How to Select Only Alphanumeric characters from a string in Database DB2? - sql

How to select only alphanumeric characters from a string in DB2 Database
I am facing a problem with my data, in my data other than alphanumeric characters are there in a column field, where for EX in Name column: Ravicᅩhandr¬an (¬ᅩ○`) like these many characters are there. I need a result like Ravichandran. How can i achieve this? Is there any way to remove by query.
I tried REPLACE, TRANSLATE, ASCII functions, but problem in using these functions I am not sure about these unknown characters that what are all there, i have shown above is just example.
My requirement is, other than alphanumeric must be removed. And the Balance string should be the same in a column.
How can i get this done?
thanks in advance

Use TRANSLATE(column, '', undesired_characters) to remove undesired characters from a string.
You don't know, however, which undesired characters exist in your column. But you should know which characters you consider desired.
So remove all desired characters from the string, which leaves you with the undesired characters that occur in it. There you got your undesired characters that you can now remove from the original string:
TRANSLATE(column, '', TRANSLATE(column, '', desired_characters))
TRANSLATE(column, '',
TRANSLATE(column, '', 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz '))


SQL - remove all letters (alpha characters) from a string

I'm trying to write a function that removes any occurrence of any of the 26 alphabet letters from a string.
In: 'AA123A' -> Out: '123'
In: 'AB-123-CD% -> Out: '-123-%'
All I can find on Google is how to remove non-numeric characters, which all seem to be formed around defining the numbers you want to keep. But I want to keep any symbols too.
The 'simple' answer is 26 nested REPLACE for each letter, but I can't believe there isn't a better way to do it.
I could define a string of A-Z and loop through each character, calling the REPLACE 26 times - makes the code simpler but is the same functionally.
Does anyone have an elegant solution?
If I understand correctly, you can use TRANSLATE, e.g.:
SELECT REPLACE(TRANSLATE('AB-123- CDdcba%', 'ABCDabcd',' '), ' ', '');
first case trimming also spaces,
second one, preserving existing spaces.
Just add the rest of characters to 'ABCDabcd' argument and keep 'AAAAAAAA' same length as the second argument.

Query to replace special characters in phone number field

Can anyone help with a query on how to replace special/non-numeric/hidden characters from a phone number column.
I've tried
but no luck, there are still a few records which contain non-numeric values.
Your regex is saying to ONLY replace a string consisting of: a non-numeric character followed by a control character, an alpha, a graph, a blank, a print, a punct, a space, and then a tilde.
You should be able to just use '[^[:digit:]]' as your regex, to remove all non-numeric characters.

Query to get records with special characters only

I am trying to write a query which will tell me if certain record is having only the special characters. e.g- "%^&%&^%&" will error however "%HH678*(*))" is fine (as it's having alphanumeric values as well. I have written following query however, it's working fine only for English alphabets and numbers, if column is having some other characters like mandarin then also it's not giving expected value.Any help is highly appreciated.
SELECT * FROM test WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(sampletext, '[^]^A-Z^a-z^0-9^[^.^{^}^ ]' );
You may try this,
regexp_like(text, '^[^A-Za-z0-9]+$')
This would match the text only if the input text contains special chars ie, only chars which are not of letters or digits.
To detect strings containing only characters other than unaccented alphabetic, numeric, or white space characters try this:
If you don't think punctuation characters are special than add [:punct:] to the class of characters to ignore.
If you are looking for a specific set of characters you can use a character class of just those characters of interest, for example some common accented characters (note the lack of a leading ^ in the character class []:

howto cut text from specific character in sqlite query

SQLITE Query question:
I have a query which returns string with the character '#' in it.
I would like to remove all characters after this specific character '#':
select field from mytable;
result :
So in my sample I would like to create a query which only returns :
I tried something with instr() to get the index, but instr() was not recognized as a function -> SQL Error: no such function: instr (probably old version of db . sqlite_version()-> 3.7.5).
Any hints howto achieve this ?
There are two approaches:
You can rtrim the string of all characters other than the # character.
This assumes, of course, that (a) there is only one # in the string; and (b) that you're dealing with simple strings (e.g. 7-bit ASCII) in which it is easy to list all the characters to be stripped.
You can use sqlite3_create_function to create your own rendition of INSTR. The specifics here will vary a bit upon how you're using

Remove Special Characters from an Oracle String

From within an Oracle 11g database, using SQL, I need to remove the following sequence of special characters from a string, i.e.
If any of these characters exist within a string, except for these two characters, which I DO NOT want removed, i.e.: "|" and "-" then I would like them completely removed.
For example:
From: 'ABC(D E+FGH?/IJK LMN~OP' To: 'ABCD EFGHIJK LMNOP' after removal of special characters.
I have tried this small test which works for this sample, i.e:
select regexp_replace('abc+de)fg','\+|\)') from dual
but is there a better means of using my sequence of special characters above without doing this string pattern of '\+|\)' for every special character using Oracle SQL?
You can replace anything other than letters and space with empty string
[^a-zA-Z ]
here is online demo
As per below comments
I still need to keep the following two special characters within my string, i.e. "|" and "-".
Just exclude more
Note: hyphen - should be in the starting or ending or escaped like \- because it has special meaning in the Character class to define a range.
For more info read about Character Classes or Character Sets
Consider using this regex replacement instead:
REGEXP_REPLACE('abc+de)fg', '[~!##$%^&*()_+=\\{}[\]:”;’<,>.\/?]', '')
The replacement will match any character from your list.
Here is a regex demo!
The regex to match your sequence of special characters is:
I feel you still missed to escape all regex-special characters.
To achieve that, go iteratively:
build a test-tring and start to build up your regex-string character by character to see if it removes what you expect to be removed.
If the latest character does not work you have to escape it.
That should do the trick.
SELECT TRANSLATE('~!##$%sdv^&*()_+=\dsv{}[]:”;’<,>dsvsdd./?', '~!##$%^&*()_+=\{}[]:”;’<,>./?',' ')
FROM dual;
SQL> select translate('abc+de#fg-hq!m', 'a+-#!', etc.) from dual;