AMPL: Linking Master and Sub Model Files in Stochastic Programming - ampl

I am trying to implement a two course stochastic programming based on Stefano Nasini's "Benders’ decomposition with AMPL", available here. There are two model files that are specified in the examples of tutorial - one representing the master-problem and the other representing the sub-problem. In the run file which is used to implement the decomposition, how are the problem files declared or shown to the program?

The model and data files that specify the components of the master problem and the subproblem are included in the run file with the model and data commands:
model trnloc1d.mod;
data trnloc1.dat;
and then corresponding named problems are declared:
problem Master: x, z, Total_Cost, Cut_Defn;
problem Sub: lambda, mu, Dual_Ship_Cost, Dual_Ship;
Note that there is not two but one model file that contains all the declarations for both problems although you can split it into two.
The problem names (Sub or Master) are used in the script that implements Benders decomposition when specifying which problem to solve, for example the following command solves the subproblem
solve Sub;


YOLOv4 custom model: is final.weights or last.weights better?

I'm training a custom YOLOv4 model using darknet, and at the end of training it produces two files: last.weights and final.weights. What is the difference between them, and which one should I use? From the naming I'd guess final.weights is the best best.weights that was generated, but I can't find it documented anywhere.
Reference to original Yolov4, last_weight is not the best
(file yolo-obj_last.weights will be saved to the build\darknet\x64\backup\ for each 100 iterations)
And if you dive into source code, final.weight is saved after training (through all iterations)The best.weights file is exactly the best weight you need

keras with tf backend: how to identify variables (tensors) which are in a graph

I've built (in jupyter notebook with Python 3.6) a long ML proof of concept, which, in essence, has 3 parts: load & prepare data; train network; use network.
I would like to be able to re-run it from "train network" without the "cost" of preparing the data again & again (even loading the prepared data from a save file takes a noticeable amount of time).
When I run all cells from the start of the network training (the first cell of which includes a K.clear_session to wipe out any previous network - needed if the architecture changes) it fails as, part way through, there are still variables stored (with the same names) which are part of the old graph.
I can see two simple solutions (but you may be able to advise a better method to tidy up):
loop through all the defined variables (Tensors) in global() and del any which are Tensors (implicitly all part of the old session and graph),
or (better)
loop through all the tensors defined in the (old) graph del'ing them before del'ing the (old) graph.
I can see K.get_uid but can't see how I can use this info to accomplish what I need.
In the meantime I have to reset and rerun the whole workbook everytime I make adjustments to the network.
Is there a better way?

Copy variables from one TensorFlow graph to another

I have two tensorflow graphs. One for training and the other for evaluation. They share a lot of variable names. When I evaluate a model I want to copy all variable values from the train graph to the test graph. Obviously, I can do it via tf.train.Saver, but this solution seems not very appropriate to me, especially the fact that we have to use the disk for this.
When you speak about multiple graphs, I assume you mean something like:
g1 = tf.Graph()
with g1.as_default():
# add your stuff
g2 = tf.Graph()
with g2.as_default():
# add other stuff
If this is correct, then are you sure you really need two graphs? Can't you have one graph consisting of two connected components?
Using multiple graphs is discouraged (p 47) because:
Multiple graphs require multiple sessions, each will try to use all available resources by default
Can't pass data between them without passing them through python/numpy, which doesn't work in distributed
It’s better to have disconnected subgraphs within one graph
This also gives you a solution how to pass variables in a non-distributed setting.

Can I change Inv operation into Reciprocal in an existing graph in Tensorflow?

I am working on an image classification problem with tensorflow. I have 2 different CNNs trained separately (in fact 3 in total but I will deal with the third later), for different tasks and on a AWS (Amazon) machine. One tells if there is text in the image and the other one tells if the image is safe for work or not. Now I want to use them in a single script on my computer, so that I can put an image as input and get the results of both networks as output.
I load the two graphs in a single tensorflow Session, using the import_meta_graph API and the import_scope argument and putting each subgraph in a separate scope. Then I just use the restore method of the created saver, giving it the common Session as argument.
Then, in order to run inference, I retrieve the placeholders and final output with graph=tf.get_default_graph() and my_var=graph.get_operation_by_name('name').outputs[0] before using it in (I think I could just have put 'name' in instead of fetching the output tensor and putting it in a variable, but this is not my problem).
My problem is the text CNN works perfectly fine, but the nsfw detector always gives me the same output, no matter the input (even with np.zeros()). I have tried both separately and same story: text works but not nsfw. So I don't think the problem comes from using two networks simultaneaously.
I also tried on the original AWS machine I trained it on, and this time the nsfw CNN worked perfectly.
Both networks are very similar. I checked on Tensorboard if everything was fine and I think it is ok. The differences are in the number of hidden units and the fact that I use batch normalization in the nsfw model and not in the text one. Now why this title ? I observed that I had a warning when running the nsfw model that I didn't have when using only the text model:
W tensorflow/core/framework/] Op Inv is deprecated. It will cease to work in GraphDef version 17. Use Reciprocal.
So I thougt maybe this was the reason, everything else being equal. I checked my GraphDef version, which seems to be 11, so Inv should still work in theory. By the way the AWS machine use tensroflow version 0.10 and I use version 0.12.
I noticed that the text network only had one Inv operation (via a filtering on the names of the operations given by graph.get_operations()), and that the nsfw model had the same operation plus multiple Inv operations due to the batch normalization layers. As precised in the release notes, tf.inv has simply been renamed to tf.reciprocal, so I tried to change the names of the operations to Reciprocal with, as proposed here, but it didn't work. I have seen that using tf.identity() and changing the name could also work, but from what I understand, tensorflow graphs are an append-only structure, so we can't really modify its operations (which seems to be immutable anyway).
The thing is:
as I said, the Inv operation should still work in my GraphDef version;
this is only a warning;
the Inv operations only appear under name scopes that begin with 'gradients' so, from my understanding, this shouldn't be used for inference;
the text model also have an Inv operation.
For these reasons, I have a big doubt on my diagnosis. So my final questions are:
do you have another diagnosis?
if mine is correct, is it possible to replace Inv operations with Reciprocal operations, or do you have any other solution?
After a thorough examination of the output of relevant nodes, with the help of Tensorboard, I am now pretty certain that the renaming of Inv to Reciprocal has nothing to do with my problem.
It appears that the last batch normalization layer eliminates almost any variance of its output when the inputs varies. I will ask why elsewhere.

Torch, neural nets - forward function on gmodule object - nngraph class

I am a newbie to torch and lua (as anyone who has been following my latest posts could attest :) and have the following question on the forward function for the gmodule object (class nngraph).
as per the source code ( - as class gmodule inherits from nn.module) the syntax is:
function Module:forward(input)
return self:updateOutput(input)
However, I have found cases where a table is passed as input, as in:
local lst = clones.rnn[t]:forward{x[{{}, t}], unpack(rnn_state[t-1])}
is itself a gmodule object. In turn, rnn_state[t-1] is a table with 4 tensors. So in the end, we have something akin to
result_var = gmodule:forward{[1]=tensor_1,[2]=tensor_2,[3]=tensor_3,...,[5]=tensor_5}
The question is, depending on the network architecture, can you pass input - formatted as table - not only to the input layer but also to the hidden layers?
In that case, you have to check that you pass exactly one input per layer? (with the exception of the output layer)
Thanks so much
I finally found the answer. The module class (as well as the inherited class gmodule) has an input and an output.
However, the input (as well as the output) needs not be a vector, but it could be a collection of vectors - that depends on the neural net configuration, in this particular case it is a pretty complex recursive neural net.
So if the net has more than one input vector, you can do:
result_var = gmodule:forward{[1]=tensor_1,[2]=tensor_2,[3]=tensor_3,...,[5]=tensor_5}
where each tensor/vector is one of the input vectors. Only one of those vectors is the X vector, or the feature vector. The others could serve as input to other intermediate nodes.
In turn, result_var (which is the output) can have one output as tensor (the prediction) or a collection of tensors as output (a collection of tensors), depending on the network configuration.
If the latter is the case, one of those output tensors is the prediction, and the reminder are usually used as input to the intermediate nodes in the next time step - but that again depends on the net configuration.