Displaying UCI commands between a chess engine and Winboard/xboard - chess

Is it possible to display the UCI commands being sent between a chess engine and Winboard/xboard?

An UCI chess engine doesn't run directly in Winboard/XBoard. You have to use an 'interpreter' progream like Polyglot. If you want to know how a chess GUI communicates with an UCI engines use Arena and press F4. If you want to use another GUI you may take a look to UCIPlug.exe.
Google 'polyglot' or 'uciplug' to find out more..

You can use nochetoengi with --log-file option to store all communication between this uci engine and any chess UI.


NEST thermostat hot water status and control missing from API

I would like to control Nest thermostat (3rd gen with heatlink) domestic hot water, however the API doesn't seem to be exposing neither it's controls nor it's status (https://developers.google.com/nest/device-access/api/thermostat). As there's clearly at least an internal API for that, which the thermostat itself is using: would it be possible to expose the same controls/stat for external use?
home assistant integration
triggering a 'boost' with a push button
Update 2022-11-07:
There's a homeassistant integration called 'badnest', which is using an unofficial local API. I've noticed, that on that API for hot water readings and controls are exposed and as such made a contribution to the integration so that it would also be exposed in HA: https://github.com/badguy99/badnest/pull/11
This Google help page suggests that the Nest Thermostat is using OpenTherm commands to control the water boiler. If so, then your water boiler must have an OpenTherm interface. You could use some other hardware to interface with your water boiler, for example this DIY OpenTherm gateway, which will allow you to control the boiler programmatically with OpenTherm commands. This would allow home assistant integration, or a DIY push-button for boost.
This is one of the worst aspects of Best, being able to bost hot water is essential, since it is in the app when is it not available though API. I realise this is probably because having separate water tanks that are controlled independently is not as common in the states and Nest us very USA centric, but the feature is key in the app.
Yes the Nest thermostats use an internal API to control domestic hot water. This API could be used to expose the same controls and stats for external use. However, I think you would need to use a third-party service to expose the controls/stats for external use.

Suggestion for open source software to create a voice chat application

Looking to create a voice application to work with 10 computers and 1 server connected locally.(offline) I'm thinking the server would hold the application and the computers would run clients.
Ideally there would be a total of 10 channels that users can join or leave.
I'm looking for open source applications or APIs that I can utilize for this. Are there any suggestions of prewritten code I can utilize and create a custom GUI?
I'm looking to create something similar to ventrillo but have the ability to customize the GUI.
You can use asterisk with app_conference or webrtc and some MCU.
But anyway you will not get even close to ventrillo. Ventrillo's main complexity is not conference itself, but noise supression/voice detection and choose of correct codec for each channel acordinly to current bandwidth.

google home reading from website

I'm currently working on a project where my main focus is to create an Action for Google Home which can be invoked and asked to read out some articles (chosen previously from a list, also by voice) from a particular website.
I was wondering if it was possible, or if it were already some similar projects.
What I'd like to do is something like the feature in Pocket or instapaper, where you can make the device read the article for you.
I also thought to make something like a database with all the articles I'm interested in, which auto-updates itself whenever a new article is posted, but my main concern now is to be able to separate the articles in various lists, parse the article and in the end implement text to speech into the Action.
Also some implementations with 3rd party services and apps would be useful.
Please ask me if anything isn't exactly clear, english is not my first language.
Yes, this is possible. Not necessarily easy, but possible.
First - there is nothing in the Actions on Google library or in Google Home that will automatically scrape a website. That will be up to you.
Second - Responses from your Action are limited in how much they can send at a time.
If you're having it do text-to-speech, you're limited to two "text bubbles" of 640 characters each before the user has to reply. You should keep well below that and should probably stick to just one "text bubble".
If you're playing an audio cut, then you're limited to two minutes.
You can work around both of these limitations by using the Media Response. With TTS, you would play a portion of the text, a brief Media response, at the conclusion of which, your server would be triggered to send the next chunk of text. If it is all recorded, you can just send the longer audio as the Media.
Be advised, however, that if you're using the inline editor or using Firebase Cloud Functions (which the inline editor uses), that by default you're not able to access most sites outside Google's network. You need to upgrade to a paid plan to do so. I suggest the Blaze plan which is pay-as-you-go, but includes a free tier which is typically good enough for development work and light production usage.

Google Analytics for Mac OSx application

Is it possible to use Google Analytics API's to track Mac OSX applications?
If not could any one suggest me an alternative for Google Analytics.
Google Analytics is designed to work with web applications not for desktop apps. Although it might be possible to collect info about your application and send it to your Google Analytic account but the amount of work required to retrofit might be better spent, building your own Analytic solution.
A good starting point would be to create a simple web service, which collects information regarding clicks. Then rewrite your application to call that web service on every click within your application.
You would ideally want to store this information locally and submit it to the web service in batches. You would also want to design the application, so that if you ever shut down the web service, the application would still be able to operate.
UPDATE: As pointed out in the comments by Václav Slavík, they have added apps analytics for iOS/Android.
I made a simple set of classes for doing this:
Google Analytics is not only for web applications, but also for mobile. It's available on the platform like android, iOS, etc. If you want to track your MAC OS X application, you can choose DeskAppTrack or DeskMetrics. DeskAppTrack is only available on MAC. It provide a professional data statistical analysis and it's free. While DeskMetrics is available on MAC and Windows. Either one is ok.
This really depends on how detailed you want to get. If you are are truly looking for analytics with detail and control flow data, you are better suited to created your own web service, as mentioned.
However, if you simply want to know a small number of operations, that occur at a small volume, i.e. when the app is launched (a quick and dirty solution): then in theory you could create a landing page on your site that contains a minimal head section, and a blank body, and then load the URL with an NSURL when you want to trigger the action.
Of course, you would have to include the google analytics tracking codes in the header, and you may need to load an off-screen webview to get the javascript to run. Like I said, quick and dirty.
In either case, you want to make sure the application will continue to perform properly, even if the web service / page is not present.

GPS code for server

Is there any code for GPS receiver and for GPS net server available?
I want to build complete application: a client for the MS Win Pocket PDA and a server which shows position of my trucks on map. It is easy to find via internet code for GPS receiver (PDA) but I cannot find corresponding part code for server.
If I am understanding you correctly, you want the code to be able to render trucks on a map on your server.
If that is the case, I think that the approach you need depends on the language you are using. Plotting GPS coordinates on an X-Y plane is not a straight forward thing to do, reason being that if you where to cut the surface of the globe into pieces you would not end up with perfect squares, and would thus have to use a technique called Map Projections.
There are various readily available mechanisms provided by companies such a Google provided that you implement a web application. If on the other hand you where looking for a desktop application, SwingX provides a Java API which allows you to build GPS related desktop applications through the use of OpenStreetMaps.
So basically, you can have something as follows:
Create a concurrent server which accepts data from these PDA's and save it in the DB;
At a given period of time, pull the data from your database and refresh your desktop application or web page.
Edit: You can take a look at this tutorial to see how you can draw and plot on a map Using SwingX. If you shall be using Java, you might want to give a look at this previous SO post for more Java mapping API's.