Servicestack Windows Universal Social Authentication - authentication

I am trying to implement social authentication from a c# client within a windows universal 8.1 app. When I post to the auth provider .../googleoauth for example the client fails. Fiddler is showing a 302 redirect so the deserialization fails n the response. The authentication flow works if I use a browser so I think everything is configured correctly, but of course could have missed something. If anyone has any insight or an example using social authentication providers from a c# client that would be much appreciated.

The OAuth flow requires a browser to work in order to redirect the user to the remote OAuth website where they can approve access. So you'll need to launch the url in a WebView then capture the Session cookies after the user approves your application and is redirected back to your website.
The TechStacks Auth Example demonstrates this strategy using Xamarin.Auth component for Xamarin.Android.

Just in case anyone else was looking for a sample in UWP. This seems to be working for me. The CreateCookieContainer method for the most part simply loops through the cookies and adds them to a new container that is returned. Thanks #mythz again for the awesome work and support in ServiceStack
// Grab auth cookies from callback uri
var cookies = _httpFilter.CookieManager.GetCookies(uri);
var authCookies = cookies.AsEnumerable().Where(x => new[] {"ss-id", "ss-pid", "ss-opt"}.Contains(x.Name))
.Select(x => new Cookie(x.Name, x.Value, x.Path, x.Domain)).ToArray();
string sessionId = null;
var cookieJar = CreateCookieContainer(authCookies, uri, ref sessionId);
// Store the tokens for autologin
await DataServiceFactory.Instance.StoreSingletonSetAsync(authCookies);
// Set auth on the current client
_serviceClient.CookieContainer = cookieJar;
_serviceClient.SessionId = sessionId;


Identity Server 4, External providers and Web API

I’m in process of developing system which consists from such parts:
- Some services under gateway (Ocelot)
- Mobile client (iOS)
- Identity Server 4
Mobile client hasn’t been prepared yet, so I use Postman for emulating requests from it. My problem is implementation of Authentication with External providers, like Google. It’s my first experience of using IS 4, so I have some misunderstanding and difficulties. Excuse me, if my question is too abstract or if I miss smth obvious.
I successfully deployed IS 4 using all this tutorials and it works with Password Credentials flow in a proper way: I request IS for access token, sending user credentials, it returns token and I can successfully use it for access to my API methods.
Situation with External Providers are different. I’ve overviewed this tutorial ( and some other and add code from it to the IS project. I can successfully log in with Google, using a button on that IS4 web-page which goes with IS 4 Quickstart UI template. But no chance to work with API. As I understand in such workflow client-app should go for a token not to my IS as in example with a local user, but to the Google Auth provider. And I emulated it with Postman and got a strange access_token which has no data and it_token which contains username, email and so on. I try to use this id_token with requests to my API. The result is always 401.
Where I’m wrong? How should I build requests to API with token from Google? Or I have misunderstanding and there should be another flow: client goes to IS with specific request, IS goes to Google and then returns proper token to Client?
Here is configuration of authecation on the side of Web API app:
private void ConfigAuthentication(IServiceCollection services)
.AddJwtBearer(JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, options =>
options.Authority = "http://localhost:5000";
options.RequireHttpsMetadata = false;
options.Audience = "k_smart_api";
Here is config of Google-Auth on the side of IdentityServer:
services.AddAuthentication().AddGoogle(opts => {
opts.ClientId = "My google client Id";
opts.ClientSecret = "my google client secret";
opts.SignInScheme = IdentityConstants.ExternalScheme;
opts.SaveTokens = true;
This is how I get Access Token:
postman exampple
The tokens you get back from Google, is only used to Authenticate the user in Identity Server. Then after Identity Server receives those tokens, it sign-in the user and create new tokens (ID+access) that are passed to your client. you should look at using the authorization code flow in your client to authenticate the user and to get the tokens. then use the access token received to access your API.
do remember that the tokens received from Google are not used to give access to your APIs.

Get UserInfo from ADFS in UWP with ADAL

I am trying to authenticate the user with ADFS and I am using ADAL. Authetication seems to work since I can get the AccessToken. The problem is that looking at the code authResult contains a UserInfo where all properties (for instance GivenName or FamilyName) are null.
AuthenticationContext authContext = null;
AuthenticationResult authResult;
authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authority, false);
authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resource, clientId, new Uri(returnUri),
new PlatformParameters(PromptBehavior.Auto, false));
Those values are null because of ADFS configuration? I noted that decoding the AccessToken returned I can read User information. But I don't think that decoding the JWT Token is the right way to achieve those information. Do you have a better suggestion?
I have also seen people getting information by using claims, but I don't know exactly how to use it on UWP, since all the sample I found used
ClaimsPrincipal claimsPrincipal = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal as ClaimsPrincipal;
But System.Threading.Thread is not available on UWP.
Normally, the access_token is used in Oauth and OpenID connect scenarios and intended to be consumed by the resource. To identify the user we should use the id_token( verify the token and extract the claims abut user by decoding the token). Please refer below about the usage of tokens:
id_token: A JWT token used to represent the identity of the user. The
'aud' or audience claim of the id_token matches the client ID of the
native or server application.
access_token: A JWT token used in Oauth and OpenID connect scenarios
and intended to be consumed by the resource. The 'aud' or audience
claim of this token must match the identifier of the resource or Web
refresh_token: This token is submitted in place of collecting user
credentials to provide a single sign on experience. This token is
both issued and consumed by AD FS, and is not readable by clients
or resources.
And you can refer the link below about the native client to web API scenario for ADFS:
AD FS Scenarios for Developers - Native client to Web API
Depending on the ADFS version of your server. If your company is using Windows Server 2012 R2, then it is ADFS 3.0. I did successfully integrate with SSO login created by the admin of company I am working in. You should refer to this article before venturing in : Note : you don't even need to make a web api of ToDoList.
using only GetAuthorizationHeader() and authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync(), you could obtain the token by asking the user to authorize their credentials and decrypt the receive token.
This is sample of code I did:
authority = (Endpoint from the ADFS metadata)
resourceURI = https://localhost:44300/ (Relying party, ask your ADFS admin to register)
clientID = it is recommended to use Package.appmanifest's package name from Packaging tab. As long as it is a unique ID.
clientReturnURI = use the following code to obtain the clientReturnURI (also available in the article in the link) :
string clientReturnURI = string.Format("ms-appx-web://Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugIn/{0}",WebAuthenticationBroker.GetCurrentApplicationCallbackUri().Host.ToUpper());
AuthenticationContext ac = new AuthenticationContext(Authority_Uri, false);
AuthenticationResult ar = await ac.AcquireTokenAsync(resourceURI, GlobalVar.clientID, new Uri(clientReturnURI), new PlatformParameters(PromptBehavior.Always, true));
var jwt = new JwtSecurityToken(ar.AccessToken);
string unique_name = jwt.Claims.First(c => c.Type == JwtRegisteredClaimNames.UniqueName).Value;
You can replace JwtRegisteredClaimNames.UniqueName with anything else. It depends what info/claims that is available in the access token. You should inspect the available info in the jwt by placing breakpoint at var jwt. Or you can decrypt the access token in the AuthenticationResult.AccessToken in this website :
Lastly, you need to install certificate from your ADFS admin and install the certificate across your web and UWP server to allow the application able to trust execute the actions.

Token based authentication for both Web App and Web API using Azure AD B2C

Both Web application and Web API need to be authenticated and protected from the server side.
Web application is serving the contents for the browser and browser should be calling Web API directly (i.e. Browser to API).
Is it possible to authenticate both Web APP and the API using tokens?
Any sample code or clear direction would be highly appreciated.
Normally web applications are authenticated using cookies and APIs are authenticated using tokens.There are some sample projects available here but they are either browser to API (SPA token based) or Server side Web App calling API from server to server.
App is saving the TokenValidationParameters and used bootstrapContext.Token within the app controller to grab for server to server communication.
As per #dstrockis, I'm trying to grab the id_token from the Web App soon after the end of validation (not within the app contrller).
I'm using SecurityTokenValidated invoker in OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions.Notifications within the Startup class. SecurityTokenValidated receives a parameter of type SecurityTokenValidatedNotification<OpenIdConnectMessage, OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions> but I'm not sure where to find the id_token within it. Method is below.
private OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions CreateOptionsFromPolicy(string policy)
return new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
// For each policy, give OWIN the policy-specific metadata address, and
// set the authentication type to the id of the policy
MetadataAddress = String.Format(aadInstance, tenant, policy),
AuthenticationType = policy,
// These are standard OpenID Connect parameters, with values pulled from web.config
ClientId = clientId,
RedirectUri = redirectUri,
PostLogoutRedirectUri = redirectUri,
Notifications = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications
AuthenticationFailed = OnAuthenticationFailed,
//NEW METHOD INVOKE ************************************
SecurityTokenValidated = OnSecurityTokenValidated
Scope = "openid",
ResponseType = "id_token",
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
NameClaimType = "name",
SaveSigninToken = true
//NEW METHOD ************************************
private Task OnSecurityTokenValidated(
OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions> arg)
//QUESTION ********************************************************
//How to find the just saved id_token using incoming parameter, arg
return Task.FromResult(0);
Instead of SecurityTokenValidated, I tried AuthorizationCodeReceived and it's not getting called at all. As discussed here, my redirect url does have an ending slash as well.
Any Ideas?
Our ASP.NET OpenID Connect middleware which supports AAD B2C is built to rely on cookie authentication from a browser. It doesn't accept tokens in a header or anything like that for securing web pages. So I'd say if you want to serve HTML from your web app in the classic way, you need to use cookies to authenticate requests to the web app.
You can definitely get & store tokens within the browser and use those to access your web API, even if you use cookies to authenticate to the web app. There's two patterns I'd recommend:
Perform the initial login using the OpenID Connect Middleware, initiating the flow from the server side as described in the samples. Once the flow completes, the middleware will validate the resulting id_token and drop cookies in the browser for future requests. You can instruct the middleware to save the id_token for later use by using the line of code written here. You can then somehow pass that id_token down to your browser, cache it, and use it to make requests to the API.
The other pattern is the inverse. Start by initiating the login from javascript, using the single page app pattern from the B2C documentation. Cache the resulting id_tokens in the browser, and use them to make API calls. But when the login completes, you can send a request to your web app with the id_token in the body, triggering the OpenID Connect middleware to process the request and issue a session cookie. If you want to know the format of that request, I'd recommend inspecting a regular server side OpenID Connect flow.
Found the answer to my own question and adding here for the future reference.
After a successful validation, id_token can be accessed by invoking the SecurityTokenValidated notification. Code sample is below.
private Task OnSecurityTokenValidated(
OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions> arg)
//Id Token can be retrieved as below.
var token = arg.ProtocolMessage.IdToken;
return Task.FromResult(0);
However, saving this directly into a browser cookie may not be secure.

OWIN/OAuth2 3rd party login: Authentication from Client App, Authorization from Web API

I am trying to create a Web API that allows the API's clients (native mobile apps) to login using a 3rd party cloud storage provider. I'm using the following general flow from Microsoft:
Here is what I am trying to achieve:
I am using the default ASP.NET Web API Visual Studio template with external authentication, along with the OWin.Security.Providers Nuget package for Dropbox login functionality, and the existing built-in login functionality for Google (Drive) and Microsoft (OneDrive).
The issue I'm having is that the built-in functionality all seems to do the authentication and authorization as part of one flow. For example, if I set up the following in Startup.Auth.cs:
DropboxAuthenticationOptions dropboxAuthOptions = new DropboxAuthenticationOptions
AppKey = _dropboxAppKey,
AppSecret = _dropboxAppSecret
... and navigate to this url from my web browser:
I am successfully redirected to Dropbox to login:<id>&redirect_uri=<redirect_uri>
... and then after I grant access, am redirected back to:
... as you can see the token is part of that, so could be extracted. The problem is that the client needs to be the one navigating to Dropbox and returning the authorization code back up to the Web API, and the Web API would send the authorization code back to the third party to get the token which would then be returned to the client... as shown in the diagram above. I need the ExternalLogin action in the AccountController to somehow retrieve the Dropbox url and return that to the client (it would just be a json response), but I don't see a way to retrieve that (it just returns a ChallengeResult, and the actual Dropbox url is buried somewhere). Also, I think I need a way to separately request the token from the third party based on the authorization code.
This post seems a little similar to what I am trying to do:
Registering Web API 2 external logins from multiple API clients with OWIN Identity
... but the solution there seems to require the client to be an MVC application, which is not necessarily the case for me. I want to keep this as simple as possible on the client side, follow the flow from my diagram above, but also not reinvent the wheel (reuse as much as possible of what already exists in the OWIN/OAuth2 implementation). Ideally I don't want the client to have to reference any of the OWIN/OAuth libraries since all I really need the client to do is access an external url provided by the API (Dropbox in my example), have the user input their credentials and give permission, and send the resulting authorization code back up to the api.
Conceptually this doesn't sound that hard but I have no idea how to implement it and still use as much of the existing OAuth code as possible. Please help!
To be clear, the sample I mentioned in the link you posted CAN be used with any OAuth2 client, using any supported flow (implicit, code or custom). When communicating with your own authorization server, you can of course use the implicit flow if you want to use JS or mobile apps: you just have to build an authorization request using response_type=token and extract the access token from the URI fragment on the JS side.
For reference, here's the sample:
In case you'd prefer a simpler approach (that would involve no custom OAuth2 authorization server), here's another option using the OAuth2 bearer authentication middleware and implementing a custom IAuthenticationTokenProvider to manually validate the opaque token issued by Dropbox. Unlike the mentioned sample (that acts like an authorization proxy server between Dropbox and the MVC client app), the JS app is directly registered with Dropbox.
You'll have to make a request against the Dropbox profile endpoint ( with the received token to validate it and build an adequate ClaimsIdentity instance for each request received by your API. Here's a sample (but please don't use it as-is, it hasn't been tested):
public sealed class DropboxAccessTokenProvider : AuthenticationTokenProvider {
public override async Task ReceiveAsync(AuthenticationTokenReceiveContext context) {
using (var client = new HttpClient()) {
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, "");
request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", context.Token);
var response = await client.SendAsync(request);
if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) {
var payload = JObject.Parse(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
var identity = new ClaimsIdentity("Dropbox");
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, payload.Value<string>("uid")));
context.SetTicket(new AuthenticationTicket(identity, new AuthenticationProperties()));
You can easily plug it via the AccessTokenProvider property:
app.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication(new OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions {
AccessTokenProvider = new DropboxAccessTokenProvider()
It has its own downsides: it requires caching to avoid flooding the Dropbox endpoint and is not the right way to go if you want to accept tokens issued by different providers (e.g Dropbox, Microsoft, Google, Facebook).
Not to mention that if offers a very low security level: since you can't verify the audience of the access token (i.e the party the token was issued to), you can't ensure that the access token was issued to a client application you fully trust, which allows any third party developer to use his own Dropbox tokens with your API without having to request user's consent.
This is - obviously - a major security concern and that's why you SHOULD prefer the approach used in the linked sample. You can read more about confused deputy attacks on this thread:
Good luck, and don't hesitate if you still need help.

Vimeo API AuthorizationUrl Without Login

I'm using Vimeo API to get video on a web application context and i have a simple question (i hope :P )
It´s possible to do a request for application authorization using oAuth protocol and via the following link:, WITHOUT force the user to login in browser?
I noticed that if I'm not logged on Vimeo, when I go to, Vimeo redirects me to the login page...
I found it =)
You can create the access token using the application credentials or using the login data. In this case you don't have to make a authorize call.
Example (taken from comments):
String vimeoAPIURL = "";
OAuthRequest request = new OAuthRequest(Verb.GET, vimeoAPIURL);
request.addQuerystringParameter("format", "json");
request.addQuerystringParameter("user_id", "user137");
request.addQuerystringParameter("full_response", "true");
service.signRequest(accessToken, request);
Response response = request.send();