How to Fine-tuning a Pretrained Network in Tensorflow? - tensorflow

Can anyone give an example of how to fine tune a pretrained imagenet network with new data and different classes similar to this:
Fine-tuning a Pretrained Network for Style Recognition

This TensorFlow tutorial describes how to retrain a image classifier for new data and new classes.


How to fine tune a trained model using with freezing feature layers?

I am working on a classification and detection model where I trained both models on another dataset now I am training them both again on new image data, but the model contains two models like FPN + CNN. I want to freeze the last layer and trained on a new dataset.
How to fine-tune this model using Please need suggestions, tutorials, etc (need some code for guidance)

How to use a pre trained model on Image net in tensorflow object detection api

I am trying to use the Inception SSD model in tensorflow object detection API. To initialize the weights i want to use pretrained Inception V2 On image net as the feature extractor. I see the model config file lets you use a pretrained model on COCO but if I want to use an Image net model how should I go about it?
To train on Imagenet classification models, do the following:
1) Download a pre-trained model from the "Pre-trained models" section on the Slim page
2) Point the fine_tune_checkpoint at that directory
3) Set from_detection_checkpoint to be false (as you will now be fine-tuning from a classification checkpoint)
Note that training from an Imagenet classification checkpoint will require significantly more time.

How to load a pretrained vgg model in distributed tensorflow model training scene like faster-rcnn?

I want to implements a faster-rcnn model using distributed tensorflow, But I have difficult to load a pretrained vgg model,How to do it? thanks
The TensorFlow tutorial on retraining inception is a good start to read. Then try to reproduce what it does starting from an already trained vgg model.

Manipulating pretrained layers of convnet in Tensorflow

I am learning convolutional networks in Tensorflow. I wonder if there is any tutorials of using TF to investigate a pre-trained convnet model, like these excellent tutorials for Caffe: this and this. I mean, how to access middle layers, get its learned parameters and blobs, to customize input shape to accept arbitrary image size or batch size, etc.
It's not quite the same thing, but there's a codelab here that shows you how to remove the top layer of a pretrained network and train up a new one on your own data:
It might give you some ideas on how to approach this in TensorFlow.

How to use a trained alexnet model on my own data?
I have a reference model, (a TensorFlow implementation of AlexNet with pretrained weights) that I wanted to test on my own personal data set of images. Do you guys know what would be the next steps to doing this?