Numerical Obscurification - vba

Similar to this question in C#: User ID obfuscation
I'm looking for a solution in VBA to obscure a long value through an encoding method and also I would need to be able to decode the number produced as well.

I agree with the answer as stated on the referenced article: User ID obfuscation
Why not add a GUID and a lookup table?


Struggling with input validation/check constraint

I'm trying to create a table with an email address column and want to make sure that only addresses in the correct format (contains "#") are allowed. I know how to use the LIKE operator in queries but not how to put a value constraint on a column.
You can add the check constraint like this For your basic example:
alter table t add contraint chk_email
(check (email like '%#%') );
Of course, that is really only a betting. Perhaps something more like this:
alter table t add contraint chk_email
(check (email like '%_#[^.]%' and -- one # and something before and after
email not like '%#%#%' and -- not more than one #
email not like '%[^-.a-zA-Z0-9_]%' -- valid characters)
This still will allow invalid emails, but it is at least closer.
This would be better to do in a programming language that supports regular expressions or already has a built in isValidEmail method.
Validating an email address using a regular expression or a simple like pattern is pretty darn hard to get right, if not nearly impossible.
You can read more about it on I Knew How To Validate An Email Address Until I Read The RFC - And to quote the part I think illustrates the problem best:
These are all valid email addresses!
"Fred Bloggs"
Attempting to get all the logic needed to validate such a wide range of possibilities in a T-SQL statement is like attempting to climb the Everest blind-folded with your hands tied behind your back.
You could have a simple validation that might return a lot of false-positives or false-negatives using a simple like pattern like the one suggested in How to Validate Email Address in SQL Server? by Pinal Dave: '%_#__%.__%', but that's really just a naive attempt to clog a dam with a band-aid.
Having said all that, you might be able to use a CLR Scalar-Valued Function to validate your email addresses, using code like the one from this SO post.
Personally, I have no experience with CLR functions, so it would probably be irresponsible of me to try and write you a code example (especially since I don't really have a test environment to check it before I post this answer), but I hope what I've written so far was helpful enough, and with the help of the links in this answer and some web searches you will be able to solve the problem.

DataBase design for store anketing data

my English is not well, so sorry for it.
I want to write the web-app for anketing. I mean, that it must be a site, where user may give answers on different questions. For example, it can be question with text type of answer, or checkbox, or lookup (comboBox).
And my problem is in data base architecture. I read a lot about Entity Attribute Value db pattern, One True Lookup Table I also read. But these patterns has problem (with ms sql) when building a sql-query for data selecting (report).
I hope somebody give me a good suggestion, and tell, what can I do with this proplem.
Almost everything can be represented as a string. Why not store a string in the database e.g. Text Type Answer or "true" "false" or ComboBox Value etc. Then simply convert the value from the database if necessary at runtime or in SQL if writing a query?
I feel Entity Attribute Value pattern is meant more for Entities which can have dynamic fields added etc, not so much for the problem you've posed here.
If necessary you could also add an additional column to the database table to specify the "type" of data being stored. You could then use that column to base your query convert statements on etc.

Advice on sql naming conventions

I'm looking for some advice on SQL naming conventions. I know this topic has been discussed before but my question is a little more specific and I cannot find an answer elsewhere.
I have some integer variables - generally they would have a name like 'Timeout'. Is there an adopted standard prefixing/suffixing the value so that I know what it contains when I come back to it in 6 months time?
For instance is it 'TimeoutMilliseconds'.
I'm not talking about labelling every variable this way, just those with generic values.
Lookup ISO-11179 for the international database naming standard. for this you can grab this online for free download (though sorry I forget where). There is a lot in it, so here are some some basic summary form it:
Take your field description, remove joining words and write it backwards.
Always end with a class name. There are standard abbreviations like ID for identifier and such.
Date of Entry:
Name of Widget:
Location of Widget:
Size of Widget:
Also a field should have the same name if it is a primary key or a referenced foreign key. This will pay off in readability for people that come after you, and also most DB tools will assume they are matching keys so you will also save time in using reporting tools and the like (less manual stuffing around putting links in by hand).
In the above examples, the class names are date, seconds, name, location, size. It surprises me that this ISO is not more well known.

Contains() function falters with strings of numbers?

For some background information, I'm creating an application that searches against a couple of indexed tables to retrieve some records. It isn't overtly complex to the point of say Google, but it's good enough for the purpose it serves, barring this strange issue.
I'm using the Contains() function, and it's going very well, except when the search contains strings of numbers. Now, I'm only passing in a string -- nowhere numerical datatypes being passed in -- only characters. We're searching against a collection of emails, each appended with a custom ID when shot off from a workflow. So while testing, we decided to search via number strings.
In our test, we isolated a number 0042600006, which belongs to one and only one email subject. However, when using our query we are getting results for 0042600001, 0042600002, etc. The query is this as follows (with some generic columns standing in):
SELECT description, subject FROM tableA WHERE CONTAINS((subject), '0042600006')
We've tried every possible combination: '0042600006*', '"0042600006"' and '"0042600006*"'.
I think it's just a limitation of the function, but I thought this would probably be the best place for answers. Thanks in advance.
Asked this same question recently. Please see the insightful answer someone left me here
Essentially what this user says to do is to turn off the noise words (Microsoft has included integers 0-9 as noise in the Full Text Search). Hope you can use this awesome tool with integers as I now am!
try to add language 1033 as an additional parameter. that worked with my solution.
SELECT description, subject FROM tableA WHERE CONTAINS((subject), '0042600006', language 1033)
try using
SELECT description, subject FROM tableA WHERE CONTAINS((subject), '%0042600006%')

How to get multi row data of one column to one row of one Column

I need to get data in multiple row of one column.
For example data from that format
ID Interest
to that format
ID Interest
I wonder that we can do that in MS Access sql. If anybody knows that, please help me on that.
Take a look at Allen Browne's approach: Concatenate values from related records
As for the normalization argument, I'm not suggesting you store concatenated values. But if you want to join them together for display purposes (like a report or form), I don't think you're violating the rules of normalization.
This is called de-normalizing data. It may be acceptable for final reporting. Apparently some experts believe it's good for something, as seen here.
(Mind you, kevchadder's question is right on.)
Have you looked into the SQL Pivot operation?
Take a look at this link:
Just noticed you're using access. Take a look at this article:
This is nothing you should do in SQL and it's most likely not possible at all.
Merging the rows in your application code shouldn't be too hard.