Change hostname from the URL in the Apache Web server - apache

I have URL for which i need to change the hostname and keep rest of the parameters as it is in the Apache Web Server. For E.g.
Actual URL
To be URL: /servereq?hname=cs_load_cs&summary=true&contractID=da588be1a59f47cf8f
I tried implementing the change using the Rule:
RewriteRule ^*)$$1
But the URL is parsed only before the '?' and rest of the doesn't appear in the result. I tested the code at online Tester.
Therefore i looking for a way to achieve this without lost of any parameters.
Thanks a lot.

HTTP_HOST is not part of match in RewriteRule pattern, it is automatically added by the apache.
Try :
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [NC,L,R,QSA]


rewrite url using htaccess or hide some text from url

The url showing in the address bar:
The url which I want to show:
The url showing in the address bar:
The url which I want to show:
I tried rewriting rule using htaccess
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /news#tab-2$
RewriteRule .* /news[L]
But it didnt work. Please help.
You can't rewrite Anchors with .htaccess. You need to use something client side, like javascript in order todo so.
This article i found in another similiar question you can read it here:
Remove fragment in URL with JavaScript w/out causing page reload
Client browsers do not send the character "#" to the server. If you have access to the server Logs you will see all the server gets is "GET /news" and omits the rest. "#" is a client side interpreted character.
You will have to hex encode it in the url if you insist on sending it to the server, but it is probably better if you use a more common URI path or even query string "?" if you want to do internal redirections from the server.
As a friendly side-note. Do not use .htaccess unless you are not the admin of the Apache HTTPD server. It is not necessary to redirect/rewrite as it complicates them and it produces bigger overhead to the server since the file needs to be constantly checked for changes.

mod_rewrite to redirect url not working

Cannot seem to get a mod_rewrite to work. We have a domain name that has already been printed here, there and everywhere when the website was Flash. It has a # in its trail /#login.php and we want so that when people put this in it redirects them to /login.php. I have already tried this rule but can't get it to work:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/#login.php$ /login.php
I have also checked that the rewrite engine is working by using a redirect to google. Just need the out of date #login.php to go to the new login.php
The # in the URL (or "fragment") is not sent to the server, it's purely for the client side to point to some part of the page. If you see in your address bar, the only thing the server gets is a request for /. You may need to employ some javascript on the page to look at the browser's address bar to find a fragment and maybe send that to the server as a query string.
Try :
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^#login\.php$ /login.php [QSA,L]
Mod_rewrite is enabled ? available ?

using proxy instead of redirection with htaccess rewriteRule

I'm developing a webapp and for the static files I'm simply using apache at localhost while the backend is on a couchdb instance running at localhost:5984.
The webapp interacts with files from the backend all the time. So what is happening when trying to test on apache all file requests to localhost:5984 are getting blocked due the cross-domain policy so the only way to get that working is starting the browser by setting flags to ignore that.
But again I get stuck when trying to test the app on mobile such ipad or iphone.
Currently I have this on my .htaccess file.
RewriteEngine on
# these are 302 http redirections instead of serving as a proxy
RewriteRule auth http://localhost:5984/auth [L]
RewriteRule db/([\s\S]+) http://localhost:5984/db/$1 [L]
RewriteRule send/([\s\S]+) http://localhost:5984/send/$1 [L]
# these are just redirections to static files and work great
RewriteRule ^([a-z/.]+) _attachments/$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^$ _attachments/ [L]
As you can see I have really no idea on how to deal with apache configuration unfortunately.
But what is happening right now is that for some of these rules apache is simply redirecting the page instead of provide it as a proxy server which causes the issue with cross-domain.
Also on the first auth rule I send POST and DELETE requests which as a redirection instead of proxy it won't pass the data being POSTed through.
So what I would like to achieve is to activate some kind of feature (if it exists) which will make apache simply render the page as it was on the localhost domain instead of redirect it. (I named this a a proxy, but perhaps that's not even the right term, sorry for any mistake committed with the nomenclatures).
Is is possible to achieve such action?
Thanks in advance
Have a look at these links / options:
[P] flag:
mod_proxy (possibly -- but I think #1 should be enough if it's on the same server):

Apache Mod_Rewrite Scenario

I was wondering how I would do a complex mod_rewrite. Below is basically how I want it done.
If the user goes to:
Then the server would rewrite the url to:
Better picture:
Rewrites to:
I created a colour coded image to clearly show what I mean:
(can't embed images) look here:
The first subdomains are a directory structure (shown in red), so the amount of subdomains can change.
I hope someone can provide me with a solution. Either using mod_rewrite or maybe another method. Thanks.
Provided that you have configured your DNS so that requested URL hits server where your application is (maybe wildcard DNS on your domain: * ->, if supported by your DNS server/hosting), you can create more or less complicated rewrite rule. I'd do it this way:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*)$
RewriteCond $1 !^index.php
RewriteRule (.*) index.php?subdomain_part=%1&file_part=$1
So in index.php you get $_GET['subdomain_part'] and $_GET['file_part'], which you can parse further to extract parameters according to your convention.
Of course, you can write more complicated regex to get URL parts extracted by mod_rewrite (I'm not such an regex expert myself). However doing parsing in PHP would be much easier and you can do better error handling (e.g. if URL is not formed properly).

apache rewrite map redirect to 404

My Situation:
I implemented an apache Rewrite Map to redirect incoming requests based on a database
RewriteEngine On
RewriteMap dbapp prg:/usr/local/somewhere/dbapp.rb
RewriteRule ^/(pattern)$ ${dbapp:$1} [R]
So far everything works fine, but I want to decide in the dbapp.rb script weather to redirect or give the client a http-status-code-404. I could just deliver a local page that doesn't exist but that doesn't seem right. I also want this to be usable on any server, and redirecting to "localhost" is also not an option ;-)
You could return -, which essentially means: 'no rewrite', but I don't know whether that's supported in a maps/[R] combination. Better may be to check with RewriteCond ${dbapp:$1} !^$ or something that it doesn't contain an empty string.