I am currently running a VB application through mono on Raspbian. After a bit of troubleshooting the program boots and appears to be running quite well. However if left to itself for a few minutes the VB application just shuts off. This program runs excellently on the windows pc for any duration. Barring this being an issue with the VB code itself is there any major PI related issues that I may have missed in setting up mono? I set up mono the usual way and am launching via "sudo mono app.exe" in terminal.
Thank you for any insight you may provide into this!
UPDATE: mono just FINALLY threw out an errot to me System.OutOfMemoryException : Not enough memory to complete operation [GDI+ status: out of memory]
UPDATE2: Memory leak, its a code related issue.
Hi to anyone else that runs into this issue. For us it was a memory leak.
My first stack overflow question, here we go.
Last week the computer on which a prototype vision application written in C#/.net was running crashed due to an unreleated reason. this resulted in the need to fresh install windows (windows 10 IOT). after installing windows, halcon 20.11 progress and setting the licenses the application starts, but no output is shown on the smart window control, even tho this worked beforehand?
i have been trying to debug this problem for the last day, but have had no luck, what i have allready tried:
used the remote debugging toe verify that the image is captured and processed and "displayed".
checked the system logs for any warnings, there were none.
Tried one of the example programs the come with Halcon, which also does **not **work.
Ran the application on my development PC, which worked flawlessly as it always did.
Reinstalling Halcon.
does anyone have had any similar experiences and/or any clue how to solve this problem?
problem has been solved. in the end a reset of the bios settings to there default values did the trick. Don't know what they exact cooperative was, but at least it works once again.
A react native expo app run within WSL, is the cause of a very annoying bug.
A few minutes after starting the Expo project, the internet on the windows laptop stops working.
I found this command fixes it:
Restart-Service LxssManager - when run from Powershell
However, this happens many times a day and means I have to restart the Expo project every time.
Related to: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1203412/wsl-causing-my-internet-to-not-work
Equally crazily, the fingerprint sensor on my laptop stops working and works again after that command is run.
I suspect the issue is somehow related to a very short (2-5 minute) timeout related to the react native app.
If anyone is able to point in any direction, I would love any help.
Maybe it's Expo or maybe I have some kind of local app code error. But I wouldn't know where to even start or test a bug like that.
Here is a basic run-through of what happens.
Start Expo app in WSL
Work, for an indefinite time
If PC activity pauses for longer than 3 min, the error happens. No internet, no fingerprint sensor.
Run the PowerShell command, restart the app. All is good again.
This is a known bug in WSL. Microsoft has solved this bug in build 18890. https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/WSL/blob/live/WSL/release-notes.md#build-18890
It happens when a process in WSL creates and closes a large number of non-blocking TCP sockets, and after that some ephemeral TCP ports are leaked, eventually exhausting all ephemeral ports in both the host and the WSL.
You can try upgrading your system to version 2004 or 20H2 and see if this problem persists.
I trying to write a small c program witch reads out an GPIO pin to shutdown the pi externally. The triggering of the signal is working well. The program is started by LXDE as autostart application. If the program detects the shutdown signal it's performing:
Why does this program damage my ext4 file system after a couple of reboots. There is no fixed number of reboots necessary to damage the system. I don't see any difference by writing halt to command line. I'm using the newest version of the firmware(last update today) and also the kernel is up to date(last update today).
Does anybody have an good idea about it?
This app is a good idea, i wonder nothing like this is already existing...
I think the problem is the "halt" command.
You shuold use the explicit command "shutdown -h now" instead.
For further reading see Anthony Lawrence
I have been using SimpleOpenNI, a wrapper for Processing, all summer now. I use it for the Kinect to make games and demos. Last week, I have been getting a fatal error in my processing window and none of the SimpleOpenNI projects will work. Here is the error:
SimpleOpenNI Version 0.20
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x72e8f955, pid=4596, tid=4624
JRE version: 6.0_24-b07
Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (19.1-b02 mixed mode windows-x86 )
Problematic frame:
C [OpenNI.dll+0xf955]
An error report file with more information is saved as:
If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
It appears as if the new OpenNI/NITE/SensorKinect drivers do not work with the SimpleOpenNI wrapper. I have tried it with people using the old drivers and everything still works. Problem is, you cannot download the old drivers off of the websites so I cannot test if it's that or not. You can see everything I've downloaded from the simpleopenni site: http://code.google.com/p/simple-openni/
Any help with this error would be appreciated. Thanks.
It looks like there's a problem with OpenNI.dll. Make sure that:
You have the dll (It should be in Program Files where you've installed OpenNI)
Make sure you've got the Environment Variables for the Open NI paths and that the paths are correct, otherwise, you might have the .dll file, but the .jnilib wouldn't know where it is.
Had a Kinect Workshop in Uni, and my colleagues using Windows all had issues with the drivers,
so I'm just passing on what they did:
Even though they had 64-bit versions of Windows they used the 32-bit version, and used Brekel OpenNI Kinect Auto Installer - Developer Edition v1.3.2.3.exe(direct link via developkinect.com) after reading this message:
Comment 4 by tijmenva...#gmail.com, Oct 21, 2011 Hey all I have Solved
the unsatisfied link dll error on windows 7 64 bits by installing java
runtime (jre-7u1-windows-i586.exe)and (Brekel OpenNI Kinect Auto
Installer - Developer Edition v1.3.2.3.exe) I uninstalled everything
and than it worked :)
hope this helpes
in Issue#17 on the SimpleOpenNI project issues page.
Another colleague used Synapse and OSC in Processing instead of SimpleOpenNI, but she had loads of errors with the drivers (basically spent a few good hours uninstalling/installing different versions). In her case, uninstalling any previous partial or complete drivers from the machine and deleting any registry entries related to PrimeSense(Sensor, Nite) and OpenNI, then using the installers from the links on the Synapse page, worked for her.
This is a long shot, but that exact error is also given if the Kinect USB and/or power supply simply becomes unplugged. Thought it was worth mentioning as it is not obvious from the error message itself and it may help someone out if they kicked their power supply and started searching for the above exception :)
I m having trouble with AIR debug launcher(adl) under win 7 64 bits home familial with AIR SDK runtime 2.7. It sometimes crash and i have no posibilities to understand if its because of my software or not.
Does anybody know how I can get some logs to know why it crashed ?
When its crash, the debugger is going away and i dont know where my software bugged if it did...
I have been testing my software under different SDK under win7 and i still had some adl crash. The software is working correctly under winXP. I suppose it has something to do with win7 and AIR but how can I find any informations on what is going on...?
thanks for any tips...
i have been able to find windows crash dump files. Then i have download windbg. And started debugging air debugger launcher... but im stuck... not good debugging without symbol files... I guess cant do more then that. The error come from an attempt to convert an integer to a unicode string but i dont know why this function is called, by who and when...
sometimes it doesnt crash also.
Finally found some windows crash dump log files. Also started to debug with windbg the AIR. :))) lol