Precision of up to 1 gram - puzzle

I know what precision means. But what does it mean to have a precision of up to 1 gram when talking about weighing machines? Does it mean if actual weight is 100 grams, it may show 99 grams, 100 next time and 101 the third time?
Thanks in advance

It means that the different values you would get, differs by atmost 1 gram.

The key here is the difference between precision and accuracy
If you fired 100 arrows, high precision would mean each arrow falls on the same point, regardless of whether that point is the bullseye. In other words, it refers to the variability of the distribution
Accuracy, on the other hand, is whether the mean/center of that distribution is located around your intended target (the bullseye in the arrow example)
High precision + low accuracy would mean each arrow will be tightly grouped, but wont necessarily be grouped at the target
Low precision + high accuracy means your arrows will be distributed widely in an area, but the center of that area/distribution will be the intended target/bullseye
So in your weighing machine example, precision of 1 gram refers to variability of all your weighings. The lower the number, the more consistent the measurement


How to control gap between vehicles in SUMO at high speed?

I am doing some simulation in SUMO at high speed 100 Km/h, the space between vehicles is large and i would like to narrow. I think this space is coming because of the high speed. Does there exist any command to control the maximum Gap between vehicles in SUMO same as it exist for the minimum gap "minGap.
This gap is controlled by the time gap parameter tau which can be modified just like the minGap (but has seconds as unit). The default is 1 and commonly used values for automated driving are 0.8 or 0.5 but even down to 0.2. You need to make sure though that your simulation step size (--step-length) is at most the time gap.

Computing the approximate LCM of a set of numbers

I'm writing a tone generator program for a microcontroller.
I use an hardware timer to trigger an interrupt and check if I need to set the signal to high or low in a particular moment for a given note.
I'm using pretty limited hardware, so the slower I run the timer the more time I have to do other stuff (serial communication, loading the next notes to generate, etc.).
I need to find the frequency at which I should run the timer to have an optimal result, which is, generate a frequency that is accurate enough and still have time to compute the other stuff.
To achieve this, I need to find an approximate (within some percent value, as the higher are the frequencies the more they need to be imprecise in value for a human ear to notice the error) LCM of all the frequencies I need to play: this value will be the frequency at which to run the hardware timer.
Is there a simple enough algorithm to compute such number? (EDIT, I shall clarify "simple enough": fast enough to run in a time t << 1 sec. for less than 50 values on a 8 bit AVR microcontroller and implementable in a few dozens of lines at worst.)
LCM(a,b,c) = LCM(LCM(a,b),c)
Thus you can compute LCMs in a loop, bringing in frequencies one at a time.
LCM(a,b) = a*b/GCD(a,b)
and GCDs are easily computed without any factoring by using the Euclidean algorithm.
To make this an algorithm for approximate LCMs, do something like round lower frequencies to multiples of 10 Hz and higher frequencies to multiples of 50 Hz. Another idea that is a bit more principled would be to first convert the frequency to an octave (I think that the formula is f maps to log(f/16)/log(2)) This will give you a number between 0 and 10 (or slightly higher --but anything above 10 is almost beyond human hearing so you could perhaps round down). You could break 0-10 into say 50 intervals 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, ... and for each number compute ahead of time the frequency corresponding to that octave (which would be f = 16*2^o where o is the octave). For each of these -- go through by hand once and for all and find a nearby round number that has a number of smallish prime factors. For example, if o = 5.4 then f = 675.58 -- round to 675; if o = 5.8 then f = 891.44 -- round to 890. Assemble these 50 numbers into a sorted array, using binary search to replace each of your frequencies by the closest frequency in the array.
An idea:
project the frequency range to a smaller interval
Let's say your frequency range is from 20 to 20000 and you aim for a 2% accurary, you'll calculate for a 1-50 range. It has to be a non-linear transformation to keep the accurary for lower frequencies. The goal is both to compute the result faster and to have a smaller LCM.
Use a prime factors table to easily compute the LCM on that reduced range
Store the pre-calculated prime factors powers in an array (size about 50x7 for range 1-50), and then use it for the LCM: the LCM of a number is the product of multiplying the highest power of each prime factor of the number together. It's easy to code and blazingly fast to run.
Do the first step in reverse to get the final number.

Numerical Accuracy: to scale or not?

I am working on a n-body gravitational simulator that takes input and produces output in metric MKS units. This involves dealing with some very large numbers (like solar masses expressed in kilograms, semimajor axes of planetary orbits expressed in meters, and timescales of years expressed in seconds), which get multiplied by some very small numbers (notably, the gravitational constant, which is 6.67384e-11 in MKS units), and also the occasional very small number getting added to or subtracted from a very large number (mainly when summing up pairwise accelerations), which gets me concerned about the effects of rounding errors.
I've already taken the step of replacing all masses m by Gm (premultiplying by the gravitational constant), which significantly reduces the total number of multiplies, and makes the mass numbers much smaller, and that seems to have had a positive effect on both efficiency and accuracy, as judged by how well the simulator conserves energy.
I am wondering, however: is potentially it worth trying to do some internal re-scaling into different units to further minimize floating point errors? And if so, what kind of range (for double-precision floats) should I be trying to get my numbers centered on for maximum accuracy?
In general if you want precise results in physical based rendering you don't want to use floats or doubles since they have massive rounding problems and thus introduce errors in your simulation.
If you need or want to stick with floats/double you probably should rescale around zero. The reason is that often floating point representations have a higher "density" of values around this point and tend to have fewer on the min/max sides. Image example from google
I would suggest that you change all values to integer based number variables. This erases rounding errors (over/underflow can still happen!) and speeds up the calculation process by an order of magnitude because normal CPUs work faster with integer operations. In case of GPU its basically the same but thats another story all by its own...
But before you take such an effort to further improve your accuracy i would strongly advise an arbitrary precision number library. This may come with an performance loss but should be way easier and yield better results than a rescaling of your values.
Most of the numerical mathematicians come across this problem.
At first let me remind you that you can not deal with numbers (or phsycal values) smaller than the machine epsilon for each calculation. Unfortunately the epsilon depends around which number you are analyzing. You can try eps(a) for any value of a in MATLAB, as far as I remember eps(1.0)~=2.3e-16 and eps(0)~1e-298.
That's why in numerical methods you avoid calculations using very different scaled numbers. Because one is just an ignored (smaller than its epsilon) by the other value and rounding errors are inevitable.
But what else people do? If they encounter such physical problems, before coding, mathematicians analyse the problem theoritically, they make simplifications to use similarly scaled numbers.

Difference between Logarithmic and Uniform cost criteria

I'v got some problem to understand the difference between Logarithmic(Lcc) and Uniform(Ucc) cost criteria and also how to use it in calculations.
Could someone please explain the difference between the two and perhaps show how to calculate the complexity for a problem like A+B*C
(Yes this is part of an assignment =) )
Thx for any help!
Uniform Cost Criteria assigns a constant cost to every machine operation regardless of the number of bits involved WHILE Logarithm Cost Criteria assigns a cost to every machine operation proportional to the number of bits involved
Problem size influence complexity
Since complexity depends on the size of the
problem we define complexity to be a function
of problem size
Definition: Let T(n) denote the complexity for
an algorithm that is applied to a problem of
size n.
The size (n) of a problem instance (I) is the
number of (binary) bits used to represent the
instance. So problem size is the length of the
binary description of the instance.
This is called Logarithmic cost criteria
Unit Cost Criteria
If you assume that:
- every computer instruction takes one time
- every register is one storage unit
- and that a number always fits in a register
then you can use the number of inputs as
problem size since the length of input (in bits)
will be a constant times the number of inputs.
Uniform cost criteria assume that every instruction takes a single unit of time and that every register requires a single unit of space.
Logarithmic cost criteria assume that every instruction takes a logarithmic number of time units (with respect to the length of the operands) and that every register requires a logarithmic number of units of space.
In simpler terms, what this means is that uniform cost criteria count the number of operations, and logarithmic cost criteria count the number of bit operations.
For example, suppose we have an 8-bit adder.
If we're using uniform cost criteria to analyze the run-time of the adder, we would say that addition takes a single time unit; i.e., T(N)=1.
If we're using logarithmic cost criteria to analyze the run-time of the adder, we would say that addition takes lg⁡n time units; i.e., T(N)=lgn, where n is the worst case number you would have to add in terms of time complexity (in this example, n would be 256). Thus, T(N)=8.
More specifically, say we're adding 256 to 32. To perform the addition, we have to add the binary bits together in the 1s column, the 2s column, the 4s column, etc (columns meaning the bit locations). The number 256 requires 8 bits. This is where logarithms come into our analysis. lg256=8. So to add the two numbers, we have to perform addition on 8 columns. Logarithmic cost criteria say that each of these 8 addition calculations takes a single unit of time. Uniform cost criteria say that the entire set of 8 addition calculations takes a single unit of time.
Similar analysis can be made in terms of space as well. Registers either take up a constant amount of space (under uniform cost criteria) or a logarithmic amount of space (under uniform cost criteria).
I think you should do some research on Big O notation...
If there is a part of the description you find difficult edit your question.

How to design acceptance probability function for simulated annealing with multiple distinct costs?

I am using simulated annealing to solve an NP-complete resource scheduling problem. For each candidate ordering of the tasks I compute several different costs (or energy values). Some examples are (though the specifics are probably irrelevant to the question):
global_finish_time: The total number of days that the schedule spans.
split_cost: The number of days by which each task is delayed due to interruptions by other tasks (this is meant to discourage interruption of a task once it has started).
deadline_cost: The sum of the squared number of days by which each missed deadline is overdue.
The traditional acceptance probability function looks like this (in Python):
def acceptance_probability(old_cost, new_cost, temperature):
if new_cost < old_cost:
return 1.0
return math.exp((old_cost - new_cost) / temperature)
So far I have combined my first two costs into one by simply adding them, so that I can feed the result into acceptance_probability. But what I would really want is for deadline_cost to always take precedence over global_finish_time, and for global_finish_time to take precedence over split_cost.
So my question to Stack Overflow is: how can I design an acceptance probability function that takes multiple energies into account but always considers the first energy to be more important than the second energy, and so on? In other words, I would like to pass in old_cost and new_cost as tuples of several costs and return a sensible value .
Edit: After a few days of experimenting with the proposed solutions I have concluded that the only way that works well enough for me is Mike Dunlavey's suggestion, even though this creates many other difficulties with cost components that have different units. I am practically forced to compare apples with oranges.
So, I put some effort into "normalizing" the values. First, deadline_cost is a sum of squares, so it grows exponentially while the other components grow linearly. To address this I use the square root to get a similar growth rate. Second, I developed a function that computes a linear combination of the costs, but auto-adjusts the coefficients according to the highest cost component seen so far.
For example, if the tuple of highest costs is (A, B, C) and the input cost vector is (x, y, z), the linear combination is BCx + Cy + z. That way, no matter how high z gets it will never be more important than an x value of 1.
This creates "jaggies" in the cost function as new maximum costs are discovered. For example, if C goes up then BCx and Cy will both be higher for a given (x, y, z) input and so will differences between costs. A higher cost difference means that the acceptance probability will drop, as if the temperature was suddenly lowered an extra step. In practice though this is not a problem because the maximum costs are updated only a few times in the beginning and do not change later. I believe this could even be theoretically proven to converge to a correct result since we know that the cost will converge toward a lower value.
One thing that still has me somewhat confused is what happens when the maximum costs are 1.0 and lower, say 0.5. With a maximum vector of (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) this would give the linear combination 0.5*0.5*x + 0.5*y + z, i.e. the order of precedence is suddenly reversed. I suppose the best way to deal with it is to use the maximum vector to scale all values to given ranges, so that the coefficients can always be the same (say, 100x + 10y + z). But I haven't tried that yet.
mbeckish is right.
Could you make a linear combination of the different energies, and adjust the coefficients?
Possibly log-transforming them in and out?
I've done some MCMC using Metropolis-Hastings. In that case I'm defining the (non-normalized) log-likelihood of a particular state (given its priors), and I find that a way to clarify my thinking about what I want.
I would take a hint from multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) and have it transition if all of the objectives simultaneously pass with the acceptance_probability function you gave. This will have the effect of exploring the Pareto front much like the standard simulated annealing explores plateaus of same-energy solutions.
However, this does give up on the idea of having the first one take priority.
You will probably have to tweak your parameters, such as giving it a higher initial temperature.
I would consider something along the lines of:
If (new deadline_cost > old deadline_cost)
return (calculate probability)
else if (new global finish time > old global finish time)
return (calculate probability)
else if (new split cost > old split cost)
return (calculate probability)
return (1.0)
Of course each of the three places you calculate the probability could use a different function.
It depends on what you mean by "takes precedence".
For example, what if the deadline_cost goes down by 0.001, but the global_finish_time cost goes up by 10000? Do you return 1.0, because the deadline_cost decreased, and that takes precedence over anything else?
This seems like it is a judgment call that only you can make, unless you can provide enough background information on the project so that others can suggest their own informed judgment call.