Design pattern for dealing with reusage of date in scenarios (BDD) - selenium

I would like your suggestion for my scenario:
I am implementing automated tests using bdd technique with Cucumber and Selenium WebDriver tools, what is currently happening is: a lot of scenarios depend of data of each other, so right now I am storing these data in the class I define the steps, so I can use in other scenarios.
But, as the application grows, and the more scenario I get, the more mess my application gets.
Do you have any design pattern, or solution I could use in this case?

As you say, scenarios that depends on data from other scenarios gets complicated and messy. The order of execution is important.
What would happen if you executed the scenarios in a random order? How would that affect you?
My approach would be to work hard on making each scenario independent of each other. If you have a flow like placing an order that is required for preparing a shipment that is required for creating an invoice and so in, then would I make sure sure that the state of the application was set correct before each scenario. That is, executing code that creates the desired state.
That was a complicated way to say that, in order to create an invoice I must first set the application state so that it has prepared a shipment. And possible other things as well.
I would work hard on setting the application to a known state before any scenario is executed. If that means cleaning the database, then I would do that. The goal would be to be able to execute each scenario in isolation.
The functionality in your system may build on each other. That doesn’t mean that the scenarios you use to check that your application still works should build on each other during their execution.
Not sure if this qualifies as a pattern, but it may be a direction to strive for.

Overall you want to be looking at a Separation of concerns and the Single Responsibility Principle.
At the Cucumber level have two 'layers' of responsibility, the Test Script (Feature File + Step Implementation) and model of the system under test. The Step Implementation maps straight onto the model. Its single purpose is binding feature steps to methods. The Model implementation is to model the state of the system under test which includes state persistence. The model should expose its interface in the declarative style over the imperative approach such that we see fooPage.login(); in preference to'login');
On the Selenium WebDriver side of things use the Page Objects Model It is these reusable object that understand the semantics of representing page and would be a third layer.
- Test Script (Feature File + Java Steps)
- Model of SUT (which persists the state)
- Page Object Model -> WebDriver/Browser

As already pointed out, try to isolate test scenarios from each other regarding data.
Just a few approaches:
Either cleaning the database or restoring the original data before each test scenario is executed will make it; however, that can slow the tests down significantly. If the cleaning action takes around 10 seconds, that makes ~15 additional minutes for 100 tests, and ~3 hours for 1000 tests.
Alternatively, each test could generate and use its own data. The problem here is that many tests could really use the same data, in which case it makes little sense to create those data over and over again, let alone this is something that also takes time.
Yet another option is to tell between read-only tests and read-write tests. The former could make use of the default data, as they are not affected by data dependencies. The latter should deal with specific data to avoid running into conflicts with other test scenarios.
Still, step definitions within a test scenario are likely to depend on the state of the previous step definitions executed as part of that test scenario. So state management is still required somehow. You may need some helper Object in your Model.
Keep in mind that Steps classes are instantiated for every test scenario, along with the Objects created from them. Thus, private instance attributes won't work, unless all the steps used by a test scenario are implemented in the same Steps class. Otherwise think about static variables or try with a dependency injection framework.


Code reuse in automated acceptance tests without excessive abstraction

I'm recently hired as part of a team at my work whose focus is on writing acceptance test suites for our company's 3D modeling software. We use an in-house C# framework for writing and running them which essentially amounts to subclassing the TestBase class and overriding the Test() method, where generally all the setup, testing, and teardown is done.
While writing my tests, I've noticed that a lot of my code ends up being boilerplate code I rewrite often. I've been interested in trying to extract that code to be reusable and make my code DRYer, but I've struggled to find a way to do so without overabstracting my tests when they should be largely self-contained. I've tried a number of approaches, but they've run into issues:
Using inheritance: the most naive solution, this works well at first and lets me write tests quickly but has run into the usual trappings, i.e., test classes becoming too rigid and being unable to share my code across cousin subclasses, and logic being obfuscated within the inheritance tree. For instance, I have abstract RotateVolumeTest and TranslateVolumeTest classes that both inherit from ModifyVolumeTest, but I know relatively soon I'm going to want to rotate and translate a volume, so this is going to be a problem.
Using composition through interfaces: this solves a lot of the problems with the previous approach, letting me reuse code flexibly for my tests, but it leads to a lot of abstraction and seeming 'class bloat' -- now I have IVolumeModifier, ISetsUp, etc., all of which make the code less clear in what it's actually doing in the test.
Helper methods in a static utility class: this has been very helpful, especially for using a Factory pattern to generate the complex objects I need for tests quickly. However, it's felt 'icky' to put some methods in there that I know aren't actually very general, instead being used for a small subset of tests that need to share very specific code.
Using a testing framework like or similar to share code through [SetUp] and [TearDown] methods in a test suite, generally all in the same class: I've strongly preferred this approach, as it offers the reusability I've wanted without abstracting away from the test code, but my team isn't interested in it; I've tried to show the potential benefits of adopting a framework like that for our tests, but the consensus seems to be that it's not worth the refactoring effort in rewriting our existing test classes. It's a valid point and I think it's unlikely I'll be able to convince them further, especially as a relatively new hire, so unless I want to make my test classes vastly different from the rest of the code base, this one's off the table.
Copy and paste code where it's needed: this is the current approach we use, along with #3 and adding methods to TestBase. I know opinions differ on whether copy/paste coding is acceptable for test code where it of course isn't for production, but I feel that using this approach is going to make my tests much harder to maintain or change in the long run, as I now have N places I need to fix logic if a bug shows up (which plenty have already and only needed to be fixed in one).
At this point I'm really not sure what other options I have but to opt for #5, as much as it slows down my ability to write tests quickly or robustly, in order to stay consistent with the current code base. Any thoughts or input are very much appreciated.
I personally believe the most important thing for a successful testing framework is abstractions. Make it as easy as possible to write the test. The key points for me are that you will end up with more tests and the writer focuses more on what they are testing than how to write the test. Every testing framework I have seen that doesn't focus on abstraction has failed in more ways than one and ended up being maintainability nightmares.
If the logic is not used anywhere else but a single test class then leave in that test class but refactor later if it is needed in more than one place
I would opt in for all except #5.

How to unit test non-public logic

In some cases unit testing can be really difficult. Normally people say to only test your public API. But in some cases this is just not possible. If your public API depends on files or databases you can't unit test properly. So what do you do?
Because it's my first time TDD-ing, I'm trying to find "my style" for unit testing, since it seems there is just not the one way to do so. I found two approaches on this problem, that aren't flawless at all. On the one hand, you could try to friend your assemblies and test the features that are internal. On the other hand, you could implement interfaces (only for the purpose of unit testing) and create fake objects within your unit tests. This approach looks quite nice first but becomes more ugly as you try to transport data using these fakes.
Is there any "good" solution to this problem? Which of those is less flawed? Or is there even a third approach?
I made a couple of false starts in TDD, grappling with this exact same problem. For me the breakthrough came when I realized what my mentor meant when he said : "We don't want to test the framework." (In our case that was the .Net framework).
In your case it sounds as if you have some business logic that interfaces to files and databases. What I would do is to abstract the file and database logic in the thinnest layers possible. You can then use Mock (of fakes or stubs) to simulate the file and database layers. This will allow you to test scenarios like if-my-database-returns-this-kind-of-information-does-my-business-logic-handle-it-correctly? Likewise for file access you can test the code that figures out which file in which path to open and you can test that your logic would be able to pull apart the contents of any given file correctly and able to use it correctly.
If for example your file access layer consists of a single function that takes a path name and a file name and returns the contents of the file in a long string then you don't really need to test it because essentially you are making a single call to the framework/OS and there is not a lot that can go wrong there.
At the moment I am working on a system that wraps our database as a bunch of functions that return lists of POCO's. Easy to understand for the business layer and easy to simulate via mocks.
Working this way takes some getting used to but it is absolutely byoo-ti-full once it clicks in your mind.
Finally, from your question I guess that you are working with legacy code and trying to do TDD for a new component. This is quite a bit harder than doing TDD on a completely new development. If it is at all possible, try to do your first TDD attempts on new (or well isolated) systems. Once you have learnt the mechanics it would be a lot easier to introduce partially TDD'd bits to legacy systems.
If your public API depends on files or databases you can't unit test properly. So what do you do?
There is an abstraction level that can be used.
IFileSystem/ IFileStorage (for files)
IRepository/ IDataStorage (for databases)
Since this level is very thin its integration tests will be easy to write and maintain. All other code will be unit-test friendly because it is easy to mock interaction with filesystem and database.
On the one hand, you could try to friend your assemblies and test the features that are internal.
People face this problem when their classes violates single responsibility principle (SRP) and dependency injection (DI) is not used.
There is a good rule that classes should be tested via their public methods/properties only. If internal methods are used by others then it is acceptable to test them. Private or protected methods should not be made internal because of testing.
On the other hand, you could implement interfaces (only for the purpose of unit testing) and create fake objects within your unit tests.
Yes, interfaces are easy to mock because of limitations of mocking frameworks.
If you can create an instance (fake/stub) of a type then your dependency should not implement an interface.
Sometimes people use interfaces for their domain entities but I do not support them.
To simplify working with fakes there are two patterns used:
Object Mother
Test Data Builder
When I started writing unit tests I started with 'Object Mother'. Now I am using 'Test Data Builder's.
There are a lot of good ideas that can help you in the book Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers.
Don't let the hard stuff get in your way... If it's inherently hard to test due to db or file integration, just ignore it for the moment. Most likely you can refactor that hard to test stuff into easier to test stuff using mocks with Dependency Injection etc... Until then, test the easy stuff and get a good unit test suite built up... when you do the refactoring of the hard to test stuff, you will have a much higher confidence interval that it's not breaking anything else... And refactoring to make something more easily testable IS a good reason to refactor...

What is a good method of doing TDD with legacy Delphi code having embedded SQL

I have to take some legacy Delphi code pointing to a database and make it support a new, better, database having a completly different schema. The updated database has the same data. It has a combination of stored procedures and embedded SQL.
Is there a good Test driven development technique that will help make sure I don't break anything? This code has amost no unit tests and I need to make changes to a lot of hard coded SQL.
Just running after every change sounds error prone and time consuming. I love the idea of doing TDD or BDD, just not sure how to do it.
It's good that you want to get into unit testing, but I'd like to caution you against taking it on over-zealously.
Adding unit tests to legacy code is a major undertaking, and it's almost always totally unfeasible to halt other work just to add test cases. Also, unless you already have experience in TDD, that learning curve itself can prove a troublesome hurdle to overcome.
However, if you persevere, and take things one step at a time, your efforts will be rewarded in the end.
The problems you're likely to encounter:
Legacy applications are usually very difficult to 'retro-fit' with test cases. This is because the code wasn't written with testability in mind.
Many routines are doing too many things, so tests have to consider large numbers of side-effects.
Code is not properly self-contained, so setting up pre-conditions for a test is a lot of work.
Entry points for testing/checking behaviour are often missing because they weren't needed for production code; and therefore weren't added in the first place.
Code often relies on global state somewhere. Either directly, or via Singleton's. This global state (regardless of where it lies) plays havoc on your test cases.
Unit testing of databases is inherently more difficult than other kinds of unit testing. The reason for this is that test cases don't like global state - and databases are effectively massive containers of global state. Problems manifest themselves in many ways:
If you're using IDENTITY columns, Auto Inc or number generators of any form: These either result in a specific difference between each test run, or you need a way to reset those numbers between tests.
Databases are slow. Once you've built up a large number of test cases it will be impractical to run all tests between every change. (One of my Db Test suites takes almost 10 minutes to run.)
If your database generates date/time values, these can also complicate testing. Especially if the database runs on a different machine.
Database testing is complicated by the fact that there are two aspects to the database: Its schema, and its data. So if you wish to test a new/changed stored procedure (part of the schema), it needs appropriate changes to the data and possibly to other aspects of the schema (such as tables/views).
Even without the above extra complications, there are the 'normal problems' you'll have to deal with.
Global state often crops up unexpectedly in some awkward places. Consider Now() which returns a TDateTime. It uses global state: the current date-time. If you have time/date based rules in your system, those rules may return different results depending on when your tests are run. Unless you find an effective way to deal with this challenge, you'll have a number of "erratic" test cases.
Writing test cases is a fundamentally different programming paradigm to what most developers are used to. It can be extremely difficult to break old habits. The style of test case code is almost declarative: Given this, When I do This, I expect this to have happened. Test cases need to be simple and clear about what they're trying to achieve.
The learning curve can be tricky. Initially you may find yourself taking 3 times as long to write code if unfamiliar with test cases. And even though it will eventually improve (possibly even to the point where you're faster than you used to be with unstructured and haphazard testing) - other people around you will likely express frustration. (Not cool if it's your boss.)
Hopefully I haven't discouraged you, I do have some practical advice:
As the saying goes "Don't bite off more than you can chew."
Be prepared to start out slow. For the time being, carry on with most of your work in a way that's familiar to you. But force yourself to write 1 or 2 test cases every day. As you get more comfortable, you can increase this number.
Try stick to the "tried and tested principles"
The TDD work flow is : first write the test and ensure the test fails. I know it is difficult to stick to the habit, but the principle serves a very important purpose. It's a level of confirmation that your test case proves the bug / missing feature. Far too often I've seen test case code that would pass with/without the production change - making the test somewhat useless.
For your database tests you'll need to establish a framework that works for you.
First, you'll need a mechanism of getting your database to a 'base-state'. One from which all your tests should be able to pass - no matter what order or how many times they are run. Typically this will involve some sort of Reset between tests (but it needs to be quite quick). Second, you'll need an easy way to update the schema of your database to what is expected by production code.
Initially you'll only want to test new features, or bug fixes.
Avoid the temptation to test everything. Over time, your test case coverage will increase. Once your framework and patterns have been established, then you might get a chance to start adding tests just to increase coverage.
Refactoring existing code.
As you become familiar with testing, you'll learn about the coding habits that make testing more difficult. You'll probably find many such problems in legacy code. Such code will not be testable as is. You may need to refactor your code before you can even test it. Obviously this is not ideal, because you'd rather have tests that always pass to prove that your changes haven't broken anything. A good book on refactoring will give you some techniques you can use that will change the structure of your code without changing its behaviour.
Testing existing code.
When writing a test for an existing routine, look at the code and determine each of the inputs that can effect different behaviour. E.g. When there's an if statement, something will cause the condition to evaluate to True, and something else to False. At a minimum, you'll want a test for each permutation.
In your place I would use DUnit to create a unit test project. For each of the entities I would write testing methods that would run the old and new sentences and then write methods to compare the results.
I would write a TTestCase class named, let´s say TMyTestCase, and add some helper methods to it, then would create my new test classes as subclasses from TMyTestCase.
The idea of the ancestor class is to provide common functionality that makes it easier to write the tests (the comparison methods, for intance) in order the enhance productivity and comfort.
You can start building a database simulator. Connect it instead of the old one and see what it needs to do. Lot of work though

How to develop regression tests for a calculation engine

I'm on a team developing a financial information web app. We haven't written many automated tests for it yet, so we've decided to add regression tests to the most critical parts of our program. I'm very new to automated testing, though, so I'm not entirely sure how I should go about writing the tests.
This post is long, so here's the tl;dr question: How can I write a regression test that checks to see if certain calculation is working? I don't just want to test the calculation, though - I also want to know if any of the components the calculation depends on to give it its inputs break. I don't need to know which component broke in particular, just that something's not working. What approach should I use?
This is our situation: We developed the app using a layered architecture, like this:
Logic Managers <--> Financial Calculation Engines
Data Accessors
We've determined that the calculation engines are the parts of our program that most need to have a regression test suite. These components contain the calculations and algorithms that we use to process raw financial data into useful results. Their corresponding Managers use them by calling their public methods, which accept raw financial data as parameters. When the engine methods return, they send back an object that contains processed financial results. The managers, meanwhile, get the raw financial data from the data accessors, which in turn get data from the database.
We decided we want to know as soon as a financial calculation "breaks" so that we know the bug is somewhere in whichever pieces of the program have been touched since the last run of the tests. This would let us use continuous testing to protect us from having the engines producing wrong results and having no idea where to look.
When we thought about what this means, we realized that adding a unit test to each of the engines isn't enough. Let's say, for example, that an erroneous change to the data accessors means that they start pulling the wrong data. This data would then be sent up through the manager to the engine, which would produce the wrong results. However, the engine's algorithms themselves would still be working perfectly, so the unit test would still pass. This means that when we noticed the wrong numbers being generated, we would have no way of knowing when the bug was introduced, making it more difficult to track down and fix.
Instead, we would like to make regression tests that are able to pick up as soon as a bug appears anywhere that would cause the final results the engines output to be incorrect, even if the problem is that the wrong data is sent to the engines and not that the engines themselves have issues. When these tests fail, they wouldn't tell us where the problem is, but if we're continuously testing, we'll know as soon as a bug is checked in and have a small set of changes to look through to fix it.
So that's what we want to do. Unfortunately, we don't know how to create these tests. What approaches or patterns are useful for writing these types of regression tests?
Just a hint: you should check every part of the Financial Calculations Engine with the same inputs every time, and the objects returned should be identical every time.
Test separately the Data Accessors, with the same logic: same input, same output.
To do so, you need to mock some parts of the system (eg. mock the data accessors to always return the same set of data).
Having separate unit tests fore each part also locates the bug with more precision.
A couple of links to get into the idea:
There are a lot of mocking frameworks around that can help you code the tests, like Mockito for Java projects.

How to automate testing of Tridion templates (with TOM.NET)

I have a recurring problem in templating projects. I can't really test my work in any other way than running the templates in Template Builder. This is a major problem if I'm working on a TBB that is used on several different templates because it means that after changing the code in the TBB I should retest all the templates (and probably with several different pages/components as there might be slightly different cases depending on the content).
As you can see in big projects where TBBs are reused a lot changing them costs a lot of time due to the amount of testing necessary and I would be eager to find a solution for this. I know that unit testing is virtually impossible with the current TOM.NET (most classes/methods are internal) so what could be an alternative way to achieve automated testing?
One solution that I have looked into is to use Core Service to initiate rendering process of a template with some test content and then check if the output is as expected but achieving this requires quite a lot of code and thus produces unwanted overhead (I think it still takes less time than manually retesting the cases). Also this doesn't really allow you to test individual TBBs unless you (programmatically) create separate templates with individual (or a subset of) TBBs. The good thing of this solution is that you could run the tests on your local laptop while developing, assuming you can connect to Tridion-server (you'd still have to upload your code to Tridion before running the tests so its not completely ideal solution).
I know that other alternative is to use DD4T/CWA where you can pretty much handle all the testing in the front-end as the templates are (usually) quite simple.
Any other ideas?
I agree that the emphasis is on automated testing rather than unit testing (which, after all, is mostly about object oriented programming). With Tridion work, it's about transforming data. What you need to test data transforms is to have known inputs, and to be able to make assertions about the outputs. I've tried various approaches over the years, but the most effective so far has been the following:
1) For every template, keep test content in a dedicated Folder, and test pages in a dedicated Structure Group. The content is the input to your tests, and isn't intended to change unless the test requirements change.
2) Put the components on the pages. Publish the pages. Keep it simple: you can often have a page for a single test scenario. You can automate publishing the pages if that helps.
3) Use web testing tools to verify the output. This could be HtmlUnit, Selenium or whatever.
Basically - Tridion is an engine for executing transforms. You don't need a specialised test execution engine for this part, although it's useful to use one for testing the output.
Mocking the package sounds attractive, but as Vesa says, it can turn into a huge amount of work. The simple approach I have outlined works in practice, and was proved on a significant project. You could add variations on the theme if you like: one thing I've considered, but never done on a project, is to use the blueprint to give you more isolation. For example, you could test your page templates by localising your component templates to generate static and predictable component presentations. Suffice it to say that there's enough scope for creativity once you unshackle yourself from the baggage of unit testing approaches.
I have some experience with the CoreService scenario. You will just need to write some helpers to upload your templates, create coumpound templates and run it. The tricky part, however, is verification.
You will need to write some test templates that will help you with verification. One way is to write .Net template that you will pass expected values to and it will do the verification. The other way is to write DreamWeaver template that will print values from package and you will then check it against expected. The advantage of this method is that these values will be returned to you as the result of CoreService Render action and you can do all the verification on the client side.
But the most difficult part is the dataset creation. It will probably take most of your time.
You could try to isolate the majority of the code in classes that can be unit tested.
I guess the main problem here is that Engine and Package are sealed, so you cannot easily mock them up. But you can minimize the interaction with those objects and put the meat of your code in classes that take the relevant input and return the output that should be put in the package etc.
I think you could get a lot of coverage of your TBBs just from unit tests with this approach.
At a customer I've seen an implementation where the tests are invoking the same webservice that Template Builder uses, and they use these to execute the templates, evaluate the results, etc.
Probably worth exploring.
I would suggest writing your own TestRunner with 2 goals: Create test data and run tests.
Create test data: The idea is to create a sample dataset (all fields, some fields, and only mandatory fields automatically). (Bonus points for using Chuck Norris quotes instead of lorem ipsum). The title of the Sample content uses a naming scheme - like [TestContent] and/or is in its' own folder with metadata attached (to find it later).
Create test pages: Find the TestContent. Use GetListUsingItems to find pages where the template is used. Copy the page, and paste it into a TestContent StructureGroup, save. Open the page, add the test content, remove the other content, and save page with special naming schema.
Run tests: Find the TestContent, preview each one, write out report with rendering time, success status, and # of chars.
I consider your problem completely technology agnostic regardless of the approach you use (Thinking in the context of Tridion).
The problem is that you are modifying one thing that is used in multiple places (Component/Page Templates) and those places need to be tested before you push
that as a valid change.
Even if you do proper changes, assume the code runs fine and you have a result, maybe is not the result that is expected by other TBBs that consume your
That is the problem itself unfortunately :(
If the problem is that you have to test all the Templates using that TBB, that is still a problem with no solution.
If the problem is that you don't want to impact the current platform with your changes/testing nor interfere with other developments going on
is a different scenario.
I would solve the second one by creating a separate publication inheriting from the publication with valid code/data to test
(or have that created in advance), make your changes there and test.
This approach makes sense if you are using the TBB as part of many Component/Page Templates.
If you have the luxury of the granularity in the front end (your tbb produces an atomic piece of code) the complexity of the scenario would be slightly
reduced, but you still have to test all the scenarios anyway