How to integrate IBM Mobilefirst platform with Crashlytics? - ibm-mobilefirst

I wanted to know how to integerate Crashlytics with ibm mobilefirst project

There are no special instructions to integrate Crashlytics with a MobileFirst Platform-based app.
If you've created a Native app, you have a native app and this is not related to MFP.
If you've created a Hybrid app, you need to open the generated project in Xcode and follow Crashlytics instructions (on how to integrate their SDK...) as you would with any other Xcode project.
You may encounter an error regarding SQLCipher. See here: sqlcipher framework not found when integrating Crashlytics in a Worklight application


IBM MobileFirst 6.3 - Android Fingerprint Authentication

I want to implement finger print authentication in my IBM Mobilefirst 6.3 Hybrid Android application. I saw some examples in cordova -
Here How can I add cordova-plugin-android-fingerprint-auth plugin to my application? Is there any better way to implement this feature?
I was able to implement touch id in hybrid iOS application.
Need help to implement similar in Android.
Mobilefirst 7.0 and prior releases does not support Cordova plug-man to install Cordova plug-ins and Hence you can't add plugins directly to your applications using cordova command line.
You need to follow the manual installation instructions as explained in this blog post to add cordova-plugin-android-fingerprint-auth plugin in your application.

where i can get cordova based MobileFirst Appcenter Project which should supports MobileFirst8 server?

i need IBM app center project so i can make my changes in there. The one i have is mobilefirst version that is devloped using MF SDK7.1. So i'm unable to use Mobilefirst8 server, especially push notification for the Appcenter app.Please provide me your suggestions on implementing Push notificaiton for this app. Note: i don't have MobileFirst Server 7.0.
Yes, you can use the installer app that is part of 7.x and it should work with 8.0 as well. MFP 8.0 Application center also ships the installer app and that will be the latest one.
Also, there is pure Cordova based installer app and you can directly take it to the Android studio and work there.

Which version of the App Center is latest? Either Codova based or IBM MobileFirst?

IBM provides two ways to generate the App Center Mobile Client. Either using their own MobileFirst Project or Cordova Project.. Among them which is the latest version? What is the latest version of .apk that IBM provides? Whether the .apk is built using native android?
(IBMApplicationCenter.apk file is in the directory ApplicationCenter/installer)
Your Question : IBM provides two ways to generate the App Center Mobile Client. Either using their own MobileFirst Project or Cordova Project
Answer: Pure Cordova based is a new one. So, with this there is no dependency on Worklight studio. You can build the project using android studio.

How to add browser platform to MFP cordova app?

I'm looking for a way to add browser platform to the current mfp cordova app for testing purpose. When I tried to run mfp cordova platform add browser, I got the error
Error: Hook not implemented yet for browser
By the looks of the commands, you're using 7.1. This release does not support the Web platform for Cordova apps.
Note that Mobile Foundation 8.0 supports standard Cordova apps, including the Web platform.

vuforia SDK for an IBM MobileFirst

I need to implement a few vuforia functionalities in an IBM MobileFirst existing project.
However I see that vuforia has provided SDKs only for android, iOS, UWP and unity.
How do I integrate vuforia SDK into my existing IBM MobileFirst project?
MobileFirst enables you to create either Hybrid (Web) apps ala Cordova, or native apps. However the end result is a Native project like any other.
So once you've generated your Xcode project in MobileFirst Studio (assuming you're using MobileFirst 7.1 and below), you can simply continue with the integration steps as supplied by Vuforia. They need not supply any special integration tools for IBM MobileFirst.