happen? Is RHS a leftover from another language or is there a particular reason it's named like this?
Implements IInterface
Private Property Let IInterface_Value1(strValue1 As String)
End Property
Private Property Let IInterface_Value2(strValue2 As String)
End Property
The above compiles fine if I manually change it.
rhs stands for right hand side of operator = and lhs for left hand side of =. Why is this named like this here? Maybe its something which comes from c++ conventions. By the properties you have consider this code:
Dim test As IInterface
Set test = New ClassTest
test.Value1 = "rhsVal"
The new string value is actually on the right side of the = so therefor rhs.

Implement IEquatable Get distinct objects

This is not working for me. I couldn't find the answer on MSDN or elsewhere after having spent too much time on it. What am I missing?
Public Class PrinterInfo
Implements IEquatable(Of PrinterInfo)
Public PrinterName As String
Public PrinterDesc As String
'default equality comparer for class vb.net
Public Overloads Function Equals(ByVal other As PrinterInfo) As Boolean _
Implements IEquatable(Of PrinterInfo).Equals
Return other.PrinterName = Me.PrinterName
End Function
End Class
Public ReadOnly Property PrinterInfoList(ByVal Normal As NormalCopier) As List(Of PrinterInfo)
Dim pList1 As List(Of PrinterInfo) = GetList
Return pList1.Distinct.ToList
End Get
End Property
I get the list just fine but I want only distinct items. I tried to implement an equality comparer but it's not working. I'm getting multiple duplicates. What do I need to do to get only distinct values?
MSDN: Enumerable.Distinct(Of TSource)
MSDN: IEqualityComparer(Of T) Interface
This seems similar but I don't understand it
I'd like to avoid Linq GroupBy if I can. That just seems clumsy to me.
The documentation for Enumerable.Distinct(Of Source) says:
The default equality comparer, Default, is used to compare values of the types that implement the IEquatable<T> generic interface. To compare a custom data type, you need to implement this interface and provide your own GetHashCode and Equals methods for the type.
That's the part you're missing. You are expected to provide a GetHashCode() implementation in your class. If you look at the code examples given, you'll see it there too. And when you think about it, it makes sense. The implementation of Distinct uses a hash set internally, so it naturally requires a proper GetHashCode implementation to function properly.
In your case, try adding this to your PrinterInfo class:
Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
Return Me.PrinterName.GetHashCode()
End Function

cast list to another type and change variable of each element of it

I have the next class: SearchResultWithDetails.
It inherits from SearchResult that implements ISearchResult.
In addition, I have a list of ISearchResult that is called result.
I want to cast the result into SearchResultWithDetails and set ShortDescription to be the same value as DetailsText.
ShortDescription and DetailsText are variables of the result.
I tried something like:
results.Cast(Of SearchResultWithDetails).ForEach(Function(item)
item.ShortDescription = item.DetailsText)
But it doesn't change the variable of ShortDescription to be the same as DetailsText.
Any help appreciated!
With option strict On you'll see that the ToList method is not an extension method, it's actually part of the List<T> class. This method accepts an Action<T> aka. sub, not a Func<T> aka. function. Apply all these fixes and the code should look like this:
results.OfType(Of SearchResultWithDetails).ToList().ForEach(Sub(item) item.ShortDescription = item.DetailsText)
results.OfType(Of SearchResultWithDetails).ToList().ForEach(
item.ShortDescription = item.DetailsText
End Sub)

What does VB.Net For Each Loop look at to Infer the Type

In the following code,
For Each item in MyCollection
What does the compiler use to determine the type of item?
For example let say I have this class, which is inheriting a non generic collection,
Public Class BaseDataObjectGenericCollection(Of T)
Inherits BaseDataObjectCollection
End Class
A for each loop still infers the Item type as Object. How would I have to modify the above class to make the type inference work?
Edit: Per Beatles1692's answer, Implementing IEnumerator(Of T) kinda works. The base class already has a GetEnumerator function, inherited from CollectionBase, so I my implementation looked like this,
Public Function GetEnumerator1() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator(Of T) Implements System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T).GetEnumerator
Return MyBase.Cast(Of T)().GetEnumerator
End Function
However, the for loop still infers the type as object. But, if I change the interface implementation to this,
Public Shadows Function GetEnumerator() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator(Of T) Implements System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T).GetEnumerator
Return MyBase.Cast(Of T)().GetEnumerator
End Function
That works, the for loop gets the type inference correct. So I guess the question is now, does For Each just look for a function called GetEnumerator ?
Well, there's only one place to go for a question like this. The spec!
Section 10.9.3 discusses For Each statements. According to it:
[if] local variable type inference is being used, then the identifier defines a new local variable whose scope is the entire For loop and whose type is the element type of the collection (Object if the enumerator expression is typed as Object).
"collection" here seems vague, but it's precisely defined on the next page. Essentially, the type must have a GetEnumerator() call, and this enumerator must (a) have a MoveNext() method that returns a boolean type, and (b) have a Current property. The type of the Current property is the type that will be inferred by the compiler. Note it actually has nothing to do with IEnumerator or IEnumerable...you just have to fit the prescribed pattern. Consider this code:
Option Infer On
Public Module M
Sub Main()
For Each x In New SomeClass()
End Sub
End Module
Public Class SomeClass
Public Function GetEnumerator() As MyEnumerator
Return New MyEnumerator()
End Function
End Class
Public Class MyEnumerator
Public ReadOnly Property Current As Integer
Return 42
End Get
End Property
Public Function MoveNext() As Boolean
Return True
End Function
End Class
The type of "x" in the Sub Main() is Integer, since the Current property returns Integer.
Either you should write :
For Each Item As SpecificType In MyCollection
Then it will cast Item to SpecificType in each loop or your collection should have implemented IEnumerable(Of T)