IntelliJ/Clojure: shortkey for Sync Files in REPL - intellij-idea

I want to find the keybinding for "Sync Files in REPL".
I can find the keybinding for this action in:
File -> Settings -> Keymap -> CLojure Keybinding -> Bind Set: Cursive
I see that the keybinding for this action is Ctrl+Shift+M. However, when I use this keybinding, nothing happens. Do you have any idea why and how to use the keybinding?

I ran into the same issue. This github issue explains it:
The Clojure->Keybindings panel isn't where you make general changes to
the key mappings for actions - you'll find that in the generic
IntelliJ Keymap panel. The Keybindings panel is for setting a bunch of
key mappings in bulk - it's something you'll only do probably once
when you're initially setting Cursive up. For changing mappings for
particular actions after that point, you'll use the Keymap panel.
If you look in KeyMap (not Clojure Keybindings), make a new keymaps profile (or copy one of the existing ones), and the go to Plug-ins -> Cursive -> Sync files in REPL. The key binding specified there should work (unless of course you have it set to something that conflicts with something else).


How to set IntelliJ IDEA to keep tabs open even if file is deleted?

I often place my tabs in an order I like, or ctrl-tab to recently used tabs. But then I temporarily checkout a branch in git in which those files are missing, and the tabs automatically disappear. Even in simpler editors such as notepad++, deleted files can be kept open in the editor. Can this be done in IntelliJ IDEA? Thanks.
(There seems to be no such option in the obvious File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Editor Tabs)
There is unfortunately no such option.
I typically use ctrl-e key very often, to re-open recently used files.
There is another option you could look at, and that is "restore workspace" configuration on switching branches.
You can try settings -> version control -> Confirmation -> Restore workspace on branch switching and see if that helps.

Navigating between splits

I wanted to settup vim-tmux-navigation like navigation on intellij IDE and only way to settup this is from IdeaVim so my configuration in settings -> keymap looks like this:
VimWindowDown_____ alt J
VimWindowLeft______ alt L
VimWindowRight_____alt H
VimWindowUp_______ alt K
But when I split the windows it's not working.... Is this a bug or I'm missing some stuff?
Oh and don't suggest me switcher for my problem...
The best place for setting up custom keys for Vim actions is the ~/.ideavimrc file. You can use the standard Vim map/nmap/noremap/imap/... commands there. For example:
nmap <A-J> <C-W>j
For potential keymap conflicts between the Vim emulation and the IDE see Settings | Vim Emulation.
Chaning Vim actions via Settings | Keymap is not recommended.
OK, got a partial answer.
There is a "Go To Next Splitter" and "Go To Previous Splitter" commands in IntelliJ. So in the keymap settings, change or add keystrokes for those commands to C-h and C-l (or whatever you want). If you are using ideavim, don't forget to override those keymap settings so that C-h and C-l are set to use the IDE. C-h and C-l will probably already be used so be sure you don't need the existing hotkey before you make the change.
This solution will at least allow you to move left/right quickly. Not sure it's going to be possible to move between up/down splits without doing some scripting or if that's even possible to do with scripting.

Grow and shrink selection keybindings in IntelliJ Cursive

Which keybindings should I configure in IntelliJ Cursive to get the "expand" and "shrink" selection behaviour documented in the ParEdit user guide?
The user guide mentions Alt+Up and Alt+Down, but as someone new to structural editing, I'm struggling to find the right keybinding.
It depends which platform you're on. Generally you don't have to configure these actions since they're built in to IntelliJ, they're not Cursive specific. Alt-Up and Alt-Down are for the Mac OSX 10.5+ keymap, recommended if you're on a Mac. In the Default keymap, which is what you'll get if you're on Windows or Linux it's Ctrl-W and Shift-Ctrl-W.
These actions are called "Extend/Shrink Selection" on v14, and on earlier versions (probably for historical reasons) they're "Select/Unselect Word at Caret". They can be found by searching in the Keymaps panel.
If you do want to change any keybindings, make sure you do them in the top-level Prefs -> Keymap settings, NOT in the Prefs -> Keymap -> Clojure Keybindings window. Those are not meant to be edited. On a Mac for example, the default cursive keybinding for Wrap [] clobbered the basic backward navigation keybinding.
This issue cleared up the confusion for me.

Intellij: Search console output

Up until version 10, intellij enabled searching text in the console window. From version 11 this option is not available anymore.
Is there any configuration to enable that? A plugin maybe? This is very useful for me and I miss this function...
-- EDIT --
I'm using the community edition of Intellij
Override the keymap for Ctrl+F to "Find" which was mapped to some other find.
To be more specific, in Settings - Keymap go to Main Menu - Edit - Find - Find... and make sure that a Shortcut is assigned here.
Press Ctrl+F in the console:
Check you key map settings. Like in my case - I have eclipse key mapping and there is CTRL+F set to "edit\Replace" not to "edit\Find", and the "edit\Find" has no key binding at all, that's why it is not working in console.
Go to File -> Settings -> Keymap -> Main menu -> Edit -> Find -> Find... (right click on it) -> add keyboard shortcut.
It's not set by default so you have to set it manually.
CTRL+F is by default for Replace that is not supported in console for IntelliJ.
Click on console and Use CTRL+K it is used for find in intelliJ
I was encountering the same issue while I was using vim in IntelliJ 2018.3.4.
After I disabled the Tools -> Vim Emulator, I could then search in Console using Ctrl+F.
In macOS, I just could use Command+F without disabling the emulator.
Perhaps that's why developers are using macOS more.
For those who have vim plug-in enabled.
Go to Editor->Vim Emulation and check keymaps. Make sure Ctrl + F is handled by IDE and not by Vim.
After setting that, I am able to search the console by Ctrl + F and keep vim enabled.
I'm using Eclipse key mapping in IntelliJ. The shortcut to search the console is Ctrl + Shift + G. By default it would search the word where the cursor is pointing.

IntelliJ missing all inspections

I'm having an issue with IntelliJ, that I cannot seem to find a solution for myself. I have not changed any settings, yet when I started my IDE this morning, all Inspections and other highlighting has disappeared.
By highlighting, I mean stuff like variable names becoming purple, static finals shown with italic text, etc.
Inheritance seems to be broken as well, in that an implementing method links to the implemented interface method, but interface methods do not link to the implementing method.
My search for this tells me that there is an icon for this in the bottom right. That's set to "Inspections", and under configuration, it seems like everything is set to default.
Is there some way to un-break my IDE?
Another solution:
File -> Power Save mode
It needs to be disabled.
The (or at least one) answer to this is:
File -> Invalidate Caches
Make sure the folder the code is in is marked as the sources root. If it's not marked as the sources root, syntax highlighting will be very limited.
To mark a directory as the sources root, right click the directory, then navigate down to "Mark directory as" and select "Sources root."