Functions not working in Table Adapter Query bulider - sql

I'm using Visual Studio 2013, I try to use some function (like "cast" and Year ) in Table Adapter Query Builder (in DataSet.XSD ). I get erroe messgae every time. I run the sql statement on other sql programs and it's work fine. did anyone face this problem?

Is your dataSource SQL Server or SQLite. If you are using SqLite then functions such as Year(),Cast() are not allowed.
If you are using SQLite then please find below link for date time function reference,
As you have asked for Cast function, there is SO post describing the cast function, which is similar to that of SQL Server
SQLite supports CAST and:
Casting an INTEGER or REAL value into TEXT renders the value as if via sqlite3_snprintf() except that the resulting TEXT uses the
encoding of the database connection.
So you can do things like this:
select cast(some_integer_column as text) from some_table;
Or, depending on what you're trying to do, you could just treat the
numbers as strings and let SQLite coerce the types as it sees fit:
select some_int || ' pancakes' from some_table; select some_int || ''
from some_table;

SQLite does not have this function YEAR(...). Try strftime('%Y', degrees.ExamDate) = '2017' instead.


Pulling a SQL Server date to be used in Oracle query within SSIS environment is ignored in the Oracle query

I am having trouble in my Oracle query that uses a variable stored in SSIS which has a date that is pulled from sql server.
I am using an execute sql task that simply gets a max date from a sql server table and stores it in a variable. E.g.
SELECT MAX(t.Date) FROM table t;
I then want to use that variable in my Oracle query which is an ADO.NET source connection. I noticed you can't parameterize in those connections and found the work around where you use the sql expression with your user variable in it. So now my Oracle source query looks something like this:
"SELECT DISTINCT t.* FROM table t WHERE TO_CHAR(t.LastUpdateDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD') > " + "'#[User::LastUpdateDate]'"
The query syntax itself is fine, but when I run it, it is pulling all rows and seems to be completely ignoring the where clause of the date.
I've tried removing the TO_CHAR from LastUpdateDate.
I've tried adding a TO_CHAR to my user variable #[User::LastUpdateDate].
I've tried using the CONVERSION() function from sql server on #[User::LastUpdateDate].
Nothing seems to work and the query just runs and pulls in all data as if I don't have the WHERE clause on the query.
Does anyone know how to rectify this issue or point out what I might be doing wrong?
Thank you for any and all help!
My date being pulled from SQL Server is in this format: 2022-09-01 20:17:58.0000000
This is not an answer, just troubleshooting advice
You do not say what data type #[User::LastUpdateDate] is, I'll assume it's a datetime
Ideally all datetime data should be kept in datetime data types, then format becomes completely irrelevant. However since it's difficult to parameterise Oracle queries in SSIS, you have to concoct a string to be submitted. Now date format does become important.
On to something a little different, it is a very good habit performancewise, to not put functions around columns that you are searching on. This is called sargability - look it up.
Given these things, I suggest that you concoct your required SQL query bit by bit and troubleshoot.
First, format your date parameter as an Oracle date literal. Remember this is normally a bad and unecessary thing. We are only doing it because we have to concoct a SQL string.
So create another SSIS variable called strLastUpdateDate and put this hideous expression in it:
RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR,2,1252)DATEPART( "dd" , #[User::LastUpdateDate] ), 2) + '-' +
(DT_STR,3,1252)DATEPART( "mmm" , #[User::LastUpdateDate] ) + '-' +
(DT_STR,4,1252)DATEPART("yyyy" , #[User::LastUpdateDate] )
Yes this is ludicrously long code but it will turn your date variable into a Oracle string literal. You could simplify this by putting it into your original max query but lets not go there. Use whatever debugging technique you have to confirm that it works as expected.
Now you should be able to use this:
"SELECT t.*, '"+#[User::LastUpdateDate]+"' As MyStrDate FROM table t WHERE
t.LastUpdateDate > '" #[User::strLastUpdateDate] + "'"
You can try running that and see if it makes any difference. Make sure you use this to monitor what is actually being submitted to Oracle.
This is all from memory and googling - I haven't done SSIS for many years now
I suspect after all this you may still have the same problem because I recall from many years having the same mysterious issue.

TIMESTAMP_FORMAT not working with OFFSET in DB2

I'm trying to do pagination in DB2. I wouldn't like to do it with subquery, but OFFSET is not working with TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.
Use of function TIMESTAMP_FORMAT in QSYS2 not valid. Data mapping error on member
I've found this question, but seems here the problem is with content of column and it's not my case, as values are alright and TIMESTAMP_FORMAT works without OFFSET.
I didn't look for some other way to not use TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, as I need to create pagination on queries written not by me, but by client.
The query looks like this.
FROM tableName
I get
"[SQL0583] Use of function TIMESTAMP_FORMAT in QSYS2 not valid."
I'm not sure how OFFSET can relate to TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, but when I replace the select with select * it works fine.
I wonder why there is a conflict between OFFSET and TIMESTAMP_FORMAT and is there a way to bypass this without subquery.
From Listing of SQL Messages:
Function &1 in &2 cannot be invoked where specified because it is
defined to be not deterministic or contains an external action.
Functions that are not deterministic cannot be specified in a GROUP BY
clause or in a JOIN clause, or in the default clause for a global
Functions that are not deterministic or contain an external
action cannot be specified in a PARTITION BY clause or an ORDER BY
clause for an OLAP function and cannot be specified in the select list
of a query that contains an OFFSET clause.
The RAISE_ERROR function
cannot be specified in a GROUP BY or HAVING clause.
I don't know how to check these properties for the QSYS2.TIMESTAMP_FORMAT function (there is no its definition in the QSYS2.SYSROUTINES table), but it looks like improper definition of this function - there is no reason to create it as not deterministic or external action.
You can "deceive" DB2 like this:
FROM table(values '190412') tableName(date)
And use this function instead. It works on my 7.3 at least.
It's a harmless deception, and you may ask IBM support to clarify such a "feature" of QSYS2.TIMESTAMP_FORMAT...
I suspect your problem is bad data...
The default for the IBM interactive tools, STRSQL and ACS Run SQL Scripts, is OPTIMIZE(*FIRSTIO) meaning get the first few rows back as quickly as possible...
With the OFFSET 10 clause you're probably accessing rows initially that you didn't before.
Try the following
create table mytest as (
SELECT DATE(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT(CHAR("tablename"."date"),'YYMMDD')) as mydate
FROM tableName
) with data
If that doesn't error, then yes you've found a bug, open a PMR.
Otherwise, you can see how far along the DB got by looking at the rows in the new table and track down the record with bad data.

what is the difference between SUBSTRING and SUBSTR functions (SQL)?

before I used :
entityManagerFactory.createQuery("select p FROM Pays p where SUBSTRING(p.libeleClient, 0,1)
but when I use this query :
entityManagerFactory.createQuery("select p FROM Pays p where SUBSTR(p.libeleClient, 0,1)
I get an exception :(
who to remplace SUBSTRING by SUBSTR ?
SUBSTR is the function from Oracle
SUBSTRING is the function from MySql
depends on DB which u r using
try to edit your java code like below
String query = "select p FROM Pays p where SUBSTRING(p.libeleClient, 0,1)";
// from Connection Object (connection)
DatabaseMetaData meta = connection.getMetaData();
//If the DB is Oracle
if(meta.getDatabaseProductName()).contains("Oracle")) {
entityManagerFactory.createQuery(query.replace("SUBSTRING", "SUBSTR"));
}// If the DB not Oracle , any Other like MySql
else {
substring is the sql operation defined in the sql standard ISE:IEC 9075:1992.
substr is an old syntax used by oracle. This wrong syntax is completely inconsistent with sql usage of real english words, never abbreviations.
Oracle still does not support the standard syntax.
Did anyone wrote a hack in oracle to support the standard syntax ?
You don't say what exception you get, but I 'm guessing it's a syntax error. The correct syntax for Oracle's SUBSTR() is ...
where SUBSTR(p.libeleClient, 0,1) = 'X'
...(or whatever). That is the first occurence of a single character must equal; some specified value. SUBSTR() is not a boolean function.
Whereas SUBSTRING() is not an oracle function at all. Either you've borrowed the syntax from some other database, or you're using a bespoke function without realising it.
"I tried your suggestion but it does not work"
Do you get an error? Or do you mean it doesn't return any records? Because I have given a perfectly valid usage, as defined in the documentation. But you haven't given any examples of your data, so it's almost impossible for me to provide a solution which will return rows from your database.

Can I cast inside a sqlserver containsregex?

I'm using an older PHP driver for mssql and am trying to filter out results using the ContainsRegExp command. The issue is that the field I'm comparing is ntext and it causes the query to fail. Is it possible to do a cast inside the ContainsRegExp command somthing like:
... AND Field1.ContainsRegExp(CAST(Field1 AS TEXT) AS Field1Test,\'html\')=1';
The full query statement:
'SELECT ReportID, ReportDate, CAST(ReportData AS TEXT) AS TextData FROM Database WHERE ReportData.ContainsRegExp(CAST(ReportData AS TEXT),\'html\')=1';
The error I see is:
message: Cannot call methods on ntext. (severity 15)
ContainsRegExp is not a standard SQL Server command. So I'm not really sure how you've arrived at that statement, but it's not T-SQL.
My guess is that somewhere along the line a similar command has been used with a CLR type - because the syntax you are using (Field.Operation()) is used for calling methods on CLR types.

FileMaker TimeStamp field UPDATE using SQL

I need to update a FileMaker Timestamp field with a timestamp taken from PHP and put into a script using the PHP API and executeSQL API and plugin
UPDATE table SET time ='2011-05-27 11:28:57'
My Question is as follows, how do I utilise the available scripting functions within Filemaker Pro 11 to convert the string that is being supplied within the SQL statement to an acceptable TimeStamp format for FileMake? or is it possible using the executeSQL plugin for FileMaker to do the conversion within the ExecuteSQL() function within the Execute SQL plugin?
I haven't tried it out, but it should work using CAST:
CAST( expression AS type [ (length) ] )
so, it should read:
UPDATE table SET time = CAST ('2011-05-27 11:28:57' AS TIMESTAMP)
However, please be aware that Filemaker's own ExecuteSQL() functions doesn't support UPDATE or INSERT INTO statements. You need to get a free extension from Dracoventions called epSQLExecute() in order to do this.
Hope this helps (someone).
You haven't given us much to go on, but my guess would be that you are updating a timestamp column with a string that does not match the required format.
You should convert your string to the appropriate object and then the update should work.