ObjC, Swift to WinObjC - winobjc

I have an iOS app which includes both objective c and swift. Does the winobjc tool support converting the iOS apps which includes both objective c and swift code?

I work on the Windows Bridge for iOS at Microsoft. We're getting more and more questions about Swift support and it's clearly a top priority for the community. Now that Apple has open sourced large parts of Swift, we're considering our options and the technical implications of implementing it.
We regularly update our roadmap on our project wiki with our plans for the next month or two, so there is the best place to check for near-term plans. If you try out the bridge and have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch by filing an issue on Github. Thanks for checking out the bridge!

No, WinObjC only supports Objective-C but no Swift at this point.
It also doesn’t seem to be on their roadmap at this point.


Translation of Swift to Objective-C possible?

We started a new OS X project based on Swift, only to find out that the management doesn't really like that just through the use of Swift, we cannot sell the application to users before 10.9, even if 30% of the market still has older OS X versions.
Reimplementing the software in Objective-C seems to be the only solution. As Apple advertised Swift to be binary-compatible with Obj-C, I'm wondering if a translation of Swift source code to Obj-C source code is theoretically possible, and if so, if you know about any implementation of that idea.
Couldn't find anything about this topic on the web so far, everyone seems to be searching for the other direction at the moment.
Of course it's possible. But I am afraid there's no tools to do that. You should rewrite all the codes manually.
As you mentioned, Swift and Objective-C codes can work together perfectly. So I think rewrite the codes one class/file by one should be a good way.
Apple's document Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/BuildingCocoaApps/ should be help.

file browser for webdav ios7

I have been looking for a packet/library with a file browsing capability for WebDAV, which I could use for my project in objective c, using xcode 5.1. so far the best I have found is GDFileManagerKit. but it still has stuff unsupported by my ARC such as AFNetworking version used. I do not want to alt the code of this library since it requires many changes. I would like to know if there is a better library or without me having to use AFNetworking version 1.
Thank you and please bear with me if this question is very novice. I am new to objective c xcode and iOS
You could use one of several free libraries, for example WTClient. Yet, every library I have seen is not using ARC, instead managing memory without the garbage collector.

Can you use MacRuby to develop applications for the Mac App Store?

I have some basic familiarity with Objective-C, but prefer Ruby, so I'm thinking of playing around with MacRuby. Is it possible to use MacRuby to develop applications for the Mac App Store, or do I have to use Objective-C? (Note that I don't care so much about iOS/the iPhone and iPad store right now, just the Mac OS X app store.)
And to answer the actual question, yes, see http://lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/macruby-devel/2010-November/006475.html.
Short answer: Yes, you can, technically, build such an app. You need to revisit the store guidelines to know what requirements must be met to submit to the various stores.
This comes up sporadically; beyond the guidelines that #NSResponder mentioned, the reality is that you'll just be spending a lot of extra & unnecessary time if you decide to use MacRuby unless you plan on using some large chunk of already written Ruby code in your app.
Learning Objective-C is about 2% of the overall learning needed to be an effective Cocoa developer. The other 98% is everything from memory management model to standard idioms like KVC/KVO/delegation to NIB files to the myriad of classes & APIs throughout the system.
All of those things are written in Objective-C (or C) with documentation targeting Objective-C and examples written in Objective-C.
As well, the entire tool chain is focused on validating, compiling, indexing, debugging, and manipulating Objective-C.
If you want to use MacRuby to build a real Cocoa app, you are going to have to know Objective-C through and through anyway. And you are going to have to deal with whatever bugs and impedance mismatch is in the bridge layer, too.
Yes. As the Mac developer forums says:
My Mac app is not written in
Objective-C. Is this allowed on the
MacApp Store?
Yes, provided it also adheres to the
Mac App Store Review Guidelines at
the Mac Developer Program License
Agreement at
(via alloy)
Read the submission guidelines here: https://developer.apple.com/appstore/mac/resources/approval/guidelines.html

Check for availability of blocks at runtime on iOS

I need to test for the availability of blocks at runtime, so I can handle backwards compatibility with iOS 3. Any tips?
So far I'm doing if (!NSClassFromString(#"NSBlockOperation")) {...}
Seems to be working...
You will also need to make sure to weak link the libSystem.B.dylib, set your base SDK to 4.0 and deployment target to 3.1.3, as described here.
A good overview on how to deal with iOS versioning issues can also be found in this this Cocoa with Love article: Tips & Tricks for conditional iOS3, iOS3.2 and iOS4 code

Tips for transitioning from Visual Basic to Xcode

I've been programming in VB.net for a while now, and I finally got access to a mac to make ipod apps. What are some useful sites, videos, etc. that could help me get used to Objective C and the Xcode IDE? I've stumbled upon the samples on the apple dev site, but none of them really give good examples which I could learn the syntax of the language from.
Thanks for the help, Objective C is really a big change from VB.net!
Here are some helpful starter references from the Apple site, first for Objective-C itself, then for the Cocoa frameworks.
Learning Objective-C: A Primer
Cocoa Fundamentals Guide
There are also "getting started" videos available from http://developer.apple.com/iphone (you have to register as a developer to get access, but that's free)
You might want to take a look at MonoTouch if you like working with .Net. As far as I'm aware, it only works with C#, but it will let you use the .NET api to program for the iPhone. Might be worth looking into if you don't want to learn Objective C.