AssertionError: relay-101/index.js: getBabelRelayPlugin(): Expected schema to be an object with a `__schema` - relay

I was following Relay 101: Building A Hacker News Client Tutorial.
But in the process I got error
AssertionError: relay-101/index.js: getBabelRelayPlugin():
Expected schema to be an object with a `__schema` property.
at getSchema (/Users/ruseel/p/spike/relay-101/node_modules/babel-relay-plugin/src/getBabelRelayPlugin.js:224:3)
at NodePath.Plugin.visitor.TaggedTemplateExpression (/Users/ruseel/p/spike/relay-101/node_modules/babel-relay-plugin/src/getBabelRelayPlugin.js:104:26)
and after little digging (console.log in getBabelRelayPlugin.js) I noticed introspection var in getBabelRelayPlugin.js
const introspection = typeof schemaProvider === 'function' ?
schemaProvider() :
is like this.
{"errors":[{"message":"Must provide query string."}]}
But I have no idea why this is happening?
Why is this error happening?
any direction would be appreciated.

I made a typo in babelRelayPlugin.js, instrospectionQuery instead of introspectionQuery.
var babelRelayPlugin = require('babel-relay-plugin');
var introspectionQuery = require('graphql/utilities').introspectionQuery;
var request = require('sync-request');
var graphqlHubUrl = '';
var response = request('GET', graphqlHubUrl, {
qs: {
query: introspectionQuery


HTTP request won't get data from API. Gamemaker Studio 1.4.9

I'm trying to figure out how to get information from a dictionary API in Gamemaker Studio 1.4.9
I'm lost since I can't figure out how to get around the API's server block. All my return shows is a blank result.
Step Event:
HTTP Event:
var requestResult = ds_map_find_value(async_load, "result");
var resultMap = json_decode(requestResult);
if(resultMap == -1)
show_message("Invalid result");
var name= ds_map_find_value(resultMap, "word");
show_message("The word name is "+name);
Maybe my formatting is wrong? It's supposed to say the word test in the show_message function, but again, all I get returned is a blank result.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
You can see through the debugger that the data is coming from the server. But your code does not correctly try to retrieve the Word.
This code gets this word
show_debug_message("http received")
var requestResult = ds_map_find_value(async_load, "result");
var resultMap = json_decode(requestResult);
if(resultMap == -1)
show_message("Invalid result");
var defaultList = ds_map_find_value(resultMap, "default")
var Map = ds_list_find_value(defaultList, 0)
var name= ds_map_find_value(Map, "word");
show_message("The word name is "+name);

I am trying to get data over an OpenWeather API in Rust but I am facing some iusse regarding parsing I guess

extern crate openweather;
use openweather::LocationSpecifier;
static API_KEY: &str = "e85e0a3142231dab28a2611888e48f22";
fn main() {
let loc = LocationSpecifier::Coordinates {
lat: 24.87,
lon: 67.03,
let weather = openweather::get_current_weather(loc, API_KEY).unwrap();
"Right now in Minneapolis, MN it is {}K",
error : thread 'main' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap() on an
Err value: ErrorReport { cod: 0, message: "Got unexpected response:
The issue is a JSON parsing error due to the deserialized struct not matching OpenWeather's JSON, perhaps the API recently added this? With your example, the OpenWeatherCurrent struct is missing timezone.
But it looks like there is an open PR that will fix this, you can test it by doing the following:
Change your Cargo.toml dependency to openweather = { git = "" }.
The PR author has also updated the get_current_weather signature so you'll need to change lines 2, 10 to the following:
use openweather::{LocationSpecifier, Settings};
let weather = openweather::get_current_weather(&loc, API_KEY, &Settings::default()).unwrap();

how to Pass Raw Json to post request in Swift?

Hi I am new to swift please spare me.
I need to post to particular API but the api is not a fan of key value pair the api expect raw json as post data
I use this library here to make post request.
this is my code
func postItem(itemname: String, itemnumber: Int, itemcode:String, url:String, baseURL:String, completion: (result: Dictionary<String, AnyObject>) -> ()){
var dict: Dictionary<String, AnyObject>!
var params: Dictionary<String,AnyObject> = ["parentItem": ["itemname":itemname,"itemnumber":itemnumber,"itemcode":code]]
let data = NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(params, options: NSJSONWritingOptions.PrettyPrinted, error: nil)
let string = NSString(data: data!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
var request = HTTPTask()
request.requestSerializer = JSONRequestSerializer()
request.requestSerializer.headers[headerKey] = getToken() //example of adding a header value
request.POST(url, parameters: params, success: {(response: HTTPResponse) in
if response.responseObject != nil {
let data = response.responseObject as NSData
var error: NSError?
dict = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: &error) as Dictionary<String, AnyObject>;
completion(result: dict)
},failure: {(error: NSError, response: HTTPResponse?) in
dict = ["error" : "error" ]
completion(result: dict)
i need to pass this kind of raw json in api
eg. {"parentItem": {"itemname":"Cocoa","itemnumber":123,"itemcode":"cocoa-12-A"}}
but when I println my params because it is dictionary it generate something like
["parentItem": ["itemname"="Cocoa"; "itemnumber"=123; "itemcode"="cocoa-12-A"]]
I just couldn't convert the params to JSON because the library I'm using is expecting dictionary and I'm having a hard time creating my own class.
could anyone help me? any comments and suggestion would do. Thanks in advance.
Why don't use Alamofire framework ? It's pretty good and sends standard json

Worklight call WL.Server.invokeHttp(input) in a loop

I am novice to Worklight.
I am trying to merge responses from multiple WL.Server.invokeHttp(input).
call1: response1 = WL.Server.invokeHttp(input1)
lets say in response1 I get students(names) list loop for every student
response(n) = WL.Server.invokeHttp(student) lets say response(n) I get
the score of student
Now I am trying to merge the score of every student in student list.
Adding code:
function getStudentsMarks() {
path = "/edu/students";"path: "+path);
var input = {
method : 'get',
returnedContentType : 'json',
path : path
var response = WL.Server.invokeHttp(input);
var students = response.students;
for (var i = 0; i < students.length; i++) {
var student = students[i];"student id: " +;
resp = getStudentMarks("students/";
students[i].marks = resp;
return response;
function getStudentMarks(path) {
path = "/edu/"+ path;
var input = {
method : 'get',
returnedContentType : 'json',
path : path
var response = WL.Server.invokeHttp(input);
return response;
Thanks in advance.
Your question is a bit too broad and does not contain any code.
Did you try anything yet?
It is important to remember that procedure code is written in JavaScript. So if you know how to do it in JavaScript, you should be able to do it in procedure code as well.
From what I understand, what you should do is create 1 adapter procedure. This procedure will have the different calls to the different HTTP backend requests. In JavaScript, write any merging logic that you need. At the end of the loop, return the processed data that you want.
Before you go deep into your example, maybe try with just 1 invocation, then try to merge 2. Once you are comfortable writing code, try your solution.
Note however that one HTTP adapter can only connect to 1 backend domain name. So if your example requires multiple domain names, your "mashup" adapter needs to call other adapters.
If all your HTTP requests point to the same domain name, then 1 adapter is enough.
I recommend reading this as well:

Eventbrite API date range parameter for organizer_list_events

I need a way to search via the eventbrite api past events, by organizer, that are private, but I also need to be able to limit the date range. I have not found a viable solution for this search. I assume the organizer_list_events api would be the preferred method, but the request paramaters don't seem to allow for the date range, and I am getting FAR too many returns.
I'm having some similar issues I posted a question to get a response about parsing the timezone, here's the code I'm using to get the dates though and exclude any events before today (unfortunately like you said I'm still getting everything sent to me and paring things out client side)
Note this is an AngularJS control but the code is just using the EventBrite javascript API.
function EventCtrl($http, $scope)
$scope.noEventsDisplay = "Loading events...";
Eventbrite({'app_key': "EVC36F6EQZZ4M5DL6S"}, function(eb){
// define a few parameters to pass to the API
// Options are listed here:
var options = {
'id' : "3588304527",
// provide a callback to display the response data:
eb.organizer_list_events( options, function( response ){
validEvents = [];
var now = new Date().getTime();
for(var i = 0; i<; i++)
var sd =[i].event.start_date;
var ed =[i].event.end_date;
var parsedSD = sd.split(/[:-\s]/);
var parsedED = ed.split(/[:-\s]/);
var startDate = new Date(parsedSD[0], parsedSD[1]-1, parsedSD[2], parsedSD[3], parsedSD[4], parsedSD[5]);
var endDate = new Date(parsedED[0], parsedED[1]-1, parsedED[2], parsedED[3], parsedED[4], parsedED[5]);
continue;[i].event.formattedDate = date.toDateString();
if(validEvents.length == 0)
$scope.$apply(function(scope){scope.noEventsDisplay = "No upcoming events to display, please check back soon.";});
$scope.$apply(function(scope){scope.noEventsDisplay = "";});
$scope.$apply(function(scope){ = validEvents;});
//$('.event_list').html(eb.utils.eventList( response, eb.utils.eventListRow ));