Kill Rollback SQL - sql-server-2005

I've tried to kill a rollback SPID and get a message as seen below. Please assist
transaction rollback in progress. Estimated rollback completion: 0%. Estimated time remaining: 0 seconds.

Though you can use KILL SPID STATUSONLY but never do that cause if you kill a rollback process then your DB state will become inconsistent. Rather wait for the rollback process to complete.
Use sp_who and sp_who2 to see what's the rollback process is doing. I mean it's I/O information.


Sql Transaction doesn't release lock after commit

I have run a script similar to the one below in a SSMS query window. After the script run successfully, some locks remained on affected tables. When I try to close the window, a messagebox is showed asking me if I want to commit or cancel the transaction.
After I choose one of the options, the locks are released.
What can cause this behaviour?
begin tran
delete from tableA
delete from tableB
insert into tableB
insert into tableA
commit tran
I'm connected to a remote Sql Server 2014 and running localy SSMS 2014
The following example illustrates how locks are not released as a result of an unfinished open transaction:
Open the SQL Server Query Analyzer and run the following batch but cancel the transaction before it completes:
Begin Tran
Update authors set state = 'CA'
waitfor delay "00:02:00" --Cancel the command
Commit Tran
View the locks that are held by executing the following command:
You see that locks are held for the authors table.
From the same server process id (SPID), execute the next batch:
Begin Tran
Update titleauthor set au_ord = 0
Commit Tran - Completed transaction.
View the locks that are held by executing the following command:
You see that although the last transaction is completed, locks are held on both the authors and titleauthors tables. The reason is that the first transaction did not complete and when the second transaction was executed from the same connection, it was treated as a nested transaction.
You can view the transaction count by checking the ##trancount global variable by issuing the following statement:
select ##trancount
This query returns 1, which indicates that one transaction is outstanding.
Any further transactions that are executed from this connection are treated as nested. Locks continue to accumulate and are not released until a ROLLBACK is executed, which rollbacks to the outer most transaction or to a savepoint.
In continuing with the example, you can see how a rollback may cause a completed transaction to be negated by executing the following transaction from the same connection:
Begin Tran
Update titles set royalty = 0
The rollback rolls the batch back to the outermost transaction, even though there is a completed transaction (2) on titleauthors. The rollback on the completed transaction occurs because the completed transaction is treated as a nested transaction.
To avoid this kind of problem, check after each transaction to see if the transaction is complete by using the following statement:
If ##trancount > 0 rollback
Reference: Incomplete transaction may hold large number of locks and cause blocking

Does stopping query with a rollback guarantee a rollback

Say I have a query like this:
BEGIN Transaction
UPDATE Person SET Field=1
There are one hundred million people. I stopped the query after twenty minutes. Will SQL Server rollback the records updated?
A single update will not update some rows. It will either update all or 0.
So, if you cancel the query, nothing will be updated.
This is atomicity database systems which SQL Server follows.
In other words, you don't have to do that rollback at the end, nothing was committed anyway.
When you cancel a query, it will still hold locks until everything is rolled back so no need to panic.
You could test it yourself, execute the long query, cancel it and you will notice that it takes a while before the process really end.
While the update statement will not complete, the transaction will still be open, so make sure you rollback manually or close out the window to kill the transaction. You can test this by including two statements in your transaction, where the first one finishes and you cancel while it's running the second - you can still commit the transaction after stopping it, and then get the first half of your results.
BEGIN Transaction
UPDATE Person SET Field=1 WHERE Id = 1
UPDATE Person SET Field=1
If you start this, give it enough time for the first line to finish, hit the Stop button in SSMS, then execute commit transaction, you'll see that the first change did get applied. Since you obviously don't want part of a transaction to succeed, I'd just kill the whole window after you've stopped it so you can be sure everything's rolled back.
Since you have opened the Transaction, Stoping the Query manually does not completes the transaction, This transaction will still be open and all the subsequent requests to this table will be blocked.
You can do any one of following options
Kill the Connection using the command KILL SPID (SPID is the process ID of your connection)
Note: This will auto rollback the changes you made, you can monitor the rollback status with command KILL SPID WITH STATUSONLY (After killing)
run the ROLLBACK command manually
** SPID is your request id, you can find it from sys.sysprocesses table/ you can also find it on Management Studio query Window the number which is within brackets / also you can find it at bottom right corner of your management studio beside the login name.
Example SQLQuery2.sql... (161) -- 161 is your spid.

Are T-SQL rollbacks deterministic or garbage collected?

In our Miscrosoft Sql Server 2008 database, I found some stored procedures that do this:
I said to my coworker that this is functionally identical to this:
If, say, query2 fails, you never hit the COMMIT line, so of course SqlServer rolls back, and because of the error, it throws it back to the client as well. Since the CATCH block does the same thing as the default, I argued that we don't need the TRY/CATCH block at all.
My co-worker agrees that the ROLLBACK will happen eventually, but it could be some time later, and could hold resources or lock records for some non-deterministic amount of time, and this could cause problems.
So my question is: if a stored procedure fails in a transaction, when does that transaction get rolled back?
The rollback won't be triggered with your solution in the expected way.
You have to add
set xact_abort on
to your query.
For further information see an old answer and the Microsoft documentation
SQL Server will happily leave the transaction open forever as long as the client connection remains open. An explicit rollback is a good practice in that it doesn't wait for the client connection to be physically closed or the pooled connection reused. A simple THROW (SQL 2012 and later) in the CATCH block will rollback the transaction and raise the error.
I recommend the SET XACT_ABORT ON option hash suggested to mitigate a another issue. If a client timeout occurs during query execution, no further code in the batch (including the ROLLBACK) will execute and the transaction will be left open. However, the transaction will still get rolled back with SET XACT_ABORT ON.

Terminating a job in SQL Server during runtime

Is there a way to make a scheduled job terminate (stop, quit, stop executing, report failure) within a stored procedure in that job?
For example, I have some check queries within a TRY block that do RAISERROR (59834,16,1) to go to the CATCH block to send an email saying that the check queries found a bad situation and the job must stop. The number 59834 was arbitrary but specific.
However, every time I test the job, even though I raised an error, the job continues to execute; it never reports a failure.
I have tried using the same RAISERROR in the CATCH block as I did in the TRY block, but that did not work either.
I want the job to stop in this once instance, it will run every day.
It sounds like the XACT_ABORT setting is not on. Without XACT_ABORT on, the execution will continue regardless of any errors encountered. More information about XACT_ABORT:
Microsoft BOL entry for XACT_ABORT
What is the benefit of using SET XACT_ABORT ON in a stored procedure?
So you might consider a SET XACT_ABORT ON at the start of the job.

How to stop oracle undo process?

I want to know how to stop undo process of oracle ? I tried to delete millions of rows of a big table and in the middle of process I killed session but It started to undo delete and for a bout two hours database got dramatically slow. I didn't want the undo process to be continued. Is there any way to stop it ?
You can't stop the process of rolling back the transaction because doing so would leave the database in an inconsistent state.
When you are executing a long-running delete process, Oracle will likely be writing the changed blocks to your data files before you decide whether to commit or rollback the transaction. If you interrupted the process in the middle of executing the transaction, there will be some changed blocks on disk, some changed blocks in memory, and some unchanged blocks. Rolling back the transaction is the only way to return the database to the state it was in before you started executing the DELETE statement.
Row-by-row delete processes can, as you've found, be exceedingly slow. If the deletions are all done in a single transaction, as appears to be the case here, they can become even slower. You might want to consider the following options:
If you're deleting all the rows in the table you might want to consider using the TRUNCATE TABLE statement.
If you're not deleting all the rows in the table you should probably change your procedure to COMMIT after a certain number of rows are deleted.
In the meantime you're going to have to wait until that rollback process completes.
Share and enjoy.
and when you try truncating the table while it's still deleting you'll be seeing an ORA-00054 "resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired"