How to Allow quick development in Appcelerator Studio? - titanium

How do I re-enable the below behavior?
I USED to have the below I don't. I have to re-compile the whole project for every change which is killing productivity for me.
I cut and pasted the below text from another question as it explains it much better than I can....
For an iphone simulator build, the .js files are run directly by the simulator without going through the compile step needed for a distribution build. While this saves some time by itself, the real advantage is that the simulator will dynamically use whatever changes you make to a .js file when you navigate to a window using an external .js reference (i.e. the url property). So changes to app.js still need to relaunch the project. But for windows opened later, you can navigate to the window to see how it looks or test code, then just hit the back button in the navigation bar, tweak the .js, and navigate back to the desired window and immediately see the new layout or test the code changes.
This makes tweaking UI layout stuff incredibly fast compared to the android emulator, not to mention code/debug cycles for some *.js logic is as quick as backing up a screen, revising the code, and showing the screen again. Then when you get the logic worked out, switch to android and retest.

If you have Appcelerator Studio (not Titanium Studio) you can enable LiveView, which attaches a filesystem service to your project and pipes file changes at runtime, bypassing the build process. (aka hotloader, etc)
A) Turn on in Studio
B) Use the command line:
ti build -p ios —-liveview
Be sure you have the latest updates from Appcelerator to ensure parity with target compilers.
$ sudo npm install -g appcelerator
$ appc use latest
$ appc setup
If you don't have Appcelerator Studio, you could try third party solutions such as TiShadow:
$ sudo npm install -g tishadow
$ ti build -p ios --shadow
$ tishadow server
$ tishadow # run --shadow

The quickest development feature you can use is LiveView. In Appcelerator Studio, before you run the project you have a little eye icon in the toolbar to enable live view. Then Every change you save to your project will automatically refresh the emulator/device on which you are running.
You can also have a look at a project called TiShadow which basically does the same and is not related to the Studio.


“launchPackager.command” can’t be opened

Just updated my Mac to the official release of Ventura, and I cannot launch my application via react-native run-ios.
Expected behavior:
running react-native run-ios will launch an Xcode simulator and a terminal window with Metro running.
Current behavior:
Xcode simulator opens, main terminal says app was built successfully, but an error is thrown instead of the metro terminal opening:
“launchPackager.command” can’t be opened because (null) is not allowed to open documents in Terminal.
The simulator just shows a white screen and can't be interacted with.
What I've tried:
manually opening node_modules/react-native/scripts/launchPackager.command
opens Metro terminal but is not connected to the app
warn No apps connected. Sending "reload" to all React Native apps failed. Make sure your app is running in the simulator or on a phone connected via USB.
info Reloading app...
giving Terminal full disk access (no change)
This happened to me after upgrading to macOS Ventura. I happen to use iTerm as my main terminal, not the built-in so the following fix only applies to that scenario:
Set iTerm as the Default Handler for *.command Files
Open node_modules/react-native/scripts/ in Finder (open node_modules/react-native/scripts/)
Right-Click on launchPackager.command and click Open With then choose Other...
In your Applications directory, select iTerm and click Always Open With
After this, you might need to run npm run ios again from this terminal window. However, from now on, Metro will open in a new iTerm tab instead of trying to open the command in a new Terminal window.
For me, this was the desired behaviour and it removed this warning.
Note In future, any *.command files will now open with iTerm instead of Terminal.
I encountered the same problem as you, I installed another terminal (iTerm2), then randomly found a .command file, and in the display introduction, changed the default opening method to iTerm2enter image description here
I'm having this issue after upgrading my MacOS to Ventura 13.1.
If you don't want to use iTerm as the accepted answer suggest, the workaround I found was to look for the launchPackager.command file inside node-modules/react-native/scripts/ and open this file manually every time you run your app for the first time (specifically when the error pop-up appears). This will open the terminal with metro running already.
I know that manually processes are not the best, but I don't want to use iTerm :)
Using Intel version of apps (Webstorm, Android Studio, other IDE etc...) fixed my problems. I encountered the same issue and thanks to Intel version of Webstorm and Xcode on Rosetta I can able to pod install and other operations.
Note: I'm using Intel version of Android Studio, WebStorm. Also Xcode uses Rosetta 2. No problem detected and everything works perfect. I can able to develop React-Native & Native Android & iOS and Flutter apps without problem. Before that I was using Silicon version of WebStorm and almost no function worked.
Config: MacBook Air, macOS Ventura 13.2 on Apple M1 processor.
For Most of the case you just have to delete node_modules and install modules again (npm i). This happens when project was copied from old mac which had node_modules folder created by the old user, or if the system thinks so
This happened to me after i configured my terminal for the look and feel - but with iterm2, oh my zsh, and powerlevel10k

Flutter Hot Reload not working in IntelliJ

new to flutter. created a new project using Intellij flutter plugin. Ran the app on an ios simulator using the play icon on the intellij, which runs the app in an IphoneX simulator. Made some cosmetic changes to the main.dart file but i) the hot reload, lightning, button is disabled ii) also code gets auto saved in intellij, so not sure what i need to do to test hot reload.
as a matter of fact, i have to delete the app from my iPhoneX simulator and rerun from IntelliJ to pick up the changes.
In case someone is facing the same problem, I solved it using the answer of XQDD in:
which consists in updating adb version:
Try to invalidate cache and restart Android Studio, as well as run the command to clean the flutter build.
Concrete instructions
In Android Studio, go to File --> Invalidate Caches/Restart --> Invalidate and Restart
After restart, run the command in the terminal: flutter clean
After that, your reload should be working again.
I tried all the usual workarounds. Clear cache, flutter clean, ect, however, none worked for me.
The only thing worked for me was to close the IntelliJ and delete .idea and build directories.
After opening the project it was working as expected.
Also make sure that hot reloading is enabled in the flutter settings:

React native takes very long to load on device

I've been developing a react-native app using the simulator for a while. On the simulator (iOS), the app loads very fast (on reload for eg). However, when I tried to load the app to the device, it spends between 1-3 minutes in the splash screen before loading into the app.
My project is fairly small, and has no extra resources other than the javascript. Looking at the documentation I couldn't find what might be the cause of the issue, though I suspect it has to do with the fact that it is not getting the JS from the packager local server.
What am I doing wrong?
(btw - react-native v0.31)
I ran into the same issue and discovered that it was because I was running my app on device in development mode. To get the performance you're looking for, you'll need to build and run the app in production or "release" mode. You can do this by passing in a --configuration option and setting it to Release using the React Native CLI:
$ react-native run-ios --configuration Release
If that doesn't do the trick, then you may need to build your app in "Release" mode from Xcode. To do that, navigate to your projects /ios directory and open the .xcodeproj file in Xcode. Choose your build target in the Toolbar. Scroll to the bottom and choose "Edit Scheme...". Then under Build Configuration, switch from "Debug" to "Release". Now build your app on your target device and it should be much more performant than before.
You can read more in the official React Native documentation under Running on Device: Building your app for production.
For me the issue was related to the wifi network of my development machine. I was using WPA2 Enterprise auth to connect to wifi on my development machine. I found that if I used a wired connection to connect to my network or if I used another wifi connection that used a different form of auth then the delay went away. I think the delay is a network timeout.

How can I prevent calabash-android from pushing the apk for every feature file?

When I run calabash-android, it appears to push the apk to the device for every feature file. I would prefer to push the apk once and reuse it, as each push takes about half a second, and I expect eventually to have enough feature files for this to matter. I'd be happy with a solution which doesn't push the apk at all and to push it myself in an earlier step.
Is it pushing the app each time or just restarting the app? My tests restart between each step by default but I have always had to control the installations.
I deal with the installation by tagging the scenarios that require a reinstall and looking for the tag in my before hook.
If it is the restarting between scenarios that you want to control then you can use the RESET_BETWEEN_SCENARIOS setting.

Automate Xcode Simulator: how to build and launch an app from terminal

Is there a way to build an application for the iPhone, and have it running in the simulator, but using just the console?
I am trying to test an app, that will launch; send some data and then quit; if I run it via Xcode, it works fine; the simulator launch and everything is good.
But using xcodebuild; the app build but won't launch the simulator.
Is there any command or flag to do what Xcode IDE does, but using xcodebuild?
I have found an undocumented flag for the simulator, which is called "SimulateApplication", but sadly the usage is not documented; which makes it a bit hard to use.
Tried with ios-sim but my project won't work with it.
One way is to use instruments. In a way, you'll run it under "UI automation", but you don't actually automate the UI at all. The steps are:
Compile the app:
xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator7.1
Create a dummy UI automation script that does nothing (myscript.js):
while(true) {
Then run the app via instruments:
instruments -t /Applications/ "$(pwd)/$(find . -name '*.app' | grep iphonesimulator)" -e UIASCRIPT myscript.js
(The find | grep monster there just translates to the full path of the compiled version of the app. You are of course free to type it manually as well if you so prefer.)