Pandas - Trying to create a list or Series in a data frame cell - numpy

I have the following data frame
df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[74.75, 91.71, 145.66], 'B':[4, 3, 3], 'C':[25.34, 33.52, 54.70]})
0 74.75 4 25.34
1 91.71 3 33.52
2 145.66 3 54.70
I would like to create another column df['D'] that would be a list or series from the first 3 columns suitable for use in another column with the np.irr function that would look like this
0 [ -74.75, 2.34, 25.34, 25.34, 25.34]
1 [ -91.71, 33.52, 33.52, 33.52]
2 [-145.66, 54.70, 54.70, 54.70]
so I could ultimately do something like this
df['E'] = np.irr(df['D'])
I did get as far as this
but it is not quite there.

Do you really need the column 'D'?
By the way you can easily add it as:
df['D'] = [[-df.A[i]]+[df.C[i]]*df.B[i] for i in xrange(len(df))]
df['E'] = df['D'].map(np.irr)
if you don't need it, you can directly set E
df['E'] = [np.irr([-df.A[i]]+[df.C[i]]*df.B[i]) for i in xrange(len(df))]
df['E'] = df.apply(lambda x: np.irr([-x.A] + [x.C] * x.B), axis=1)


Create new nested column within dataframe

I have the following
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'data': [1,2,3]})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'data': [4,5,6]})
df = pd.concat([df1,df2], keys=['hello','world'], axis=1)
What is the "proper" way of creating a new nested column (say, df['world']['data']*2) within the hello column? I have tried df['hello']['new_col'] = df['world']['data']*2 but this does not seem to work.
Use tuples for select and set MultiIndex:
df[('hello','new_col')] = df[('world','data')]*2
print (df)
hello world hello
data data new_col
0 1 4 8
1 2 5 10
2 3 6 12
Selecting like df['world']['data'] is not recommended - link, because possible chained indexing.

Lookup row in pandas dataframe

I have two dataframes (A & B). For each row in A I would like to look up some information that is in B. I tried:
A = pd.DataFrame({'X' : [1,2]}, index=[4,5])
B = pd.DataFrame({'Y' : [3,4,5]}, index=[4,5,6])
C = pd .DataFrame(A.index)
C .columns = ['I']
C['Y'] = B .loc[C.I, 'Y']
I wanted '3, 4' but I got 'NaN', 'NaN'.
Use A.join(B).
The result is:
4 1 3
5 2 4
Joining is by index and value from B for key 5 is absent, since A does
not contain this key.
What you should do is make the index same , pandas is index sensitive , which mean they will check the index when do assignment
C = pd .DataFrame(A.index,index=A.index) # change here
C .columns = ['I']
C['Y'] = B .loc[C.I, 'Y']
4 4 3
5 5 4
Or just modify your code adding .values at the end
C['Y'] = B .loc[C.I, 'Y'].values
Since you mentioned lookup let us using lookup
#Out[779]: array([3, 4], dtype=int64)

Pandas: Selecting rows by list

I tried following code to select columns from a dataframe. My dataframe has about 50 values. At the end, I want to create the sum of selected columns, create a new column with these sum values and then delete the selected columns.
I started with
columns_selected = ['A','B','C','D','E']
df = df[df.column.isin(columns_selected)]
but it said AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'column'
Regarding the sum: As I don't want to write for the sum
df['sum_1'] = df['A']+df['B']+df['C']+df['D']+df['E']
I also thought that something like
df['sum_1'] = df[columns_selected].sum(axis=1)
would be more convenient.
You want df[columns_selected] to sub-select the df by a list of columns
you can then do df['sum_1'] = df[columns_selected].sum(axis=1)
To filter the df to just the cols of interest pass a list of the columns, df = df[columns_selected] note that it's a common error to just a list of strings: df = df['a','b','c'] which will raise a KeyError.
Note that you had a typo in your original attempt:
df = df.loc[:,df.columns.isin(columns_selected)]
The above would've worked, firstly you needed columns not column, secondly you can use the boolean mask as a mask against the columns by passing to loc or ix as the column selection arg:
In [49]:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,5), columns=list('abcde'))
a b c d e
0 -0.778207 0.480142 0.537778 -1.889803 -0.851594
1 2.095032 1.121238 1.076626 -0.476918 -0.282883
2 0.974032 0.595543 -0.628023 0.491030 0.171819
3 0.983545 -0.870126 1.100803 0.139678 0.919193
4 -1.854717 -2.151808 1.124028 0.581945 -0.412732
In [50]:
cols = ['a','b','c']
df.ix[:, df.columns.isin(cols)]
a b c
0 -0.778207 0.480142 0.537778
1 2.095032 1.121238 1.076626
2 0.974032 0.595543 -0.628023
3 0.983545 -0.870126 1.100803
4 -1.854717 -2.151808 1.124028

How to turn Pandas' DataFrame.groupby() result into MultiIndex

Suppose I have a set of measurements that were obtained by varying two parameters, knob_b and knob_2 (in practice there are a lot more):
data = np.empty((6,3), dtype=np.float)
data[:,0] = [3,4,5,3,4,5]
data[:,1] = [1,1,1,2,2,2]
data[:,2] = np.random.random(6)
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['knob_1', 'knob_2', 'signal'])
i.e., df is
knob_1 knob_2 signal
0 3 1 0.076571
1 4 1 0.488965
2 5 1 0.506059
3 3 2 0.415414
4 4 2 0.771212
5 5 2 0.502188
Now, considering each parameter on its own, I want to find the minimum value that was measured for each setting of this parameter (ignoring the settings of all other parameters). The pedestrian way of doing this is:
new_index = []
new_data = []
for param in df.columns:
if param == 'signal':
group = df.groupby(param)['signal'].min()
for (k,v) in group.items():
new_index.append((param, k))
new_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(new_index,
names=('parameter', 'value'))
df2 = pd.Series(index=new_index, data=new_data)
resulting df2 being:
parameter value
knob_1 3 0.495674
4 0.277030
5 0.398806
knob_2 1 0.485933
2 0.277030
dtype: float64
Is there a better way to do this, in particular to get rid of the inner loop?
It seems to me that the result of the df.groupby operation already has everything I need - if only there was a way to somehow create a MultiIndex from it without going through the list of tuples.
Use the keys argument of pd.concat():
keys=['knob_1', 'knob_2'],
names=['parameter', 'value'])

pd.dataframe.apply() create multiple new columns

I have a bunch of files where I want to open, read the first line, parse it into several expected pieces of information, and then put the filenames and those data as rows in a dataframe. My question concerns the recommended syntax to build the dataframe in a pandanic/pythonic way (the file-opening and parsing I already have figured out).
For a dumbed-down example, the following seems to be the recommended thing to do when you want to create one new column:
df = pd.DataFrame(files, columns=['filename'])
df['first_letter'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['filename'][:1], axis=1)
but I can't, say, do this:
df['first_letter'], df['second_letter'] = df.apply(lambda x: (x['filename'][:1], x['filename'][1:2]), axis=1)
as the apply function creates only one column with tuples in it.
Keep in mind that, in place of the lambda function I will place a function that will open the file and read and parse the first line.
You can put the two values in a Series, and then it will be returned as a dataframe from the apply (where each series is a row in that dataframe). With a dummy example:
In [29]: df = pd.DataFrame(['Aa', 'Bb', 'Cc'], columns=['filenames'])
In [30]: df
0 Aa
1 Bb
2 Cc
In [31]: df['filenames'].apply(lambda x : pd.Series([x[0], x[1]]))
0 1
0 A a
1 B b
2 C c
This you can then assign to two new columns:
In [33]: df[['first', 'second']] = df['filenames'].apply(lambda x : pd.Series([x[0], x[1]]))
In [34]: df
filenames first second
0 Aa A a
1 Bb B b
2 Cc C c