What is proper way for fixtures while using chimp with Meteor - testing

I'm playing with chimp testing tool. At the moment I can easily run cucumber and mocha tests. The problem is that I don't know how to add DB fixtures. I'd like to have initial data before running some tests (e.g. add test user into system).
BTW that data can be added only by authenticated user and users can be create only by admin or from server level.
Can't find any docs about this for now. Any suggestions?

If you are using Meteor, you can pass the DDP parameter on the command line --DDP=http://localhost:3000 and then use server.execute to run code on the server. This code can then setup data.
If you are not using Meteor, you can use a HTTP call using request.get('http://localhost:8080/addUser').
Through HTTP / DDP you can access the server and create a testing backdoor to setup the data you need.


How use realm-cli from a react native application?

I need to execute a realm-cli command (disable or delete a user) from a mobile application that uses RealmDB, i didn't find any part of the docs that was related to do it.
I thought that i can use mongoClient but i didn't find any methods that allows me to execute raw cli commands.
I need to execute commands like:
realm-cli users disable --app=<Your App ID> --user=<User ID>
Is there any other way ?
You may need to host the realm-cli and write a HTTP interface middleware to make these call.
I don't believe you can run the application on a mobile application as you would need access to spawning libraries. realm-cli is available open source so it would be possible to port the application to something like C++ (from golang) to make it executable for something like Android or iOS - but it may be cheaper to just buy a VPS somewhere (or even host it locally for a spell) and just pass the arguments to a web route.

Codeception: Force PhpBrowser to use custom environment

I have a page with a text field and button. After I fill out text field and press a button my controller is connecting to an API and getting some data based on the text.
I prepared a FAKE_API for testing. Both REAL_API and FAKE_API are in the service container. The FAKE_API is being prioritized when the environment is set to test (.env.test file). The controller gets the API object via dependency injection (constructor argument).
When I am testing using PhpBrowser from Codeception, the environment of the test itself is set to test - this can be checked by var_dump($_ENV['APP_ENV']) from the test.
However, (and this is the issue), if I add var_dump($_ENV['APP_ENV']) to the controller code and run the same test, I can see that the controller actually uses the regular 'dev' environment (set in .env file). This means that the REAL API is being used instead of my FAKE_API.
How can I force PhpBrowser tests to use my .env.test? Is it even possible?
You can't do that.
PhpBrowser communicates to system under test via HTTP, so it can't set environment variables of the system.
Your options are:
Deploy API in test configuration
Pass environment using GET or POST parameters or headers and make your app code accept it. (this is a bad idea)

Codeception looking for external server

I finally handled that Yii1 and YiiBridge install instructions and run some sample test. The problem now is, instead use my localhost, PHPBrowser is going to an unknown server from LAN, which obviously fails all tests. Is there any configuration that can prevent this?
edit: Refs

How can I setup a Database connection for Selenium-WebDriver?

If I run Selenium-WebDriver testcase it runs with the actual database which is configured for the application. But I want to setup a separate database for Selenium-WebDriver testcase For eg. "TestDB". When running the test case WebDriver should use TestDB. Is this possible?
If it possible, Do we need to configure this in any configuration file (*.xml) or anyother way to do this?
Please help me?
Thanks in advance
You may use a copy of your application configured to your 'TestDB' for testing purpose.
Put a extra request parameter with html request. Example : http://www.abcd.com/?seleniumTest=true
seleniumTest parameter will only visible with selenium requests.
Capture this parameter in application and select the database on the basis of request parameter provided by selenium. If true map a test database, otherwise production.
Hope this works.

How to test a rest api with Zend?

I don't know how to make unit test of my rest controller. Here is my code :
public function testpostAction(){
$this->request->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/json')
'chain_name' => 'mychaintest'
$this->assertAction('post'); ???
How I make a post?
Not sure if this is what you need but, if you want to make a POST call (http) to test your REST service, you can use Zend_Http_Client:
Anyway, if this is for unit testing it will be more complicated, since you'll need your application (the current build being testet) to be live and accesible in the server. That depends on how you have configured your build environment.
There should be a staging (virtual) machine where the build is (automatically) deployed before tests are run. That machine should be visible to the machine runing the tests.
Hope this helped. Cheers!
So, basically your question is how to emulate calling PUT and DELETE in your controller tests?
Since this apparently doesn't work:
You can access both these actions with plain HTTP POST by providing _method parameter.
So to call PUT:
To call DELETE:
More reading on how to deal with RESTful routing here - http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.controller.router.html#zend.controller.router.routes.rest