Advanced search REST API - api

My requirement is to implement advanced search Rest API for searching the phones. The URI for the search API is http://myservice/api/v1/phones/search?q=${query_expression}
Where q is the complex query expression. Have the following questions
1) Since advanced search involves a lengthy query expression, the URI will not fit in a GET call. Is it alright to implement the search API via POST request and still maintain the RESTfulness?
2) I have come across the following implementations for the advanced search:
1st approach - Send the complete infix expression for the query expression.
2nd approach - Constructing entire query expression in the form of a json.
],"criteria":"( 1 AND (2 OR 3) )"}
3rd approach - Alternative way to implement the query expression as a json.
Which approach would be considered more RESTful out of the three? Suggestions for any other approaches are welcome :)

You could follow the approach taken by ElasticSearch, which out of the examples you had given is the third one.
The third approach is also easier to understand and easier to maintain.
For example if in the future you would need to add "fuzzy" query operator and it would have a completely different model, that would be an easy thing to do.

Yes, POST is a catch-all. It's preferable to use it for resource creation, but according to the spec it may be used in this way also. However, you should consider changing the endpoint to be /search-results. This gives you the flexibility to start storing search results later, and you can return a Location header pointing to the results of a particular complex query. Another alternative is to let users POST their search criteria, and then do a GET /search-results?criteria={id}.
Don't do the second one. It's hard to read and more complex than it should be. Either the first or the third are fine. The first is more compact but probably harder to handle on the back end. For the third, you really don't need the index.


How to desing RESTful advanced search/filter

First of all, I have read RESTful URL design for search and How to design RESTful search/filtering? questions. I am trying to design more advanced options for searching in a simple and RESTful way.
The answers to those questions have given me some insight and clues on how to design my previous application url pattern for search/filter functionality.
First, I came up with quite nice and simple solution for basic filtering options, using pattern:
Equality search: key = val
IN search: key = val1 & key = val2
But as application has grown, so were the search requirements. And I ended up with some rather unpleasant and complex url pattern for advanced searching options which included:
Negation search: key-N = val
Like search: key-L = val
OR search: key1-O = val1 & key2 = val2
Range search: key1-RS = val1 & key1-RE = val2
Whats more, beside filters, query has to get information about pagination and order by, so the filter parameter has F- suffix, order by fields has O- suffix, and pagination has P- suffix.
I hope that at this point I do not have to add that parsing such request is rather malicious task, with the possibility of ambiguity if key will contain '-'. I have created some regexp to parse it, and it works quite well as for now, but...
Now I am starting to write a new web app and I have the chance to redesign this piece from scratch.
I am wondering about creating object in a browser containing all information in structured and self-explanatory way and send it to server as as JSON string, like:
filter = {{'type':'like','field':key,'value':val1,'operator':'and','negation':false},..}
But I get strange feeling that this is not good idea - I really don't know why.
So, this would be the definition of my context. Now the question:
I am searching for simpler and safer pattern for implementing advanced search including options I mentioned above as RESTful GET parameters - can you share some ideas?
Or maybe some insights on not doing this in a RESTful way?
Also, if you see some pitfalls in JSON way, please share them.
I know what makes sending json as get parameter, not so good idea. Encoding it - it makes it ugly and hard to read.
Info provided by links sended by thierry templier, gave me something to think about and I managed to design more consistient and safe filter handling in GET parameters. Below is definition of syntax.
For filters - multiple F parameters (one for each search criterium):
allowed values:
For order by - multiple O parameters (one for each ordered field):
allowed values:
Pagination - single P parameter:
I think this will be good solution - it meets all my requirements, it is easy to parse and write, it is readable and I do not see how that syntax can become ambiguous.
I wloud appreciate any thoughts on that idea - do you see any pitfalls?
There are several options here. But it's clear that if your queries tend to be complex with operators, and so on... you can't use a set of query parameters. I see two approaches:
Provide the query as JSON content to a method POST
Provide the query in a query parameter with a specific format / grammar to a method GET
I think that you could have a look at what ElasticSearch for their queries. They are able to describe very complex queries with JSON contents (using several levels). Here is a link to their query DSL:
You can also have a look at what OData does for queries. They choose another approach with a single query parameter $filter. Here are some links that can give you some examples: and This option requires to have a grammar on the server side to parse your query.
In general, this link could also give you some hints at this level in its section "Filtering data":
Hope it gives you some helpful hints to design your queries within your RESTful services ;-)

RESTful API Design OR Predicates

I'm designing a RESTful API and I'm trying to work out how I could represent a predicate with OR an operator when querying for a resource.
For example if I had a resource Foo with a property Name, how would you search for all Foo resources with a name matching "Name1" OR "Name2"?
This is straight forward when it's an AND operator as I could do the following:
The other approach I've seen is to post the search in the body.
You will need to pick your own approach, but I can name few that seem to be pretty logical (although not without disadvantages):
Option 1.: Using | operator:|Name2
Option 2.: Using modified query param to allow selection by one of the values from the set (list of possible comma-separated values):,Name2
Option 3.: Using PHP-like notation to provide list instead of single string:[]=Name1&Name[]=Name2
All of the above mentioned options have one huge advantage: they do not interfere with other query params.
But as I mentioned, pick your own approach and be consistent about it across your API.
Well one quick way to fixing that is to add an additional parameter that is identifying the relationship between your parameters wether they're an and or an or for example:
Or for much more complex queries just keep a single parameter and in it include your whole query by making up your own little query language and on the server side you would parse the whole string and extract the information and the statement.

REST API naming convention

Given this URI:
For example :
This will return all books flagged with this status.
What would be a proper URI for return all books NOT flagged with a specific status?
I would like to return a collection of all books except the ones with a certain status..
Please advice...
I'd recommend using query parameters for filtering status for your books list resource:
Both queries return the same resource (a list of books), you're just filtering out the types you want in that list, so the use of a query param makes sense. I use the not_ prefixed to the status to do inverse queries, but you can use whatever convention you want.
REST doesn't require you to avoid get parameters (it seems some people think get parameters are voodoo), just don't use them to make faux-RPC calls :)
The reason I like this method is it opens up your options later when you might want to add a check for all books with multiple pieces of info such as ones that have a status of new and condition of good.
If you try to break that down into url segments instead of query params, it gets messy very quickly.
As I know there are a couple of ways, and all of them are correct (from REST perspective):
Query string parameters
OData queries
myapp/books?$filter=status eq 'new'
In URI, also good
Personally I prefer either Query string or OData.
OData is especially good when technology specific (ASP.NET Web API, WCF Data services, by non-Microsofts should also be equivalents) helps to avoid writing any code for such queries.
It allows to expose prefiltered collection and then filter it from client with such query. In such scenarios when exposing collections, I'm using OData queries.

Sparql Query Results without Namespace

I want to get results from sparql query and the results contain no namespace.
ex: there is result in triple format like:
"" "" ""
So i want to get only following:
Raxit type Name
I want to get this results directly from sparql query. I am using virtuoso.
Is it possible to get this from sparql?
Please share your thoughts regarding this.
Thanks in Advance.
If your data is regular, and you know that the sub-string you want always occurs after a # character, then you can use the strafter function from SPARQL 1.1. I do not know whether this is available in Virtuoso's implementation or not.
However this is, in general, a very risky strategy. Not all URI's are formatted with a local name part after a # character. In fact, in general, a URI may not have a legal or useful localname at all. So you should ask yourself: why do you think you need this? Generally speaking, a semantic web application uses the whole URI as an indivisible identifier. If your need is actually for something human-friendly to display in a UI, have your query also look for rdfs:label or skos:label properties. Worst case, try to abbreviate the URI to q-name form (i.e. prefix:name), using the prefixes from the model or a service like
The simplest way to achieve this is to not bother with adapting your query, but to just post-process the result yourself. Depending on which client library you use to communicate with Virtuoso, you will typically find it has API support to parse the result, get back values, and for each value then get only local name (I suggest you look for a URI.getLocalName() method or something similar).

Android Notepad Uri Explanation

In the android Notes demo, it accepts the URI:
sUriMatcher.addURI(NotePad.AUTHORITY, "notes", NOTES);
sUriMatcher.addURI(NotePad.AUTHORITY, "notes/#", NOTE_ID);
Where the difference between notes and notes/# is that notes/# returns the note who's ID matches #.
However, the managedQuery() method that is used to get data from the content provider has the following parameters:
uri The URI of the content provider to query.
projection List of columns to return.
selection SQL WHERE clause.
selectionArgs The arguments to selection, if any ?s are pesent
sortOrder SQL ORDER BY clause.
So, is there any particular cause for the design decision of providing a URI for that, rather than just using the selection parameter? Or is it just a matter of taste?
Thank you.
I thinks its so you can do more complex lookups without having to complicate your selections and arguments. For example in my project I have multiple tables but use the same selection and arguments. To filter content. By using the URI I don't have interpret the query, I can just switch on the URI. It.might be personal taste to begin with. But in more complex scenarios you appreciate the URI. You can also use * to match strings in the same.way you can with#.
I think it's mostly a matter of taste. IMHO, putting the id in the Uri is a little cleaner since you can make the id opaque rather than require the client to know that it actually represents a specific row id. For instance, you can pass a lookup key (like in the the Contacts API) rather than a specific row id.