currentTime() in video.js - video.js

The following is my code which is not working. Any help would be appreciated.
var myPlayer;
myPlayer = this;

The ready event only occurs once, when the video initially loads. At that point, the current time is likely 0.
console.log(myPlayer.currentTime()); // 0
To continue checking the time as it changes, you should be able to use the timeupdate event.
myPlayer = this;
myPlayer.on('timeupdate', function () {
// ...
Though, note that this event occurs multiple times per second. So, to avoid spamming yourself with alerts, you'll probably want to keep track whether 3 seconds have already passed.
var threshold = 4;
var thresholdReached = false;
myPlayer = this;
myPlayer.on('timeupdate', function () {
if (myPlayer.currentTime() >= threshold && !thresholdReached) {
thresholdReached = true;


Vuejs v-for so laggy when infinite scrolling

I have this weird vuejs effect where when I am adding a new object data, the v-for re-renders all the object even if its already rendered.
I am implementing an infinite scroll like facebook.
The Code
To explain this code, I am fetching a new data from firebase and then push the data into the data object when it reaches the bottom of the screen
var vueApp = new Vue({
el: '#root',
data: {
postList: [],
isOkaytoLoad: false,
isRoomPostEmpty: false,
mounted: function() {
// Everytime user scroll, call handleScroll() method
window.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll);
methods: {
handleScroll: function()
var d = document.documentElement;
var offset = d.scrollTop + window.innerHeight;
var height = d.offsetHeight - 200;
// If the user is near the bottom and it's okay to load new data, get new data from firebase
if (this.isOkaytoLoad && offset >= height)
this.isOkaytoLoad = false;
const lastPost = this.postList[this.postList.length - 1];
const room_id = PARAMETERS.get('room');
const q = query(collection(db, 'posts'), where('room', '==', room_id), orderBy("time", "desc"), limit(5), startAfter(lastPost));
const roomSnapshot = await getDocs(q);
roomSnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
const postID =;
// Put the new data at the postList object
this.postList = [...this.postList, doc];
const q = query(collection(db, 'comments'), where('post_id', '==', postID));
const commentSnapshot = await getDocs(q);
doc['commentCount'] = commentSnapshot.size;
setTimeout(()=>{ this.isOkaytoLoad = true }, 1000);
<script src=""></script>
<div v-if="postList.length > 0" class="card-containers">
<!-- I have a component `Postcard` in my js file and it works well -->
v-for="post in postList"
Now, the problem is here ...
Look at this screen record, FOCUS AT THE MOUSE, it's lagging and I can't even click on those buttons when vuejs is adding and loading the new data
Here is the code That I used
What I suspect
I am suspecting that everytime I add a new data, the VueJS re-renders it all, which does that effect. How can I force vueJS to not re-render those data that is already rendered in the screen?
You've got two unnecessary async IIFE; the second one inside the forEach is particularly problematic because the async code inside it will be executed concurrently for each loop iteration, which has implications:
getDocs() will be fired all at once for each loop ieration, potentially spamming the server (assuming this is performing a network request). Was this your intention? It looks like you're only fetching at most 5 new posts, so this is probably OK.
The async function updates some state which will trigger Vue to re-render for each doc. This should be batched together at the end so Vue does as minimal updates as possible.
Also don't use var; use const or let instead. There's almost no good reason to use var anymore, let it die.
I can't say this will improve your performance substantially, but I recommend making the following changes (untested):
async handleScroll() {
const d = document.documentElement;
const offset = d.scrollTop + window.innerHeight;
const height = d.offsetHeight - 200;
// If the user is near the bottom and it's okay to load new data, get new data from firebase
if (this.isOkaytoLoad && offset >= height) {
// Prevent loading while we load more posts
this.isOkaytoLoad = false;
try {
// Get new posts
const lastPost = this.postList[this.postList.length - 1];
const room_id = PARAMETERS.get('room');
const q = query(collection(db, 'posts'), where('room', '==', room_id), orderBy("time", "desc"), limit(5), startAfter(lastPost));
const roomSnapshot = await getDocs(q);
// Fetch comments of each post. Do this all at once for each post.
// TODO: This can probably be optimized into a single query
// for all the posts, instead of one query per post.
await Promise.all( doc => {
const postID =;
const q = query(collection(db, 'comments'), where('post_id', '==', postID));
const commentSnapshot = await getDocs(q);
doc.commentCount = commentSnapshot.size;
// Append the new posts to the list
} catch (ex) {
// TODO: Handle error
} finally {
// Wait a bit to re-enable loading
setTimeout(() => { this.isOkaytoLoad = true }, 1000);
Doing :post-content="truncateString(linkify(" in the template means linkify will be executed during each re-render. I suspect linkify may be potentially slow for long lists? Can this be pre-calculated for each post ahead of time?
You're registering a window scroll event listener when the component is mounted. If the component is ever destroyed, you need to unregister the event listener otherwise it'll still fire whenever the window is scrolled. This may not be an issue in your case, but for reusable components it must be done.

How to correctly use setInterval for multiple functions being called repeatedly in React Native

I am building a simple app in React Native that aims to flash different colors on the screen at certain time intervals. My implementation is as follows:
useEffect(() => {
var blinkOnValue;
var blinkOffValue;
function blinkOn() {
const colorAndWord = getRandomColor(colorArray);
function blinkOff() {
if (strobeStart) {
if (on) {
blinkOnValue = setInterval(() => {
}, info.length * 1000);
} else {
blinkOffValue = setInterval(() => {
}, info.delay * 1000);
return () => {
on ? clearInterval(blinkOnValue) : clearInterval(blinkOffValue);
}, [colorArray, info.delay, info.length, on, strobeStart]);
The blinkOn function sets the background a certain color and the blinkOff function sets the background a default light gray-ish color. These functions should alternate back and forth, blinking on and off at different intervals. For example, if info.length is 2 and info.delay is 0.5, then the color should flash on for 2 seconds and then the screen should be light gray for 0.5 seconds and repeat. However, the duration of both of the blinkOn and blinkOff are happening for the same amount of time, no matter what the two values are. Sometimes it uses the value from info.length, and sometimes it uses the value from info.delay which is also quite strange.
I think it has something to do with components mounting and unmounting correctly but honestly I am quite lost. If anyone has any advice on how to make this code consistently work where it flashes appropriately I would really appreciate it.
Instead of trying to time your events just right, I suggest using a single timer and computing the blink state from the current system time.
var oldState = true;
function blink() {
var ms = new Date().getTime();
var t = ms % (info.delay + info.length);
var state = (t < info.length ? true : false);
if (state == oldState) return;
if (state) {
oldState = state;
Now set a short timer to check the time and update the blink state as needed:
setInterval( () => blink(), 100 );

Mediastream Recording API. ondataavailable is not triggered

I am trying to record media using the mediaRecorder API. Here is my code (just the relevant part). I expect to get a console log in saveChunks but it appears that the ondataavailable event is never triggered.I am able to see the video in the video element.
recordedChunks = [];
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video:true, audio:true})
.then(function(stream) {
myVideoMedia = document.getElementById("vid1");
myVideoMedia.srcObject = stream;
myVideoMedia.onloadedmetadata = function(e) {;
mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream);
mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = saveChunks;
function saveChunks(event) {
console.log("Data recorded...");
The console log of mediaRecorder.state is 'recording'
I did try by passing a timeslice of 1000 to start() and its working now! If no timeslice is passed, the function is called once at the end.

Titanium HttpClient cache for Android

I need to cache my HttpClient response for android device. The Example given in their official document applies for Iphone & IPad.
Ok, here is one approach to achieve this:
Within your httpRequests success handler, attach a "timestamp" to your response:
// Assuming you are working with JSON data
var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
response.timestamp = new Date();
// For the purpose of this example, we persist our response to properties
Ti.App.Properties.setObject('cachedResponse', response);
In your button eventListener we will check for the time that has passed
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
var cachedResponse = Ti.App.Properties.getObject('cachedResponse', { timestamp: false });
if(cachedResponse.timestamp) {
if(getHoursDiff(cachedResponse.timestamp, new Date()) > 24) {
// Last request older than 24 hours, reload data
} else {
// Last request was within 24 hours, use cached data
} else {
// No data has been saved yet, load Data
This function calculates the time difference in hours
function getHoursDiff(earlierDate, laterDate) {
var nTotalDiff = laterDate.getTime() - earlierDate.getTime();
var hours = Math.floor(nTotalDiff/1000/60/60);
return hours;
This is not a complete example, you have to optimize and change the code to your needs.

Can I use Ext's loader to load non-ext scripts/object dynamically?

In my ExtJS 4.0.7 app I have some 3rd party javascripts that I need to dynamically load to render certain panel contents (some fancy charting/visualization widgets).
I run in to the age-old problem that the script doesn't finish loading before I try to use it. I thought ExtJS might have an elegant solution for this (much like the class loader: Ext.Loader).
I've looked at both Ext.Loader and Ext.ComponentLoader, but neither seem to provide what I'm looking for. Do I have to just "roll my own" and setup a timer to wait for a marker variable to exist?
Here's an example of how it's done in ExtJS 4.1.x:
url: '...', // URL of script
scope: this, // scope of callbacks
onLoad: function() { // callback fn when script is loaded
// ...
onError: function() { // callback fn if load fails
// ...
I've looked at both Ext.Loader and Ext.ComponentLoader, but neither
seem to provide what I'm looking for
Really looks like it's true. The only thing that can help you here, I think, is Loader's injectScriptElement method (which, however, is private):
var onError = function() {
// run this code on error
var onLoad = function() {
// run this code when script is loaded
Ext.Loader.injectScriptElement('/path/to/file.js', onLoad, onError);
Seems like this method would do what you want (here is example). But the only problem is that , ... you know, the method is marked as private.
This is exactly what newest Ext.Loader.loadScript from Ext.4-1 can be used for.
For all you googlers out there, I ended up rolling my own by borrowing some Ext code:
var injectScriptElement = function(id, url, onLoad, onError, scope) {
var script = document.createElement('script'),
documentHead = typeof document !== 'undefined' && (document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]),
cleanupScriptElement = function(script) { = id;
script.onload = null;
script.onreadystatechange = null;
script.onerror = null;
return this;
onLoadFn = function() {
onErrorFn = function() {
// if the script is already loaded, don't load it again
if (document.getElementById(id) !== null) {
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = url;
script.onload = onLoadFn;
script.onerror = onErrorFn;
script.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState === 'loaded' || this.readyState === 'complete') {
return script;
var error = function() {
console.log('error occurred');
var init = function() {
console.log('should not get run till the script is fully loaded');
injectScriptElement('myScriptElem', '', init, error, this);
From looking at the source it seems to me that you could do it in a bit of a hackish way. Try using Ext.Loader.setPath() to map a bogus namespace to your third party javascript files, and then use Ext.Loader.require() to try to load them. It doesn't look like ExtJS actually checks if required class is defined in the file included.